Пример #1
    void Update()
        RaycastHit hit; // This is where we store out hit data from the raycast

        // We shoot a raycast forward from the camera
        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out hit, Mathf.Infinity))
            // We check to see if we hit a point of interest button
            if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "POIButton")
                POIButton curButton = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <POIButton>(); // We store the button for ease of access

                // We check to see if the button isn't already in our view
                if (!curButton.inView)
                    // We check to see if we were just looking at a different button
                    if (POILookingAt)
                        POILookingAt.OnHoverExit();  // We tell that button we just hovered off of it
                        POILookingAt.inView = false; // We tell the button that it is no longer in view
                    POILookingAt = curButton;        // We tell the camera which button it's looking at

                    curButton.inView = true;         // We tell the button we are looking at it
                    curButton.OnHoverEnter();        // We tell the button we have just hovered over it
            // We check to see if the player is looking at a GUI button
            if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "GUIButton")
                GUIButton curButton = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <GUIButton>(); // We cache the button to use it later

                // We ensure the button isn't already looked at
                if (!curButton.inView)
                    // We check to see if we were just looking at a different button
                    if (GUILookingAt)
                        GUILookingAt.OnHoverExit();  // We tell the other button we hovered off of it
                        GUILookingAt.inView = false; // We tell the other button that it is no longer in view
                    GUILookingAt = curButton;        // We tell the camera we are now looking at this button

                    curButton.inView = true;         // We tell the button it is now being looked at
                    curButton.OnHoverEnter();        // We tell the button we have just hovered over it
        // We check to see if the camera can't see anything
            // We check to see if we were looking at a POI button
            if (POILookingAt)
                POILookingAt.OnHoverExit();  // We tell the button we are no longer looking at it
                POILookingAt.inView = false; // We tell the button it has left the centre of our view
                POILookingAt        = null;  // We are no longer looking at any buttons

            // We check to see if we were looking at any GUI buttons
            if (GUILookingAt)
                GUILookingAt.OnHoverExit();  // We tell the GUI button we aren't looking at it anymore
                GUILookingAt.inView = false; // We also tell it that it has left our view
                GUILookingAt        = null;  // We are no longer looking at any GUI buttons