Пример #1
        public MainMenu()
            //Increase the size so we can fit the character model into the menu
            var screenSize = GUCView.GetScreenSize();
            int width      = 900;
            int height     = 600;

            int posX = (screenSize.X - width) / 2;
            int posY = (screenSize.Y - height) / 2;

            Back.SetPos(posX, posY);
            Back.SetSize(width, height);

            AddButton("Welt betreten", "Die Spielwelt mit dem gewählten Character betreten.", 50, () => JoinGameSelected?.Invoke(this));
            AddButton("Charakter wählen", "Wähle deinen Spielcharakter.", 100, () => CharacterSelectionSelected?.Invoke(this));
            AddButton("Charakter erstellen", "Erstelle einen Spielcharakter", 150, () => CharacterCreationSelected?.Invoke(this));
            AddButton("Logout", "Zurück zum Login Menü", 200, () => BackToLoginSelected?.Invoke(this));
            AddButton("Spiel verlassen", "Das Spiel schließen.", 250, () => ExitGameSelected?.Invoke(this));

            _Character = AddCharacter("", 400, 0, 533, 400);
            _Character.SetAdditionalVisuals(HumBodyMeshs.HUM_BODY_BABE0.ToString(), (int)HumBodyTexs.G1Hero, HumHeadMeshs.HUM_HEAD_BABE.ToString(), (int)HumHeadTexs.FaceBabe_B_RedLocks);
            _Character.Enabled = false;

            _CharacterNameText = Back.CreateText("PlayerName", 650, 475);
Пример #2
        public CharacterSelectionMenu()
            Back.CreateTextCenterX("Charakterauswahl", 10);

            _CharacterButtons = new MainMenuButton[5];
            for (int i = 0; i < _CharacterButtons.Length; i++)
                _CharacterButtons[i]         = AddButton("...", "", _DistanceBetweenButtons * (i + 1), OnActivate);
                _CharacterButtons[i].Enabled = false;

            //Increase the size so we can fit the character model into the menu
            var screenSize = GUCView.GetScreenSize();
            int width      = 900;
            int height     = 600;

            int posX = (screenSize.X - width) / 2;
            int posY = (screenSize.Y - height) / 2;

            Back.SetPos(posX, posY);
            Back.SetSize(width, height);

            _CharacterDisplay = AddCharacter("", 400, 0, 533, 400);
            _CharacterDisplay.SetAdditionalVisuals(HumBodyMeshs.HUM_BODY_BABE0.ToString(), (int)HumBodyTexs.G1Hero, HumHeadMeshs.HUM_HEAD_BABE.ToString(), (int)HumHeadTexs.FaceBabe_B_RedLocks);
            _CharacterDisplay.Enabled = false;

            _CharacterNameText = Back.CreateText("PlayerName", 650, 475);

            CursorChanged += OnCursorChanged;
Пример #3
        protected override void OnCreate()
            tdmName = Back.CreateTextCenterX("", 20);
            Back.CreateTextCenterX("Team auswählen", 100);

            const int offset           = 150;
            const int distance         = 40;
            const int backButtonOffset = 400;

            int y, i = 0;

            while ((y = offset + i * distance) < 340 - distance)
                int index = i;
                AddButton("TEAM", "", y, () => SelectTeam(index));

            AddButton("Zuschauen", "TeamObjective zuschauen.", 340, Spectate);
            AddButton("Zurück", "Zurück ins Hauptmenü.", backButtonOffset, MainMenu.Menu.Open);
            OnEscape = MainMenu.Menu.Open;

            arrow = new GUCVisual(0, 0, 20, 20);
Пример #4
        static GameClient()
            Client = ScriptManager.Interface.CreateClient();

            // Init RakNet objects
            clientInterface = RakPeerInterface.GetInstance();

            socketDescriptor      = new SocketDescriptor();
            socketDescriptor.port = 0;

            if (clientInterface.Startup(1, socketDescriptor, 1) != StartupResult.RAKNET_STARTED)
                Logger.LogError("RakNet failed to start!");

