Пример #1
        public void CreateWithMatchmakerUI(MatchRequest request, IRealTimeMultiplayerListener listener)

            if (mCurrentMatchmakerVC != null)
                Debug.Log("Ignoring CreateWithMatchmakerUI call because another matchmaker UI is being shown.");

            // Create a new GKMatchmakerViewController.
            var vc = InteropObjectFactory <GKMatchmakerViewController> .Create(
                () =>
                using (var gkReq = request.ToGKMatchRequest())
                    return(new GKMatchmakerViewController(gkReq));
                viewController =>

            // Create a delgate for the vc.
            vc.MatchmakerDelegate = new InternalGKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegateImpl(this, listener);

            // Store the VC ref.
            mCurrentMatchmakerVC = vc;

            // Now show the VC.
            using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                unityVC.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Brings up the match making interface to start a real-time match with other players.
        /// Raises MatchMakerFoundMatch, MatchMakerCancelled, and MatchMakerFailed events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">The minimum nubmer of players that can join a match; between 2 and 4 inclusively.</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">The maximum number of players that can join a match; between 2 and 4 inclusively.</param>
        /// <param name="playerGroup">The group this player belongs to such as skill level; Game Center will match players with the same playerGroup.</param>
        /// <param name="playerAttributes">The attributes of this player such as white or black pieces in chest; Game Center will try to match players so that all bits of this attribute are filled by all players of a game.</param>
        /// <param name="playersToInvite">An array of Player instances; this is passed in from the PlayersInvited event.</param>
        public static void StartMatch(uint minPlayers, uint maxPlayers, uint playerGroup = 0, uint playerAttributes = 0, Player[] playersToInvite = null)
            if ((minPlayers < 2) || (minPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < 2) || (maxPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < minPlayers))
                throw new U3DXTException("minPlayers and maxPlayers must be between 2 and 4.");

            _currentMatch = null;

            // create request
            var request = new GKMatchRequest();

            request.minPlayers       = minPlayers;
            request.maxPlayers       = maxPlayers;
            request.playerGroup      = playerGroup;
            request.playerAttributes = playerAttributes;
            if (playersToInvite != null)
                request.playersToInvite = Player.PlayersToIDs(playersToInvite);

            // create view controller
            var mmvc = new GKMatchmakerViewController(request);

            // set delegate
            mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = MatchmakerViewControllerDelegate.instance;

            // show it
            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.PresentViewController(mmvc, true, null);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the iOS matchmaker to the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note this is not overloaded in derived classes on purpose.  This is
        /// only a reason this exists is for caching effects.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">Minimum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">Maximum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="playersToInvite">Players to invite</param>
        public static void ShowMatchMaker(int minPlayers, int maxPlayers, string[] playersToInvite)

            if ((Gamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0) && (Gamer.SignedInGamers[0].IsSignedInToLive))
                var matchmakerViewController = new GKMatchmakerViewController(new GKMatchRequest());

                matchmakerViewController.DidFailWithError += delegate(object sender, GKErrorEventArgs e)

                matchmakerViewController.DidFindMatch += delegate(object sender, GKMatchEventArgs e)
                    Guide.Match = e.Match;

                matchmakerViewController.DidFindPlayers += delegate(object sender, GKPlayersEventArgs e)

                matchmakerViewController.WasCancelled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)

                matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MinPlayers      = minPlayers;
                matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MaxPlayers      = maxPlayers;
                matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.PlayersToInvite = playersToInvite;

