protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model) {
        // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
        // var vm = model as PlayerViewModel;
        // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
		//Debug.Log("Max_Quantity = " + Max_Quantity);
		gSHexGridManager = GameObject.Find("HexMapGrid").GetComponent<GSHexGridManager>();
    protected override void InitializeViewModel(uFrame.MVVM.ViewModel model) {
		//gameOverText = GameObject.Find("Text_GameOver").GetComponent<Text>();
		//TextAsset atkInfo = Resources.Load<TextAsset> ("ATK_Info");
        // NOTE: this method is only invoked if the 'Initialize ViewModel' is checked in the inspector.
        // var vm = model as MainGameRootViewModel;
        // This method is invoked when applying the data from the inspector to the viewmodel.  Add any view-specific customizations here.
		InfoText.text = missionInfo.text;
		gSHexGridManager = GameObject.Find("HexMapGrid").GetComponent<GSHexGridManager>();

		for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
			SoldierVM.Add(uFrameKernel.Container.Resolve<SoldierViewModel>("Soldier" + i));
