public static GPSdata FindProperGPSdataForImage( string imgFileName, object inLogWindow, Dictionary <string, object> defaultProperties, ref List <Tuple <string, DateTimeSpan> > NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans, ref List <Tuple <string, List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> > > NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData) { DateTime curDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; LogWindow theLogWindow = (LogWindow)inLogWindow; if (NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans == null) { NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans = new List <Tuple <string, DateTimeSpan> >(); } if (NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData == null) { NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData = new List <Tuple <string, List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> > >(); } string ImageFileName = imgFileName; Image anImage = Image.FromFile(imgFileName); ImageInfo newIInfo = new ImageInfo(anImage); string dateTime = (String)newIInfo.getValueByKey("ExifDTOrig"); if (dateTime == null) { //попробуем вытащить из имени файла string strDateTime = Path.GetFileName(ImageFileName); strDateTime = strDateTime.Substring(4, 19); dateTime = strDateTime; } try { curDateTime = CommonTools.DateTimeOfString(dateTime); if (theLogWindow != null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "picture got date/time: " + curDateTime.ToString("s")); } else if (CommonTools.console_present()) { Console.WriteLine("picture got date/time: " + curDateTime.ToString("s")); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (theLogWindow != null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "couldn`t get picture date/time for file: " + Environment.NewLine + ImageFileName); } else if (CommonTools.console_present()) { Console.WriteLine("couldn`t get picture date/time for file: " + Environment.NewLine + ImageFileName); } return(null); } curDateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(curDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc); string strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath = ""; if (defaultProperties.ContainsKey("strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath")) { strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath = (string)defaultProperties["strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath"]; } else { strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath = strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath + ((strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath.Last() == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ? ("") : (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())); strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath += "results" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString(); } GPSdata neededGPSdata = new GPSdata(); string currImgPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(ImageFileName); string err = ""; string strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile = ""; // поищем рядом с изображением try { strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile = CommonTools.FindConcurrentDataXMLfile(ImageFileName, out err, currImgPath); } catch (Exception ex) { strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile = ""; } if (strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile != "") { Dictionary <string, object> dictSavedData = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile); GPSdata gps = new GPSdata((string)dictSavedData["GPSdata"], GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, DateTime.Parse((string)dictSavedData["GPSDateTimeUTC"], null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind)); if (gps.validGPSdata) { return(gps); } } // поищем в директории, где хранятся concurrent-данные try { strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile = CommonTools.FindConcurrentDataXMLfile(ImageFileName, out err, strConcurrentDataXMLfilesPath); } catch (Exception ex) { strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile = ""; } if (strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile != "") { Dictionary <string, object> dictSavedData = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(strCurrImgConcurrentXMLdataFile); GPSdata gps = new GPSdata((string)dictSavedData["GPSdata"], GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, DateTime.Parse((string)dictSavedData["GPSDateTimeUTC"], null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind)); if (gps.validGPSdata) { return(gps); } } #region // obsolete //string[] xmlFileNames = Directory.GetFiles(currImgPath, // "*data*" + curDateTime.ToString("s").Substring(0, 13).Replace(":", "-") + "*.xml"); // с точностью до часа //if (xmlFileNames.Count() > 0) //{ // List<GPSdata> lReadGPSdata = new List<GPSdata>(); // foreach (string xmlFileName in xmlFileNames) // { // Dictionary<string, object> dictSavedData = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(xmlFileName); // //GPSdata gps = new GPSdata((string)dictSavedData["GPSdata"], GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS); // GPSdata gps = // new GPSdata(new double[] { Convert.ToDouble(dictSavedData["GPSLat"]), Convert.ToDouble(dictSavedData["GPSLon"]) }); // lReadGPSdata.Add(gps); // } // lReadGPSdata.Sort((gpsRecord1, gpsRecord2) => // { // double dev1 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord1.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); // double dev2 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord2.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); // return (dev1 >= dev2) ? (1) : (-1); // }); // neededGPSdata = lReadGPSdata[0]; //} //else //{ #endregion // obsolete //string navFilesPath = // "D:\\_gulevlab\\SkyImagesAnalysis_appData\\images_complete\\IOFFE\\NIKON-D80\\IOFFE-Mission34-Marina-2011\\data-meteo-nav\\"; // Теперь среди данных навигации // Сначала - среди данных, которые уже были прочитаны. Если такие вообще есть. if (NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans.Any(tpl => tpl.Item2.ContainsDateTime(curDateTime))) { string nvDataFileName = NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans.Where(tpl => tpl.Item2.ContainsDateTime(curDateTime)).ElementAt(0).Item1; if (NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData.Any(tpl => tpl.Item1 == nvDataFileName)) { List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> currFileNVdataFilesAlreadyReadData = NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData.Where(tpl => tpl.Item1 == nvDataFileName).ElementAt(0).Item2; currFileNVdataFilesAlreadyReadData.Sort((gpsRecord1, gpsRecord2) => { double dev1 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord1.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); double dev2 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord2.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); return((dev1 >= dev2) ? (1) : (-1)); }); neededGPSdata = currFileNVdataFilesAlreadyReadData[0].gps; return(neededGPSdata); } } // если среди них не нашлось - ищем в тех, которые еще не прочитаны ранее string navFilesPath = defaultProperties["IoffeMeteoNavFilesDirectory"] as string; List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> lAllNavData = new List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted>(); string[] sNavFilenames = Directory.GetFiles(navFilesPath, "*.nv2", SearchOption.AllDirectories); if (!sNavFilenames.Any()) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Не найдено файлов данных навигации", true); return(null); } else { foreach (string navFilename in sNavFilenames) { if (theLogWindow != null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "scanning nav data file: " + navFilename, true); } else if (CommonTools.console_present()) { Console.WriteLine("scanning nav data file: " + navFilename); } DateTimeSpan dtSpan = IoffeVesselNavDataReader.GetNavFileDateTimeMarginsDTS(navFilename); if (dtSpan.IsEmpty) { continue; } NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans.Add(new Tuple <string, DateTimeSpan>(navFilename, dtSpan)); if (!dtSpan.ContainsDateTime(curDateTime)) { continue; } List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> dataHasBeenRead = IoffeVesselNavDataReader.ReadNavFile(navFilename); if (dataHasBeenRead == null) { continue; } NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData.Add(new Tuple <string, List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> >( navFilename, dataHasBeenRead)); if (theLogWindow != null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "файл навигации прочитан: " + navFilename, true); } else if (CommonTools.console_present()) { Console.WriteLine("файл навигации прочитан: " + navFilename); } Application.DoEvents(); lAllNavData.AddRange(dataHasBeenRead); } } if (!lAllNavData.Any()) { if (theLogWindow != null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Не найдено файлов данных с нужными данными", true); } else if (CommonTools.console_present()) { Console.WriteLine("Не найдено файлов данных с нужными данными"); } return(null); } lAllNavData.Sort((gpsRecord1, gpsRecord2) => { double dev1 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord1.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); double dev2 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord2.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); return((dev1 >= dev2) ? (1) : (-1)); }); neededGPSdata = lAllNavData[0].gps; //} return(neededGPSdata); }
