Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Unlock a specific door within an SRim file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paths">KPaths object for this game.</param>
        /// <param name="area">Name of the SRim file to modify.</param>
        /// <param name="label">Label of the door to unlock.</param>
        private static void UnlockDoorInFile(KPaths paths, string area, string label)
            var areaFiles = paths.FilesInModules.Where(fi => fi.Name.Contains(LookupTable[area]));

            foreach (FileInfo fi in areaFiles)
                // Skip any files that don't end in "s.rim".
                if (fi.Name[fi.Name.Length - 5] != 's')

                RIM       r  = new RIM(fi.FullName);  // Open what replaced this area.
                RIM.rFile rf = r.File_Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == label);
                GFF       g  = new GFF(rf.File_Data); // Grab the door out of the file.

                // Set fields related to opening and unlocking.
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "KeyRequired") as GFF.BYTE).Value = 0;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "Locked") as GFF.BYTE).Value      = 0;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "OpenLockDC") as GFF.BYTE).Value  = 0;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "Plot") as GFF.BYTE).Value        = 0;

                // Set fields related to bashing open.
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "Hardness") as GFF.BYTE).Value   = 0;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "HP") as GFF.SHORT).Value        = 1;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "CurrentHP") as GFF.SHORT).Value = 1;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "Min1HP") as GFF.BYTE).Value     = 0;

                // Write change(s) to file.
                rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();
Пример #2
        public void MeshLoads()
            String meshERFPath = "E:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\dragon age origins\\packages\\core\\data\\modelmeshdata.erf";

            ERF meshes = new ERF(meshERFPath);

            Assert.Greater(meshes.resourceCount, 0);
            int failures = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < meshes.resourceCount; i++)
                GFF temp = IO.findFile <GFF>(meshes.resourceNames[i]);
                Assert.NotNull(temp, "Not found: |" + meshes.resourceNames[i] + "|" + i);
                if (Path.GetExtension(meshes.resourceNames[i]) == ".msh")
                        ModelMesh tempH = new ModelMesh(temp);
                    catch (Exception)
            Assert.AreEqual(0, failures);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update warp coordinates that are in bad locations by default.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paths">KPaths object for this game.</param>
        private static void FixWarpCoordinates(KPaths paths)
            // Create a lookup for modules needing coordinate fix with their newly shuffled FileInfos.
            var shuffleFileLookup = new Dictionary <string, FileInfo>();

            foreach (var key in Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES.Keys)
                shuffleFileLookup.Add(key, paths.FilesInModules.FirstOrDefault(fi => fi.Name.Contains(LookupTable[key])));

            foreach (var kvp in shuffleFileLookup)
                // Set up objects.
                RIM       r  = new RIM(kvp.Value.FullName);
                RIM.rFile rf = r.File_Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TypeID == (int)ResourceType.IFO);

                GFF g = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                // Update coordinate data.
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == Properties.Resources.ModuleEntryX) as GFF.FLOAT).Value = Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES[kvp.Key].Item1;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == Properties.Resources.ModuleEntryY) as GFF.FLOAT).Value = Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES[kvp.Key].Item2;
                (g.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == Properties.Resources.ModuleEntryZ) as GFF.FLOAT).Value = Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES[kvp.Key].Item3;

                // Write updated data to RIM file.
                rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();
Пример #4
        //Processes the next job
        private void proccessJobs()
            while (jobs.Count > 0)
                String currentJob = jobs.Dequeue();

                Settings.stream.WriteLine("Starting next job ({0}):", currentJob);

                String extention = Path.GetExtension(currentJob);
                if (extention == ".gff" || extention == ".msh" || extention == ".mmh" || extention == ".tmsh")
                    GFF file = ResourceManager.findFile <GFF>(currentJob);
                    if (file != null)
                        Settings.stream.WriteLine("This is a GFF file, printing struct definitions:");
                        Settings.stream.WriteLine("Couldn't find {0}, skipping this job.", currentJob);
                    //Run lightmapping!
                        Scene currentScene;
                        Settings.stream.WriteText("Loading . . . ");
                        Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        switch (Path.GetExtension(currentJob))
                        case ".xml": currentScene = new XMLScene(currentJob); break;

                        case ".lvl": currentScene = new LevelScene(currentJob); break;

                        default: throw new LightmappingAbortedException("The scene \"" + currentJob + "\" is not a valid file format. Valid file formats are .xml and .lvl.");
                        Settings.stream.WriteLine("Done ({0}ms)", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                        List <LightMap> maps = Lightmapper.runLightmaps(currentScene.lightmapModels, currentScene.lights);

                    catch (LightmappingAbortedException e)
                        Settings.stream.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message);
            Settings.stream.WriteLine("Finished all jobs.");

Пример #5
 public void SettingsERFNotNull()
     foreach (ERF e in Settings.erfFiles)
         for (int i = 0; i < e.resourceCount; i++)
             GFF temp = IO.findFile <GFF>(e.resourceNames[i]);
        //Returns a string describing the struct definitions of the GFF file
        public static String getGFFLayout(GFF file)
            StringBuilder layout = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < file.structs.Length; i++)
                layout.AppendFormat("{0}. {1}{2}", i, file.structs[i].definition.ToString(), Environment.NewLine);
                for (int j = 0; j < file.structs[i].fields.Length; j++)
                    layout.AppendFormat("\t{0}. {1}{2}", j, file.structs[i].fields[j].ToString(), Environment.NewLine);

        private void readScene(String path)
            BinaryReader sceneReader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(path + "\\job_scene.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read));
            String       sceneXML    = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(sceneReader.ReadBytes((int)sceneReader.BaseStream.Length));


            XmlDocument sceneSpecification = new XmlDocument();


            XmlNode scene = sceneSpecification.SelectSingleNode("RenderFarmScene");

            foreach (XmlNode model in scene.ChildNodes)
                String modelName = model.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Source").Value;
                String pathName  = Path.GetDirectoryName(modelName);
                String filename  = Path.GetFileName(modelName).ToLower();
                modelName = pathName + "\\" + filename;


                if (Path.GetFileName(modelName) == "prp_fertblsm_01.mmh")
                GFF            hierarchy      = ResourceManager.findFile <GFF>(modelName);
                ModelHierarchy modelHierarchy = new ModelHierarchy(hierarchy);

