Пример #1
        // <summary>
        // Initialize animation clip with it's root timeline. Crashes if root timeline is not present.
        // First operation that has to be performed to work with GAF playback.
        // Creating serializable data e.g. game objects of animation children.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Asset">Animation asset file.</param>

        //public virtual void initialize(GAFAnimationAssetInternal _Asset)


        //----------------------Initialize (overload)---------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Initialize animation clip.
        // First operation that has to be performed to work with GAF playback.
        // Creating serializable data e.g. game objects of animation children.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Asset">Animation asset file.</param>
        // <param name="_TimelineID">ID of timeline.</param>

        //public override void initialize(GAFAnimationAssetInternal _Asset, int _TimelineID)


        /// <summary>
        /// Reload animation view.
        /// Second opertation that has to be performed to work with GAF playback.
        /// Creating non-serializable data e.g. meshes, runtime materials.
        /// Updating animation view to a currently selected frame.
        /// Should be called every time when animation view has been changed e.g. setting animation color.
        /// </summary>
        //public override void reload()

        //-------------------Get object------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Getting reference to an object by ID
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_ID">ID of animation suboject e.g "2_27" - "27" is object ID.</param>
        // <returns>IGAFObject.</returns>

        //public abstract IGAFObject getObject (uint _ID);


        //-------------------Get object (overload)------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get object by name. If your object has custom name in inspector you can get it here.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_PartName">Name of part.</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public virtual IGAFObject getObject(string _PartName)


        //---------------Object ID to part name------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get object name by it's ID.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_ID">ID of object.</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public string objectIDToPartName(uint _ID)


        //---------------Part name to object ID------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get object id by name.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_PartName">Named part name.</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public uint partNameToObjectID(string _PartName)


        //--------------------Get objects count------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get number of animation objects
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.Int32.</returns>

        //public override int getObjectsCount()


        // <summary>
        // Clear all information about objects in animation.
        // Moves animation to not initialized state.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="destroyChildren">Destroy game objects from scene.</param>

        //public void clear(bool destroyChildren = false)


        //---------------------Clean view--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Clean up animation non-serialized data.
        // Calling reload resets animation state.
        // </summary>

        //public void cleanView()


        //---------------------Get shared material--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Returns reference to a shared material
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Name">Name of material (without .mat)</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public Material getSharedMaterial(string _Name)


        //------------------Register external material---------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Registering material as one that is used in this clip
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Material">Material to register</param>

        //public void registerExternalMaterial(Material _Material)


        #endregion      /////// GAFBaseClip ///////

        #region         //////// GAFMovieClip /////////
        // <summary>
        // Start playing animation.
        // </summary>

        //public void play()


        // <summary>
        // Pause animation.
        // </summary>

        //public void pause()


        // <summary>
        // Stop playing animation. Moving playback to a first frame in a current sequence.
        // </summary>

        //public void stop()


        //---------------------Go to and stop--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Go to the desired frame.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Number of frame.</param>

        //public void gotoAndStop(uint _FrameNumber)


        //---------------------Go to and play--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Go to the desired frame and start playing.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Number of frame.</param>

        //public void gotoAndPlay(uint _FrameNumber)


        //---------------------Sequence index to name--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get sequence name by index.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Index">Index of sequence.</param>
        // <returns>System.String.</returns>

        //public string sequenceIndexToName(uint _Index)


        //---------------------Sequence name to index--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get sequence index by name.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Name">Name of sequence.</param>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint sequenceNameToIndex(string _Name)


        //---------------------Set sequence--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Set sequence for playing.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_SequenceName">Name of desired sequence.</param>
        // <param name="_PlayImmediately">Run this sequence immediately.</param>

        //public void setSequence(string _SequenceName, bool _PlayImmediately = false)


        //---------------------Set default sequence--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Set playback to a default sequence.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_PlayImmediately">Run this sequence immediately.</param>

        //public void setDefaultSequence(bool _PlayImmediately = false)


        //-------------Get current sequence index-----------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get index of current sequence.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint getCurrentSequenceIndex()


        //---------------------Get current frame number--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get current frame number.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint getCurrentFrameNumber()


        //---------------------Get frames count--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get count of frames in current timeline.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint getFramesCount()


        //---------------------Get animation wrap mode--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get wrap mode.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>GAFWrapMode.</returns>

        //public GAFWrapMode getAnimationWrapMode()


        //---------------Set animation wrap mode-----------------//
        // <summary>
        // Set wrap mode.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Mode">Type of wrap mode.</param>

        //public void setAnimationWrapMode(GAFWrapMode _Mode)


        //---------------------Is playing--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Check if animation is playing.
        // </summary>
        // <returns><c>true</c> if this instance is playing; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>

        //public bool isPlaying()


        // <summary>
        // Get duration of current sequence.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.Single.</returns>