public static string FindConcurrentDataXMLfile(string imgFileName, out string err, string basePath = "") { if (basePath == "") { basePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); basePath = basePath + ((basePath.Last() == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ? ("") : (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())); basePath += "results" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } DirectoryInfo dirConcurrentDataFiles = new DirectoryInfo(basePath); string strDateTime = Path.GetFileName(imgFileName); strDateTime = strDateTime.Substring(4, 19); DateTime currImgDateTime = CommonTools.DateTimeOfString(strDateTime); FileInfo[] concurrentDataFilesList = dirConcurrentDataFiles.GetFiles( "data-" + currImgDateTime.ToString("s").Replace(":", "-").Substring(0, 16) + "*.xml", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (concurrentDataFilesList.Any()) { List <Tuple <string, Dictionary <string, object> > > lTplConcurrentDataFilesInfo = new List <FileInfo>( concurrentDataFilesList) .ConvertAll <Tuple <string, Dictionary <string, object> > >( finfo => { Dictionary <string, object> dictSavedData = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(concurrentDataFilesList[0].FullName) as Dictionary <string, object>; return(new Tuple <string, Dictionary <string, object> >(finfo.FullName, dictSavedData)); }); lTplConcurrentDataFilesInfo.RemoveAll( tpl => !(new GPSdata((string)(tpl.Item2["GPSdata"]), GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, DateTime.Parse((string)tpl.Item2["GPSDateTimeUTC"], null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind))).validGPSdata); if (!lTplConcurrentDataFilesInfo.Any()) { err = "========== ERROR: couldn`t find concurrent data file for " + imgFileName; return(""); } List <Tuple <string, Dictionary <string, object>, long> > lTplConcurrentData = lTplConcurrentDataFilesInfo .ConvertAll( tpl => { GPSdata currDataGPS = new GPSdata((string)(tpl.Item2["GPSdata"]), GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, DateTime.Parse((string)tpl.Item2["GPSDateTimeUTC"], null, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind)); long dt = (currDataGPS.DateTimeUTC - currImgDateTime).Ticks; return(new Tuple <string, Dictionary <string, object>, long>(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2, dt)); }); lTplConcurrentData.Sort(CompareTuplesByIntItem3); //get the first item as closest err = ""; return(lTplConcurrentData[0].Item1); } else { err = "========== ERROR: couldn`t find concurrent data file for " + imgFileName; return(""); } }
public static List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> ReadNavFile(string InputFilename) //, bool readOnlyThe1stRecord = false) { int bytesCountPerObj = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IoffeVesselDualNavData)); if ((new FileInfo(InputFilename)).Length < (4 + bytesCountPerObj)) { return(null); } BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open(InputFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)); char[] dualmode = reader.ReadChars(4); if (new string(dualmode) != "Dual") { // неправильный файл навигации - данные не в том формате return(null); } reader.Close(); byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(InputFilename); reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(fileData)); reader.ReadChars(4); List <IoffeVesselDualNavData> lFileNavData = new List <IoffeVesselDualNavData>(); int structCount = Convert.ToInt32((fileData.Count() - 4) / bytesCountPerObj); if (structCount == 0) { return(null); } int readStructs = 0; while (true) { byte[] readBuffer = new byte[bytesCountPerObj]; readBuffer = reader.ReadBytes(bytesCountPerObj); GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(readBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); IoffeVesselDualNavData curRecord = (IoffeVesselDualNavData) Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(IoffeVesselDualNavData)); readStructs++; lFileNavData.Add(curRecord); //if ((readStructs >= structCount) || (readOnlyThe1stRecord)) if (readStructs >= structCount) { break; } } List <IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> lRetList = lFileNavData.ConvertAll(navData => { IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted retNavData = new IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted(); #region // -> ExtractDateTime() //string dateStr = navData.DateGPS.ToString(); //string timeStr = navData.curtime.ToString("D4"); //DateTime dt; //if (navData.curtime >= 2400) //{ // int daysToAdd = 0; // while (navData.curtime >= 2400) // { // navData.curtime -= 2400; // daysToAdd ++; // } // timeStr = (navData.curtime).ToString("D4"); // dt = new DateTime(2000 + Convert.ToInt32(dateStr.Substring(dateStr.Length - 2, 2)), // Convert.ToInt32(dateStr.Substring(dateStr.Length - 4, 2)), // Convert.ToInt32(dateStr.Substring(0, dateStr.Length - 4)), // Convert.ToInt32(timeStr.Substring(0, 2)), // Convert.ToInt32(timeStr.Substring(2, 2)), // 0); // dt = dt.AddDays(daysToAdd); //} //else //{ // dt = new DateTime(2000 + Convert.ToInt32(dateStr.Substring(dateStr.Length - 2, 2)), // Convert.ToInt32(dateStr.Substring(dateStr.Length - 4, 2)), // Convert.ToInt32(dateStr.Substring(0, dateStr.Length - 4)), // Convert.ToInt32(timeStr.Substring(0, 2)), // Convert.ToInt32(timeStr.Substring(2, 2)), // 0); //} #endregion // -> ExtractDateTime() retNavData.dateTime = ExtractDateTime(navData); GPSdata curGPS = new GPSdata() { GPSstring = "", lat = (double)navData.Lat, latHemisphere = "" + navData.SimLat, lon = (double)navData.Lon, lonHemisphere = "" + navData.SimLon, dateTimeUTC = retNavData.dateTime, validGPSdata = true, IOFFEdataHeadingTrue = navData.trueHead, IOFFEdataHeadingGyro = navData.Gyro, IOFFEdataSpeedKnots = navData.Speed, IOFFEdataDepth = navData.Depth, dataSource = GPSdatasources.IOFFEvesselDataServer }; retNavData.gps = curGPS; retNavData.Course = navData.Course; return(retNavData); }); return(lRetList); }
public override int DecodeAVL(List <byte> receiveBytes, string IMEI) { string hexDataLength = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(4).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { hexDataLength += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int dataLength = Convert.ToInt32(hexDataLength, 16); // byte[] test = receiveBytes.Skip(4).Take(4).ToArray(); // Array.Reverse(test); // int dataLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(test, 0); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Data Length: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + dataLength); int codecId = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(8).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Codec ID: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + codecId); int numberOfData = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(9).Take(1).ToList()[0]);; ShowDiagnosticInfo("Number of data: ----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + numberOfData); int tokenAddress = 10; for (int n = 0; n < numberOfData; n++) { GPSdata gpsData = new GPSdata(); string hexTimeStamp = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress).Take(8).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { hexTimeStamp += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); long timeSt = Convert.ToInt64(hexTimeStamp, 16); DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); DateTime timestamp = origin.AddMilliseconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeSt)); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Timestamp: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + timestamp.ToLongDateString() + " " + timestamp.ToLongTimeString()); int priority = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 8).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Priority: ------------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + priority); string longt = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 9).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { longt += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); double longtitude = ((double)Convert.ToInt32(longt, 16)) / 10000000; ShowDiagnosticInfo("Longtitude: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + longtitude); string lat = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 13).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { lat += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); double latitude = ((double)Convert.ToInt32(lat, 16)) / 10000000; ShowDiagnosticInfo("Latitude: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + latitude); string alt = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 17).