                Model modelMesh = modelHierarchy.mesh.toModel();

                foreach (XmlNode instance in model.ChildNodes)
                    String  instanceName = instance.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Name").Value;
                    Matrix4 transform    = xmlToMatrix(instance.SelectSingleNode("Transform").Attributes);
                    modelDictionary.Add(instanceName, new ModelInstance(instanceName, modelMesh, transform));
        private void modelListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            if (modelListBox.SelectedItem != null)
                String itemName = (String)modelListBox.SelectedItem;

                if (Path.GetExtension(itemName) == ".msh")
                    GFF tempGFF = ResourceManager.findFile <GFF>(itemName);
                    if (tempGFF != null)
                        renderer.displayModel(new ModelMesh(tempGFF));
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find {0}", itemName);
                else if (Path.GetExtension(itemName) == ".mmh")
                    GFF tempGFF = ResourceManager.findFile <GFF>(itemName);
                    if (tempGFF != null)
                        ModelHierarchy mh = new ModelHierarchy(tempGFF);
                        if (mh.loadedMesh)
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't load mesh {0} for {1}", mh.mshName, mh.mmhName);
                        Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find {0}", itemName);
                else if (Path.GetExtension(itemName) == ".dds")
                        DDS texture = ResourceManager.findFile <DDS>(itemName);
                        if (texture != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find {0}", itemName);
                    catch (NotImplementedException ex)
                else if (Path.GetExtension(itemName) == ".mao")
                    MaterialObject mao = ResourceManager.findFile <MaterialObject>(itemName);
Пример #9
        public static void model_rando(KPaths paths)
            const int MAX_CHAR_INDEX = 509;
            const int MIN_DOOR_INDEX_BROKEN = 13;
            const int MAX_DOOR_INDEX = 65;
            const int MAX_PLAC_INDEX = 232;

            const string CHAR_2DA = "appearance";
            const string DOOR_2DA = "genericdoors";
            const string PLAC_2DA = "placeables";

            const string COL_LABEL = "label";


            BIF bif = new BIF(Path.Combine(paths.data, "2da.bif"));
            KEY key = new KEY(paths.chitin);
            bif.AttachKey(key, "data\\2da.bif");

            var charVRE = bif.VariableResourceTable.Where(x => x.ResRef == CHAR_2DA).FirstOrDefault();
            var doorVRE = bif.VariableResourceTable.Where(x => x.ResRef == DOOR_2DA).FirstOrDefault();
            var placVRE = bif.VariableResourceTable.Where(x => x.ResRef == PLAC_2DA).FirstOrDefault();

            TwoDA char2DA = new TwoDA(charVRE.EntryData, charVRE.ResRef);
            TwoDA door2DA = new TwoDA(doorVRE.EntryData, doorVRE.ResRef);
            TwoDA plac2DA = new TwoDA(placVRE.EntryData, placVRE.ResRef);

            // Check if the floor panel fix is enabled.
            bool isFloorPanelActive = (Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 8) > 0;
            var catacombsFile = AREA_UNK_CATACOMBS;

            // Check if modules have been randomized.
            var moduleFiles = paths.FilesInModules.ToList();
            if (ModuleRando.LookupTable.Any())
                // If randomized, ensure module files are processed in the same order every time.
                var sortedLookup = ModuleRando.LookupTable.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key);
                var newList = new List<FileInfo>();

                foreach (var kvp in sortedLookup)
                    // Find the file that has replaced the catacombs for the floor panel fix.
                    if (kvp.Key == AREA_UNK_CATACOMBS) catacombsFile = kvp.Value;

                    // Add the files to modify to the new list in proper order.
                    var filesToAdd = moduleFiles.Where(fi => fi.Name.Contains(kvp.Value));

                moduleFiles = newList;

            // Loop through each file and randomize the requested model types.
            foreach (FileInfo fi in moduleFiles)
                RIM r = new RIM(fi.FullName);
                LookupTable.Add(fi.Name, new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, string, int, string>>>());

                // Doors
                if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeDoorModels & 1) > 0)
                    LookupTable[fi.Name].Add(DOOR, new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, string, int, string>>());

                    foreach (RIM.rFile rf in r.File_Table.Where(x => x.TypeID == (int)ResourceType.UTD))

                        GFF g = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                        int randAppear = 0; //The randomly generated Appearance ID

                        //Generate the random appearacne values before ommitting airlock, to create more seed consistancy
                        if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeDoorModels & 4) > 0) // Broken Doors
                            randAppear = Randomize.Rng.Next(MIN_DOOR_INDEX_BROKEN, MAX_DOOR_INDEX); // First 12 doors are open so this is easier
                            randAppear = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, MAX_DOOR_INDEX);

                        // Airlock
                        if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeDoorModels & 2) > 0 &&
                            (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_LOC_NAME).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.CExoLocString).StringRef == 21080)

                        //Get Info from Door2DA for the Spoiler Log
                        var field = g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_GENERIC_TYPE).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.BYTE;
                        int id = (int)field.Value;

                        var label_old = door2DA.Data[COL_LABEL][id];
                        var label_new = door2DA.Data[COL_LABEL][randAppear];

                        LookupTable[fi.Name][DOOR].Add(rf.Label, new Tuple<int, string, int, string>(id, label_old, randAppear, label_new));

                        //Change the appearance value
                        (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_GENERIC_TYPE).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.BYTE).Value = (byte)randAppear;

                        rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

                // Placeables
                if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 1) > 0)
                    LookupTable[fi.Name].Add(PLACEABLE, new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, string, int, string>>());

                    // Check if floor panels should be replaced with valid placeables.
                    bool useValidFloorPanels = isFloorPanelActive && fi.Name.Contains(catacombsFile);

                    foreach (RIM.rFile rf in r.File_Table.Where(k => k.TypeID == (int)ResourceType.UTP))
                        GFF g = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                        // If this is a broken placeable, skip it.
                        if (Globals.BROKEN_PLACE.Contains((int)(g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_APPEARANCE).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.DWORD).Value)) { continue; }

                        int randAppear = 0;

                        // Randomly generate a valid replacement for the "Lights Out" panels.
                        if (useValidFloorPanels && (rf.Label.StartsWith(LABEL_UNK_FLPNL) || rf.Label == LABEL_UNK_RESETPANEL))
                            randAppear = Globals.PANEL_PLACE[Randomize.Rng.Next(0, Globals.PANEL_PLACE.Count)];
                            // Generate a random appearance for this placeable.
                            bool isBroken = false;
                            bool isLarge = false;

                                randAppear = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, MAX_PLAC_INDEX);
                                isBroken = ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 4) > 0) && Globals.BROKEN_PLACE.Contains(randAppear); // Always Satisfied if Broken omission disbaled
                                isLarge  = ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 2) > 0) && Globals.LARGE_PLACE.Contains(randAppear);  // Always satisifed if Large omission disabled
                            while (isBroken || isLarge);