        //public float duration()


        //---------------------Add trigger--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Add event trigger on a desired frame.
        // Used for defining callbacks e.g. sounds, custom effects.
        // Returns ID of current event.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Callback">Event will been call on selected frame.</param>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Frame number.</param>
        // <returns>System.String.</returns>

        //public string addTrigger(Action<IGAFMovieClip> _Callback, uint _FrameNumber)


        //---------------------Remove trigger--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Remove event trigger by its ID.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_ID">ID of trigger.</param>

        //public void removeTrigger(string _ID)


        //----------------Remove all triggers--------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Remove all event triggers on selected frame.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Number of frame.</param>

        //public void removeAllTriggers(uint _FrameNumber)


        //----------------Remove all triggers (overload)--------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Remove all event triggers in current animation.
        // </summary>

        //public void removeAllTriggers()


        protected override void setState(ref GAFObjectStateData _State, Dictionary <uint, IGAFObject> _Objects)
            if (settings.cacheStates)
                _State.vertices = new Vector3[4];

                float scale  = settings.pixelsPerUnit / settings.scale;
                var   matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
                var   obj    = _Objects[_State.id].impl;

                matrix[0, 0] = _State.a;
                matrix[0, 1] = _State.c;
                matrix[1, 0] = _State.b;
                matrix[1, 1] = _State.d;
                matrix[0, 3] = _State.localPosition.x / scale + obj.serializedProperties.offset.x + settings.pivotOffset.x;
                matrix[1, 3] = -_State.localPosition.y / scale + obj.serializedProperties.offset.y + settings.pivotOffset.y;
                matrix[2, 3] = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < obj.initialVertices.Length; j++)
                    _State.vertices[j] = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(obj.initialVertices[j]);
                _State.vertices = null;
Пример #2

        //---------------------Update to state--------------------------//
        /// <summary>
        /// Update object to desired state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_State">State data.</param>
        /// <param name="_Refresh">Force refresh state.</param>
        public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            base.updateToState(_State, _Refresh);

            if (hasController())
                m_Controller.updateToState(currentMesh, currentMaterial);
Пример #3
    public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
        currentState = _State;

        if (movieClip != null)
            float scale = movieClip.settings.pixelsPerUnit / movieClip.settings.scale;
            transform.localPosition = new Vector3(_State.tX / scale, -_State.tY / scale, -_State.zOrder / scale);
Пример #4
 private void updateObjectState(GAFObjectStateData _State)
     currentState.tX     = _State.tY;
     currentState.tY     = _State.tY;
     currentState.zOrder = _State.zOrder;
     currentState.a      = _State.a;
     currentState.b      = _State.b;
     currentState.c      = _State.c;
     currentState.d      = _State.d;
Пример #5
 public virtual void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
     gameObject.SetActive(_State.alpha > 0);
     if (renderer != null)
         renderer.enabled = visible;
     foreach (var component in m_Components)
         component.updateToState(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #6
        public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            updateMasking(_State, _Refresh);

            if (material != m_SharedMaterial)
                updateMaterialColor(_State, _Refresh);
                updateMeshColor(_State, _Refresh);

            updateTransform(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #7
        protected virtual void updateTransform(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha > 0)
                if (_Refresh ||
                    currentState.a != _State.a ||
                    currentState.b != _State.b ||
                    currentState.c != _State.c ||
                    currentState.d != _State.d ||
                    currentState.tX != _State.tX ||
                    currentState.tY != _State.tY ||
                    currentState.zOrder != _State.zOrder)
                    var   clip        = serializedProperties.clip;
                    var   pivotOffset = clip.settings.pivotOffset;
                    float scale       = clip.settings.pixelsPerUnit / clip.settings.scale;

                    Matrix4x4 _transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
                    _transform[0, 0] = _State.a;
                    _transform[0, 1] = -_State.c;
                    _transform[1, 0] = -_State.b;
                    _transform[1, 1] = _State.d;
                    _transform[0, 3] = _State.tX / scale + serializedProperties.offset.x + pivotOffset.x;
                    _transform[1, 3] = -_State.tY / scale + serializedProperties.offset.y + pivotOffset.y;
                    _transform[2, 3] = _State.zOrder / scale * clip.settings.zLayerScale;

                    serializedProperties.statePosition = new Vector3(_State.tX / scale, -_State.tY / scale, _State.zOrder / scale * clip.settings.zLayerScale);

                    for (int i = 0; i < initialVertices.Length; i++)
                        currentVertices[i] = _transform.MultiplyPoint3x4(initialVertices[i]);

                    if (currentState.zOrder != _State.zOrder)

