protected override DriverResult Editor(GITSettingsPart part, IUpdateModel updater, dynamic shapeHelper) { var previousPassword = part.Password; updater.TryUpdateModel(part, Prefix, null, null); // check whether the form is posted or not IsRenderedModel temp = new IsRenderedModel(); updater.TryUpdateModel(temp, Prefix, null, null); if (!temp.IsRendered) { return(null); } if (!part.IsValid()) { return(null); } part.Server = part.Server.Trim(); var record = this.svnServerRepository.Table.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Server == part.Server); if (record == null) { record = new GITServerRecord { Server = part.Server, LastRevision = part.LastRevision, FromDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; this.svnServerRepository.Create(record); } else { record.LastRevision = part.LastRevision; } part.LastSuccessfullConnectionTime = null; part.LatestError = string.Empty; part.LatestErrorTime = null; return(ContentShape("Parts_GITSettings_Edit", () => { // restore password if the input is empty, meaning it has not been reseted if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.Password)) { part.Password = previousPassword; } return shapeHelper.EditorTemplate(TemplateName: TemplateName, Model: part, Prefix: Prefix); }) .OnGroup("GIT Client")); }
public void Process(ScheduledTaskContext context) { if (context.Task.TaskType == TaskType) { var settings = this.orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentSite.As <GITSettingsPart>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Server)) { return; } try { this.transactionManager.Demand(); var gitPath = this.appDataFolder.Combine("Sites", shellSettings.Name, "GIT"); if (!this.appDataFolder.DirectoryExists(gitPath)) { this.appDataFolder.CreateDirectory(gitPath); } var serverRecord = this.svnServerRepository.Table.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Server == settings.Server); var path = Path.Combine(gitPath, settings.LocalFolder); var mappedPath = this.appDataFolder.MapPath(path); Repository repo = null; if (serverRecord == null) { if (this.appDataFolder.DirectoryExists(path)) { Directory.Delete(mappedPath, true); } this.appDataFolder.CreateDirectory(path); // var destination = Repository.Init(mappedPath); CloneOptions options = new CloneOptions(); options.CredentialsProvider = new LibGit2Sharp.Handlers.CredentialsHandler( (url, usernameFromUrl, types) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials() { Username = settings.Username, Password = settings.Password }); Repository.Clone(settings.Server, mappedPath, options); repo = new Repository(mappedPath); serverRecord = new GITServerRecord { Server = settings.Server, LastRevision = settings.LastRevision, FromDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; this.svnServerRepository.Create(serverRecord); this.svnServerRepository.Flush(); } repo = repo ?? new Repository(mappedPath); var branches = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Branches) ? settings.Branches.Split(',') : new[] { "master" }; branches = branches.Select(c => c.Trim()).Where(c => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c)).ToArray(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Password) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Username)) { repo.Network.Fetch("origin", branches.Select(c => c + ":" + c)); } else { FetchOptions options = new FetchOptions(); options.CredentialsProvider = new LibGit2Sharp.Handlers.CredentialsHandler( (url, usernameFromUrl, types) => new UsernamePasswordCredentials() { Username = settings.Username, Password = settings.Password }); repo.Network.Fetch("origin", branches.Select(c => c + ":" + c), options); } var branchRecords = this.gitServerBranchRepository.Table.Where(c => c.ServerRecord.Id == serverRecord.Id).ToList(); foreach (var branchName in branches) { var branch = repo.Branches.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FriendlyName == branchName); if (branch == null) { continue; } var branchRecord = branchRecords.FirstOrDefault(c => c.BranchName == branchName); if (branchRecord == null) { branchRecord = new GITServerBranchRecord { BranchName = branchName, ServerRecord = serverRecord, LastUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow }; this.gitServerBranchRepository.Create(branchRecord); this.gitServerBranchRepository.Flush(); } var commits = branch.Commits.ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchRecord.Sha)) { var commit = commits.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Sha == branchRecord.Sha); if (commit != null) { int index = commits.IndexOf(commit); commits = commits.Skip(index + 1).ToList(); } } foreach (var commit in commits) { RaiseWorkflow(branchRecord, commit); } } var settingContentItem = this.orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(settings.Id); var gitSettingPart = settingContentItem.As <GITSettingsPart>(); gitSettingPart.LastSuccessfullConnectionTime = DateTime.UtcNow; gitSettingPart.LatestError = null; gitSettingPart.LatestErrorTime = null; this.transactionManager.Demand(); } catch (Exception e) { this.transactionManager.Cancel(); this.Logger.Error(e, e.Message); // We need a new transaction for storing the data this.transactionManager.RequireNew(); settings.LatestError = e.Message; settings.LatestErrorTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var settingContentItem = this.orchardServices.ContentManager.Get(settings.Id); var gitSettingPart = settingContentItem.As <GITSettingsPart>(); gitSettingPart.LatestError = e.Message; gitSettingPart.LatestErrorTime = settings.LatestErrorTime; this.transactionManager.Demand(); } finally { DateTime nextTaskDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(PeriodInMinutes); this.ScheduleNextTask(nextTaskDate); } } }