                        var field = g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_APPEARANCE).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.DWORD;
                        int id = (int)field.Value;

                        var label_old = plac2DA.Data[COL_LABEL][id];
                        var label_new = plac2DA.Data[COL_LABEL][randAppear];

                        LookupTable[fi.Name][PLACEABLE].Add(rf.Label, new Tuple<int, string, int, string>(id, label_old, randAppear, label_new));

                        // Change the appearance value.
                        (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_APPEARANCE).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.DWORD).Value = (uint)randAppear;

                        rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

                // Characters
                if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 1) > 0)
                    LookupTable[fi.Name].Add(CHARACTER, new Dictionary<string, Tuple<int, string, int, string>>());

                    foreach (RIM.rFile rf in r.File_Table.Where(k => k.TypeID == (int)ResourceType.UTC))
                        GFF g = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                        int randAppear = 0;
                        bool isBroken = false;
                        bool isLarge = false;

                            randAppear = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, MAX_CHAR_INDEX);
                            isBroken = ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 4) > 0) && Globals.BROKEN_CHARS.Contains(randAppear);  // Always Satisfied if Broken omission disabled
                            isLarge  = ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 2) > 0) && Globals.LARGE_CHARS.Contains(randAppear);   // Always satisifed if Large omission disabled
                        while (isBroken || isLarge);

                        var field = g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_APPEARANCE_TYPE).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.WORD;
                        int id = (int)field.Value;

                        var label_old = char2DA.Data[COL_LABEL][id];
                        var label_new = char2DA.Data[COL_LABEL][randAppear];

                        LookupTable[fi.Name][CHARACTER].Add(rf.Label, new Tuple<int, string, int, string>(id, label_old, randAppear, label_new));

                        (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(f => f.Label == LBL_APPEARANCE_TYPE).FirstOrDefault() as GFF.WORD).Value = (ushort)randAppear;

                        rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

Пример #10
        public static void CreateSpoilerLog(XLWorkbook workbook)
            if (LookupTable.Count == 0)
            var ws = workbook.Worksheets.Add("Item");

            var paths = new KPaths(Properties.Settings.Default.Kotor1Path);
            KEY k     = new KEY(paths.chitin_backup);
            BIF b     = new BIF(Path.Combine(paths.data, "templates.bif"));

            b.AttachKey(k, "data\\templates.bif");
            var items = b.VariableResourceTable.Where(x => x.ResourceType == ResourceType.UTI);
            TLK t     = new TLK(File.Exists(paths.dialog_backup) ? paths.dialog_backup : paths.dialog);

            int i = 1;

            ws.Cell(i, 1).Value           = "Seed";
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Value           = Properties.Settings.Default.Seed;
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Font.Bold = true;

            Version version = typeof(StartForm).Assembly.GetName().Version;

            ws.Cell(i, 1).Value                      = "Version";
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Font.Bold            = true;
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Value                      = $"v{version.Major}.{version.Minor}.{version.Build}";
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Right;
            i += 2;     // Skip a row.

            // Item Randomization Settings
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Value = "Item Type";
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Value = "Rando Level";
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Font.Bold           = true;
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Style.Font.Bold           = true;

            var settings = new List <Tuple <string, string> >()
                new Tuple <string, string>("Armbands", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeArmbands.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Armor", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeArmor.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Belts", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeBelts.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Blasters", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeBlasters.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Creature Hides", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeHides.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Creature Weapons", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCreature.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Droid Equipment", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeDroid.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Gauntlets", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeGloves.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Grenades", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeGrenades.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Implants", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeImplants.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Lightsabers", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeLightsabers.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Masks", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeMask.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Melee Weapons", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeMelee.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Mines", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeMines.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Pazaak Cards", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePaz.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Stims/Medpacs", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeStims.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Upgrades/Crystals", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeUpgrade.ToString()),
                new Tuple <string, string>("Various", Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeVarious.ToString()),

            foreach (var setting in settings)
                ws.Cell(i, 1).Value             = setting.Item1;
                ws.Cell(i, 2).Value             = setting.Item2;
                ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Font.Italic = true;

            i++;    // Skip a row.

            // Omitted Items
            int iMax = i;

            i = 3;  // Restart at the top of the settings list.

            ws.Cell(i, 4).Value = "Omitted Items";
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Font.Bold            = true;
            ws.Range(i, 4, i, 5).Merge();

            ws.Cell(i, 4).Value = "ID";
            ws.Cell(i, 5).Value = "Label";
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 5).Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Font.Italic         = true;
            ws.Cell(i, 5).Style.Font.Italic         = true;

            var sortedList = Globals.OmitItems.ToList();


            foreach (var item in sortedList)
                ws.Cell(i, 4).Value = item;
                var origItemName = "";

                var origItemVre = items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ResRef == item);
                if (origItemVre != null)
                    GFF origItem = new GFF(origItemVre.EntryData);
                    if (origItem.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "LocalizedName") is GFF.CExoLocString field)
                        origItemName = t.String_Data_Table[field.StringRef].StringText;

                ws.Cell(i, 5).Value = origItemName;

            // Handle variable length of omitted items list.
            if (iMax > i)
                i = iMax;           // Return to the bottom of the settings list.
                i++; // Skip a row.
            i++;     // Skip an additional 2 rows.

            // Randomized Items
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Value     = "Has Changed";
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 2).Value = "Original (New Item)";
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Value     = "ID";
            ws.Cell(i, 3).Value     = "Label";
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 4).Value = "Randomized (Old Item)";
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Value     = "ID";
            ws.Cell(i, 5).Value     = "Label";
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Alignment.Horizontal     = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 2).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 4).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Border.BottomBorder      = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Style.Border.BottomBorder      = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 3).Style.Border.BottomBorder      = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Border.BottomBorder      = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 5).Style.Border.BottomBorder      = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 2).Style.Border.LeftBorder    = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Style.Border.LeftBorder        = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 4).Style.Border.LeftBorder    = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Border.LeftBorder        = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 6).Style.Border.LeftBorder    = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 6).Style.Border.LeftBorder        = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
            ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Font.Bold     = true;
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 2).Style.Font.Bold = true;
            ws.Cell(i, 2).Style.Font.Italic   = true;
            ws.Cell(i, 3).Style.Font.Italic   = true;
            ws.Cell(i - 1, 4).Style.Font.Bold = true;
            ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Font.Italic   = true;
            ws.Cell(i, 5).Style.Font.Italic   = true;
            ws.Range(i - 1, 2, i - 1, 3).Merge();
            ws.Range(i - 1, 4, i - 1, 5).Merge();

            var sortedLookup = LookupTable.OrderBy(tpl => tpl.Item1);

            foreach (var tpl in sortedLookup)
                string origItemName = "";
                string randItemName = "";
                var    omitted      = Globals.OmitItems.Any(x => x == tpl.Item1);
                var    changed      = tpl.Item1 != tpl.Item2; // Has the shuffle changed this item?

