protected IEnumerator WaitForUnload() { yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadStart(GUILoading.Mode.FullScreenBlack))); GUILoading.Lock(this); GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Unloading World"; string detailsInfo = "Unloading in game manager"; GUILoading.DetailsInfo = "Waiting for managers to unload..."; while (!Manager.FinishedUnloading) { while (GameWorld.Get.UnloadingGameWorld(out detailsInfo)) //report GameWorld progress as it loads the game { yield return(null); GUILoading.DetailsInfo = detailsInfo; } Debug.Log("Waiting for manager to finish unloading..."); yield return(null); } Application.LoadLevel("BlankLevel"); //this nukes anything but managers and worlditems GUILoading.Unlock(this); yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadFinish())); gState = FGameState.GameLoading; }
protected IEnumerator StartupGame() { while (GUILoading.SplashScreen) //wait for splash screen { yield return(null); } yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadStart(GUILoading.Mode.FullScreenBlack))); GUILoading.Lock(this); GUILoading.DetailsInfo = "Starting up..."; yield return(StartCoroutine(InitializeGameEnvironment())); GUILoading.Unlock(this); yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadFinish())); //initialization only happens once //after we're done, wait for the start menu to choose a game gState = FGameState.WaitingForGame; if (TestingEnvironment) { yield return(StartCoroutine(WaitForGameTestingEnvironment())); } else { yield return(StartCoroutine(WaitForGame())); } yield break; }
protected IEnumerator FinishSequenceOverTime() { yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadStart(GUILoading.Mode.FullScreenBlack, true))); GUILoading.Lock(this); Player.Local.Despawn(); yield return(null); yield return(StartCoroutine(SpawnManager.Get.SendPlayerToStartupPosition(State.StartupPositionName, State.Delay))); GUILoading.Unlock(this); yield return(null); yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadFinish())); }
public IEnumerator SendPlayerToStartupPosition(PlayerStartupPosition startupPosition) { if (mSpawningPlayer) { //whoops yield break; } mSpawningPlayer = true; if (!GUILoading.IsLoading) { //let that go on its own, don't wait for it StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadStart(GUILoading.Mode.FullScreenBlack)); } //if the startup position is null //use the character's state as a startup position if (startupPosition == null) { //the player state should be not-null by now Debug.Log("Using player startup position"); startupPosition = Player.Local.GetStartupPosition(); } if (Player.Local.HasSpawned) { Player.Local.Despawn(); } //set the current spawn position CurrentStartupPosition = startupPosition; yield return(null); //set all existing world chunks to unclaimed mLoadingInfo = "Unloading chunks"; //suspend chunk loading so the player's position doesn't get the world confused GameWorld.Get.SuspendChunkLoading = true; for (int i = 0; i < GameWorld.Get.WorldChunks.Count; i++) { if (GameWorld.Get.WorldChunks [i].State.ID != startupPosition.ChunkID) { GameWorld.Get.WorldChunks [i].TargetMode = ChunkMode.Unloaded; } } //suspend worlditem loading so worlditems don't start spawning stuff till we're ready WorldItems.Get.SuspendWorldItemUpdates = true; //WorldItems.Get.SetAllWorldItemsToInvisible(); //wait a moment to let that sink in yield return(null); //put the player in the middle of the chunk to be loaded first WorldChunk startChunk = null; if (GameWorld.Get.ChunkByID(startupPosition.ChunkID, out startChunk)) { Player.Local.Position = startChunk.ChunkOffset + startupPosition.ChunkPosition.Position; } else { mLoadingInfo = "ERROR: Couldn't find startup chunk"; } //we send the player to the chunk / location specified in the world settings mLoadingInfo = "Sending player to startup position"; //re-enable chunk loading so everything can load GameWorld.Get.SuspendChunkLoading = false; WorldItems.Get.SuspendWorldItemUpdates = false; //set the primary chunk and let it load //put the player in the middle of the chunk to be loaded first mLoadingInfo = "Waiting for chunks to load"; while (!GameWorld.Get.ChunksLoaded) { yield return(null); } if (startupPosition.ForceUnloadAllNonPrimaryChunks) { Debug.Log("Force-unloading all primary chunks, structures, worlditems"); //unload all chunks except the primary chunk var unloadChunks = GameWorld.Get.UnloadAllChunks(startupPosition.ChunkID); while (unloadChunks.MoveNext()) { mLoadingInfo = "Unloading all chunks..."; yield return(unloadChunks.Current); } var