Пример #4
            public override void MatchmakerViewControllerWasCancelled(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController)
                // Close the VC.
                if (viewController != null)
                    viewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the iOS matchmaker to the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note this is not overloaded in derived classes on purpose.  This is
        /// only a reason this exists is for caching effects.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">Minimum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">Maximum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="playersToInvite">Players to invite/param>
        public static void ShowMatchMaker(int minPlayers, int maxPlayers, string[] playersToInvite)

            if ((Gamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0) && (Gamer.SignedInGamers[0].IsSignedInToLive))
                // Lazy load it
                if (matchmakerViewController == null)
                    matchmakerViewController = new GKMatchmakerViewController(new GKMatchRequest());

                if (matchmakerViewController != null)
                    matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MinPlayers      = minPlayers;
                    matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MaxPlayers      = maxPlayers;
                    matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.PlayersToInvite = playersToInvite;

                    matchmakerViewController.DidFailWithError += delegate(object sender, GKErrorEventArgs e) {
                        IsVisible = false;
                        TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = prevGestures;

                    matchmakerViewController.DidFindMatch += delegate(object sender, GKMatchEventArgs e) {
                        Guide.Match = e.Match;

                    matchmakerViewController.DidFindPlayers += delegate(object sender, GKPlayersEventArgs e) {

                    matchmakerViewController.WasCancelled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                        IsVisible = false;
                        TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = prevGestures;

                    if (_window != null)
                        if (viewController == null)
                            viewController = new GuideViewController(_gameViewController);
                            viewController.View.Hidden = true;

                        prevGestures = TouchPanel.EnabledGestures;
                        TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.None;
                        viewController.PresentModalViewController(matchmakerViewController, true);
                        IsVisible = true;
Пример #6
        public void AcceptInvitation(Invitation invitation, bool showWaitingRoomUI, IRealTimeMultiplayerListener listener)

            if (showWaitingRoomUI)
                // Close the current matchmakerVC if any.
                if (mCurrentMatchmakerVC != null)
                    mCurrentMatchmakerVC.DismissViewController(true, null);
                    mCurrentMatchmakerVC = null;

                // Create a new GKMatchmakerViewController from the invitation.
                var vc = InteropObjectFactory <GKMatchmakerViewController> .Create(
                    () => new GKMatchmakerViewController(invitation.GK_Invite),
                    viewController => viewController.ToPointer()

                // Create a delgate for the vc.
                vc.MatchmakerDelegate = new InternalGKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegateImpl(this, listener);

                // Store the VC ref.
                mCurrentMatchmakerVC = vc;

                // Now show the VC.
                using (var unityVC = UIViewController.UnityGetGLViewController())
                    unityVC.PresentViewController(vc, true, null);
                // Create a GKMatch from the invitation without any UI.
                GKMatchmaker.SharedMatchmaker().MatchForInvite(invitation.GK_Invite, (gkMatch, nsError) =>
                    // If new match is created successfully, store it and the given listener.
                    if (gkMatch != null)
                        SetupCurrentMatchAndListener(gkMatch, listener);

                    RuntimeHelper.RunOnMainThread(() =>
                        ReportRoomSetupProgress(listener, gkMatch, nsError);
Пример #7
        public static void ShowMatchMaker()
            if ((Gamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0) && (Gamer.SignedInGamers[0].IsSignedInToLive))
                // Lazy load it
                if (matchmakerViewController == null)
                    matchmakerViewController = new GKMatchmakerViewController();

                if (matchmakerViewController != null)
                    matchmakerViewController.DidFailWithError += delegate(object sender, GKErrorEventArgs e) {
                        isVisible = false;
                        TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = prevGestures;

                    matchmakerViewController.DidFindMatch += delegate(object sender, GKMatchEventArgs e) {

                    matchmakerViewController.DidFindPlayers += delegate(object sender, GKPlayersEventArgs e) {

                    matchmakerViewController.WasCancelled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                        isVisible = false;
                        TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = prevGestures;

                    if (Window != null)
                        if (viewController == null)
                            viewController = new GameVc();
                            viewController.View.Hidden = true;