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { alt += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int altitude = Convert.ToInt32(alt, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Altitude: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + altitude); string ang = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 19).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { ang += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int angle = Convert.ToInt32(ang, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Angle: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + angle); int satellites = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 21).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Satellites: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + satellites); string sp = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 22).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { sp += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int speed = Convert.ToInt32(sp, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Speed: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + speed); byte event_IO_element_ID = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 24).Take(1).ToList()[0]); gpsData.Event_IO_element_ID = event_IO_element_ID; ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element ID of Event generated: ------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + event_IO_element_ID); int IO_element_in_record = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(tokenAddress + 25).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO_element_in_record: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + IO_element_in_record); if (IO_element_in_record != 0) { int currentCursor = tokenAddress + 26; int IO_Elements_1B_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("1 byte IO element in record: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + IO_Elements_1B_Quantity); for (int IO_1 = 0; IO_1 < IO_Elements_1B_Quantity; IO_1++) { var parameterID = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 1 + IO_1 * 2).Take(1).ToList()[0]); var IO_Element_1B = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 2 + IO_1 * 2).Take(1).ToList()[0]); gpsData.IO_Elements_1B.Add(parameterID, IO_Element_1B); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 1B ID: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterID); ShowDiagnosticInfo(IO_1 + "'st 1B IO element value: --------".PadRight(40 - IO_1.ToString().Length, '-') + " " + IO_Element_1B); } currentCursor += IO_Elements_1B_Quantity * 2 + 1; int IO_Elements_2B_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("2 byte IO element in record: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + IO_Elements_2B_Quantity); for (int IO_2 = 0; IO_2 < IO_Elements_2B_Quantity; IO_2++) { var parameterID = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 1 + IO_2 * 3).Take(1).ToList()[0]); string value = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 2 + IO_2 * 3).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { value += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); var IO_Element_2B = Convert.ToInt16(value, 16); gpsData.IO_Elements_2B.Add(parameterID, IO_Element_2B); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 2B ID: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterID); ShowDiagnosticInfo(IO_2 + "'st 2B IO element value: --------".PadRight(40 - IO_2.ToString().Length, '-') + " " + IO_Element_2B); } currentCursor += IO_Elements_2B_Quantity * 3 + 1; int IO_Elements_4B_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("4 byte IO element in record: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + IO_Elements_4B_Quantity); for (int IO_4 = 0; IO_4 < IO_Elements_4B_Quantity; IO_4++) { var parameterID = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 1 + IO_4 * 5).Take(1).ToList()[0]); string value = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 2 + IO_4 * 5).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { value += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); var IO_Element_4B = Convert.ToInt32(value, 16); gpsData.IO_Elements_4B.Add(parameterID, IO_Element_4B); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 4B ID: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterID); ShowDiagnosticInfo(IO_4 + "'st 4B IO element value: --------".PadRight(40 - IO_4.ToString().Length, '-') + " " + IO_Element_4B); } currentCursor += IO_Elements_4B_Quantity * 5 + 1; int IO_Elements_8B_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("8 byte IO element in record: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + IO_Elements_8B_Quantity); for (int IO_8 = 0; IO_8 < IO_Elements_8B_Quantity; IO_8++) { var parameterID = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 1 + IO_8 * 9).Take(1).ToList()[0]); string value = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(currentCursor + 2 + IO_8 * 9).Take(8).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { value += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); var IO_Element_8B = Convert.ToInt64(value, 16); gpsData.IO_Elements_8B.Add(parameterID, IO_Element_8B); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 8B ID: --------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterID); ShowDiagnosticInfo(IO_8 + "'st 8B IO element value: --------".PadRight(40 - IO_8.ToString().Length, '-') + " " + IO_Element_8B); } tokenAddress += 30 + IO_Elements_1B_Quantity * 2 + IO_Elements_2B_Quantity * 3 + IO_Elements_4B_Quantity * 5 + IO_Elements_8B_Quantity * 9; } else { tokenAddress += 30; } // Data dt = new Data(); gpsData.Altitude = (short)altitude; gpsData.Direction = (short)angle; gpsData.Lat = latitude; gpsData.Long = longtitude; gpsData.Priority = (byte)priority; gpsData.Satellite = (byte)satellites; gpsData.Speed = (short)speed; gpsData.Timestamp = timestamp; gpsData.IMEI = IMEI.Substring(0, 15); // dt.SaveGPSPositionFMXXXX(gpsData); } //CRC for check of data correction and request again data from device if it not correct string crcString = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(dataLength + 8).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { crcString += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int CRC = Convert.ToInt32(crcString, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("CRC: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + CRC); //We must skeep first 8 bytes and last 4 bytes with CRC value. int calculatedCRC = GetCRC16(receiveBytes.Skip(8).Take(receiveBytes.Count - 12).ToArray()); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Calculated CRC: -------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + calculatedCRC); ShowDiagnosticInfo("||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||"); if (calculatedCRC == CRC) { return(numberOfData); } else { ShowDiagnosticInfo("Incorect CRC "); return(0); } }
public override int DecodeAVL(List <byte> receiveBytes, string IMEI) { string hexDataLength = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(4).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { hexDataLength += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int dataLength = Convert.ToInt32(hexDataLength, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Data Length: ----- " + dataLength); int codecId = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(8).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Codec ID: ----- " + codecId); int numberOfData = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(9).Take(1).ToList()[0]);; ShowDiagnosticInfo("Number of data: ---- " + numberOfData); int nextPacketStartAddress = 10; Data dt = new Data(); for (int n = 0; n < numberOfData; n++) { string hexTimeStamp = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { hexTimeStamp += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); //ShowDiagnosticInfo(bit_30_timestamp); var result = Convert.ToInt64(hexTimeStamp, 16) & 0x3FFFFFFF; long timeSt = Convert.ToInt64(result); // long timeSt = Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(hexTimeStamp, 16), 2).Substring(2, 30), 2); //long timeSt = Convert.ToInt64(hexTimeStamp.Substring(2, 30), 16); // For GH3000 time is seconds from 2007.01.01 00:00:00 DateTime origin = new DateTime(2007, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); DateTime timestamp = origin.AddSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(timeSt)); //DateTime timestamp = DateTime.FromBinary(timeSt); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Timestamp: ----- " + timestamp.ToLongDateString() + " " + timestamp.ToLongTimeString()); int priority = (Convert.ToByte(hexTimeStamp.Substring(0, 2), 16) & 0xC0) / 64;//Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + 8).Take(1)); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Priority: ------------ " + priority); // If ALARM send SMS // if (priority == 2) // SMSsender.SendSms(dt.GetAlarmNumberFromModemId(IMEI), "5555555", "Alarm button pressed", 3, true); GlobalMask globalMask = (GlobalMask)receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + 4).Take(1).First(); GPSmask gpsMask = (GPSmask)receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + 5).Take(1).First(); GPSdata gpsData = new GPSdata(); gpsData.Priority = (byte)priority; gpsData.Timestamp = timestamp; int gpsElementDataAddress = 0; if ((globalMask & GH3000Parser.GlobalMask.GPSelement) != 0) { if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.LatAndLong) != 0) { gpsElementDataAddress = 6; string longt = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress + 4).