            // Init debug info on screen
            var screenSize = GUCView.GetScreenSize();

            abortInfo = new GUCVisual((screenSize.Y - 300) / 2, 150, 300, 40);
            GUCVisualText visText = abortInfo.CreateText("Verbindung unterbrochen!");


            devInfo = new GUCVisual();
            for (int pos = 0; pos < 0x2000; pos += devInfo.zView.FontY() + 5)
                var t = devInfo.CreateText("", 0x2000, pos, true);
                t.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Right;
Пример #5
 public MainMenuButton(string text, string help, int x, int y, Action action, Fonts font = Fonts.Menu)
     HelpText       = help;
     vis            = GUCVisualText.Create(text, x, y);
     visText        = vis.Texts[0];
     visText.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
     vis.Font       = font;
     OnActivate     = action;
Пример #6
            public Slot(int x, int y)
                back = new GUCVisual(x, y, SlotSize, SlotSize);

                vis = new GUCVobVisual(x, y, SlotSize, SlotSize);

                amount        = vis.CreateText("", SlotSize - 5, SlotSize - 5 - FontsizeDefault);
                amount.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Right;
Пример #7
        public GUCInventory(int x, int y, int cols, int rows, string backTex = TextureBackgroundDefault)
            // create the background
            back = new GUCVisual(x, y, cols * SlotSize, rows * SlotSize);

            // create the slots
            slots = new Slot[cols, rows];
            for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
                    slots[i, j] = new Slot(x + i * SlotSize, y + j * SlotSize);

            // create the description
            descrBack = new GUCVisual((GetScreenSize().X - DescriptionBoxWidth) / 2, GetScreenSize().Y - DescriptionBoxHeight - 30, DescriptionBoxWidth, DescriptionBoxHeight);
            descrBack.SetBackTexture(backTex);   // "Inv_Desc.tga");

            descrBack.CreateTextCenterX("", 10); // title

            const int descrTextDist = FontsizeDefault - 3;

            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) // six info rows
                descrBack.CreateText("", 20, 60 + i * descrTextDist);
                GUCVisualText count = descrBack.CreateText("", DescriptionBoxWidth - 20, 60 + i * descrTextDist);
                count.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Right;

            descrVis = new GUCVobVisual(GetScreenSize().X / 2 + 160, GetScreenSize().Y - 128 - 48, 128, 128);

            // create the right info box
            rightBack = new GUCVisual(x + (cols - 2) * SlotSize, y - 20 - 35, 2 * SlotSize, 35);
            rightVis = new GUCVisual(x + (cols - 2) * SlotSize, y - 20 - 35, 2 * SlotSize, 35);
            rightText    = rightVis.CreateText("Gold: 0");
            RightInfoBox = "GOLD";

            // create the left info box
            leftBack = new GUCVisual(x, y - 20 - 35, 2 * SlotSize, 35);
            leftVis = new GUCVisual(x, y - 20 - 35, 2 * SlotSize, 35);
            leftText    = leftVis.CreateText("Gewicht: 0");
            LeftInfoBox = "WEIGHT";
Пример #8
        static TOInfoScreen()
            vis      = new GUCVisual();
            vis.Font = GUCView.Fonts.Menu;

            const int yOffset = 60;
            var       text    = vis.CreateText("Team Objective", GUCView.GetScreenSize().X, yOffset);

            text.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Right;

            //toName = vis.CreateText("TO_NAME", GUCView.GetScreenSize().Width, yOffset + GUCView.FontsizeMenu);
            //toName.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Right;

            toTime        = vis.CreateText("TIME LEFT", GUCView.GetScreenSize().X, yOffset + 1 * GUCView.FontsizeMenu);
            toTime.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Right;
Пример #9
        public MainMenuChoice(string title, string help, int x, int y, Dictionary <int, string> choices, bool sorted, Action OnActivate, Action OnChange)
            HelpText        = help;
            this.sorted     = sorted;
            this.OnActivate = OnActivate;
            this.OnChange   = OnChange;

            titleVis = GUCVisualText.Create(title, x + (width - (int)StringPixelWidth(title)) / 2, y - 15);

            vis = new GUCVisual(x, y, width, height);

            sorted  = false;
            Choices = choices;
Пример #10
        public MainMenuTextBox(string title, string help, int x, int y, int width, int titleX, int titleY, Action action)
            HelpText   = help;
            OnActivate = action;

            //title text
            titleVis      = GUCVisualText.Create(title, titleX, titleY);
            titleVis.Font = Fonts.Menu;

            //background visual
            vis = new GUCVisual(x, y, width, height);