                        prevGestures = TouchPanel.EnabledGestures;
                        TouchPanel.EnabledGestures = GestureType.None;
                        viewController.PresentModalViewController(matchmakerViewController, true);
                        isVisible = true;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Brings up the Game Center match maker interface to add players to the game after some players have disconnected.
        /// Use the same params as when you called RealTimeMatchesController.StartMatch().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">Minimum players.</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">Max players.</param>
        /// <param name="playerGroup">Player group.</param>
        /// <param name="playerAttributes">Player attributes.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="RealTimeMatchesController.StartMatch()"/>
        public void AddPlayers(uint minPlayers, uint maxPlayers, uint playerGroup = 0, uint playerAttributes = 0)
            if ((minPlayers < 2) || (minPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < 2) || (maxPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < minPlayers))
                throw new U3DXTException("minPlayers and maxPlayers must be between 2 and 4.");

            var request = new GKMatchRequest();

            request.minPlayers       = minPlayers;
            request.maxPlayers       = maxPlayers;
            request.playerGroup      = playerGroup;
            request.playerAttributes = playerAttributes;

            var mmvc = new GKMatchmakerViewController(request);

            mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = MatchmakerViewControllerDelegate.instance;

            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.PresentViewController(mmvc, true, null);
        internal static void _MatchInviteHandler(GKInvite acceptedInvite, object[] playersToInvite)
            if (acceptedInvite != null)
                // show new view controller
                var mmvc = new GKMatchmakerViewController(acceptedInvite);
                mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = MatchmakerViewControllerDelegate.instance;

                UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.PresentViewController(mmvc, true, null);

                // load players and dispatch event
                Player.LoadPlayersByIDs(new string[] { acceptedInvite.inviter }, delegate(Player[] players) {
                    if (players.Length > 0)
                        if (_inviteAcceptedHandlers != null)
                            _inviteAcceptedHandlers(null, new InviteAcceptedEventArgs(players[0], acceptedInvite.playerGroup, acceptedInvite.playerAttributes));

                    acceptedInvite = null;

                mmvc = null;
            else if (playersToInvite != null)
                // load players and dispatch event
                Player.LoadPlayersByIDs(playersToInvite.Cast <string>().ToArray(), delegate(Player[] players) {
                    if (players.Length > 0)
                        if (_playersInvitedHandlers != null)
                            _playersInvitedHandlers(null, new PlayersInvitedEventArgs(players));
Пример #10
            public override void MatchmakerViewControllerDidFindMatch(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, GKMatch match)
                // Automatically close the VC.
                if (viewController != null)
                    viewController.DismissViewController(true, null);


                if (match == null)  // should never happen

                // Set the newly created match as the current one.
                mClient.SetupCurrentMatchAndListener(match, mListener);

                // Report room setup completed.
                RuntimeHelper.RunOnMainThread(() =>
                    ReportRoomSetupProgress(mListener, match, null);
        public override void WasCancelled(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController)
            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

Пример #12
 public virtual void MatchmakerViewControllerDidFindHostedPlayers(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, NSArray <GKPlayer> players)
        public override void DidFail(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, NSError error)
            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

Пример #14
 public virtual void MatchmakerViewControllerWasCancelled(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController)
        public override void DidFail(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, NSError error)
            UIApplication.SharedApplication().keyWindow.rootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

        public override void WasCancelled(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController)
            UIApplication.SharedApplication().keyWindow.rootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

Пример #17
 public virtual void MatchmakerViewControllerDidFailWithError(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, NSError error)
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the iOS matchmaker to the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note this is not overloaded in derived classes on purpose.  This is
        /// only a reason this exists is for caching effects.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">Minimum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">Maximum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="playersToInvite">Players to invite</param>
        public static void ShowMatchMaker(int minPlayers, int maxPlayers, string[] playersToInvite)

            if ((Gamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0) && (Gamer.SignedInGamers[0].IsSignedInToLive))
                var matchmakerViewController = new GKMatchmakerViewController(new GKMatchRequest());

                matchmakerViewController.DidFailWithError += delegate(object sender, GKErrorEventArgs e)

                matchmakerViewController.DidFindMatch += delegate(object sender, GKMatchEventArgs e)
                    Guide.Match = e.Match;

                matchmakerViewController.DidFindPlayers += delegate(object sender, GKPlayersEventArgs e)


                matchmakerViewController.WasCancelled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)

                matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MinPlayers = minPlayers;
                matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MaxPlayers = maxPlayers;
                matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.PlayersToInvite = playersToInvite;

