public void Authenticate(Action <bool> callback) { if (Gamedonia.INSTANCE.debug) { Debug.Log("Facebook Authentication"); } _callback = callback; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_fb_uid) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_fb_access_token)) { GDUser user = new GDUser(); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); credentials.fb_uid = _fb_uid; credentials.fb_access_token = _fb_access_token; user.credentials = credentials; GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, ProcessCreateUser); } else { Debug.LogError("Facebook id or token not present impossible to perform login with it"); if (_callback != null) { _callback(false); } } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // First create the credentials object for the account. In this example email credentials are used Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); = email; credentials.password = password; // Create the user account with some profile data and attach it to the credentials created in the previous block GDUser user = new GDUser(); user.credentials = credentials; user.profile["email"] = email; user.profile["name"] = ""; user.profile["color"] = ""; user.profile["hobby"] = ""; user.profile["film"] = ""; user.profile["age"] = 0; user.profile["lvl"] = 1; user.profile["wonAttr"] = 0; user.profile ["friends"] = new Dictionary<string, object> (); // Make the request to Gamedonia Backend to create the account and process the result in a block. GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, delegate (bool success){ if (success){ Debug.Log("Success"); } else{ Debug.Log("Fail"); } }); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // First create the credentials object for the account. In this example email credentials are used Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); = email; credentials.password = password; // Create the user account with some profile data and attach it to the credentials created in the previous block GDUser user = new GDUser(); user.credentials = credentials; user.profile["email"] = email; user.profile["name"] = ""; user.profile["color"] = ""; user.profile["hobby"] = ""; user.profile["film"] = ""; user.profile["age"] = 0; user.profile["lvl"] = 1; user.profile["wonAttr"] = 0; user.profile ["friends"] = new Dictionary <string, object> (); // Make the request to Gamedonia Backend to create the account and process the result in a block. GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, delegate(bool success){ if (success) { Debug.Log("Success"); } else { Debug.Log("Fail"); } }); }
void OnGUI() { = skin; // Make a text field that modifies stringToEdit. //GUI.backgroundColor =; GUI.DrawTexture(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(0, 0, 320, 480)), backgroundImg); GUI.Label(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 10, 220, 20)), "eMail*", "LabelBold"); email = GUI.TextField(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 30, 220, 40)), email, 100); GUI.Label(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 75, 220, 20)), "Password*", "LabelBold"); password = GUI.PasswordField(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 100, 220, 40)), password, '*'); GUI.Label(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 145, 200, 20)), "Repeat Password*", "LabelBold"); repassword = GUI.PasswordField(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 170, 220, 40)), repassword, '*'); GUI.Label(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 215, 200, 20)), "Nickname*", "LabelBold"); nickname = GUI.TextField(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 240, 220, 40)), nickname, 25); if (GUI.Button(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 290, 220, 50)), "Create")) { if ((email != "") && (password != "") && (repassword != "") && (password == repassword)) { Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); = email.ToLower(); credentials.password = password; GDUser user = new GDUser(); user.credentials = credentials; user.profile.Add("nickname", nickname); user.profile.Add("registerDate", DateTime.Now); GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, OnCreateUser); } else { errorMsg = "Fill all the fields with (*) correctly"; Debug.Log(errorMsg); } } if (GUI.Button(UtilResize.ResizeGUI(new Rect(80, 345, 220, 50)), "Cancel")) { Application.LoadLevel("LoginScene"); } if (errorMsg != "") { GUI.Box(new Rect((Screen.width - (UtilResize.resMultiplier() * 260)), (Screen.height - (UtilResize.resMultiplier() * 50)), (UtilResize.resMultiplier() * 260), (UtilResize.resMultiplier() * 50)), errorMsg); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 20, Screen.height - UtilResize.resMultiplier() * 45, 16, 16), "x", "ButtonSmall")) { errorMsg = ""; } } }