                    currentState.tX     = _State.tY;
                    currentState.tY     = _State.tY;
                    currentState.zOrder = _State.zOrder;
                    currentState.a      = _State.a;
                    currentState.b      = _State.b;
                    currentState.c      = _State.c;
                    currentState.d      = _State.d;
Пример #8
        protected virtual void updateTransform(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha > 0)
                if (_Refresh ||
                    currentState.zOrder != _State.zOrder ||
                    currentState.tX != _State.tX ||
                    currentState.tY != _State.tY)
                    var clip  = serializedProperties.clip;
                    var scale = clip.settings.pixelsPerUnit / clip.settings.scale;

                    serializedProperties.statePosition = new Vector3(_State.tX / scale, -_State.tY / scale, _State.zOrder / scale * clip.settings.zLayerScale);
                    m_Object.transform.localPosition   = serializedProperties.statePosition + serializedProperties.offset + (Vector3)clip.settings.pivotOffset;
                    currentState.zOrder = _State.zOrder;

                if (_Refresh ||
                    currentState.a != _State.a ||
                    currentState.b != _State.b ||
                    currentState.c != _State.c ||
                    currentState.d != _State.d)
                    Matrix4x4 _transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
                    _transform[0, 0] = _State.a;
                    _transform[0, 1] = -_State.c;
                    _transform[1, 0] = -_State.b;
                    _transform[1, 1] = _State.d;
                    _transform[2, 3] = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < initialVertices.Length; i++)
                        currentVertices[i] = _transform.MultiplyPoint3x4(initialVertices[i]);

                    filter.sharedMesh.vertices = currentVertices;

                    currentState.tX     = _State.tY;
                    currentState.tY     = _State.tY;
                    currentState.zOrder = _State.zOrder;
                    currentState.a      = _State.a;
                    currentState.b      = _State.b;
                    currentState.c      = _State.c;
                    currentState.d      = _State.d;
Пример #9
        protected override void updateMeshColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha != _State.alpha ||
                if (_State.alpha == 0f || !serializedProperties.visible)

            base.updateMeshColor(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #10
    public virtual void init(GAFMovieClip _Player)
        m_CurrentState = null;

        visible = initialVisible;


        addComponent(new GAFTransform(this));
        if (movieClip.asset.coloredObjects.Contains((int)objectID))
            addComponent(new GAFColorTransform(this));

        updateToState(currentState, true);
Пример #11
    public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
        animationObject.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
        animationObject.transform.localScale    = Vector3.one;

        if (_Refresh ||
            currentState.tX != _State.tX ||
            currentState.tY != _State.tY ||
            currentState.zOrder != _State.zOrder)
            float scale = movieClip.settings.pixelsPerUnit / movieClip.settings.scale;
            animationObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(_State.tX / scale, -_State.tY / scale, -_State.zOrder / scale);

        if (_Refresh ||
            currentState.a != _State.a ||
            currentState.b != _State.b ||
            currentState.c != _State.c ||
            currentState.d != _State.d)
            Matrix4x4 _transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
            _transform[0, 0] = _State.a;
            _transform[0, 1] = -_State.c;
            _transform[1, 0] = -_State.b;
            _transform[1, 1] = _State.d;

            Vector3 [] vertices = new Vector3[m_Vertices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = _transform * m_Vertices[i];

            if (animationObject.filter.sharedMesh != null)
                animationObject.filter.sharedMesh.vertices = vertices;

Пример #12
    public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
        if (animationObject.currentState.alpha != _State.alpha)
            if (animationObject.renderer.sharedMaterial != null)
                animationObject.renderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_Alpha", _State.alpha);

        if (animationObject.currentState.colorMatrix != _State.colorMatrix)
            if (animationObject.renderer.sharedMaterial != null)
                animationObject.renderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_ColorMult", _State.colorMatrix != null ? _State.colorMatrix.multipliers     : Color.white);
                animationObject.renderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor("_ColorShift", _State.colorMatrix != null ? _State.colorMatrix.offsets                 : m_sDisabledOffset);

Пример #13
    protected virtual void initBaseData(GAFMovieClip _Player)
        m_Player = _Player;

        if (m_ObjectID < 0 ||
            m_AtlasElementID < 0)
            string [] names = gameObject.name.Split('_');
            m_AtlasElementID = int.Parse(names[0]);
            m_ObjectID       = int.Parse(names[1]);

        if (m_CurrentState == null)
            m_CurrentState = new GAFObjectStateData(objectID);

        m_TextureAtlas = movieClip.asset.getAtlases(movieClip.timelineID).Find(atlas => atlas.scale == movieClip.settings.scale);
        m_AtlasElement = textureAtlas.getElement(atlasElementID);
        m_TextureInfo  = textureAtlas.getAtlas(atlasElement.atlasID);
Пример #14
        protected virtual void initializeBaseData()
            var clip = serializedProperties.clip;

            m_AtlasData        = clip.asset.getAtlases(clip.timelineID).Find(atlas => atlas.scale == clip.settings.scale);
            m_AtlasElementData = m_AtlasData.getElement(serializedProperties.atlasElementID);
            m_TexturesData     = m_AtlasData.getAtlas(m_AtlasElementData.atlasID);

            m_Texture = hasCustomTexture ? serializedProperties.material.mainTexture as Texture2D :
            m_Material = hasCustomTexture ? serializedProperties.material :
            m_Material.renderQueue = 3000;

            m_CurrentState = new GAFObjectStateData(serializedProperties.objectID);
            m_Colors       = new Color32[4] {
                initialColor, initialColor, initialColor, initialColor
            m_ColorShift = new Vector4[4];