Пример #19
 public virtual void MatchmakerViewControllerHostedPlayerDidAccept(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, GKPlayer player)
Пример #20
 public virtual void MatchmakerViewControllerDidFindMatch(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, GKMatch match)
Пример #21
 private void ResetCurrentMatchmakerVC()
     mCurrentMatchmakerVC = null;
        public override void WasCancelled(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController)
            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

Пример #23
        public static void ShowMatchMaker()
            if ( ( Gamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0 ) && ( Gamer.SignedInGamers[0].IsSignedInToLive ) )
                // Lazy load it
                if ( matchmakerViewController == null )
                    matchmakerViewController = new GKMatchmakerViewController();

                if (matchmakerViewController != null)
                    matchmakerViewController.DidFailWithError += delegate(object sender, GKErrorEventArgs e) {
                        isVisible = false;

                    matchmakerViewController.DidFindMatch += delegate(object sender, GKMatchEventArgs e) {


                    matchmakerViewController.DidFindPlayers += delegate(object sender, GKPlayersEventArgs e) {


                    matchmakerViewController.WasCancelled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                        isVisible = false;

                    if (Window !=null)
                        if(viewController == null)
                            viewController = new GameVc();
                            viewController.View.Hidden = true;

                        viewController.PresentModalViewController(matchmakerViewController, true);
                        isVisible = true;
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Brings up the Game Center match maker interface to add players to the game after some players have disconnected.
        /// Use the same params as when you called RealTimeMatchesController.StartMatch().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">Minimum players.</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">Max players.</param>
        /// <param name="playerGroup">Player group.</param>
        /// <param name="playerAttributes">Player attributes.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="RealTimeMatchesController.StartMatch()"/>
        public void AddPlayers(uint minPlayers, uint maxPlayers, uint playerGroup = 0, uint playerAttributes = 0)
            if ((minPlayers < 2) || (minPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < 2) || (maxPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < minPlayers))
                throw new U3DXTException("minPlayers and maxPlayers must be between 2 and 4.");

            var request = new GKMatchRequest();
            request.minPlayers = minPlayers;
            request.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
            request.playerGroup = playerGroup;
            request.playerAttributes = playerAttributes;

            var mmvc = new GKMatchmakerViewController(request);
            mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = MatchmakerViewControllerDelegate.instance;

            UIApplication.SharedApplication().keyWindow.rootViewController.PresentViewController(mmvc, true, null);
        public override void DidFindMatch(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, GKMatch match)
            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

Пример #26
 public override void MatchmakerViewControllerDidFailWithError(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, NSError error)
     Debug.Log("MatchmakerViewControllerDidFailWithError: " + (error != null ? error.LocalizedDescription : "null"));
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Brings up the match making interface to start a real-time match with other players.
        /// Raises MatchMakerFoundMatch, MatchMakerCancelled, and MatchMakerFailed events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">The minimum nubmer of players that can join a match; between 2 and 4 inclusively.</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">The maximum number of players that can join a match; between 2 and 4 inclusively.</param>
        /// <param name="playerGroup">The group this player belongs to such as skill level; Game Center will match players with the same playerGroup.</param>
        /// <param name="playerAttributes">The attributes of this player such as white or black pieces in chest; Game Center will try to match players so that all bits of this attribute are filled by all players of a game.</param>
        /// <param name="playersToInvite">An array of Player instances; this is passed in from the PlayersInvited event.</param>
        public static void StartMatch(uint minPlayers, uint maxPlayers, uint playerGroup = 0, uint playerAttributes = 0, Player[] playersToInvite = null)
            if ((minPlayers < 2) || (minPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < 2) || (maxPlayers > 4) || (maxPlayers < minPlayers))
                throw new U3DXTException("minPlayers and maxPlayers must be between 2 and 4.");