                var origItemVre = items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ResRef == tpl.Item1);
                if (origItemVre != null)
                    GFF origItem = new GFF(origItemVre.EntryData);
                    if (origItem.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "LocalizedName") is GFF.CExoLocString field)
                        origItemName = t.String_Data_Table[field.StringRef].StringText;

                if (changed)
                    var randItemVre = items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ResRef == tpl.Item2);
                    if (randItemVre != null)
                        GFF randItem = new GFF(randItemVre.EntryData);
                        if (randItem.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "LocalizedName") is GFF.CExoLocString field)
                            randItemName = t.String_Data_Table[field.StringRef].StringText;
                    randItemName = origItemName;

                ws.Cell(i, 1).Value = omitted ? "OMITTED" : changed.ToString();
                ws.Cell(i, 2).Style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
                ws.Cell(i, 2).Value = tpl.Item1;
                ws.Cell(i, 3).Value = origItemName;
                ws.Cell(i, 4).Style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
                ws.Cell(i, 4).Value = tpl.Item2;
                ws.Cell(i, 5).Value = randItemName;
                ws.Cell(i, 6).Style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin;
                if (omitted)
                    // Center "OMITTED" text.
                    ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Alignment.Horizontal = XLAlignmentHorizontalValues.Center;
                    // Set color of "Has Changed" column. Booleans are automatically centered.
                    if (changed)
                        ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.Green;
                        ws.Cell(i, 1).Style.Font.FontColor = XLColor.Red;

            // Resize Columns
Пример #11
        // Populates and shuffles the the modules flagged to be randomized. Returns true if override files should be added.
        public static void Module_rando(KPaths paths)
            // Set up the bound module collection if it hasn't been already.
            if (!Properties.Settings.Default.ModulesInitialized)
                foreach (string s in Globals.MODULES)
                    Globals.BoundModules.Add(new Globals.Mod_Entry(s, true));
                Properties.Settings.Default.ModulesInitialized = true;

            //if (!Properties.Settings.Default.ModulePresetSelected)
            //    //Figure something out here

            // Split the Bound modules into their respective lists.
            List <string> ExcludedModules = Globals.BoundModules.Where(x => x.Omitted).Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
            List <string> IncludedModules = Globals.BoundModules.Where(x => !x.Omitted).Select(x => x.Name).ToList();

            // Shuffle the list of included modules.
            List <string> ShuffledModules = IncludedModules.ToList();


            // Copy shuffled modules into the base directory.
            Dictionary <string, string> LookupTable = new Dictionary <string, string>();  // Create lookup table to find a given module's new "name".

            for (int i = 0; i < IncludedModules.Count; i++)
                LookupTable.Add(IncludedModules[i], ShuffledModules[i]);
                File.Copy($"{paths.modules_backup}{IncludedModules[i]}.rim", $"{paths.modules}{ShuffledModules[i]}.rim", true);
                File.Copy($"{paths.modules_backup}{IncludedModules[i]}_s.rim", $"{paths.modules}{ShuffledModules[i]}_s.rim", true);
                File.Copy($"{paths.lips_backup}{IncludedModules[i]}_loc.mod", $"{paths.lips}{ShuffledModules[i]}_loc.mod", true);

            // Copy excluded, untouched modules into the base directory.
            foreach (string name in ExcludedModules)
                LookupTable.Add(name, name);
                File.Copy($"{paths.modules_backup}{name}.rim", $"{paths.modules}{name}.rim", true);
                File.Copy($"{paths.modules_backup}{name}_s.rim", $"{paths.modules}{name}_s.rim", true);
                File.Copy($"{paths.lips_backup}{name}_loc.mod", $"{paths.lips}{name}_loc.mod", true);

            // Copy lips extras into the base directory.
            foreach (string name in Globals.lipXtras)
                File.Copy($"{paths.lips_backup}{name}", $"{paths.lips}{name}", true);

            // Write additional override files.
            string       moduleSavePath = Path.Combine(paths.Override, TwoDA_MODULE_SAVE);
            ModuleExtras saveFileExtras = Properties.Settings.Default.ModuleExtrasValue & (ModuleExtras.SaveAllModules | ModuleExtras.SaveMiniGames | ModuleExtras.NoSaveDelete);

            //if (0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.Default)))
            //    // 0b000 - Milestone Delete (Default)
            //    // Do nothing.

            if (0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.NoSaveDelete)))
                // 0b001 - No Milestone Delete
                File.WriteAllBytes(moduleSavePath, Properties.Resources.NODELETE_modulesave);

            if (0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.SaveMiniGames)))
                // 0b010 - Include Minigames | Milestone Delete
                File.WriteAllBytes(moduleSavePath, Properties.Resources.MGINCLUDED_modulesave);

            if (0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.NoSaveDelete | ModuleExtras.SaveMiniGames)))
                // 0b011 - Include Minigames | No Milestone Delete
                File.WriteAllBytes(moduleSavePath, Properties.Resources.NODELETE_MGINCLUDED_modulesave);

            if (0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.SaveAllModules)) ||
                0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.SaveMiniGames | ModuleExtras.SaveAllModules)))
                // Treat both the same.
                // 0b100 - Include All Modules | Milestone Delete
                // 0b110 - Include All Modules | Include Minigames | Milestone Delete
                File.WriteAllBytes(moduleSavePath, Properties.Resources.ALLINCLUDED_modulesave);

            if (0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.NoSaveDelete | ModuleExtras.SaveAllModules)) ||
                0 == (saveFileExtras ^ (ModuleExtras.NoSaveDelete | ModuleExtras.SaveMiniGames | ModuleExtras.SaveAllModules)))
                // Treat both the same.
                // 0b101 - Include All Modules | No Milestone Delete
                // 0b111 - Include All Modules | Include Minigames | No Milestone Delete
                File.WriteAllBytes(moduleSavePath, Properties.Resources.NODELETE_ALLINCLUDED_modulesave);

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.ModuleExtrasValue.HasFlag(ModuleExtras.FixDream))
                File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(paths.Override, FIXED_DREAM_OVERRIDE), Properties.Resources.k_ren_visionland);

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.ModuleExtrasValue.HasFlag(ModuleExtras.UnlockGalaxyMap))
                File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(paths.Override, UNLOCK_MAP_OVERRIDE), Properties.Resources.k_pebn_galaxy);