Пример #15
        // <summary>
        // Initialize animation clip with it's root timeline. Crashes if root timeline is not present.
        // <para />First operation that has to be performed to work with GAF playback.
        // <para />Creating serializable data e.g. game objects of animation children.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Asset">Animation asset file.</param>

        //public virtual void initialize(GAFAnimationAssetInternal _Asset)


        //----------------------Initialize (overload)---------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Initialize animation clip.
        // <para />First operation that has to be performed to work with GAF playback.
        // <para />Creating serializable data e.g. game objects of animation children.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Asset">Animation asset file.</param>
        // <param name="_TimelineID">ID of timeline.</param>

        //public override void initialize(GAFAnimationAssetInternal _Asset, int _TimelineID)


        /// <summary>
        /// Reload animation view.
        /// <para />Second opertation that has to be performed to work with GAF playback.
        /// <para />Creating non-serializable data e.g. meshes, runtime materials.
        /// <para />Updating animation view to a currently selected frame.
        /// <para />Should be called every time when animation view has been changed e.g. setting animation color.
        /// </summary>
        //public override void reload()

        //-------------------Get object------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Getting reference to an object by ID
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_ID">ID of animation suboject e.g "2_27" - "27" is object ID.</param>
        // <returns>IGAFObject.</returns>

        //public abstract IGAFObject getObject (uint _ID);


        //-------------------Get object (overload)------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get object by name. If your object has custom name in inspector you can get it here.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_PartName">Name of part.</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public virtual IGAFObject getObject(string _PartName)


        //---------------Object ID to part name------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get object name by it's ID.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_ID">ID of object.</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public string objectIDToPartName(uint _ID)


        //---------------Part name to object ID------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get object id by name.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_PartName">Named part name.</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public uint partNameToObjectID(string _PartName)


        //--------------------Get objects count------------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get number of animation objects
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.Int32.</returns>

        //public override int getObjectsCount()


        // <summary>
        // Clear all information about objects in animation.
        // <para />Moves animation to not initialized state.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="destroyChildren">Destroy game objects from scene.</param>

        //public void clear(bool destroyChildren = false)


        //---------------------Clean view--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Clean up animation non-serialized data.
        // <para />Calling reload resets animation state.
        // </summary>

        //public void cleanView()


        //---------------------Get shared material--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Returns reference to a shared material
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Name">Name of material (without .mat)</param>
        // <returns></returns>

        //public Material getSharedMaterial(string _Name)


        //------------------Register external material---------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Registering material as one that is used in this clip
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Material">Material to register</param>

        //public void registerExternalMaterial(Material _Material)


        #endregion      /////// GAFBaseClip ///////

        #region         //////// GAFMovieClip /////////
        // <summary>
        // Start playing animation.
        // </summary>

        //public void play()


        // <summary>
        // Pause animation.
        // </summary>

        //public void pause()


        // <summary>
        // Stop playing animation. Moving playback to a first frame in a current sequence.
        // </summary>

        //public void stop()


        //---------------------Go to and stop--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Go to the desired frame.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Number of frame.</param>

        //public void gotoAndStop(uint _FrameNumber)


        //---------------------Go to and play--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Go to the desired frame and start playing.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Number of frame.</param>

        //public void gotoAndPlay(uint _FrameNumber)


        //---------------------Sequence index to name--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get sequence name by index.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Index">Index of sequence.</param>
        // <returns>System.String.</returns>

        //public string sequenceIndexToName(uint _Index)


        //---------------------Sequence name to index--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get sequence index by name.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Name">Name of sequence.</param>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint sequenceNameToIndex(string _Name)


        //---------------------Set sequence--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Set sequence for playing.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_SequenceName">Name of desired sequence.</param>
        // <param name="_PlayImmediately">Run this sequence immediately.</param>

        //public void setSequence(string _SequenceName, bool _PlayImmediately = false)


        //---------------------Set default sequence--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Set playback to a default sequence.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_PlayImmediately">Run this sequence immediately.</param>

        //public void setDefaultSequence(bool _PlayImmediately = false)


        //-------------Get current sequence index-----------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get index of current sequence.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint getCurrentSequenceIndex()


        //---------------------Get current frame number--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get current frame number.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint getCurrentFrameNumber()


