private void Iterate()
            int i = 1;

            foreach (List <double> sample in MyComponent.DesignMap)
                GHUtilities.ChangeSliders(MyComponent.SlidersList, sample);

                // If we're taking screen shots, this happens here.

                if (MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.SaveScreenshot || MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.Both)
                    MyComponent.ImagesWritten = "Yes";

            // If we're saving a CSV, this happens here.
            if (MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.SaveCSV || MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.Both)
                WriteOutputToFile(MyComponent.AssembleDMO(MyComponent.DesignMap, MyComponent.ObjValues), MyComponent.CSVDir, MyComponent.CSVFilename, ".csv");
                MyComponent.DataWritten = "Yes";
        private void Iterate()
            int i = 1;

            MyComponent.Index = i;

            foreach (List <double> sample in MyComponent.DesignMap)
                GHUtilities.ChangeSliders(MyComponent.SlidersList, sample);

                MyComponent.Index = i;
                // If we're taking screen shots, this happens here.

                if (MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.SaveScreenshot || MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.Both)
                    if (MyComponent.SSDir == "None")
                        throw new Exception("No screenshot directory given! Please add valid directory");

                    MyComponent.ImagesWritten = "Yes";

                // Write intermediate Screenshots
                if (MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.SaveCSV || MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.Both)
                    if (MyComponent.SaveFreq > 0)
                        if (i % MyComponent.SaveFreq == 0)
                            WriteProgressToFile(MyComponent.AssembleDMO(MyComponent.DesignMap, MyComponent.ObjValues), MyComponent.CSVDir, MyComponent.CSVFilename, ".csv", i);
                            int Last = i - MyComponent.SaveFreq;
                            System.IO.File.Delete(MyComponent.CSVDir + MyComponent.CSVFilename + "_progress_" + Last.ToString() + ".csv");


            // If we're saving a CSV, this happens here.
            if (MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.SaveCSV || MyComponent.Mode == CaptureComponent.CaptureMode.Both)
                WriteOutputToFile(MyComponent.AssembleDMO(MyComponent.DesignMap, MyComponent.ObjValues), MyComponent.CSVDir, MyComponent.CSVFilename, ".csv");
                MyComponent.DataWritten = "Yes";

                if (MyComponent.CSVDir == "None")
                    throw new Exception("No CSV directory given! Please add valid directory");
        private void Iterate()
            int i = 1;

            foreach (List <double> sample in this.DesignMapEffects)
                GHUtilities.ChangeSliders(MyComponent.SlidersList, sample);

        private void Iterate()
            int i = 1;

            foreach (List <double> sample in this.DesignMapEffects)
                GHUtilities.ChangeSliders(MyComponent.SlidersList, sample);

                // If we're taking screen shots, this happens here.

        private void Iterate()
            int i = 1;

            foreach (List <double> sample in this.DesignMapStepperCombined)
                GHUtilities.ChangeSliders(MyComponent.SlidersList, sample);

                // Reset last slider
                if (i == this.DesignMapStepperCombined.Count)

        public override Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_ObjectResponse RespondToMouseDoubleClick(Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_Canvas sender, Grasshopper.GUI.GH_CanvasMouseEvent e)
            if (MyComponent.Seed != 0)
                MyComponent.MyRand = new Random(MyComponent.Seed);
            }                                                                                 // reset Random to give same result each time.

            if (MyComponent.Dir != "None")

                GHUtilities.WriteOutputToFile(MyComponent.Output, MyComponent.Dir, MyComponent.Filename, ".csv");
                MyComponent.FilesWritten = "Yes";
            return(base.RespondToMouseDoubleClick(sender, e));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // First, we need to retrieve all data from the input parameters.
            // We'll start by declaring variables and assigning them starting values.

            // Then we need to access the input parameters individually.
            // When data cannot be extracted from required parameters, abort this method
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref NSamples))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref Scheme))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref Seed))
            // if (!DA.GetData(4, ref Filename)) return;
            // if (!DA.GetData(5, ref Dir)) return;
            DA.GetData(4, ref Filename);
            DA.GetData(5, ref Dir);

            // Make sure there is backslash on directory
            char last = Dir[Dir.Length - 1];

            if (!last.Equals('\\') && Dir != "None")
                Dir = @Dir + @"\";

            // We should now validate the data and warn the user if invalid data is supplied.

            DA.SetDataTree(0, GHUtilities.ListOfListsToTree <double>(this.Output));

            DA.SetData(1, FilesWritten);
 public override Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_ObjectResponse RespondToMouseDoubleClick(Grasshopper.GUI.Canvas.GH_Canvas sender, Grasshopper.GUI.GH_CanvasMouseEvent e)
     GHUtilities.ChangeSliders(MyComponent.SlidersList, MyComponent.DesignMap[MyComponent.Index]);
     return(base.RespondToMouseDoubleClick(sender, e));