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { longt += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); float longtitude = GetFloatIEE754(receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress + 4).Take(4).ToArray()); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Longtitude: ----- " + longtitude); string lat = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { lat += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); float latitude = GetFloatIEE754(receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(4).ToArray()); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Latitude: ----- " + latitude); gpsElementDataAddress += 8; gpsData.Lat = latitude; gpsData.Long = longtitude; } if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.Altitude) != 0) { string alt = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { alt += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int altitude = Convert.ToInt32(alt, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Altitude: ----- " + altitude); gpsElementDataAddress += 2; gpsData.Altitude = (short)altitude; } if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.Angle) != 0) { string ang = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(1).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { ang += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int angle = Convert.ToInt32(ang, 16); angle = Convert.ToInt32(angle * 360.0 / 256.0); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Angle: ----- " + angle); gpsElementDataAddress += 1; gpsData.Direction = (short)angle; } if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.Speed) != 0) { string sp = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(1).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { sp += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int speed = Convert.ToInt32(sp, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Speed: ----- " + speed); gpsElementDataAddress += 1; gpsData.Speed = (short)speed; } if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.Sattelites) != 0) { int satellites = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(1).ToList()[0]); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Satellites: ----- " + satellites); gpsElementDataAddress += 1; gpsData.Satellite = (byte)satellites; } if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.LocalAreaCodeAndCellID) != 0) { string localArea = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { localArea += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int localAreaCode = Convert.ToInt32(localArea, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Local area code: ----- " + localAreaCode); gpsElementDataAddress += 2; gpsData.LocalAreaCode = (short)localAreaCode; string cell_ID = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { cell_ID += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int cellID = Convert.ToInt32(cell_ID, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Cell ID: ----- " + localAreaCode); gpsElementDataAddress += 2; gpsData.CellID = (short)cellID; } if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.SignalQuality) != 0) { string gsmQua = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(1).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { gsmQua += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int gsmSignalQuality = Convert.ToInt32(gsmQua, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("GSM signal quality: ----- " + gsmSignalQuality); gpsElementDataAddress += 1; gpsData.GsmSignalQuality = (byte)gsmSignalQuality; } if ((gpsMask & GH3000Parser.GPSmask.OperatorCode) != 0) { string opCode = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + gpsElementDataAddress).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { opCode += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int operatorCode = Convert.ToInt32(opCode, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Operator code: ----- " + operatorCode); gpsElementDataAddress += 4; gpsData.OperatorCode = operatorCode; } } nextPacketStartAddress += gpsElementDataAddress; if ((globalMask & GH3000Parser.GlobalMask.IO_Element_1B) != 0) { byte quantityOfIOelementData = receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(1).First(); nextPacketStartAddress += 1; for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfIOelementData; i++) { byte parameterID = receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(1).First(); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 1B ID: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterID); byte parameterValue = receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + 1).Take(1).First(); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 1B value: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterValue); gpsData.IO_Elements_1B.Add(parameterID, parameterValue); nextPacketStartAddress += 2; //--------------alarm send by sms if (parameterID == 222) { string message = string.Empty; //switch (parameterValue) //{ // case 5: // message = "Man-down sensor activated from " + IMEI + " at this place " + "" + gpsData.Lat.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + gpsData.Long.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // SMSsender.SendSms(dt.GetAlarmNumberFromModemId(IMEI), "55555555", message, 3, true); // break; // case 1: // message = "Emergency button activated from " + IMEI + " at this place " + "" + gpsData.Lat.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "," + gpsData.Long.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // SMSsender.SendSms(dt.GetAlarmNumberFromModemId(IMEI), "55555555", message, 3, true); // break; //} } //------------------- end } } if ((globalMask & GH3000Parser.GlobalMask.IO_Element_2B) != 0) { byte quantityOfIOelementData = receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(1).First(); nextPacketStartAddress += 1; for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfIOelementData; i++) { byte parameterID = receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(1).First(); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 2B ID: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterID); string value = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + 1).Take(2).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { value += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); short parameterValue = (short)Convert.ToInt32(value, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 2B value: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterValue); gpsData.IO_Elements_2B.Add(parameterID, parameterValue); nextPacketStartAddress += 3; } } if ((globalMask & GH3000Parser.GlobalMask.IO_Element_4B) != 0) { byte quantityOfIOelementData = receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(1).First(); nextPacketStartAddress += 1; for (int i = 0; i < quantityOfIOelementData; i++) { byte parameterID = receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(1).First(); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 4B ID: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterID); string value = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress + 1).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { value += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int parameterValue = Convert.ToInt32(value, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("IO element 4B value: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + parameterValue); gpsData.IO_Elements_4B.Add(parameterID, parameterValue); nextPacketStartAddress += 5; } } gpsData.IMEI = IMEI.Substring(0, 15); dt.SaveGPSPositionGH3000(gpsData); } int numberOfData1 = Convert.ToInt32(receiveBytes.Skip(nextPacketStartAddress).Take(1).ToList()[0]); //CRC for check of data correction and request again data from device if it not correct string crcString = string.Empty; receiveBytes.Skip(dataLength + 8).Take(4).ToList().ForEach(delegate(byte b) { crcString += String.Format("{0:X2}", b); }); int CRC = Convert.ToInt32(crcString, 16); ShowDiagnosticInfo("CRC: -----".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + CRC); //We must skeep first 8 bytes and last 4 bytes with CRC value. int calculatedCRC = GetCRC16(receiveBytes.Skip(8).Take(receiveBytes.Count - 12).ToArray()); ShowDiagnosticInfo("Calculated CRC: -------".PadRight(40, '-') + " " + calculatedCRC); ShowDiagnosticInfo("||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||"); if (calculatedCRC == CRC) { return(numberOfData); } else { ShowDiagnosticInfo("Incorect CRC "); return(0); } }