        //---------------------Get frames count--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get count of frames in current timeline.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.UInt32.</returns>

        //public uint getFramesCount()


        //---------------------Get animation wrap mode--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Get wrap mode.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>GAFWrapMode.</returns>

        //public GAFWrapMode getAnimationWrapMode()


        //---------------Set animation wrap mode-----------------//
        // <summary>
        // Set wrap mode.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Mode">Type of wrap mode.</param>

        //public void setAnimationWrapMode(GAFWrapMode _Mode)


        //---------------------Is playing--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Check if animation is playing.
        // </summary>
        // <returns><c>true</c> if this instance is playing; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>

        //public bool isPlaying()


        // <summary>
        // Get duration of current sequence.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>System.Single.</returns>

        //public float duration()


        //---------------------Add trigger--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Add event trigger on a desired frame.
        // <para />Used for defining callbacks e.g. sounds, custom effects.
        // <para />Returns ID of current event.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_Callback">Event will been call on selected frame.</param>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Frame number.</param>
        // <returns>System.String.</returns>

        //public string addTrigger(Action<IGAFMovieClip> _Callback, uint _FrameNumber)


        //---------------------Remove trigger--------------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Remove event trigger by its ID.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_ID">ID of trigger.</param>

        //public void removeTrigger(string _ID)


        //----------------Remove all triggers--------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Remove all event triggers on selected frame.
        // </summary>
        // <param name="_FrameNumber">Number of frame.</param>

        //public void removeAllTriggers(uint _FrameNumber)


        //----------------Remove all triggers (overload)--------------------//
        // <summary>
        // Remove all event triggers in current animation.
        // </summary>

        //public void removeAllTriggers()


        protected override void setState(ref GAFObjectStateData _State, Dictionary <uint, IGAFObject> _Objects)
            if (settings.cacheStates)
                _State.vertices = new Vector3[4];

                var matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
                var obj    = _Objects[_State.id].impl;

                matrix[0, 0] = _State.a;
                matrix[0, 1] = _State.c;
                matrix[1, 0] = _State.b;
                matrix[1, 1] = _State.d;

                for (int j = 0; j < obj.initialVertices.Length; j++)
                    _State.vertices[j] = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(obj.initialVertices[j]);
                _State.vertices = null;
Пример #16
        public void updateMasking(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (_State.maskID != currentState.maskID ||
                if (currentState.maskID >= 0)
                    var oldMask = GAFStencilMaskManager.getMask(serializedProperties.clip.GetInstanceID(), (uint)currentState.maskID);
                    m_StencilID = 0;

                if (_State.maskID >= 0)
                    var newMask = GAFStencilMaskManager.getMask(serializedProperties.clip.GetInstanceID(), (uint)_State.maskID);
                    m_StencilID = newMask.getStencilID();

                currentState.maskID = _State.maskID;
Пример #17
 public abstract void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh);
Пример #18
        protected virtual void updateMeshColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (_Refresh ||
                currentState.alpha != _State.alpha)
                if (!serializedProperties.visible)
                    if (renderProcessor.contains(serializedProperties.objectID))
                else if (_State.alpha == 0f)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].a = (byte)(_State.alpha * 255f);

                    if (!renderProcessor.contains(serializedProperties.objectID))

                currentState.alpha = _State.alpha;

            if (_Refresh ||
                currentState.colorTransformData != _State.colorTransformData)
                if (_State.colorTransformData != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i] = _State.colorTransformData.multipliers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = _State.colorTransformData.offsets;
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].r = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].g = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].b = (byte)255;

                    var offset = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = offset;

                currentState.colorTransformData = _State.colorTransformData;

            if (serializedProperties.clip.settings.hasIndividualMaterial)
                material.SetColor("_CustomColor", serializedProperties.clip.settings.animationColor);
Пример #19
 public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
     updateMeshColor(_State, _Refresh);
     updateTransform(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #20
        protected virtual void updateMaterialColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha != _State.alpha ||
                renderer.enabled = _State.alpha > 0f && serializedProperties.visible;

                for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                    colors[i].a = (byte)(_State.alpha * 255f);

                var color = new Color(
                    (float)colors[0].r / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].g / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].b / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].a / 255f);

                material.SetColor("_TintColor", color);

                currentState.alpha = _State.alpha;

            if (currentState.colorTransformData != _State.colorTransformData ||
                if (_State.colorTransformData != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i] = _State.colorTransformData.multipliers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = _State.colorTransformData.offsets;
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].r = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].g = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].b = (byte)255;

                    var offset = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = offset;

                var color = new Color(
                    (float)colors[0].r / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].g / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].b / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].a / 255f);

                material.SetColor("_TintColor", color);
                material.SetVector("_TintColorOffset", colorsShift[0]);