            // Fix warp coordinates.
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.ModuleExtrasValue.HasFlag(ModuleExtras.FixCoordinates))
                // Create a lookup for modules needing coordinate fix with their newly shuffled FileInfos.
                var shuffleFileLookup = new Dictionary <string, FileInfo>();
                foreach (var key in Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES.Keys)
                    shuffleFileLookup.Add(key, paths.FilesInModules.FirstOrDefault(fi => fi.Name.Contains(LookupTable[key])));

                foreach (var kvp in shuffleFileLookup)
                    // Set up objects.
                    RIM       r  = new RIM(kvp.Value.FullName);
                    RIM.rFile rf = r.File_Table.Where(x => x.TypeID == (int)ResourceType.IFO).FirstOrDefault();
                    GFF       g  = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                    // Update coordinate data.
                    g.Field_Array.Where(x => x.Label == Properties.Resources.ModuleEntryX).FirstOrDefault().DataOrDataOffset = Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES[kvp.Key].Item1;
                    g.Field_Array.Where(x => x.Label == Properties.Resources.ModuleEntryY).FirstOrDefault().DataOrDataOffset = Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES[kvp.Key].Item2;
                    g.Field_Array.Where(x => x.Label == Properties.Resources.ModuleEntryZ).FirstOrDefault().DataOrDataOffset = Globals.FIXED_COORDINATES[kvp.Key].Item3;

                    // Write updated data to RIM file.
                    rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

            // Fixed Rakata riddle Man in Mind Prison.
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.ModuleExtrasValue.HasFlag(ModuleExtras.FixMindPrison))
                // Find the files associated with AREA_MYSTERY_BOX.
                var files = paths.FilesInModules.Where(fi => fi.Name.Contains(LookupTable[AREA_MYSTERY_BOX]));
                foreach (FileInfo fi in files)
                    // Skip any files that don't end in "s.rim".
                    if (fi.Name[fi.Name.Length - 5] != 's')

                    // Check the RIM's File_Table for any rFiles labeled with LABEL_MIND_PRISON.
                    RIM r = new RIM(fi.FullName);
                    if (r.File_Table.Where(x => x.Label == LABEL_MIND_PRISON).Any())
                        bool offadjust = false;
                        foreach (RIM.rFile rf in r.File_Table)
                            // For the rFile with LABEL_MIND_PRISON, update the file data with the fix.
                            if (rf.Label == LABEL_MIND_PRISON)
                                rf.File_Data = Properties.Resources.g_brakatan003;
                                rf.DataSize += 192;
                                offadjust    = true;
                            // For rFiles after LABEL_MIND_PRISON, add the additional data offset.
                            if (offadjust)
                                rf.DataOffset += 192;

                        // Write updated RIM data to file.
Пример #12
        //Randomize Dialogue
        static void shuffle_dialogue(KPaths paths, bool Entries, bool Replies, bool SoundMatching)
            TLK t = new TLK(paths.dialog);

            foreach (FileInfo fi in paths.FilesInModules)
                if (fi.Name[fi.Name.Length - 5] != 's')

                RIM r = new RIM(fi.FullName);

                foreach (RIM.rFile RF in r.File_Table.Where(x => x.TypeID == (int)ResourceType.DLG))
                    GFF g = new GFF(RF.File_Data);

                    if (Entries)
                        foreach (GFF.STRUCT S in (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "EntryList").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.LIST).Structs)
                            if ((S.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Text").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.CExoLocString).StringRef != -1)                                                                                     // Avoid overwriting dialogue end indicators, and animation nodes
                                int str_ref = 0;                                                                                                                                                                    // Find valid string
                                while (t.String_Data_Table[str_ref].SoundResRef == "" || t.String_Data_Table[str_ref].SoundResRef[0] == '_' || t.String_Data_Table[str_ref].SoundResRef.ToLower().Contains("comp")) //Ensure the string we have has a sound to go with it, starting with undescord means it's player dialogue, which doesn't have audio in this game
                                    str_ref = Randomize.Rng.Next(TLK_STRING_COUNT);

                                if (!EntriesLookupTable.ContainsKey(fi.Name))
                                    EntriesLookupTable.Add(fi.Name, new Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <int, int, string, string, string, string> > >());
                                if (!EntriesLookupTable[fi.Name].ContainsKey(RF.Label))
                                    EntriesLookupTable[fi.Name].Add(RF.Label, new List <Tuple <int, int, string, string, string, string> >());

                                // Sound and Text Matching
                                if (SoundMatching)
                                    var text     = S.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Text").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.CExoLocString;
                                    int textOrig = text.StringRef;
                                    int textRand = str_ref;
                                    text.StringRef = str_ref;

                                    string VORefOrig = "";
                                    string VORefRand = "";
                                    string SoundOrig = "";
                                    string SoundRand = "";

                                        var voResRef = S.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "VO_ResRef").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef;
                                        VORefOrig          = voResRef.Reference;
                                        VORefRand          = t.String_Data_Table[str_ref].SoundResRef;
                                        voResRef.Reference = VORefRand;
                                        VORefOrig = "";
                                        VORefRand = "";
                                        var sound = S.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Sound").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef;
                                        SoundOrig       = sound.Reference;
                                        SoundRand       = t.String_Data_Table[str_ref].SoundResRef;
                                        sound.Reference = SoundRand;
                                        SoundOrig = "";
                                        SoundRand = "";
                                    } // If both VO_ResRef and Sound Fail we ignore the entry

                                    EntriesLookupTable[fi.Name][RF.Label].Add(new Tuple <int, int, string, string, string, string>(textOrig, textRand, VORefOrig, VORefRand, SoundOrig, SoundRand));
                                    var text = S.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Text").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.CExoLocString;
                                    EntriesLookupTable[fi.Name][RF.Label].Add(new Tuple <int, int, string, string, string, string>(text.StringRef, str_ref, "", "", "", ""));
                                    text.StringRef = str_ref;

                    if (Replies)
                        foreach (GFF.STRUCT S in (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ReplyList").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.LIST).Structs)
                            if ((S.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Text").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.CExoLocString).StringRef != -1) //Avoid overwriting dialogue end indicators, and animation nodes
                                if (!RepliesLookupTable.ContainsKey(fi.Name))
                                    RepliesLookupTable.Add(fi.Name, new Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <int, int> > >());
                                if (!RepliesLookupTable[fi.Name].ContainsKey(RF.Label))
                                    RepliesLookupTable[fi.Name].Add(RF.Label, new List <Tuple <int, int> >());