private AngleSunDeviationCalcResult CalculateDevDataForImage(FileInfo finfo, Dictionary <string, object> defaultProperties, LogWindow currImageLogWindow, bool showOnlyErrors = false) { FileInfo currFileInfo = finfo; Dictionary <string, object> defaultProps = defaultProperties; AngleSunDeviationCalcResult retRes = new AngleSunDeviationCalcResult() { fileName = currFileInfo.FullName, }; GPSdata gps = ServiceTools.FindProperGPSdataForImage(currFileInfo.FullName, theLogWindow, defaultProperties, ref NVdataFilesAlreadyReadDateTimeSpans, ref NVdataFilesAlreadyReadData); if (gps == null) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Couldn`t find GPS data for this image."); retRes.calculationSucceeded = false; retRes.resultMessage = "Couldn`t find GPS data for this image."; return(retRes); } #region // obsolete //// определяем дату-время файла //DateTime curDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; //Image anImage = Image.FromFile(currFileInfo.FullName); //ImageInfo newIInfo = new ImageInfo(anImage); //int minute = 0; //String dateTime = (String)newIInfo.getValueByKey("ExifDTOrig"); //if (dateTime == null) //{ // //попробуем вытащить из имени файла // string strDateTime = currFileInfo.Name; // strDateTime = strDateTime.Substring(4, 19); // dateTime = strDateTime; //} //try //{ // curDateTime = CommonTools.DateTimeOfString(dateTime); //} //catch (Exception) //{ // retRes.calculationSucceeded = false; // retRes.resultMessage = "couldn`t get date/time for file: " + Environment.NewLine + currFileInfo.Name; // return retRes; //} //curDateTime = DateTime.SpecifyKind(curDateTime, DateTimeKind.Utc); //GPSdata neededGPSdata = new GPSdata(); //string currPath = currFileInfo.DirectoryName; //string navFilesPath = defaultProps["IoffeMeteoNavFilesDirectory"] as string; //List<IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> lAllNavData = new List<IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted>(); //string[] sNavFilenames = Directory.GetFiles(navFilesPath, "*.nv2", SearchOption.AllDirectories); //if (!sNavFilenames.Any()) //{ // retRes.calculationSucceeded = false; // retRes.resultMessage = "Не найдено файлов данных навигации в директории " + navFilesPath; // return retRes; //} //else //{ // foreach (string navFilename in sNavFilenames) // { // Tuple<DateTime, DateTime> timeSpan = // IoffeVesselNavDataReader.GetNavFileDateTimeMargins(navFilename); // if (timeSpan == null) // { // continue; // } // if ((curDateTime < timeSpan.Item1) || (curDateTime > timeSpan.Item2)) // { // continue; // } // List<IoffeVesselDualNavDataConverted> dataHasBeenRead = IoffeVesselNavDataReader.ReadNavFile(navFilename); // if (dataHasBeenRead == null) // { // continue; // } // Application.DoEvents(); // lAllNavData.AddRange(dataHasBeenRead); // } //} //lAllNavData.Sort((gpsRecord1, gpsRecord2) => //{ // double dev1 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord1.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); // double dev2 = Math.Abs((gpsRecord2.gps.dateTimeUTC - curDateTime).TotalMilliseconds); // return (dev1 >= dev2) ? (1) : (-1); //}); //neededGPSdata = lAllNavData[0].gps; #endregion // obsolete retRes.gpsData = gps; #region obsolete //double lat = gps.LatDec; //double lon = gps.LonDec; //SPA spaCalc = new SPA(curDateTime.Year, curDateTime.Month, curDateTime.Day, curDateTime.Hour, // curDateTime.Minute, curDateTime.Second, (float)lon, (float)lat, // (float)SPAConst.DeltaT(curDateTime)); //int res = spaCalc.spa_calculate(); //AzimuthZenithAngle sunPositionSPAext = new AzimuthZenithAngle(, //; #endregion obsolete AzimuthZenithAngle sunPositionSPAext = gps.SunZenithAzimuth(); if (!showOnlyErrors) { currImageLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(currImageLogWindow, "SPA ext sun position for " + gps.dateTimeUTC.ToString("s") + ": " + sunPositionSPAext); } retRes.sunSPAcomputedPosition = sunPositionSPAext; Image <Bgr, Byte> img2process = new Image <Bgr, byte>(currFileInfo.FullName); img2process = ImageProcessing.ImageResizer(img2process, Convert.ToInt32(defaultProps["DefaultMaxImageSize"])); Image <Bgr, Byte> LocalProcessingImage = ImageProcessing.SquareImageDimensions(img2process); RoundData sunRoundData = RoundData.nullRoundData(); //посмотрим, нет ли уже имеющихся данных о положении и размере солнечного диска на изображении string sunDiskInfoFileName = ConventionalTransitions.SunDiskInfoFileName(currFileInfo.FullName); //string sunDiskInfoFileName = currFileInfo.DirectoryName + "\\" + // Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(currFileInfo.FullName) + "-SunDiskInfo.xml"; RoundData existingRoundData = RoundData.nullRoundData(); Size imgSizeUnderExistingRoundData = LocalProcessingImage.Bitmap.Size; object existingRoundDataObj = ServiceTools.ReadObjectFromXML(sunDiskInfoFileName, typeof(RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize)); if (existingRoundDataObj != null) { existingRoundData = ((RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize)existingRoundDataObj).circle; imgSizeUnderExistingRoundData = ((RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize)existingRoundDataObj).imgSize; } double currScale = (double)LocalProcessingImage.Width / (double)imgSizeUnderExistingRoundData.Width; if (currScale != 1.0d) { existingRoundData.DCenterX *= currScale; existingRoundData.DCenterY *= currScale; existingRoundData.DRadius *= currScale; } if (!existingRoundData.IsNull) { sunRoundData = existingRoundData; } ImageProcessing imgP = new ImageProcessing(LocalProcessingImage, true); if (sunRoundData.IsNull) { SkyCloudClassification classificator = new SkyCloudClassification(img2process, defaultProperties); classificator.verbosityLevel = 0; classificator.ParentForm = ParentForm; classificator.theLogWindow = currImageLogWindow; classificator.ClassificationMethod = ClassificationMethods.GrIx; classificator.isCalculatingUsingBgWorker = false; // classificator.SelfWorker = currBGWsender as BackgroundWorker; classificator.defaultOutputDataDirectory = (string)defaultProps["DefaultDataFilesLocation"]; classificator.theStdDevMarginValueDefiningSkyCloudSeparation = Convert.ToDouble(defaultProps["GrIxDefaultSkyCloudMarginWithoutSun"]); classificator.sourceImageFileName = currFileInfo.FullName; retRes.imageEdgesDetected = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize() { circle = imgP.imageRD, imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size, }; DenseMatrix dmProcessingData = (DenseMatrix)imgP.eval("grix").Clone(); try { sunRoundData = classificator.DetectSunWithSerieOfArcs(imgP, dmProcessingData); if (!sunRoundData.IsNull) { RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize infoToSave = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize() { circle = sunRoundData, imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size, }; ServiceTools.WriteObjectToXML(infoToSave, sunDiskInfoFileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { retRes.calculationSucceeded = false; retRes.resultMessage = ex.Message; return(retRes); } ServiceTools.FlushMemory(); } if (sunRoundData.IsNull) { throw new Exception(finfo.Name + ": couldn`t detect sun position"); } else { retRes.sunDiskDetectedPosition = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize() { circle = sunRoundData, imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size, }; } RoundData imageDetectedRound = imgP.imageRD.Copy(); retRes.imageEdgesDetected = new RoundDataWithUnderlyingImgSize() { circle = imageDetectedRound, imgSize = LocalProcessingImage.Size, }; try { double dev = retRes.computedAzimuthDeviation; retRes.calculationSucceeded = true; } catch (Exception ex) { retRes.calculationSucceeded = false; retRes.resultMessage = ex.Message; return(retRes); } return(retRes); }
private void btnProcessAccelerationTimeSeries_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((bgwCalculate != null) && (bgwCalculate.IsBusy)) { bgwCalculate.CancelAsync(); return; } //simpleMultipleImagesShow imagesRepresentingForm = new simpleMultipleImagesShow(); //imagesRepresentingForm.Show(); DoWorkEventHandler bgwCalculate_DoWorkHandler = delegate(object currBGWsender, DoWorkEventArgs args) { BackgroundWorker selfWorker = currBGWsender as BackgroundWorker; //simpleMultipleImagesShow multImagesRepresentingForm = (simpleMultipleImagesShow)((args.Argument as object[])[0]); //Type theShowImagesType = multImagesRepresentingForm.GetType(); //MethodInfo thePicturePlacingMethodInfo = theShowImagesType.GetMethod("PlaceAPicture"); int imageRepresentingCounter = 0; DateTime dbgDT = new DateTime(2014, 7, 9, 9, 0, 0); dbgDT = dbgDT.AddMinutes(33); DateTime dtSeriesStart = accSubseries[0].StartTime; double tsOverallSeriesDurationMillisec = (accSubseries[accSubseries.Count - 1].EndTime - accSubseries[0].StartTime).TotalMilliseconds; string strToWrite = " fileName ; lat ; lon ; date ; time ; time(s) since start ; period(s) ; spectrum amplitude"; ServiceTools.logToTextFile(strOutputDirectory + "\\100sData-spectra-maximums.dat", strToWrite + Environment.NewLine, true); foreach (TimeSeries <double> accSubseria in accSubseries) { if (selfWorker.CancellationPending) { break; } int startindex = 0; while (true) { int endIndex; if (selfWorker.CancellationPending) { break; } TimeSeries <double> currTimeSeria = accSubseria.SubSeria(startindex, new TimeSpan(1000000000), out