                currentState.colorTransformData = _State.colorTransformData;

            if (serializedProperties.clip.settings.hasIndividualMaterial)
                material.SetColor("_CustomColor", serializedProperties.clip.settings.animationColor);
Пример #21
        protected virtual void updateMeshColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            var setColors		= false;
            var setColorsShift	= false;

            if (currentState.alpha != _State.alpha ||
                if (_State.alpha == 0f)
                    renderer.enabled = false;
                    renderer.enabled = serializedProperties.visible;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].a = (byte)(_State.alpha * 255f);

                setColors = true;

                currentState.alpha = _State.alpha;

            if (currentState.colorTransformData != _State.colorTransformData ||
                if (_State.colorTransformData != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i] = _State.colorTransformData.multipliers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = _State.colorTransformData.offsets;
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].r = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].g = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].b = (byte)255;

                    var offset = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = offset;

                setColors = true;
                setColorsShift = true;

                currentState.colorTransformData = _State.colorTransformData;

            if (setColors)
                filter.sharedMesh.colors32 = colors;

            if (setColorsShift)
                filter.sharedMesh.tangents = colorsShift;

            if (serializedProperties.clip.settings.hasIndividualMaterial)
                material.SetColor("_CustomColor", serializedProperties.clip.settings.animationColor);
Пример #22
        protected virtual void updateMaterialColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha != _State.alpha ||
                renderer.enabled = _State.alpha > 0f && serializedProperties.visible;

                for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                    colors[i].a = (byte)(_State.alpha * 255f);

                var color = new Color(
                      (float)colors[0].r / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].g / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].b / 255f
                    , (float)colors[0].a / 255f);

                material.SetColor("_TintColor", color);

                currentState.alpha = _State.alpha;

            if (currentState.colorTransformData != _State.colorTransformData ||
                if (_State.colorTransformData != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i] = _State.colorTransformData.multipliers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = _State.colorTransformData.offsets;
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].r = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].g = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].b = (byte)255;

                    var offset = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = offset;

                var color = new Color(
                          (float)colors[0].r / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].g / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].b / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].a / 255f);

                material.SetColor("_TintColor", color);
                material.SetVector("_TintColorOffset", colorsShift[0]);

                currentState.colorTransformData = _State.colorTransformData;

            if (serializedProperties.clip.settings.hasIndividualMaterial)
                material.SetColor("_CustomColor", serializedProperties.clip.settings.animationColor);
Пример #23
        public abstract void updateToState(
			  GAFObjectStateData	_State
			, bool					_Refresh);
Пример #24
 public void addState(GAFObjectStateData state)
     m_States.Add(state.id, state);
Пример #25
        protected virtual void updateTransform(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha > 0)
                if (_Refresh ||
                    currentState.zOrder != _State.zOrder ||
                    currentState.tX != _State.tX ||
                    currentState.tY != _State.tY)
                    var	clip  = serializedProperties.clip;
                    var	scale = clip.settings.pixelsPerUnit / clip.settings.scale;

                    serializedProperties.statePosition = new Vector3(_State.tX / scale, -_State.tY / scale, _State.zOrder / scale * clip.settings.zLayerScale);
                    m_Object.transform.localPosition = serializedProperties.statePosition + serializedProperties.offset + (Vector3)clip.settings.pivotOffset;
                    currentState.zOrder = _State.zOrder;

                if (_Refresh ||
                    currentState.a != _State.a ||
                    currentState.b != _State.b ||
                    currentState.c != _State.c ||
                    currentState.d != _State.d)
                    Matrix4x4 _transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
                    _transform[0, 0] =  _State.a;
                    _transform[0, 1] = -_State.c;
                    _transform[1, 0] = -_State.b;
                    _transform[1, 1] =  _State.d;
                    _transform[2, 3] =  0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < initialVertices.Length; i++)
                        currentVertices[i] = _transform.MultiplyPoint3x4(initialVertices[i]);

                    filter.sharedMesh.vertices = currentVertices;

                    currentState.tX		= _State.tY;
                    currentState.tY		= _State.tY;
                    currentState.zOrder = _State.zOrder;
                    currentState.a		= _State.a;
                    currentState.b		= _State.b;
                    currentState.c		= _State.c;
                    currentState.d		= _State.d;
Пример #26
        protected virtual void updateMeshColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            var setColors      = false;
            var setColorsShift = false;

            if (currentState.alpha != _State.alpha ||
                if (_State.alpha == 0f)
                    renderer.enabled = false;
                    renderer.enabled = serializedProperties.visible;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].a = (byte)(_State.alpha * 255f);

                setColors = true;

                currentState.alpha = _State.alpha;

            if (currentState.colorTransformData != _State.colorTransformData ||
                if (_State.colorTransformData != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i] = _State.colorTransformData.multipliers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = _State.colorTransformData.offsets;
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].r = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].g = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].b = (byte)255;