                                int str_ref = Randomize.Rng.Next(TLK_STRING_COUNT);
                                while (t.String_Data_Table[str_ref].StringText == "")
                                    str_ref = Randomize.Rng.Next(TLK_STRING_COUNT);
                                var text = S.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Text").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.CExoLocString;
                                RepliesLookupTable[fi.Name][RF.Label].Add(new Tuple <int, int>(text.StringRef, str_ref));
                                text.StringRef = str_ref;

                    Array.Clear(RF.File_Data, 0, RF.File_Data.Length);
                    RF.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

Пример #13
        public static void model_rando(KPaths paths)
            foreach (FileInfo fi in paths.FilesInModules)
                RIM r = new RIM(fi.FullName);

                // Doors
                if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeDoorModels & 1) > 0)
                    foreach (RIM.rFile rf in r.File_Table.Where(x => x.TypeID == (int)ResourceType.UTD))
                        GFF g = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                        int temp = 0;

                        if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeDoorModels & 4) > 0) // Broken Doors
                            temp = Randomize.Rng.Next(13, 64);                         // First 12 doors are open so this is easier
                            temp = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 64);

                        // Airlock
                        if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeDoorModels & 2) > 0 && (g.Field_Array.Where(x => x.Label == "LocName").FirstOrDefault().Field_Data as GFF.CExoLocString).StringRef == 21080)
                        g.Field_Array.Where(k => k.Label == "GenericType").FirstOrDefault().Field_Data       = temp;
                        g.Field_Array.Where(k => k.Label == "GenericType").FirstOrDefault().DataOrDataOffset = temp;

                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

                        rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

                if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 1) > 0)
                    foreach (RIM.rFile rf in r.File_Table.Where(k => k.TypeID == 2044))
                        GFF g = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                        int temp = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 231);

                        bool broken_satisfied = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 4) > 0) || !Globals.BROKEN_PLACE.Contains(temp); //Always Satisfied if Broken omission disbaled
                        bool large_satisfied  = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 2) > 0) || !Globals.LARGE_PLACE.Contains(temp);  //Always satisifed if Large omission disabled

                        while (!(broken_satisfied && large_satisfied))
                            temp             = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 231);
                            broken_satisfied = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 4) > 0) || !Globals.BROKEN_PLACE.Contains(temp); //Always Satisfied if Broken omission disbaled
                            large_satisfied  = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePlaceModels & 2) > 0) || !Globals.LARGE_PLACE.Contains(temp);  //Always satisifed if Large omission disabled

                        g.Field_Array.Where(k => k.Label == "Appearance").FirstOrDefault().Field_Data       = temp;
                        g.Field_Array.Where(k => k.Label == "Appearance").FirstOrDefault().DataOrDataOffset = temp;

                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

                        rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

                if ((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 1) > 0)
                    foreach (RIM.rFile rf in r.File_Table.Where(k => k.TypeID == 2027))
                        GFF g = new GFF(rf.File_Data);

                        int temp = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 508);

                        bool broken_satisfied = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 4) > 0) || !Globals.BROKEN_CHARS.Contains(temp); //Always Satisfied if Broken omission disbaled
                        bool large_satisfied  = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 2) > 0) || !Globals.LARGE_CHARS.Contains(temp);  //Always satisifed if Large omission disabled

                        while (!(broken_satisfied && large_satisfied))
                            temp             = Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 508);
                            broken_satisfied = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 4) > 0) || !Globals.BROKEN_CHARS.Contains(temp); //Always Satisfied if Broken omission disbaled
                            large_satisfied  = !((Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeCharModels & 2) > 0) || !Globals.LARGE_CHARS.Contains(temp);  //Always satisifed if Large omission disabled

                        g.Field_Array.Where(k => k.Label == "Appearance_Type").FirstOrDefault().Field_Data       = temp;
                        g.Field_Array.Where(k => k.Label == "Appearance_Type").FirstOrDefault().DataOrDataOffset = temp;

                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

                        rf.File_Data = g.ToRawData();

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Unlock Leviathan Hangar option in the other two elevator access, and enables the use of the Hangar elevator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paths">KPaths object for this game.</param>
        private static void FixLeviathanElevators(KPaths paths)
            var lev_files_a = paths.FilesInModules.Where(fi => fi.Name.Contains(LookupTable[AREA_LEV_PRISON]));
            var lev_files_b = paths.FilesInModules.Where(fi => fi.Name.Contains(LookupTable[AREA_LEV_COMMAND]));
            var lev_files_c = paths.FilesInModules.Where(fi => fi.Name.Contains(LookupTable[AREA_LEV_HANGAR]));

            // Prison Block Fix - Unlock option to visit Hangar.
            foreach (FileInfo fi in lev_files_a)
                // Skip any files that don't end in "s.rim".
                if (fi.Name[fi.Name.Length - 5] != 's')

                RIM r_lev = new RIM(fi.FullName);
                GFF g_lev = new GFF(r_lev.File_Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == LABEL_LEV_ELEVATOR_A).File_Data);

                // Change Entry connecting for bridge option Index to 3, which will transition to the command deck
                (((g_lev.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "ReplyList")
                   as GFF.LIST).Structs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Struct_Type == 3).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "EntriesList")
                  as GFF.LIST).Structs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Struct_Type == 0).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "Index")
                 as GFF.DWORD).Value = 3;

                // Sets the active reference for the hangar option to nothing, meaning there is no requirement to transition to the hangar
                (((g_lev.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "ReplyList")
                   as GFF.LIST).Structs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Struct_Type == 1).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "EntriesList")
                  as GFF.LIST).Structs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Struct_Type == 0).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "Active")
                 as GFF.ResRef).Reference = "";

                r_lev.File_Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == LABEL_LEV_ELEVATOR_A).File_Data = g_lev.ToRawData();


            // Command Deck Fix - Unlock option to visit Hangar.
            foreach (FileInfo fi in lev_files_b)
                // Skip any files that don't end in "s.rim".
                if (fi.Name[fi.Name.Length - 5] != 's')

                RIM r_lev = new RIM(fi.FullName);
                GFF g_lev = new GFF(r_lev.File_Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == LABEL_LEV_ELEVATOR_B).File_Data);

                // Sets the active reference for the hangar option to nothing, meaning there is no requirement to transition to the hangar
                (((g_lev.Top_Level.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "ReplyList")
                   as GFF.LIST).Structs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Struct_Type == 1).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "EntriesList")
                  as GFF.LIST).Structs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Struct_Type == 1).Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "Active")
                 as GFF.ResRef).Reference = "";

                r_lev.File_Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == LABEL_LEV_ELEVATOR_B).File_Data = g_lev.ToRawData();


