Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// This constructor is used when you're trying to put a wrapper around
 /// an already existing shader object.  You have the context, and you have
 /// the shaderID.  This is enough information to do useful things with 
 /// the shader.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gi"></param>
 /// <param name="shaderID"></param>
 public GLSLShader(GLSLShaderProgram prg, int shaderID)
     fShaderID = shaderID;
     fProgram = prg;
     if (null != prg)
         fGI = prg.GI;
Пример #2
        public GLSLUniformVariable(GLSLShaderProgram program, UniformType uType, int size, string name)
            fShaderProgram = program;
            fName = name;
            fUniformType = uType;
            fSize = size;
            fComponents = GetComponentCountForType(fUniformType);
            fLocation = program.GetUniformLocation(name);

Пример #3
        public DissolveProcessor(GraphicsInterface gi, int width, int height, float noiseScale)
            fGI = gi;

            fWidth = width;
            fHeight = height;
            fNoiseScale = noiseScale;

            // Create the texture objects that will receive the output
            fOutputTexture = new GLTexture2D(GI, width, height, TextureInternalFormat.Rgba, TexturePixelFormat.Bgr, PixelComponentType.Byte, IntPtr.Zero, false);
            // Setup the render target that has 3 color channels for Multi Render Target
            // output in a shader using gl_FragData[n]
            fOutputTarget = new GLRenderTarget(GI);
            fOutputTarget.AttachColorBuffer(fOutputTexture, ColorBufferAttachPoint.Position0);

            // Create the shader program that does the actual separation
            fDissolveShader = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, FixedVert, Dissolve_Frag);
Пример #4
        protected override void OnSetContext()
            fSepiaProgram = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, null, Shaders.ShaderStrings.sepia_fs);

            int numSources = VideoCaptureDevice.GetNumberOfInputDevices();

            if (numSources > 0)
                fVideoTexture1 = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(GI, 0, true);
                fVideoTexture1 = TextureHelper.CreateCheckerboardTexture(GI, 320, 240, 8);

            if (numSources > 1)
                fVideoTexture2 = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(GI, 1, true);
                fVideoTexture2 = TextureHelper.CreateCheckerboardTexture(GI, 320, 240, 16);

            //if (numSources > 2)
            //    fVideoTexture2 = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(GI, 2, true);

            fCheckerboard = new TexturedCheckerboard(new Size(fViewportWidth, fViewportHeight),
                new Size(fHowManySplits, fHowManySplits), fVideoTexture1, fVideoTexture2);

            // Turn off features that we don't need
            // they just slow down video processing
Пример #5
        public YCrCbProcessor(GraphicsInterface gi, int width, int height)
            fGI = gi;

            fWidth = width;
            fHeight = height;

            // Create the texture objects that will receive the output
            fYTexture = new GLTexture2D(GI, width, height, TextureInternalFormat.Luminance, TexturePixelFormat.Luminance, PixelType.Byte, IntPtr.Zero, false);
            fCrTexture = new GLTexture2D(GI, width, height, TextureInternalFormat.Luminance, TexturePixelFormat.Luminance, PixelType.Byte, IntPtr.Zero, false);
            fCbTexture = new GLTexture2D(GI, width, height, TextureInternalFormat.Luminance, TexturePixelFormat.Luminance, PixelType.Byte, IntPtr.Zero, false);

            // Setup the render target that has 3 color channels for Multi Render Target
            // output in a shader using gl_FragData[n]
            fYCrCbTarget = new GLRenderTarget(GI);
            fYCrCbTarget.AttachColorBuffer(fYTexture, ColorBufferAttachPoint.Position0);
            fYCrCbTarget.AttachColorBuffer(fCrTexture, ColorBufferAttachPoint.Position1);
            fYCrCbTarget.AttachColorBuffer(fCbTexture, ColorBufferAttachPoint.Position2);

            // Create the shader program that does the actual separation
            fYCrCbChannelSep = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, FixedVert, YCrCb_Frag);
Пример #6
        protected override void  OnSetContext()
            // When debugging, it's nice to turn on the following check.
            // If you do, whenever there is an error while calling one of the 
            // underlying OpenGL functions, a GLException will be thrown.
            // If this flag is not set, then errors will be silently passed by and
            // rendering will continue.
            //GraphicsInterface.gCheckErrors = true;

            // Enable a couple of features for nice rendering.
            // For this program, Texturing, and DepthTest are essential.
            // The hint for perspective correction is optional
            GI.Hint(HintTarget.PerspectiveCorrectionHint, HintMode.Nicest);

            // Set an overall color buffer background color of Invisible,
            // so when we clear the color buffer, it starts out blank.
            GI.Buffers.ColorBuffer.Color = ColorRGBA.Invisible;

            // Create the offscreen render target
            fRenderTarget = new GLRenderTarget(GI, fOffscreenWidth, fOffscreenHeight);

            // Create the texture object that we will be using to do normal rendering.
            aTexture = TextureHelper.CreateTextureFromFile(GI, "tex.png", false);

            // Create the shader programs using the easy static method that
            // takes vertex and fragment shader strings.
            fFixedPipeline = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, ShaderStrings.FixedVert, ShaderStrings.FixedFrag);
            fImageProcProgram = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, ShaderStrings.FixedVert, ShaderStrings.ConvolutionFrag);

            // This is an alternate method of creating the shader programs.
            // You get absolute control of the individual pieces as they 
            // are created, at the cost of brevity
            //GLSLVertexShader fixedVertexShader = new GLSLVertexShader(GI, ShaderStrings.FixedVert);
            //GLSLFragmentShader fixedFragmentShader = new GLSLFragmentShader(GI, ShaderStrings.FixedFrag);
            //GLSLFragmentShader convolutionFragmentShader = new GLSLFragmentShader(GI, ShaderStrings.ConvolutionFrag);

            //// Create the pipeline shader program
            //fFixedPipeline = new GLSLShaderProgram(GI);

            //// Create the convolution shader program
            //fImageProcProgram = new GLSLShaderProgram(GI);

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Once we have a context, we are able to peform various setup routines
        /// that require us to connect to OpenGL.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnSetContext()
            // find out how many video cameras there are.
            int numSources = VideoCaptureDevice.GetNumberOfInputDevices();

            // If there's more than one, then connect to the one that is
            // at position '0' in the index.  To change which camera to use,
            // simply change the index number.
            if (numSources > 4)
                fVideoTexture = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(GI, 4, true);
            else if (numSources > 0)
                fVideoTexture = VideoTexture.CreateFromDeviceIndex(GI, 0, true);

            // Enable texture support as we'll be using that.
            // Turn off features that we don't need, and they 
            // just slow down video processing

            // Create the FaceMesh that will receive the gray texture so we 
            // can break it up into 8x8 squares
            fFaceSize = new Vector3D(fVideoTexture.Width, fVideoTexture.Height, 0);

            fYCrCbProcessor = new YCrCbProcessor(GI, fVideoTexture.Width, fVideoTexture.Height);

            // Create the shader programs that will perform the colorization so we can see our results.
            //fRedColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.redcolorizer_fs);
            //fGreenColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.greencolorizer_fs);
            //fBlueColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.bluecolorizer_fs);
            fIntensityColorizer = GLSLShaderProgram.CreateUsingVertexAndFragmentStrings(GI, Shaders.ShaderStrings.FixedVert, Shaders.ShaderStrings.graycolorizer_fs);