Пример #1
        private void initGUI()
            GUIEnvironment gui = device.GUIEnvironment;

            foreach (GUIDefaultColor c in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GUIDefaultColor)))
                Color l = gui.Skin.GetColor(c);
                l.Alpha = 255;
                gui.Skin.SetColor(l, c);

            Recti v = device.VideoDriver.ViewPort;

            GUITabControl tc = gui.AddTabControl(new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 70));

            GUITab t1 = tc.AddTab("Setup");

            gui.AddStaticText("Driver", new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 40), false, false, t1);
            guiDriverType = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 40, v.Width - 60, 60), t1);
            foreach (DriverType t in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DriverType)))
                if (t == DriverType.Null)

                int i = guiDriverType.AddItem(t.ToString(), (int)t);

                if (t == driverType)
                    guiDriverType.SelectedIndex = i;

            gui.AddStaticText("Resolution", new Recti(20, 70, v.Width - 60, 90), false, false, t1);
            guiResolution = gui.AddComboBox(new Recti(20, 90, v.Width - 60, 110), t1);
            foreach (VideoMode m in device.VideoModeList.ModeList)
                int i = guiResolution.AddItem(m.ToString());

                if (m.Resolution == videoMode.Resolution && m.Depth == videoMode.Depth)
                    guiResolution.SelectedIndex = i;

            guiFullscreen = gui.AddCheckBox(fullscreen, new Recti(20, 130, v.Width - 60, 150), "Fullscreen", t1);

            GUITab t2 = tc.AddTab("About");

            gui.AddStaticText(aboutText, new Recti(20, 20, v.Width - 60, 180), false, true, t2);

            guiButtonRun  = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 190, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 110, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Run");
            guiButtonExit = gui.AddButton(new Recti(v.Width - 100, v.Height - 50, v.Width - 20, v.Height - 20), null, -1, "Exit");
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DriverType?driverType = AskForDriver();

            if (!driverType.HasValue)

            device = IrrlichtDevice.CreateDevice(driverType.Value, new Dimension2Di(800, 600), 16);
            if (device == null)

            device.OnEvent += new IrrlichtDevice.EventHandler(device_OnEvent);
            device.SetWindowCaption("Irrlicht Engine - Loading...");

            VideoDriver    driver = device.VideoDriver;
            GUIEnvironment env    = device.GUIEnvironment;
            SceneManager   smgr   = device.SceneManager;

            smgr.Attributes.SetValue(SceneParameters.COLLADA_CreateSceneInstances, true);

            driver.SetTextureCreationFlag(TextureCreationFlag.Always32Bit, true);

            smgr.AddLightSceneNode(null, new Vector3Df(200), new Colorf(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 2000);
            smgr.AmbientLight = new Colorf(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);

            // add our media directory as "search path"

            // read configuration from xml file
            // (we use .NET way to do this, since Lime doesn't support native Irrlicht' xml reader)
            XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();

            startUpModelFile = xml.DocumentElement["startUpModel"].Attributes["file"].Value;
            caption          = xml.DocumentElement["messageText"].Attributes["caption"].Value;
            messageText      = xml.DocumentElement["messageText"].InnerText;

            if (args.Length > 0)
                startUpModelFile = args[0];

            // set a nicer font
            GUIFont font = env.GetFont("fonthaettenschweiler.bmp");

            if (font != null)

            // load the irrlicht engine logo
            GUIImage img = env.AddImage(
                new Vector2Di(10, driver.ScreenSize.Height - 128));

            img.ID = (int)guiID.Logo;

            // lock the logo's edges to the bottom left corner of the screen
            img.SetAlignment(GUIAlignment.UpperLeft, GUIAlignment.UpperLeft, GUIAlignment.LowerRight, GUIAlignment.LowerRight);

            // create menu
            GUIContextMenu menu = env.AddMenu();

            menu.AddItem("File", -1, true, true);
            menu.AddItem("View", -1, true, true);
            menu.AddItem("Camera", -1, true, true);
            menu.AddItem("Help", -1, true, true);

            GUIContextMenu submenu;