endIndex); //100s currTimeSeria = currTimeSeria.InterpolateSeria(new TimeSpan(500000)); currTimeSeria = currTimeSeria.ExtractDataDeviationValues(); //обработать и оценить наличие выраженных периодов Complex[] sourceSignalArray = currTimeSeria.DataRealValuesComplexArray(); Fourier.Forward(sourceSignalArray); //Transform.FourierForward(sourceSignalArray); List <Complex> FourierTransformedSignal = new List <Complex>(sourceSignalArray); List <double> FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes = FourierTransformedSignal.ConvertAll <double>( cVal => ((double.IsNaN(cVal.Magnitude)) || (double.IsInfinity(cVal.Magnitude))) ? (0.0d) : (cVal.Magnitude)); List <double> FourierTransformedSignalPeriods = new List <double>(); for (int ind = 0; ind < FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes.Count; ind++) { FourierTransformedSignalPeriods.Add(currTimeSeria.TotalSeriaDuration.TotalSeconds / (double)ind); } FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes = new List <double>( FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes.Zip <double, double, double>( FourierTransformedSignalPeriods, (amp, periodSec) => ((double.IsNaN(periodSec)) || (double.IsInfinity(periodSec))) ? (0.0d) : (amp))); FourierTransformedSignalPeriods = FourierTransformedSignalPeriods.ConvertAll <double>( dval => ((double.IsNaN(dval)) || (double.IsInfinity(dval))) ? (0.0d) : (dval)); //проанализируем этот участок - есть ли выраженные пики по амплитуде конкретных частот //найти максимум в спектре и выдать данные об этом максимуме в файл // сначала отфильтруем периоды меньше 1с - для данных по динамике судна они несущественны FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes = new List <double>( FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes.Zip <double, double, double>( FourierTransformedSignalPeriods, (amp, periodSec) => (periodSec <= 1.0d) ? (0.0d) : (amp))); FourierTransformedSignalPeriods = FourierTransformedSignalPeriods.ConvertAll <double>(dVal => (dVal <= 1.0d) ? (0.0d) : (dVal)); DescriptiveStatistics currAmpsStat = new DescriptiveStatistics(FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes); List <double> lAmpsOutstanding = FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes.ConvertAll <double>(dVal => { if (dVal / currAmpsStat.Mean >= 100.0d) { return(dVal); } return(0.0d); }); List <double> lPeriodsOutstanding = new List <double>(FourierTransformedSignalPeriods.Zip <double, double, double>(lAmpsOutstanding, (per, amp) => (amp == 0.0d) ? (0.0d) : (per))); if (lAmpsOutstanding.Sum() > 0.0d) { MultipleScatterAndFunctionsRepresentation renderer = new MultipleScatterAndFunctionsRepresentation(2048, 1536); renderer.dvScatterXSpace.Add(currTimeSeria.TimeStampsValuesSeconds); renderer.dvScatterFuncValues.Add(currTimeSeria.dvDoubleDataValues); renderer.scatterLineColors.Add(new Bgr(255, 50, 50)); renderer.scatterDrawingVariants.Add(SequencesDrawingVariants.polyline); renderer.dvScatterXSpace.Add(DenseVector.OfEnumerable(FourierTransformedSignalPeriods)); renderer.dvScatterFuncValues.Add(DenseVector.OfEnumerable(FourierTransformedSignalAmplitudes)); renderer.scatterLineColors.Add(new Bgr(50, 255, 50)); renderer.scatterDrawingVariants.Add(SequencesDrawingVariants.squares); renderer.dvScatterXSpace.Add(DenseVector.OfEnumerable(lPeriodsOutstanding)); renderer.dvScatterFuncValues.Add(DenseVector.OfEnumerable(lAmpsOutstanding)); renderer.scatterLineColors.Add(new Bgr(50, 50, 255)); renderer.scatterDrawingVariants.Add(SequencesDrawingVariants.circles); renderer.Represent(); if (strOutputDirectory != "") { double maxAmp = lAmpsOutstanding.Max(); int idx = lAmpsOutstanding.FindIndex(dval => dval == maxAmp); double maxAmpPeriod = lPeriodsOutstanding[idx]; GPSdata gpsMark = gpsSeriaData.GetMostClose(currTimeSeria.StartTime).Item2; string fName = currTimeSeria.StartTime.ToString("s").Replace(":", "-") + "-100sData-spectrum.jpg"; renderer.SaveToImage(strOutputDirectory + "\\" + fName, true); strToWrite = "" + fName + " ; "; strToWrite += gpsMark.LatDec + " ; "; strToWrite += gpsMark.LonDec + " ; "; strToWrite += currTimeSeria.StartTime.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " ; "; strToWrite += currTimeSeria.StartTime.ToString("HH-mm-ss") + " ; "; strToWrite += (currTimeSeria.StartTime - dtSeriesStart).TotalSeconds + " ; "; strToWrite += maxAmpPeriod.ToString() + " ; "; strToWrite += maxAmp.ToString() + " ; "; ServiceTools.logToTextFile(strOutputDirectory + "\\100sData-spectra-maximums.dat", strToWrite + Environment.NewLine, true); ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblStatusString, "processing: " + currTimeSeria.StartTime.ToString("s"), false); } } if ((currTimeSeria.StartTime >= dbgDT) || (currTimeSeria.EndTime >= dbgDT)) { startindex++; startindex--; } if (endIndex == accSubseria.Count - 1) { break; } Application.DoEvents(); selfWorker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(100.0d * (currTimeSeria.EndTime - dtSeriesStart).TotalMilliseconds / tsOverallSeriesDurationMillisec)); startindex += Convert.ToInt32((endIndex - startindex) / 2.0d); } } }; RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler bgwCalculate_CompletedHandler = delegate(object currBGWCompletedSender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args) { ThreadSafeOperations.ToggleButtonState(btnProcessAccelerationTimeSeries, true, "Process acceleration timeseries", false); }; ProgressChangedEventHandler bgwCalculate_ProgressChanged = delegate(object bgwDataReaderSender, ProgressChangedEventArgs args) { ThreadSafeOperations.UpdateProgressBar(prbReadingProcessingData, args.ProgressPercentage); }; ThreadSafeOperations.ToggleButtonState(btnProcessAccelerationTimeSeries, true, "STOP", true); bgwCalculate = new BackgroundWorker(); bgwCalculate.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; bgwCalculate.WorkerReportsProgress = true; bgwCalculate.DoWork += bgwCalculate_DoWorkHandler; bgwCalculate.RunWorkerCompleted += bgwCalculate_CompletedHandler; bgwCalculate.ProgressChanged += bgwCalculate_ProgressChanged; //object[] bgwCalculateArgs = new object[] { imagesRepresentingForm }; object[] bgwCalculateArgs = new object[] { }; bgwCalculate.RunWorkerAsync(bgwCalculateArgs); }
private void btnReadData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { strLogFilesDirectory = tbLogFilesPath.Text; if (bgwDataReader != null && bgwDataReader.IsBusy) { bgwDataReader.CancelAsync(); return; } ThreadSafeOperations.ToggleButtonState(btnReadData, true, "CANCEL", true); DoWorkEventHandler currDoWorkHandler = delegate(object currBGWsender, DoWorkEventArgs args) { BackgroundWorker selfworker = currBGWsender as BackgroundWorker; List <double> lTotalDataToAdd = new List <double>(); List <DateTime> lDateTimeList = new List <DateTime>(); DirectoryInfo dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(strLogFilesDirectory); FileInfo[] fInfoArr = dInfo.GetFiles("*AccelerometerDataLog*.nc"); int fInfoCounter = 0; foreach (FileInfo fInfo in fInfoArr) { if (selfworker.CancellationPending) { break; } fInfoCounter++; selfworker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32((double)(fInfoCounter - 1) / (double)fInfoArr.Length)); ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblStatusString, "reading " + fInfo.FullName, false); Dictionary <string, object> dictDataLoaded = NetCDFoperations.ReadDataFromFile(fInfo.FullName); string varNameDateTime = "DateTime"; if (dictDataLoaded.Keys.Contains("DateTime")) { varNameDateTime = "DateTime"; } else if (dictDataLoaded.Keys.Contains("Datetime")) { varNameDateTime = "Datetime"; } List <long> currFileDateTimeLongTicksList = new List <long>((dictDataLoaded[varNameDateTime] as long[])); List <DateTime> currFileDateTimeList = currFileDateTimeLongTicksList.ConvertAll(longVal => new DateTime(longVal)); string varNameAccData = "AccelerometerData"; List <AccelerometerData> lAccData = AccelerometerData.OfDenseMatrix(dictDataLoaded[varNameAccData] as DenseMatrix); List <double> lAccDataToAdd = lAccData.ConvertAll <double>(acc => acc.AccMagnitude); lTotalDataToAdd.AddRange(lAccDataToAdd); lDateTimeList.AddRange(currFileDateTimeList); selfworker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32((double)(fInfoCounter) / (double)fInfoArr.Length)); } accSeriaData.AddSubseriaData(lTotalDataToAdd, lDateTimeList); //теперь обработаем считанные данные ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblStatusString, "basic acceleration data processing...", false); accSubseries = accSeriaData.SplitWithTimeSpanCondition(dt => dt.TotalMilliseconds >= 1200); accSubseries.RemoveAll(theSeria => theSeria.TotalSeriaDuration.TotalSeconds < 100); List <double> listSeriesStats = accSubseries.ConvertAll(timeseria => timeseria.TotalSeriaDuration.TotalSeconds); DescriptiveStatistics stats = new DescriptiveStatistics(listSeriesStats); string strToShow = "Acceleration data start time: " + accSubseries[0].StartTime.ToString("s") + Environment.NewLine; strToShow += "Acceleration data end time: " + accSubseries[accSubseries.Count - 1].EndTime.ToString("s") + Environment.NewLine; strToShow += "total chunks count: " + accSubseries.Count + Environment.NewLine; strToShow += "mean chunk duration: " + stats.Mean.ToString("0.