unloadStructures = Structures.Get.UnloadAllStructures(); while (unloadStructures.MoveNext()) { mLoadingInfo = "Unloading all structures..."; yield return(unloadStructures.Current); } var unloadWorldItems = WorldItems.Get.UnloadAllWorldItems(); while (unloadWorldItems.MoveNext()) { mLoadingInfo = "Unloading all worlditems..."; yield return(unloadWorldItems.Current); } Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } mLoadingInfo = "Chunks unloaded, setting primary chunk"; //set all the non-distant chunks to load GameWorld.Get.SetDistantChunks(Player.Local.Position); if (!GameWorld.Get.SetPrimaryChunk(startupPosition.ChunkID)) { mLoadingInfo = "Couldn't set primary chunk, halting load: " + startupPosition.ChunkID.ToString(); yield break; } //set the startup position so managers know where the player will end up startupPosition.WorldPosition.Position = (GameWorld.Get.PrimaryChunk.ChunkOffset + startupPosition.ChunkPosition.Position); startupPosition.WorldPosition.Rotation = startupPosition.ChunkPosition.Rotation; //set all the non-distant chunks to load GameWorld.Get.SetDistantChunks(startupPosition.WorldPosition.Position); //wait for the rest of the chunk to load while (GameWorld.Get.PrimaryChunk.CurrentMode != ChunkMode.Primary) { //turn on the camera so it starts rendering grass meshes //this will fight with camera FX but that's ok = true; = CameraFX.Get.Default.CullingMask; mLoadingInfo = "Waiting for primary chunk to load"; //Debug.Log("waiting for primary chunk to load"); yield return(null); } //initialize time if (startupPosition.RequiresStructure) { mLoadingInfo = "Loading structures"; yield return(StartCoroutine(SendPlayerToStructure( startupPosition.ChunkID, startupPosition.LocationReference, startupPosition.StructureName, startupPosition.Interior, startupPosition.ChunkPosition, startChunk.ChunkOffset))); } else { mLoadingInfo = "Loading location"; yield return(StartCoroutine(SendPlayerToLocation( startupPosition.ChunkID, startupPosition.LocationReference.GroupPath, startupPosition.LocationReference.FileName, startupPosition.ChunkPosition, startChunk.ChunkOffset, 0.1f))); //since we're not inside a structure //we could be standing on something //either a minor structure or chunk prefab if (startupPosition.RequiresMeshTerrain) { //wait for something to show up below the player before letting them go GameWorld.TerrainHeightSearch terrainHit = new GameWorld.TerrainHeightSearch(); terrainHit.feetPosition = startupPosition.WorldPosition.Position; terrainHit.groundedHeight = Globals.DefaultCharacterGroundedHeight; terrainHit.overhangHeight = Globals.DefaultCharacterHeight; bool foundSomethingBelowPlayer = false; double timeOut = WorldClock.RealTime + 30f; mLoadingInfo = "Waiting for mesh below player's feet"; while (WorldClock.RealTime < timeOut) { GameWorld.Get.TerrainHeightAtInGamePosition(ref terrainHit); //see if we hit a mesh if (terrainHit.hitTerrainMesh) { break; } yield return(null); } } } //immediately add the game offset if (startupPosition.AbsoluteTime) { WorldClock.ResetAbsoluteTime(); Profile.Get.CurrentGame.SetWorldTimeOffset( startupPosition.TimeHours, startupPosition.TimeDays, startupPosition.TimeMonths, startupPosition.TimeYears); } else { Profile.Get.CurrentGame.AddWorldTimeOffset( startupPosition.TimeHours, startupPosition.TimeDays, startupPosition.TimeMonths, startupPosition.TimeYears); } //unload anything we're not using //GC.Collect(); //Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); //yield return null; yield return(null); if (GUILoading.IsLoading) { StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadFinish()); } Player.Local.SpawnAtPosition(startupPosition.WorldPosition); mSpawningPlayer = false; yield break; }
//loads the current game and world //starts it up protected IEnumerator LoadOverTime() { Biomes.Get.UseTimeOfDayOverride = false; if (mStartupScenePrefab != null) { GameObject.Destroy(mStartupScenePrefab, 0.5f); } //Load all the things! yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadStart(GUILoading.Mode.FullScreenBlack))); GUILoading.Lock(this); string detailsInfo = string.Empty; //load all textures first //------------------ Manager.TexturesLoadStart(); //------------------ yield return(null); GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Loading Textures"; GUILoading.DetailsInfo = "Compiling mods"; while (!Manager.FinishedLoadingTextures) { yield return(null); } GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Generating World"; GUILoading.DetailsInfo = "Compiling mods"; yield