            _currentMatch = null;

            // create request
            var request = new GKMatchRequest();
            request.minPlayers = minPlayers;
            request.maxPlayers = maxPlayers;
            request.playerGroup = playerGroup;
            request.playerAttributes = playerAttributes;
            if (playersToInvite != null)
                request.playersToInvite = Player.PlayersToIDs(playersToInvite);

            // create view controller
            var mmvc = new GKMatchmakerViewController(request);

            // set delegate
            mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = MatchmakerViewControllerDelegate.instance;

            // show it
            UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.PresentViewController(mmvc, true, null);
        public override void DidFindMatch(GKMatchmakerViewController viewController, GKMatch match)
            UIApplication.SharedApplication().keyWindow.rootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Displays the iOS matchmaker to the player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Note this is not overloaded in derived classes on purpose.  This is
        /// only a reason this exists is for caching effects.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="minPlayers">Minimum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="maxPlayers">Maximum players to find</param>
        /// <param name="playersToInvite">Players to invite/param>
        public static void ShowMatchMaker(int minPlayers, int maxPlayers, string[] playersToInvite)
			AssertInitialised ();

			if ( ( Gamer.SignedInGamers.Count > 0 ) && ( Gamer.SignedInGamers[0].IsSignedInToLive ) )
				// Lazy load it
				if ( matchmakerViewController == null )
					matchmakerViewController = new GKMatchmakerViewController(new GKMatchRequest());

			    if (matchmakerViewController != null)		
                    matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MinPlayers = minPlayers;
                    matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.MaxPlayers = maxPlayers;
                    matchmakerViewController.MatchRequest.PlayersToInvite = playersToInvite;

					matchmakerViewController.DidFailWithError += delegate(object sender, GKErrorEventArgs e) {
						IsVisible = false;
					matchmakerViewController.DidFindMatch += delegate(object sender, GKMatchEventArgs e) {
                        Guide.Match = e.Match;
					matchmakerViewController.DidFindPlayers += delegate(object sender, GKPlayersEventArgs e) {
					matchmakerViewController.WasCancelled += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
						IsVisible = false;

					if (_window != null)
						if(viewController == null)
                            viewController = new GuideViewController(_gameViewController);
							viewController.View.Hidden = true;

						viewController.PresentModalViewController(matchmakerViewController, true);						
						IsVisible = true;
Пример #30
        internal static void _MatchInviteHandler(GKInvite acceptedInvite, object[] playersToInvite)
            if (acceptedInvite != null)
                // show new view controller
                var mmvc = new GKMatchmakerViewController(acceptedInvite);
                mmvc.matchmakerDelegate = MatchmakerViewControllerDelegate.instance;

                UIApplication.deviceRootViewController.PresentViewController(mmvc, true, null);

                // load players and dispatch event
                Player.LoadPlayersByIDs(new string[] {acceptedInvite.inviter}, delegate(Player[] players) {
                    if (players.Length > 0) {
                        if (_inviteAcceptedHandlers != null)
                            _inviteAcceptedHandlers(null, new InviteAcceptedEventArgs(players[0], acceptedInvite.playerGroup, acceptedInvite.playerAttributes));

                    acceptedInvite = null;

                mmvc = null;
            else if (playersToInvite != null)
                // load players and dispatch event
                Player.LoadPlayersByIDs(playersToInvite.Cast<string>().ToArray(), delegate(Player[] players) {
                    if (players.Length > 0) {
                        if (_playersInvitedHandlers != null)
                            _playersInvitedHandlers(null, new PlayersInvitedEventArgs(players));