            // Hangar Fix - Enable the elevator so it can be used.
            foreach (FileInfo fi in lev_files_c)
                // Skip any files that don't end in "s.rim".
                if (fi.Name[fi.Name.Length - 5] != 's')

                RIM r_lev = new RIM(fi.FullName);

                // While I possess the ability to edit this file programmatically, due to the complexity I have opted to just load the modded file into resources.
                r_lev.File_Table.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == LABEL_LEV_ELEVATOR_C).File_Data = Properties.Resources.lev40_accntl_dlg;

                // Adding module transition scripts to RIM...
                // Prison Block
                r_lev.File_Table.Add(new RIM.rFile
                    TypeID    = (int)ResourceType.NCS,
                    Label     = "k_plev_goto40aa",
                    File_Data = Properties.Resources.k_plev_goto40aa
                // Command Deck
                r_lev.File_Table.Add(new RIM.rFile
                    TypeID    = (int)ResourceType.NCS,
                    Label     = "k_plev_goto40ab",
                    File_Data = Properties.Resources.k_plev_goto40ab

Пример #15
        public static void other_rando(KPaths paths)
            // NameGen
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizeNameGen)
                List <string> male_names       = Properties.Settings.Default.FirstnamesM.Cast <string>().Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => x.Length > 2).ToList();
                LTR           ltr_male_names   = new LTR(male_names);
                List <string> female_names     = Properties.Settings.Default.FirstnamesF.Cast <string>().Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => x.Length > 2).ToList();
                LTR           ltr_female_names = new LTR(female_names);
                List <string> last_names       = Properties.Settings.Default.Lastnames.Cast <string>().Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => x.Length > 2).ToList();
                LTR           ltr_last_names   = new LTR(last_names);

                if (male_names.Any())
                    NameGenLookup.Add(NAME_GEN_MALE, male_names);
                    ltr_male_names.WriteToFile(paths.Override + "humanm.ltr");
                if (female_names.Any())
                    NameGenLookup.Add(NAME_GEN_FEMALE, female_names);
                    ltr_female_names.WriteToFile(paths.Override + "humanf.ltr");
                if (last_names.Any())
                    NameGenLookup.Add(NAME_GEN_LAST, last_names);
                    ltr_last_names.WriteToFile(paths.Override + "humanl.ltr");

            // Polymorph
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.PolymorphMode)
                BIF b = new BIF(paths.data + "templates.bif");
                KEY k = new KEY(paths.chitin);
                b.AttachKey(k, "data\\templates.bif");

                foreach (var res in b.VariableResourceTable.Where(x => x.ResourceType == ResourceType.UTI))
                    GFF g             = new GFF(res.EntryData);
                    int item_basetype = (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "BaseItem").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.INT).Value;
                    //ignore items that can't be equipped in the chest slot
                    if ((item_basetype < 35 || item_basetype > 43) && (item_basetype < 66 || item_basetype > 68) && item_basetype != 85 && item_basetype != 89)

                    ushort rando_appearance = 0;
                    while (Globals.BROKEN_CHARS.Contains((int)rando_appearance) || Globals.LARGE_CHARS.Contains((int)rando_appearance))
                        rando_appearance = (ushort)Randomize.Rng.Next(508);

                    //STRUCT that gives an item the "disguise" property
                    GFF.STRUCT disguise_prop = new GFF.STRUCT("", 0,
                                                              new List <GFF.FIELD>()
                        new GFF.BYTE("ChanceAppear", 100),
                        new GFF.BYTE("CostTable", 0),
                        new GFF.WORD("CostValue", 0),
                        new GFF.BYTE("Param1", 255),
                        new GFF.BYTE("Param1Value", 0),
                        new GFF.WORD("PropertyName", 59),          //Disguise property
                        new GFF.WORD("Subtype", rando_appearance), //The random appearance value (same values used in model rando)

                    //Adds the disguise property to the UTI's property list
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "PropertiesList").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.LIST).Structs.Add(disguise_prop);

                    PolymorphLookupTable.Add(res.ResRef, rando_appearance);

                    g.WriteToFile(paths.Override + res.ResRef + ".uti");

            // Random NPC Pazaak Decks
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePazaakDecks)
                string ops = "+-*";

                BIF b = new BIF(paths.data + "2da.bif");
                KEY k = new KEY(paths.chitin_backup);
                b.AttachKey(k, "data\\2da.bif");

                var resource = b.VariableResourceTable.Where(x => x.ResRef == PAZAAKDECKS_RESREF).FirstOrDefault();
                if (resource == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"The ResRef \"{PAZAAKDECKS_RESREF}\" could not be found.");

                TwoDA t = new TwoDA(resource.EntryData, PAZAAKDECKS_RESREF);

                foreach (string c in t.Columns)
                    if (c == DECKNAME_COLUMN)
                        NpcPazaakLookupTable.Add(c, new List <Tuple <string, string> >()
                            new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][0], t.Data[c][0]),
                            new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][1], t.Data[c][1]),
                            new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][2], t.Data[c][2]),
                            new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][3], t.Data[c][3]),
                    NpcPazaakLookupTable.Add(c, new List <Tuple <string, string> >());

                    // [+-*][1-6]
                    // "" + ops[Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 3)] + Convert.ToString(Randomize.Rng.Next(1, 7));
                    var card0 = $"{ops[Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 3)]}{Convert.ToString(Randomize.Rng.Next(1, 7))}";
                    var card1 = $"{ops[Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 3)]}{Convert.ToString(Randomize.Rng.Next(1, 7))}";
                    var card2 = $"{ops[Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 3)]}{Convert.ToString(Randomize.Rng.Next(1, 7))}";
                    var card3 = $"{ops[Randomize.Rng.Next(0, 3)]}{Convert.ToString(Randomize.Rng.Next(1, 7))}";

                    NpcPazaakLookupTable[c].Add(new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][0], card0));
                    NpcPazaakLookupTable[c].Add(new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][1], card1));
                    NpcPazaakLookupTable[c].Add(new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][2], card2));
                    NpcPazaakLookupTable[c].Add(new Tuple <string, string>(t.Data[c][3], card3));

                    t.Data[c][0] = card0;
                    t.Data[c][1] = card1;
                    t.Data[c][2] = card2;
                    t.Data[c][3] = card3;


            // Party Rando
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.RandomizePartyMembers)
                BIF b = new BIF(paths.data + "templates.bif");
                KEY k = new KEY(paths.chitin_backup);
                b.AttachKey(k, "data\\templates.bif");

                foreach (var ID in Party_IDs)
                    // Find a creature that isn't this party member
                    var charsList = b.VariableResourceTable.Where(x => x.ResourceType == ResourceType.UTC).ToList();
                    var character = charsList.First(x => x.ResRef == ID.Item2);
                    BIF.VariableResourceEntry resource;
                    GFF g;

                        int randoIndex = Randomize.Rng.Next(charsList.Count);
                        resource = charsList[randoIndex];
                        if (resource.ResRef != character.ResRef && !InvalidPartyMembers.Contains(resource.ResRef))
                            // Potentially valid party member. Check against broken and large characters.
                            g = new GFF(resource.EntryData);
                            var appearance = g.Top_Level.Fields.First(x => x.Label == ModelRando.LBL_APPEARANCE_TYPE) as GFF.WORD;

                            if (!Globals.BROKEN_CHARS.Contains(appearance.Value) && !Globals.LARGE_CHARS.Contains(appearance.Value))
                                break; // Character is valid.