public void Registrate() { if (email.text == "") { emailImg.DOColor (errorColor, 1); errorMsg = "Vul al de velden correct in"; } else { emailImg.DOColor (defaultColor, 1); } if (password.text == "") { passImg.DOColor (errorColor, 1); errorMsg = "Vul al de velden correct in"; } else { passImg.DOColor (defaultColor, 1); } if (repassword.text == "") { passreImg.DOColor (errorColor, 1); errorMsg = "Vul al de velden correct in"; } else { passreImg.DOColor (defaultColor, 1); } checkPasswords (); if ((email.text != "") && (password.text != "") && (repassword.text != "") && (password.text == repassword.text)) { Loader.I.enableLoader (); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); = email.text; credentials.password = password.text; Dictionary<string, object> emptyDictionary = new Dictionary<string, object> (); GDUser user = new GDUser(); user.credentials = credentials; user.profile.Add("email", email.text); user.profile.Add("name", ""); user.profile.Add("color", ""); user.profile.Add("hobby", ""); user.profile.Add("film", ""); user.profile.Add("age", 0); user.profile.Add("instelling", ""); user.profile.Add("lvl", 1); user.profile.Add("wonAttr", 1); user.profile.Add("friends", emptyDictionary); user.profile.Add("avatar", ""); user.profile.Add("admin", false); user.profile.Add("created_profile", false); GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user,OnCreateUser); }else { errorMsgText.text = errorMsg; errorMsgText.DOFade (1, 1); } }
void ProcessAuthentication(bool success) { GDUser user = new GDUser(); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); credentials.open_udid = OpenUDIDPlugin.GetOpenUDID(); user.credentials = credentials; if (success) { credentials.gamecenter_id =; } GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, ProcessCreateUser); }
public static void CreateUser(GDUser user, Action <bool> callback) { string json = JsonMapper.ToJson(user); Gamedonia.RunCoroutine("/account/create", json, delegate(bool success, object data) { if (callback != null) { callback(success); } } ) ); }
public void Authenticate(Action <bool> callback) { if (Gamedonia.INSTANCE.debug) { Debug.Log("Silent Authentication"); } this.callback = callback; GDUser user = new GDUser(); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); credentials.open_udid = OpenUDIDPlugin.GetOpenUDID(); user.credentials = credentials; GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, ProcessCreateUser); }
public void Authenticate(Action<bool> callback) { if (Gamedonia.INSTANCE.debug) Debug.Log("Silent Authentication"); this.callback = callback; GDUser user = new GDUser(); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); credentials.open_udid = OpenUDIDPlugin.GetOpenUDID(); user.credentials = credentials; GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, ProcessCreateUser); }
public static void CreateUser(GDUser user, Action<bool> callback) { string json = JsonMapper.ToJson(user); Gamedonia.RunCoroutine("/account/create",json, delegate (bool success, object data) { if (callback!=null) callback(success); } ) ); }
void ProcessAuthentication(bool success) { GDUser user = new GDUser(); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); credentials.open_udid = OpenUDIDPlugin.GetOpenUDID(); user.credentials = credentials; if (success) credentials.gamecenter_id =; GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, ProcessCreateUser); }
public void Authenticate(Action<bool> callback) { if (Gamedonia.INSTANCE.debug) Debug.Log("Facebook Authentication"); _callback = callback; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_fb_uid) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_fb_access_token)) { GDUser user = new GDUser(); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); credentials.fb_uid = _fb_uid; credentials.fb_access_token = _fb_access_token; user.credentials = credentials; GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, ProcessCreateUser); } else { Debug.LogError("Facebook id or token not present impossible to perform login with it"); if (_callback != null) _callback(false); } }
public void Registrate() { if (email.text == "") { emailImg.DOColor(errorColor, 1); errorMsg = "Vul al de velden correct in"; } else { emailImg.DOColor(defaultColor, 1); } if (password.text == "") { passImg.DOColor(errorColor, 1); errorMsg = "Vul al de velden correct in"; } else { passImg.DOColor(defaultColor, 1); } if (repassword.text == "") { passreImg.DOColor(errorColor, 1); errorMsg = "Vul al de velden correct in"; } else { passreImg.DOColor(defaultColor, 1); } checkPasswords(); if ((email.text != "") && (password.text != "") && (repassword.text != "") && (password.text == repassword.text)) { Loader.I.enableLoader(); Credentials credentials = new Credentials(); = email.text; credentials.password = password.text; GDUser user = new GDUser(); user.credentials = credentials; user.profile.Add("email", email.text); user.profile.Add("name", ""); user.profile.Add("color", ""); user.profile.Add("hobby", ""); user.profile.Add("film", ""); user.profile.Add("age", 0); user.profile.Add("instelling", ""); user.profile.Add("lvl", 1); user.profile.Add("wonAttr", 1); user.profile ["friends"] = new Dictionary <string, object> (); user.profile.Add("avatar", ""); user.profile.Add("admin", false); user.profile.Add("created_profile", false); GamedoniaUsers.CreateUser(user, OnCreateUser); } else { errorMsgText.text = errorMsg; errorMsgText.DOFade(1, 1); } }