Пример #1
    //Fuzzy Think
    IEnumerator Think()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.4f));

        FuzzyAnger          = Fuzzy.Grade(Anger, 0, 30);
        FuzzyClickCount     = Fuzzy.Grade(ClickCount, 3, 50);
        FuzzyPlayerDistance = Fuzzy.Grade(PlayerDistance, 1, 7);
        FuzzyFlashlightInt  = Fuzzy.Grade(FlashlightInt, 1, 10);

        //Flee if FlashlightINT is high OR AI is close to the player
        degreeFlee = Fuzzy.OR(FuzzyFlashlightInt, Fuzzy.NOT(FuzzyPlayerDistance));
        //ChasePlayer if AI is far from player AND hes not angry
        degreeChasePlayer = Fuzzy.AND(FuzzyPlayerDistance, Fuzzy.NOT(FuzzyAnger));
        //Dash based on the average of ANGER and ClickCount
        degreeDash = Fuzzy.AVERAGE(FuzzyAnger, FuzzyClickCount);
        //throwRock if ClickCount is low but hes angry
        degreeThrowRock = Fuzzy.AND(FuzzyAnger, Fuzzy.NOT(FuzzyClickCount));

        fuzzyActionValue = Fuzzy.OR(Fuzzy.OR(degreeFlee, degreeChasePlayer), Fuzzy.OR(degreeDash, degreeThrowRock));