            //text box
            tb             = new GUCTextBox(x + 15, y + 5, width - 30, true);
            tb.AllowSpaces = false;
            Update         = tb.Update;
Пример #11
        protected override void OnCreate()
            title = Back.CreateTextCenterX("", 50);

            const int offset           = 100;
            const int distance         = 50;
            const int backButtonOffset = 350;

            int y, i = 0;

            while ((y = offset + i * distance) < backButtonOffset - distance)
                int index = i;
                AddButton("CLASS", "", y, () => SelectClass(index));
            AddButton("Zurück", "Zurück ins Teammenü.", backButtonOffset, TOTeamsMenu.Menu.Open);
            OnEscape = TOTeamsMenu.Menu.Open;
Пример #12
        public GUCMainMenu()
            var screenSize = GUCView.GetScreenSize();

            pos  = new int[] { (screenSize.X - 640) / 2, (screenSize.Y - 480) / 2 };
            Back = new GUCVisual(pos[0], pos[1], 640, 480);
            Back.Font = GUCVisual.Fonts.Menu;

            helpVis            = GUCVisualText.Create("", 0, pos[1] + 455);
            helpText.CenteredX = true;

            scrollHelper = new KeyHoldHelper()
                { () => MoveCursor(true), VirtualKeys.Up },
                { () => MoveCursor(false), VirtualKeys.Down },
                { () => MoveCursor(false), VirtualKeys.Tab },
Пример #13
        protected override void OnCreate()
            title = Back.CreateTextCenterX("", 50);

            const int offset           = 100;
            const int distance         = 50;
            const int backButtonOffset = 350;

            int y, i = 0;

            while ((y = offset + i * distance) < backButtonOffset - distance)
                int index = i;
                AddButton("CLASS", "", y, () => SelectClass(index));
            AddButton("Zuschauen", "Dem Spielmodus zuschauen.", 300, Spectate);
            AddButton("Zurück", "Zurück ins Hauptmenü.", backButtonOffset, Menus.MainMenu.Menu.Open);
            OnEscape = Menus.MainMenu.Menu.Open;
Пример #14
        public MainMenuCharacter(string help, int x, int y, int w, int h)
            HelpText = help;

            thisVob = oCNpc.Create();

            vis = new GUCVobVisual(x, y, w, h)
                Lighting = true,

            leftArrow = new GUCVisual(x + 150, y + h / 2 - 40, 15, 20);
            rightArrow = new GUCVisual(x + w - 170, y + h / 2 - 40, 15, 20);

            _ZoomText = vis.CreateText("Zoom +/-", 120, 10);
Пример #15
        public ScoreBoard()
            var screen = GetScreenSize();
            int height = screen.Y - YDistance * 2;

            titleVis       = new GUCVisual(0, 0, Width, height - FontsizeMenu);
            titleText      = titleVis.CreateTextCenterX("", 0);
            titleText.Font = Fonts.Menu;

            vis = new GUCVisual(0, FontsizeMenu, Width, height);

            int x = xOffset; int y = yOffset;

            vis.CreateText("Name", x, y); x   += NameWidth;
            vis.CreateText("Punkte", x, y); x += ScoreWidth;
            vis.CreateText("Kills", x, y); x  += KillsWidth;
            vis.CreateText("Tode", x, y); x   += DeathsWidth;
            vis.CreateText("Ping", x, y);

            int bottom = y + height - GUCView.FontsizeDefault;

            y += 5;

            while (y < bottom)
                GUCVisualText t;
                x  = xOffset;
                y += FontsizeDefault;

                vis.CreateText("", x, y); x += NameWidth;
                t = vis.CreateText("", x + ScoreWidth / 2, y); x += ScoreWidth; t.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
                t = vis.CreateText("", x + KillsWidth / 2, y); x += KillsWidth; t.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
                t = vis.CreateText("", x + DeathsWidth / 2, y); x += DeathsWidth; t.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
                t = vis.CreateText("", x + PingWidth / 2, y); x += PingWidth; t.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;

Пример #16
        protected override void OnCreate()
            var screenSize = GUCView.GetScreenSize();

            Back.SetPos((screenSize.X - 900) / 2, (screenSize.Y - 480) / 2);
            Back.SetSize(900, 480);

            Back.CreateTextCenterX("Login", 100);

            _TbName = AddTextBox("Accountname:", "Name deines Accounts eingeben.", 200, 200, OnActivate);

            _TbPw = AddTextBox("Passwort:", "Passwort deines Accounts eingeben.", 250, 200, OnActivate, true);