                    var offset = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = offset;

                setColors      = true;
                setColorsShift = true;

                currentState.colorTransformData = _State.colorTransformData;

            if (setColors)
                filter.sharedMesh.colors32 = colors;

            if (setColorsShift)
                filter.sharedMesh.tangents = colorsShift;

            if (serializedProperties.clip.settings.hasIndividualMaterial)
                material.SetColor("_CustomColor", serializedProperties.clip.settings.animationColor);
Пример #27
        protected virtual void updateMaterialColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (_Refresh ||
                currentState.alpha != _State.alpha)
                if (!serializedProperties.visible)
                    if (renderProcessor.contains(serializedProperties.objectID))
                else if (_State.alpha == 0f)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].a = (byte)(_State.alpha * 255f);

                    if (!renderProcessor.contains(serializedProperties.objectID))

                    var color = new Color(
                          (float)colors[0].r / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].g / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].b / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].a / 255f);

                    material.SetColor("_TintColor", color);

                currentState.alpha = _State.alpha;

            if (_Refresh ||
                currentState.colorTransformData != _State.colorTransformData)
                if (_State.colorTransformData != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i] = _State.colorTransformData.multipliers;

                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = _State.colorTransformData.offsets;
                    for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                        colors[i].r = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].g = (byte)255;
                        colors[i].b = (byte)255;

                    var offset = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                    for (int i = 0; i < colorsShift.Length; ++i)
                        colorsShift[i] = offset;

                if (serializedProperties.visible)
                    var color = new Color(
                          (float)colors[0].r / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].g / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].b / 255f
                        , (float)colors[0].a / 255f);

                    material.SetColor("_TintColor", color);
                    material.SetVector("_TintColorOffset", colorsShift[0]);

                currentState.colorTransformData = _State.colorTransformData;

            if (serializedProperties.clip.settings.hasIndividualMaterial)
                material.SetColor("_CustomColor", serializedProperties.clip.settings.animationColor);
Пример #28
 public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
     updateMeshColor(_State, _Refresh);
     updateTransform(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #29
        protected virtual void updateTransform(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha > 0)
                if (_Refresh ||
                    currentState.a != _State.a ||
                    currentState.b != _State.b ||
                    currentState.c != _State.c ||
                    currentState.d != _State.d ||
                    currentState.tX != _State.tX ||
                    currentState.tY != _State.tY ||
                    currentState.zOrder != _State.zOrder)
                    var		clip		= serializedProperties.clip;
                    var		pivotOffset = clip.settings.pivotOffset;
                    float	scale		= clip.settings.pixelsPerUnit / clip.settings.scale;

                    Matrix4x4 _transform = Matrix4x4.identity;
                    _transform[0, 0] =  _State.a;
                    _transform[0, 1] = -_State.c;
                    _transform[1, 0] = -_State.b;
                    _transform[1, 1] =  _State.d;
                    _transform[0, 3] =  _State.tX / scale + serializedProperties.offset.x + pivotOffset.x;
                    _transform[1, 3] = -_State.tY / scale + serializedProperties.offset.y + pivotOffset.y;
                    _transform[2, 3] = _State.zOrder / scale * clip.settings.zLayerScale;

                    serializedProperties.statePosition = new Vector3(_State.tX / scale, -_State.tY / scale, _State.zOrder / scale * clip.settings.zLayerScale);

                    for (int i = 0; i < initialVertices.Length; i++)
                        currentVertices[i] = _transform.MultiplyPoint3x4(initialVertices[i]);

                    if (currentState.zOrder != _State.zOrder)

                    currentState.tX		= _State.tY;
                    currentState.tY		= _State.tY;
                    currentState.zOrder = _State.zOrder;
                    currentState.a		= _State.a;
                    currentState.b		= _State.b;
                    currentState.c		= _State.c;
                    currentState.d		= _State.d;
Пример #30
 public void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
     m_Impl.updateToState(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #31
        public void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            gameObject.SetActive(_State.alpha > 0);

            m_Impl.updateToState(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #32
        protected virtual void initializeBaseData()
            var clip = serializedProperties.clip;

            m_AtlasData			= clip.asset.getAtlases(clip.timelineID).Find(atlas => atlas.scale == clip.settings.scale);
            m_AtlasElementData	= m_AtlasData.getElement(serializedProperties.atlasElementID);
            m_TexturesData		= m_AtlasData.getAtlas(m_AtlasElementData.atlasID);

            m_Texture	= hasCustomTexture ? serializedProperties.material.mainTexture as Texture2D :
            m_Material	= hasCustomTexture ? serializedProperties.material :
            m_Material.renderQueue = 3000;

            m_CurrentState		= new GAFObjectStateData(serializedProperties.objectID);
            m_Colors			= new Color32[4] { initialColor, initialColor, initialColor, initialColor };
            m_ColorShift		= new Vector4[4];