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(0);
            submenu.AddItem("Open Model File & Texture...", (int)guiID.OpenModel);
            submenu.AddItem("Set Model Archive...", (int)guiID.SetModelArchive);
            submenu.AddItem("Load as Octree", (int)guiID.LoadAsOctree);
            submenu.AddItem("Quit", (int)guiID.Quit);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(1);
            submenu.AddItem("sky box visible", (int)guiID.SkyBoxVisible, true, false, true);
            submenu.AddItem("toggle model debug information", (int)guiID.ToggleDebugInfo, true, true);
            submenu.AddItem("model material", -1, true, true);

            submenu = submenu.GetSubMenu(1);
            submenu.AddItem("Off", (int)guiID.DebugOff);
            submenu.AddItem("Bounding Box", (int)guiID.DebugBoundingBox);
            submenu.AddItem("Normals", (int)guiID.DebugNormals);
            submenu.AddItem("Skeleton", (int)guiID.DebugSkeleton);
            submenu.AddItem("Wire overlay", (int)guiID.DebugWireOverlay);
            submenu.AddItem("Half-Transparent", (int)guiID.DebugHalfTransparent);
            submenu.AddItem("Buffers bounding boxes", (int)guiID.DebugBuffersBoundingBoxes);
            submenu.AddItem("All", (int)guiID.DebugAll);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(1).GetSubMenu(2);
            submenu.AddItem("Solid", (int)guiID.ModelMaterialSolid);
            submenu.AddItem("Transparent", (int)guiID.ModelMaterialTransparent);
            submenu.AddItem("Reflection", (int)guiID.ModelMaterialReflection);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(2);
            submenu.AddItem("Maya Style", (int)guiID.CameraMaya);
            submenu.AddItem("First Person", (int)guiID.CameraFirstPerson);

            submenu = menu.GetSubMenu(3);
            submenu.AddItem("About", (int)guiID.About);

            // create toolbar

            GUIToolBar bar = env.AddToolBar();

            Texture image = driver.GetTexture("open.png");

            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonOpenModel, null, "Open a model", image, null, false, true);

            image = driver.GetTexture("tools.png");
            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonShowToolbox, null, "Open Toolset", image, null, false, true);

            image = driver.GetTexture("zip.png");
            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonSelectArchive, null, "Set Model Archive", image, null, false, true);

            image = driver.GetTexture("help.png");
            bar.AddButton((int)guiID.ButtonShowAbout, null, "Open Help", image, null, false, true);

            // create a combobox with some senseless texts

            GUIComboBox box = env.AddComboBox(new Recti(250, 4, 350, 23), bar, (int)guiID.TextureFilter);

            box.AddItem("No filtering");

            // disable alpha
            setSkinTransparency(255, env.Skin);

            // add a tabcontrol

            // create fps text
            GUIStaticText fpstext = env.AddStaticText("", new Recti(400, 4, 570, 23), true, false, bar);
            GUIStaticText postext = env.AddStaticText("", new Recti(10, 50, 470, 80), false, false, null, (int)guiID.PositionText);

            postext.Visible = false;

            // show about message box and load default model
            if (args.Length == 0)


            // add skybox

            skybox = smgr.AddSkyBoxSceneNode(
                "irrlicht2_up.jpg", "irrlicht2_dn.jpg",
                "irrlicht2_lf.jpg", "irrlicht2_rt.jpg",
                "irrlicht2_ft.jpg", "irrlicht2_bk.jpg");

            // add a camera scene node

            camera[0]          = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeMaya();
            camera[0].FarValue = 20000;
            // Maya cameras reposition themselves relative to their target,
            // so target the location where the mesh scene node is placed.
            camera[0].Target = new Vector3Df(0, 30, 0);

            camera[1]          = smgr.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS();
            camera[1].FarValue = 20000;
            camera[1].Position = new Vector3Df(0, 0, -70);
            camera[1].Target   = new Vector3Df(0, 30, 0);


            // set window caption
            caption = string.Format("{0} - [{1}]", caption, driver.Name);

            // remember state so we notice when the window does lose the focus
            bool hasFocus = device.WindowFocused;

            // draw everything
            while (device.Run() && driver != null)
                // Catch focus changes (workaround until Irrlicht has events for this)
                bool focused = device.WindowFocused;
                if (hasFocus && !focused)

                hasFocus = focused;

                if (device.WindowActive)
                    driver.BeginScene(ClearBufferFlag.All, new Color(50, 50, 50));

                    string str = string.Format("FPS: {0} Tris: {1}", driver.FPS, driver.PrimitiveCountDrawn);
                    fpstext.Text = str;

                    CameraSceneNode cam = device.SceneManager.ActiveCamera;
                    str          = string.Format("Pos: {0} Tgt: {1}", cam.Position, cam.Target);
                    postext.Text = str;