            _TbPw2 = AddTextBox("Passwort wdh.:", "Passwort deines Accounts wiederholen.", 300, 200, OnActivate, true);

            AddButton("erstellen", "Die Erstellung des Accounts ausführen", 350, OnActivate);

            AddButton("Zurück", "Die Erstellung des Accounts abbrechen", 400, () => ChancelSelected?.Invoke(this));

            _LbErrorText = Back.CreateTextCenterX("", 400);
Пример #17
 public ErrorScreen()
     _Text = Back.CreateTextCenterX("...", 50);
     Back.CreateTextCenterX("mit Esc schließen.", 150);
Пример #18
        protected override void OnCreate()

            stat = new GUCVisual(pos[0], pos[1], 640, 480); //for small fonts

            // left side

            const int dist = GUCView.FontsizeDefault;

            GUCVisualText title = stat.CreateText("CHARAKTERPROFIL", 152, 59);

            title.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
            const int cpyoffset = 84;
            const int cpx1 = 39; const int cpx2 = 180;

            guild = stat.CreateText("Gildenlos", cpx1, cpyoffset); stat.CreateText("Stufe", cpx2, cpyoffset); level = stat.CreateText("0", cpx2 + 55, cpyoffset);
            stat.CreateText("Erfahrung", cpx1, cpyoffset + dist); exp             = stat.CreateText("0", cpx2, cpyoffset + dist);
            stat.CreateText("Nächste Stufe", cpx1, cpyoffset + dist * 2); nextExp = stat.CreateText("500", cpx2, cpyoffset + dist * 2);
            stat.CreateText("Lernpunkte", cpx1, cpyoffset + dist * 3); LP         = stat.CreateText("0", cpx2, cpyoffset + dist * 3);
            stat.CreateText("Talentpunkte", cpx1, cpyoffset + dist * 4); TP       = stat.CreateText("0", cpx2, cpyoffset + dist * 4);

            title        = stat.CreateText("ATTRIBUTE", 152, 190);
            title.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
            const int atyoffset = 215;

            stat.CreateText("Stärke", cpx1, atyoffset); str              = stat.CreateText("10/10", cpx2, atyoffset);
            stat.CreateText("Geschick", cpx1, atyoffset + dist); dex     = stat.CreateText("10/10", cpx2, atyoffset + dist);
            stat.CreateText("Weisheit", cpx1, atyoffset + dist * 2); wis = stat.CreateText("10/10", cpx2, atyoffset + dist * 2);
            const int trimdist = 4;

            stat.CreateText("Lebensenergie", cpx1, trimdist + atyoffset + dist * 3); hp = stat.CreateText("100/100", cpx2, trimdist + atyoffset + dist * 3);
            stat.CreateText("Mana", cpx1, trimdist + atyoffset + dist * 4); mp          = stat.CreateText("10/10", cpx2, trimdist + atyoffset + dist * 4);
            stat.CreateText("Ausdauer", cpx1, trimdist + atyoffset + dist * 5); ap      = stat.CreateText("100/100", cpx2, trimdist + atyoffset + dist * 5);

            title        = stat.CreateText("RÜSTUNGSSCHUTZ", 152, 347);
            title.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
            const int rsyoffset = 371; const int rsx2 = 230;

            stat.CreateText("vor Waffen", cpx1, rsyoffset); protW                  = stat.CreateText("0", rsx2, rsyoffset);
            stat.CreateText("vor Geschossen", cpx1, rsyoffset + dist); protR       = stat.CreateText("0", rsx2, rsyoffset + dist);
            stat.CreateText("vor Drachenfeuer", cpx1, rsyoffset + dist * 2); protF = stat.CreateText("0", rsx2, rsyoffset + dist * 2);
            stat.CreateText("vor Magie", cpx1, rsyoffset + dist * 3); protM        = stat.CreateText("0", rsx2, rsyoffset + dist * 3);

            // right side

            const int dist2 = GUCView.FontsizeMenu;

            const int tx = 450; const int ty1 = 80;

            title        = stat.CreateText("TALENTE", tx, 59);
            title.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
            AddButton("Kampf", "", tx, ty1, null);
            AddButton("Magie", "", tx, ty1 + dist2, null);
            AddButton("Diebeskunst", "", tx, ty1 + 2 * dist2, null);

            title        = stat.CreateText("FERTIGKEITEN", tx, 191);
            title.Format = GUCVisualText.TextFormat.Center;
            const int ty2 = 217;