                        // Character is invalid, broken, or large. Skip it.
                        Console.WriteLine($"Skipped invalid party member ({resource.ResRef}) when randomizing {ID.Item2}.");
                    }while (true);

                    PartyLookupTable.Add(ID.Item3, resource.ResRef);

                    GFF    gOld       = new GFF(character.EntryData);
                    ushort portraitId = (gOld.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "PortraitId").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.WORD)?.Value ?? 0;

                    // Turns creature file into a playable companion replacing the current party member.
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Conversation").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference   = ID.Item1;
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "Tag").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.CExoString).CEString         = ID.Item3;
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "TemplateResRef").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference = ID.Item2;
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "NoPermDeath").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.BYTE).Value          = 1;
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "FactionID").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.WORD).Value            = 2;

                    // Give new companion the old companion's portrait.
                    if (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "PortraitId").FirstOrDefault() is GFF.WORD field)
                        field.Value = portraitId;

                    // Henchmen script suite.
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptHeartbeat").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference  = "k_hen_heartbt01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptOnNotice").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference   = "k_hen_percept01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptSpellAt").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference    = "";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptAttacked").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference   = "k_hen_attacked01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptDamaged").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference    = "k_hen_damage01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptDisturbed").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference  = "";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptEndRound").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference   = "k_hen_combend01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptEndDialogu").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference = "";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptDialogue").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference   = "k_hen_dialogue01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptSpawn").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference      = "k_hen_spawn01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptRested").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference     = "";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptDeath").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference      = "";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptOnBlocked").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference  = "k_hen_blocked01";
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "ScriptUserDefine").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.ResRef).Reference = "";

                    // Add a Dummy Feat to prevent the feats menu from crashing.
                    (g.Top_Level.Fields.Where(x => x.Label == "FeatList").FirstOrDefault() as GFF.LIST).Structs.Add(new GFF.STRUCT("", 1, new List <GFF.FIELD>()
                        new GFF.WORD("Feat", 27)

                    // If they are a Jedi class, add a Power to prevent powers menu from crashing.
                    var charClassList = g.Top_Level.Fields.First(x => x.Label == "ClassList") as GFF.LIST;
                    foreach (var classStruct in charClassList.Structs)
                        var charClassValue = (classStruct.Fields.First(x => x.Label == "Class") as GFF.INT).Value;
                        if (charClassValue == 3 ||  // Jedi Guardian
                            charClassValue == 4 ||  // Jedi Consular
                            charClassValue == 5)    // Jedi Sentinel
                            // Build a power to add to the list.
                            GFF.STRUCT affectMind = new GFF.STRUCT("", 3, new List <GFF.FIELD>()
                                new GFF.WORD("Spell", 6),
                                new GFF.BYTE("SpellMetaMagic", 0),
                                new GFF.BYTE("SpellFlags", 1),

                            if (!(classStruct.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label == "KnownList0") is GFF.LIST knownList))
                                // KnownList0 doesn't exist. Create it and add Affect Mind.
                                classStruct.Fields.Add(new GFF.LIST("KnownList0", new List <GFF.STRUCT>()
                            else if (knownList.Structs.Count == 0)
                                // KnownList0 exists but is empty. Add affect Mind.


                    g.WriteToFile(paths.Override + ID.Item2 + ".utc");
Пример #16
 public BiowareStruct(GFF f, GFFStructDefinition def)
     _binaryFile = f;
     _definition = def;
        private void btn_load_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String filePath = tb_path.Text;

            file = filePath;
            String      extention        = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
            List <Mesh> renderableMeshes = new List <Mesh>();

            drawString = "File: " + file;


            //Try and find the model file
            if (extention == ".mmh")
                GFF            tempGFF = new GFF(filePath);
                ModelHierarchy mh      = new ModelHierarchy(tempGFF);
                currentlyShowing = Showing.Model;
                meshes           = mh.mesh.toModel().meshes;
                if (meshes.Length > 0)
            else if (extention == ".msh")
                GFF       tempGFF = new GFF(filePath);
                ModelMesh mm      = new ModelMesh(tempGFF);
                currentlyShowing = Showing.Model;
                meshes           = mm.toModel().meshes;
                if (meshes.Length > 0)
            else if (extention == ".tga")
                texture          = new Targa(filePath);
                currentlyShowing = Showing.Texture;
            else if (extention == ".lvl")
                level            = new LevelScene(filePath);
                currentlyShowing = Showing.Level;
                List <Patch>    patchList = new List <Patch>();
                List <Triangle> tris      = new List <Triangle>();
                foreach (ModelInstance m in level.lightmapModels)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m.meshes.Length; i++)
                        if (m.meshes[i].isLightmapped)
                            //Make the lightmap
                            LightMap temp = new LightMap(m, m.meshes[i]);
                            //For each patch instance in the lightmap
                            foreach (Patch p in temp.patches)
                    if (m.baseModel.castsShadows)
                octree  = new Octree(tris);
                patches = patchList.ToArray();
            else if (extention == ".xml")
                level            = new XMLScene(filePath);
                currentlyShowing = Showing.Level;
                List <Patch>    patchList = new List <Patch>();
                List <Triangle> tris      = new List <Triangle>();
                foreach (ModelInstance m in level.lightmapModels)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m.meshes.Length; i++)
                        if (m.meshes[i].isLightmapped)
                            //Make the lightmap
                            LightMap temp = new LightMap(m, m.meshes[i]);
                            //For each patch instance in the lightmap
                            foreach (Patch p in temp.patches)
                    if (m.baseModel.castsShadows)
                octree  = new Octree(tris);
                patches = patchList.ToArray();
            //If its not the right type of file then print an error
                drawString = "This is not a valid model (.mmh or .msh), texture (.tga), level (.lvl), or scene (.xml) file!";