Пример #33
 public void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
     m_Impl.updateToState(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #34
 private void updateObjectState(GAFObjectStateData _State)
     currentState.alpha       = _State.alpha;
     currentState.colorMatrix = _State.colorMatrix;
Пример #35
 protected virtual void setState(ref GAFObjectStateData _State, Dictionary <uint, IGAFObject> _Objects)
Пример #36
        public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            updateMasking(_State, _Refresh);

            if (material != m_SharedMaterial)
                updateMaterialColor(_State, _Refresh);
                updateMeshColor(_State, _Refresh);

            updateTransform(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #37
        public void updateMasking(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (_State.maskID != currentState.maskID ||
                if (currentState.maskID >= 0)
                    var oldMask = GAFStencilMaskManager.getMask(serializedProperties.clip.GetInstanceID(), (uint)currentState.maskID);
                    m_StencilID = 0;

                if (_State.maskID >= 0)
                    var newMask = GAFStencilMaskManager.getMask(serializedProperties.clip.GetInstanceID(), (uint)_State.maskID);
                    m_StencilID = newMask.getStencilID();

                currentState.maskID = _State.maskID;
Пример #38
    private GAFObjectStateData ExctractState(BinaryReader _Reader)
        bool hasColorTransform = System.Convert.ToBoolean(_Reader.ReadByte());
        bool hasMasks          = System.Convert.ToBoolean(_Reader.ReadByte());
        bool hasEffect         = System.Convert.ToBoolean(_Reader.ReadByte());

        GAFObjectStateData state = new GAFObjectStateData(_Reader.ReadUInt32());

        state.zOrder = _Reader.ReadInt32();
        state.alpha  = _Reader.ReadSingle();
        state.a      = _Reader.ReadSingle();
        state.b      = _Reader.ReadSingle();
        state.c      = _Reader.ReadSingle();
        state.d      = _Reader.ReadSingle();
        state.tX     = _Reader.ReadSingle();
        state.tY     = _Reader.ReadSingle();

        if (hasColorTransform)
            float [] ctxMul = new float[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.COUNT];
            float [] ctxOff = new float[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.COUNT];

            ctxMul[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_A] = state.alpha;
            ctxOff[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_A] = _Reader.ReadSingle();

            ctxMul[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_R] = _Reader.ReadSingle();
            ctxOff[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_R] = _Reader.ReadSingle();

            ctxMul[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_G] = _Reader.ReadSingle();
            ctxOff[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_G] = _Reader.ReadSingle();

            ctxMul[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_B] = _Reader.ReadSingle();
            ctxOff[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_B] = _Reader.ReadSingle();

            Color colorMult = new Color(
                , ctxMul[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_G]
                , ctxMul[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_B]
                , ctxMul[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_A]);

            Color colorOff = new Color(
                , ctxOff[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_G]
                , ctxOff[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_B]
                , ctxOff[(int)GAFColorTransformIndex.GAFCTI_A]);

            state.colorMatrix = new GAFColorTransformationMatrix(colorMult, colorOff);

        if (hasEffect)
            byte effectsCount = _Reader.ReadByte();
            for (byte e = 0; e < effectsCount; ++e)
                // skip all
                GAFFilterType type = (GAFFilterType)_Reader.ReadUInt32();
                switch (type)
                case GAFFilterType.GFT_DropShadow:      _Reader.BaseStream.Position += sizeof(uint) + 5 * sizeof(float) + 2 * sizeof(byte); break;

                case GAFFilterType.GFT_Blur:            _Reader.BaseStream.Position += 2 * sizeof(float);                                                                       break;

                case GAFFilterType.GFT_Glow:            _Reader.BaseStream.Position += sizeof(uint) + 3 * sizeof(float) + 2 * sizeof(byte); break;

                case GAFFilterType.GFT_ColorMatrix: _Reader.BaseStream.Position += 20 * sizeof(float);                                                                  break;

        if (hasMasks)
            state.maskID = (int)_Reader.ReadUInt32();

Пример #39
        protected override void updateMeshColor(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            if (currentState.alpha != _State.alpha ||
                if (_State.alpha == 0f || !serializedProperties.visible)

            base.updateMeshColor(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #40
        public void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
            gameObject.SetActive(_State.alpha > 0);

            m_Impl.updateToState(_State, _Refresh);
Пример #41

		//---------------------Update to state--------------------------//
		/// <summary>
		/// Update object to desired state.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="_State">State data.</param>
		/// <param name="_Refresh">Force refresh state.</param>
		public override void updateToState(GAFObjectStateData _State, bool _Refresh)
			base.updateToState(_State, _Refresh);

			if (hasController())
				m_Controller.updateToState(currentMesh, currentMaterial);