            AddButton("Handwerker", "", tx, ty2, null);
            AddButton("Waffenschmied", "", tx, ty2 + dist2, null);
            AddButton("Schmied", "", tx, ty2 + 2 * dist2, null);
            AddButton("Jäger & Sammler", "", tx, ty2 + 3 * dist2, null);
            AddButton("Verpfleger", "", tx, ty2 + 4 * dist2, null);
            AddButton("Alchemist", "", tx, ty2 + 5 * dist2, null);
            AddButton("Gelehrter", "", tx, ty2 + 6 * dist2, null);
Пример #19
        internal static void Update()
            int            counter = 0;
            ServerMessages msgType;
            Packet         packet;

            // Receive packets
            while ((packet = clientInterface.Receive()) != null)
                    receivedBytes += packet.length;

                    packetReader.Load(packet.data, (int)packet.length);
                    msgType = (ServerMessages)packetReader.ReadByte();
                    ReadMessage(msgType, packetReader);

                    if (counter >= 1000)
                        counter = 0;
                        Logger.Log("1000 Pakete hintereinander");
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (packet.length >= 1)
                        Logger.LogError("{0}: {1}: {2}\n{3}", (ServerMessages)packet.data[0], e.Source, e.Message, e.StackTrace);
                        Logger.LogError("{0}: {1}\n{2}", e.Source, e.Message, e.StackTrace);

            #region Debug Info

            // update only every second
            if (infoTimer.IsReady)
                int ping = clientInterface.GetLastPing(clientInterface.GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0));

                if (isDisconnected)
                    abortInfo.Texts[0].Text = "Verbindung geschlossen!";
                else if (isConnected)
                    if (ping > 300 || ping < 0)

                // update ping text on screen
                int           devIndex = 0;
                GUCVisualText pingText = devInfo.Texts[devIndex++];
                pingText.Text = string.Format("Ping: {0}ms", ping);
                ColorRGBA color;
                if (ping <= 120)
                    color = new ColorRGBA((byte)(40 + 180 * ping / 120), 220, 40);
                else if (ping <= 220)
                    color = new ColorRGBA(220, (byte)(220 - 180 * (ping - 100) / 120), 40);
                    color = new ColorRGBA(220, 40, 40);

                long          fps     = Hooks.hGame.LastElapsedTicks > 0 ? TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / Hooks.hGame.LastElapsedTicks : 999;
                GUCVisualText fpsText = devInfo.Texts[devIndex++];
                fpsText.Text = "FPS: " + fps;
                if (fps < 10)
                    color = new ColorRGBA(220, 40, 40);
                else if (fps < 40)
                    color = new ColorRGBA(220, (byte)(40 + 180 * (fps - 10) / 30), 40);
                else if (fps < 90)
                    color = new ColorRGBA((byte)(220 - 180 * (fps - 40) / 50), 220, 40);
                    color = new ColorRGBA(40, 220, 40);

                devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "Spike: " + Hooks.hGame.SpikeLongest / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond + "ms";

                // update kB/s text on screen
                int kbs = (int)(receivedBytes);
                devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = ("Net received: " + kbs + "B/s");
                kbs = (int)(sentBytes);
                devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = ("Net Sent: " + kbs + "B/s");
                receivedBytes = 0;
                sentBytes     = 0;

                if (World.Current != null)
                    devIndex = 8;
                    devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = World.Current.VobCount + " Vobs";
                    devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = Client.guidedIDs.Count + " guided";

                    devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "Weather: " + World.Current.WeatherCtrl.CurrentWeight + " " + World.Current.Clock.Time.ToString(false);
                    devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "Barrier: " + World.Current.BarrierCtrl.CurrentWeight + " " + World.Current.BarrierCtrl.EndWeight;

                    devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "VobSounds: " + SoundHandler.VobSoundCount;
                    devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text = "PosSounds: " + SoundHandler.PosSoundCount;

                    //if (NPC.Hero != null)
                    //    devInfo.Texts[devIndex++].Text =  NPC.Hero.Movement.ToString();

Пример #20
 public WaitScreen()
     _Text = Back.CreateTextCenterX("...", 50);
Пример #21
 static RespawnNote()
     textVis      = new GUCVisual().CreateTextCenterX("Warte auf Respawn...", GUCView.GetScreenSize().Y - 100);
     textVis.Font = GUCView.Fonts.Menu;