##e-00") + " s" + Environment.NewLine; strToShow += "min chunk duration: " + stats.Minimum.ToString("0.##e-00") + " s" + Environment.NewLine; strToShow += "max chunk duration: " + stats.Maximum.ToString("0.##e-00") + " s" + Environment.NewLine; strToShow += "StdDev of chunk duration: " + stats.StandardDeviation.ToString("0.##e-00") + " s" + Environment.NewLine; ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbReportLog, strToShow, true); List <GPSdata> lTotalGPSDataToAdd = new List <GPSdata>(); List <DateTime> lGPSDateTimeList = new List <DateTime>(); dInfo = new DirectoryInfo(strLogFilesDirectory); fInfoArr = dInfo.GetFiles("*GPSDataLog*.nc"); fInfoCounter = 0; foreach (FileInfo fInfo in fInfoArr) { if (selfworker.CancellationPending) { break; } fInfoCounter++; selfworker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32((double)(fInfoCounter - 1) / (double)fInfoArr.Length)); ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblStatusString, "reading " + fInfo.FullName, false); Dictionary <string, object> dictDataLoaded = NetCDFoperations.ReadDataFromFile(fInfo.FullName); string varNameDateTime = "DateTime"; if (dictDataLoaded.Keys.Contains("DateTime")) { varNameDateTime = "DateTime"; } else if (dictDataLoaded.Keys.Contains("Datetime")) { varNameDateTime = "Datetime"; } List <long> currFileDateTimeLongTicksList = new List <long>((dictDataLoaded[varNameDateTime] as long[])); List <DateTime> currFileDateTimeList = currFileDateTimeLongTicksList.ConvertAll(longVal => new DateTime(longVal)); string varNameGPSData = "GPSdata"; List <GPSdata> lGPSData = GPSdata.OfDenseMatrix(dictDataLoaded[varNameGPSData] as DenseMatrix); //List<double> lGPSDataToAdd = lGPSData.ConvertAll<double>(acc => acc.AccMagnitude); lTotalGPSDataToAdd.AddRange(lGPSData); lGPSDateTimeList.AddRange(currFileDateTimeList); selfworker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32((double)(fInfoCounter) / (double)fInfoArr.Length)); } gpsSeriaData.AddSubseriaData(lTotalGPSDataToAdd, lGPSDateTimeList); //теперь обработаем считанные данные ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblStatusString, "basic GPS data processing...", false); gpsSeriaData.RemoveValues(gpsDatum => (( == 0.0d) && (gpsDatum.lon == 0.0d))); gpsSeriaData.RemoveDuplicatedTimeStamps(); strToShow = Environment.NewLine + "GPS data start time: " + gpsSeriaData.StartTime.ToString("s") + Environment.NewLine; strToShow += "GPS data end time: " + gpsSeriaData.EndTime.ToString("s") + Environment.NewLine; ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbReportLog, strToShow, true); }; RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler currWorkCompletedHandler = delegate(object currBGWCompletedSender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args) { ThreadSafeOperations.ToggleButtonState(btnReadData, true, "Read data", true); }; ProgressChangedEventHandler bgwDataReader_ProgressChanged = delegate(object bgwDataReaderSender, ProgressChangedEventArgs args) { ThreadSafeOperations.UpdateProgressBar(prbReadingProcessingData, args.ProgressPercentage); }; bgwDataReader = new BackgroundWorker(); bgwDataReader.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; bgwDataReader.WorkerReportsProgress = true; bgwDataReader.DoWork += currDoWorkHandler; bgwDataReader.RunWorkerCompleted += currWorkCompletedHandler; bgwDataReader.ProgressChanged += bgwDataReader_ProgressChanged; object[] BGWargs = new object[] { "", "" }; bgwDataReader.RunWorkerAsync(BGWargs); }
private void BgwSnapshotsFilteringWithSunElevation_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker selfWorker = sender as BackgroundWorker; object[] bgwArgs = e.Argument as object[]; string SnapshotsBasePath = bgwArgs[0] as string; string concurrentDataFilesPath = bgwArgs[1] as string; string directoryToMoveFilesTo = bgwArgs[2] as string; DirectoryInfo srcDir = new DirectoryInfo(SnapshotsBasePath); if (!srcDir.Exists) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Операция не выполнена. Не найдена директория:" + Environment.NewLine + SnapshotsBasePath + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "Операция не выполнена. Не найдена директория:" + Environment.NewLine + fromPath + Environment.NewLine, true); return; } List <FileInfo> lFileList2Process = srcDir.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList(); List <FileInfoWithSnapshotDateTime> lSnapshotsInfos = lFileList2Process.ConvertAll(finfo => new FileInfoWithSnapshotDateTime(finfo)); #region read concurrent data from XML files theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "started concurrent data reading"); List <Tuple <string, ConcurrentData> > lImagesConcurrentData = new List <Tuple <string, ConcurrentData> >(); List <string> filesListConcurrentData = new List <string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(concurrentDataFilesPath, ConventionalTransitions.ImageConcurrentDataFilesNamesPattern(), SearchOption.AllDirectories)); int totalFilesCountToRead = filesListConcurrentData.Count; int filesRead = 0; int currProgressPerc = 0; selfWorker.ReportProgress(0); List <Dictionary <string, object> > lDictionariesConcurrentData = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (string strConcDataXMLFile in filesListConcurrentData) { Dictionary <string, object> currDict = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(strConcDataXMLFile); currDict.Add("XMLfileName", Path.GetFileName(strConcDataXMLFile)); lDictionariesConcurrentData.Add(currDict); #region calculate and report progress filesRead++; double progress = 100.0d * (double)filesRead / (double)totalFilesCountToRead; if (progress - (double)currProgressPerc > 1.0d) { currProgressPerc = Convert.ToInt32(progress); selfWorker.ReportProgress(currProgressPerc); } if (selfWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } #endregion calculate and report progress } lDictionariesConcurrentData.RemoveAll(dict => dict == null); List <ConcurrentData> lConcurrentData = lDictionariesConcurrentData.ConvertAll <ConcurrentData>(dict => { ConcurrentData retVal = null; try { retVal = new ConcurrentData(dict); GPSdata gpsOfGPSstring = new GPSdata((string)dict["GPSdata"], GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, retVal.datetimeUTC.Date); if (!gpsOfGPSstring.validGPSdata) { throw new Exception("invalid GPS data"); } } catch (Exception ex) { string strError = "couldn`t parse XML file " + dict["XMLfileName"] + " : " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message; return(null); } if (retVal.gps.validGPSdata) { return(retVal); } else { return(null); } }); lConcurrentData.RemoveAll(val => val == null); // map obtained concurrent data to images by its datetime theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "started concurrent data mapping"); int totalrecordsToMap = lSnapshotsInfos.Count; int recordsMapped = 0; currProgressPerc = 0; selfWorker.ReportProgress(0); foreach (FileInfoWithSnapshotDateTime info in lSnapshotsInfos) { DateTime currImgDT = info.dateTime; ConcurrentData nearestConcurrentData = lConcurrentData.Aggregate((cDt1, cDt2) => { TimeSpan tspan1 = new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((cDt1.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks)); TimeSpan tspan2 = new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((cDt2.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks)); return((tspan1 <= tspan2) ? (cDt1) : (cDt2)); }); if (new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((nearestConcurrentData.datetimeUTC - currImgDT).Ticks)) <= TimeSpanForConcurrentDataMappingTolerance) { info.concurrentData = nearestConcurrentData; } #region calculate and report progress recordsMapped++; double progress = 100.0d * (double)recordsMapped / (double)totalrecordsToMap; if (progress - (double)currProgressPerc > 1.0d) { currProgressPerc = Convert.ToInt32(progress); selfWorker.ReportProgress(currProgressPerc); } if (selfWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } #endregion calculate and report progress } #endregion read concurrent data from XML files List <FileInfo> filesToMove = new List <FileInfo>(); filesToMove.AddRange( lSnapshotsInfos.Where(inf => inf.concurrentData == null).ToList().ConvertAll(inf => inf.finfo)); lSnapshotsInfos.RemoveAll(inf => inf.concurrentData == null); filesToMove.AddRange(lSnapshotsInfos.Where(inf => { GPSdata currGPS = new GPSdata(inf.concurrentData.GPSdata, GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, inf.dateTime.Date); var spa = currGPS.SunZenithAzimuth(); return(spa.ZenithAngle >= 85.0); }).ToList().ConvertAll(inf => inf.finfo)); totalFilesCountToRead = filesToMove.Count; filesRead = 0; currProgressPerc = 0; selfWorker.ReportProgress(0); foreach (FileInfo inf in filesToMove) { #region calculate and report progress filesRead++; double progress = 100.0d * (double)filesRead / (double)totalFilesCountToRead; if (progress - (double)currProgressPerc > 1.0d) { currProgressPerc = Convert.ToInt32(progress); selfWorker.ReportProgress(currProgressPerc); } if (selfWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } #endregion calculate and report progress string strFilenameMoveTo = directoryToMoveFilesTo + ((directoryToMoveFilesTo.Last() == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ? ("") : (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())); string currImgFilenameRelPath = ConventionalTransitions.MakeRelativePath(inf.FullName, SnapshotsBasePath); strFilenameMoveTo += currImgFilenameRelPath; theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "moving " + inf.FullName); if (!ServiceTools.CheckIfDirectoryExists(strFilenameMoveTo)) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Unable to move file " + Environment.NewLine + inf.FullName + Environment.NewLine + "to:" + Environment.NewLine + strFilenameMoveTo + Environment.NewLine + "Directory couldn`t be located or created"); continue; } File.Move(inf.FullName, strFilenameMoveTo); } selfWorker.ReportProgress(0); }