return(null); //------------------ Manager.ModsLoadStart(); //------------------ //wait for the actual mods manager to finish loading mods while (!Mods.Get.ModsLoaded) { yield return(null); } //------------------ Manager.ModsLoadFinish(); //------------------ yield return(null); //then jump straight ahead to the world loading GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Loading World"; GUILoading.DetailsInfo = "Loading mods from generated world"; //during this section we report on what the world manager is doing //it accomplishes nothing but looks nice on the loading screen GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Creating World"; while (GameWorld.Get.LoadingGameWorld(out detailsInfo)) //report GameWorld progress as it loads the game { yield return(null); GUILoading.DetailsInfo = detailsInfo; } //wait for other mods as normal //------------------ while (!Manager.FinishedLoadingMods) { //Debug.Log ("Waiting for mods to finish loading"); yield return(null); } //this only happens once per game if (!Profile.Get.CurrentGame.HasLoadedOnce) { GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Creating World for First Time"; //Debug.Log ("Creating world for first time"); //------------------ Manager.GameLoadStartFirstTime(); //------------------ } yield return(null); //------------------ Manager.GameLoadStart(); //------------------ //give managers a tick to figure out what they're doing yield return(null); //------------------ Manager.GameLoadFinish(); //------------------ while (!Manager.FinishedLoading) { //Debug.Log ("Waiting to finish loading..."); yield return(null); } //during this section we report on what the spawn manager is up to while (SpawnManager.Get.SpawningPlayer(out detailsInfo)) { yield return(null); GUILoading.DetailsInfo = detailsInfo; } //start the game! gState = FGameState.GameStarting; //wait a tick yield return(null); //this only happens once per game if (!Profile.Get.CurrentGame.HasStarted) { //------------------ Manager.GameStartFirstTime(); //------------------ Profile.Get.CurrentGame.HasStarted = true; yield return(null); } //------------------ Manager.GameStart(); //------------------ yield return(null); if (NetworkManager.Instance.IsHost) { //if we're the host, then the game can begin here //HostState = NHostState.Started; } //we pause the game immediately while we wait for the player to spawn //------------------ Manager.GamePause(); //------------------ yield return(null); //save the game so we know that we've started once Profile.Get.SaveCurrent(ProfileComponents.Profile); //wait for the player to finish spawning then turn off the loading screen while (!Player.Local.HasSpawned) { //Debug.Log("Waiting for player to spawn"); yield return(null); } //turn off the loading screen GUILoading.Unlock(this); yield return(StartCoroutine(GUILoading.LoadFinish())); //now that the player has spawned continue the game //------------------ Manager.GameContinue(); //------------------ //this will set the state to InGame yield break; }
protected IEnumerator MakeTradeoverTime() { Debug.Log("Starting to make trade"); var loadStart = GUILoading.LoadStart(GUILoading.Mode.SmallInGame); while (loadStart.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } GUILoading.ActivityInfo = "Making Trade... " + CharacterGoods.Count.ToString() + " character goods going to player"; //give stuff to player... foreach (BarterGoods good in CharacterGoods) { foreach (KeyValuePair <WIStack, int> goodPair in good) { if (goodPair.Key.HasTopItem) { Debug.Log("Adding " + goodPair.Key.TopItem.FileName + " to player inventory..."); } var addItem = PlayerInventory.AddItems(goodPair.Key, goodPair.Value); while (addItem.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } } yield return(null); } //wait a tick... yield return(null); //give stuff to character... foreach (BarterGoods good in PlayerGoods) { foreach (KeyValuePair <WIStack, int> goodPair in good) { var enumerator = CharacterInventory.AddItems(goodPair.Key, goodPair.Value); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } } } //TODO determine what counts as a 'successful use' BarterManager.Use(true); PlayerBank.Absorb(CharacterGoodsBank); CharacterBank.Absorb(PlayerGoodsBank); ClearGoodsAndCurrency(); MadeTradeThisSession = true; Player.Get.AvatarActions.ReceiveAction(AvatarAction.BarterMakeTrade, WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime); var loadFinish = GUILoading.LoadFinish(); while (loadFinish.MoveNext()) { yield return(null); } Debug.Log("Finished making trade"); mMakingTrade = false; yield break; }