private void bgwCopier_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker SelfWorker = sender as BackgroundWorker; object[] bgwArgs = e.Argument as object[]; string fromPath = bgwArgs[0] as string; string concurrentDataFilesPath = bgwArgs[1] as string; string toPath = bgwArgs[2] as string; string imagesStatsXMLfilesDir = bgwArgs[3] as string; DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(fromPath); String destDirectory = toPath + ((toPath.Last() == Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) ? ("") : (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())); if (!dir.Exists) { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "Операция не выполнена. Не найдена директория:" + Environment.NewLine + fromPath + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "Операция не выполнена. Не найдена директория:" + Environment.NewLine + fromPath + Environment.NewLine, true); return; } FileInfo[] FileList2Process = dir.GetFiles("*.jpg", SearchOption.AllDirectories); List <Tuple <string, string> > imagesStatsXMLfiles = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); if (Directory.Exists(imagesStatsXMLfilesDir)) { imagesStatsXMLfiles = (new DirectoryInfo(imagesStatsXMLfilesDir)).EnumerateFiles( ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsFileNamesPattern(), SearchOption.AllDirectories) .ToList() .ConvertAll(fInfo => new Tuple <string, string>(fInfo.Name, fInfo.FullName)); } DirectoryInfo dirConcurrentDataFiles = new DirectoryInfo(concurrentDataFilesPath); List <Tuple <string, DateTime> > lConcurrentDataFiles = dirConcurrentDataFiles.EnumerateFiles(ConventionalTransitions.ImageConcurrentDataFilesNamesPattern(), SearchOption.AllDirectories).ToList().ConvertAll(fInfo => { // data-2015-12-15T06-12-56.0590302Z.xml string strDateTimeOfFile = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fInfo.Name).Substring(5, 28); strDateTimeOfFile = strDateTimeOfFile.Substring(0, 11) + strDateTimeOfFile.Substring(11).Replace('-', ':'); DateTime currFileDT = DateTime.Parse(strDateTimeOfFile, null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal); currFileDT = DateTime.SpecifyKind(currFileDT, DateTimeKind.Utc); return(new Tuple <string, DateTime>(fInfo.FullName, currFileDT)); }); int filesCount = FileList2Process.Length; theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "searching in directory: " + dir.FullName + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "searching in directory: " + dir.FullName + Environment.NewLine, true); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "files found count: " + filesCount + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "files found count: " + filesCount + Environment.NewLine, true); String usedDateTimes = ""; List <DateTime> listUsedHours = new List <DateTime>(); int counter = 0; foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in FileList2Process) { if (SelfWorker.CancellationPending) { break; } counter++; double percCounter = (double)counter * 1000.0d / (double)filesCount; SelfWorker.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(percCounter)); Image anImage = Image.FromFile(fileInfo.FullName); ImageInfo newIInfo = new ImageInfo(anImage); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "processing file " + fileInfo.Name + Environment.NewLine, true); //String curDateTime = ""; int minute = 0; //String dateTime = (String)newIInfo.getValueByKey("DateTime"); String strDateTimeEXIF = (String)newIInfo.getValueByKey("ExifDTOrig"); if (strDateTimeEXIF == null) { //попробуем вытащить из имени файла string strDateTime = fileInfo.Name; strDateTime = strDateTime.Substring(4, 19); strDateTimeEXIF = strDateTime; } //curDateTime = dateTime; DateTime curImgDateTime; DateTime theHour = RoundToHour(DateTime.UtcNow); try { //curImgDateTime = DateTimeOfString(strDateTimeEXIF); curImgDateTime = ConventionalTransitions.DateTimeOfSkyImageFilename(fileInfo.Name); theHour = RoundToHour(curImgDateTime); } catch (Exception ex) { continue; } //minute = Convert.ToInt32(strDateTimeEXIF.Substring(14, 2)); //if ((minute == 0) && (!listUsedHours.Contains(theHour))) if (new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((theHour - curImgDateTime).Ticks)) <= filterTolerance) { #region copy the image file itself listUsedHours.Add(theHour); string dateDirectorySuffix = curImgDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string currDateDestDirectory = destDirectory + dateDirectorySuffix + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!ServiceTools.CheckIfDirectoryExists(currDateDestDirectory)) { currDateDestDirectory = destDirectory; } String newFileName = currDateDestDirectory + fileInfo.Name; File.Copy(fileInfo.FullName, newFileName); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "COPY: " + fileInfo.FullName + " >>> " + newFileName + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "COPY: " + fileInfo.FullName + " >>> " + newFileName + Environment.NewLine, true); #endregion copy the image file itself #region find and copy the GrIx,YRGB stats data file if (imagesStatsXMLfiles.Any()) { string xmlStatsFileName = ConventionalTransitions.ImageGrIxYRGBstatsDataFileName(fileInfo.FullName, "", false); Tuple <string, string> foundXMLfile = imagesStatsXMLfiles.Find(tpl => tpl.Item1 == xmlStatsFileName); if (foundXMLfile != null) { string sStatsXMLfilename = foundXMLfile.Item2; string newStatsXMLfilename = currDateDestDirectory + foundXMLfile.Item1; File.Copy(sStatsXMLfilename, newStatsXMLfilename); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "COPY: " + sStatsXMLfilename + " >>> " + newStatsXMLfilename + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, // "COPY: " + sStatsXMLfilename + " >>> " + newStatsXMLfilename + Environment.NewLine, // true); } else { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "========== ERROR: couldn`t find GrIx,YRGB stats XML file" + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, // "========== ERROR: couldn`t find GrIx,YRGB stats XML file" + Environment.NewLine, true); } } #endregion find and copy the GrIx,YRGB stats data file #region find and copy concurrent data XML file if (lConcurrentDataFiles.Any()) { //найдем ближайший по времени List <Tuple <string, TimeSpan> > lCurrFileConcurrentDataNearest = lConcurrentDataFiles.ConvertAll( tpl => new Tuple <string, TimeSpan>(tpl.Item1, new TimeSpan(Math.Abs((tpl.Item2 - curImgDateTime).Ticks)))); lCurrFileConcurrentDataNearest.Sort(new Comparison <Tuple <string, TimeSpan> >((tpl1, tpl2) => { if (tpl1 == null) { if (tpl2 == null) { return(0); } else { return(-1); } } else { if (tpl2 == null) { return(1); } else { return(tpl1.Item2.CompareTo(tpl2.Item2)); } } })); GPSdata gps = new GPSdata(); Tuple <string, TimeSpan> nearestConcurrentDataFile = null; int concurrentDataFileIdx = 0; while (!gps.validGPSdata) { nearestConcurrentDataFile = lCurrFileConcurrentDataNearest[concurrentDataFileIdx]; Dictionary <string, object> dictSavedData = ServiceTools.ReadDictionaryFromXML(nearestConcurrentDataFile.Item1); gps = new GPSdata((string)dictSavedData["GPSdata"], GPSdatasources.CloudCamArduinoGPS, DateTime.Parse((string)dictSavedData["GPSDateTimeUTC"], null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind)); concurrentDataFileIdx++; } string currValidConcurrentDataFile = nearestConcurrentDataFile.Item1; string currValidConcurrentDataFileToCopyTo = currDateDestDirectory + "data-" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileInfo.FullName) + ".xml"; File.Copy(currValidConcurrentDataFile, currValidConcurrentDataFileToCopyTo); theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "COPY: " + currValidConcurrentDataFile + " >>> " + currValidConcurrentDataFileToCopyTo + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, // "COPY: " + currValidConcurrentDataFile + " >>> " + currValidConcurrentDataFileToCopyTo + // Environment.NewLine, true); } else { theLogWindow = ServiceTools.LogAText(theLogWindow, "========== ERROR: couldn`t find concurrent data file for " + fileInfo.FullName + Environment.NewLine); //ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "========== ERROR: couldn`t find concurrent data file for " + fileInfo.FullName + Environment.NewLine, true); } #endregion find and copy concurrent data XML file theLogWindow.ClearLog(); } } }