public void ExecutesDelegatePerformance() { Dictionary<string, object> vars = new Dictionary<string, object>(5); WaitCallback noop = delegate (object arg) { // noop }; vars["noop"] = noop; FunctionNode fn = new FunctionNode(); fn.Text = "noop"; StringLiteralNode str = new StringLiteralNode(); str.Text = "theArg"; fn.addChild(str); int ITERATIONS = 10000000; StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); using (watch.Start("Duration Direct: {0}")) { for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { ((WaitCallback)vars["noop"])(str.getText()); } } using (watch.Start("Duration SpEL: {0}")) { for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { fn.GetValue(null, vars); } } }
protected bool Equals(FunctionNode other) { return base.Equals(other) && string.Equals(Name, other.Name) && IsPure.Equals(other.IsPure) && Equals(ReturnTypeSignature, other.ReturnTypeSignature); }
public Word Visit(FunctionNode functionNode) { var function = new Function(functionNode); if (Procedures.Contains(function)) { return(ErrorFactory.AlreadyDefinedProcedure(functionNode, function.Name, function.ParamCount)); } return(function); }
public Constructor(CanonicalNameReference canonicalName, Flag flags, Name name, List <Expression> annotations, FunctionNode function, List <Initializer> initializers) { this.canonicalName = canonicalName; this.flags = flags; = name; this.annotations = annotations; this.function = function; this.initializers = initializers; }
public void ExtractReplicationGuidesFromText04() { List <int> guides = new List <int>(); string text = " < 101> < abc > <203> "; bool result = FunctionNode.ExtractReplicationGuideFromText(guides, text); Assert.AreEqual(false, result); Assert.AreEqual(0, guides.Count); }
public object Visit(FunctionNode node) { var paramList = new List <object>(); foreach (var pi in node.Parameters) { paramList.Add(pi.Accept(this)); } return(_functionRunner.Invoke(new FunctionContext(node.Name, paramList))); }
public void ExtractReplicationGuidesFromText03() { List <int> guides = new List <int>(); string text = null; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { FunctionNode.ExtractReplicationGuideFromText(guides, text); }); }
public void Visit_IfElseThrowsException_ExceptionShouldBeThrownOutsideTheVisitor() { var visitor = new ScriptVisitor(context => throw new InvalidOperationException("Operation failed")); var conditionInstr = new ValueNode(true); var ifInstr = new FunctionNode("name", new List <IAstNode>()); var elseInstr = new ValueNode(false); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => visitor.Visit(new IfElseNode(conditionInstr, ifInstr, elseInstr))); }
private void tvExpressions_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { FunctionNode FunctionNode = tvExpressions.GetNodeAt(tvExpressions.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)) as FunctionNode; if (FunctionNode == null) { return; } tvExpressions.SelectedNode = FunctionNode; }
public void Visit(FunctionNode node) { CurrentSymbolTable.Insert(node.Identifier, node.Type, node); CurrentSymbolTable.OpenScope(); node.AcceptSiblings(node.Params, this); node.AcceptChildren(this); node.SymbolTable = CurrentSymbolTable.currentTable; CurrentSymbolTable.CloseScope(); }
public void AssignStatementWithVariable_ShouldContainExpressionNode() { var ast = TestHelpers.MakeAstRoot("int varTest = 2;\nint tester = 2;\nfunction testFunction -> | void\ntester = varTest;\nendfunction"); FunctionNode funcNode = ast.GetChildren(2) as FunctionNode; AssignmentNode assignNode = funcNode.GetChildren(0) as AssignmentNode; Assert.That(assignNode.Identifier, Is.EqualTo("tester")); Assert.That(assignNode.Expression, Is.TypeOf <IdentfierNode>()); }
internal void FetchAndTranslate(FunctionNode func) { var fetcher = new Fetcher(_compiler, func); var vc = fetcher.Run(); var analyzer = new LivenessAnalyzer(func, vc); analyzer.Run(); var translator = new Translator(_assembler, _compiler, _codeContext, func, vc); translator.Run(); }
public void Successfully_ListAllValuesForSingleExpr_Expand() { var data = Data(Roll9Conf); var group = new GroupNode(null, new List <DiceAST> { _2d20 }); var node = new FunctionNode(FunctionScope.Group, "expand", new DiceAST[0], data); node.Context.Expression = group; EvaluateNode(node, data, 2, "{2d20}.expand() => (9 + 9) => 18"); }
public void Analyze_Function_ReturnsFunctionNode() { SyntaxNode root = new FunctionNode(new IdentifierNode("ln"), new List <SyntaxNode> { new IdentifierNode("e") }); root = SemanticAnalyzer.Analyze(root, new Environment()); Assert.AreEqual("ln(e)", root.ToString()); }
public void Visit(FunctionNode op) { string parameters = ParameterList(op); EmitGraphvizNodeBegin($"{op.Name}({parameters})"); foreach (var parameter in op.Parameters) { parameter.Accept(this); } EmitGraphvizNodeEnd(); }
public void AssignStatementHasCorrectId() { var ast = TestHelpers.MakeAstRoot("int tester = 2;\nfunction testFunction -> | void\ntester = 4;\nendfunction"); FunctionNode funcNode = ast.GetChildren(1) as FunctionNode; AssignmentNode assignNode = funcNode.GetChildren(0) as AssignmentNode; //TestContext.WriteLine(((ExpressionNode)assignNode.Expression).Operator); Assert.That(assignNode.Identifier, Is.EqualTo("tester")); Assert.That(assignNode.Expression, Is.TypeOf <IntNode>()); }
public void FunctionNodeHasCorrectIdAndTypeAndChildren() { AstNode presumableFuncNode = astRoot.GetChildren(3); Assert.That(presumableFuncNode, Is.TypeOf <FunctionNode>()); FunctionNode functionNode = presumableFuncNode as FunctionNode; Assert.That(functionNode.Identifier, Is.EqualTo("setup")); Assert.That(functionNode.Type, Is.EqualTo(LanguageType.Void)); Assert.That(functionNode.NumberOfChildren, Is.EqualTo(8)); }
public void IfNode_ShouldHaveAlternate() { FunctionNode funcNode = astRoot.GetChildren(4) as FunctionNode; AstNode presumableIfNode = funcNode.GetChildren(4); Assert.That(presumableIfNode, Is.TypeOf <IfNode>()); IfNode ifNode = presumableIfNode as IfNode; Assert.That(ifNode.Alternate, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(ifNode.GetChildren(), Is.Not.Null); }
public void Should_return_filter_descriptor_for_function() { FunctionNode functionNode = StringFunction(); functionNode.Accept(visitor); FilterDescriptor result = (FilterDescriptor)visitor.Result; Assert.Equal(FilterOperator.StartsWith, result.Operator); Assert.Equal("Name", result.Member); Assert.Equal("J", result.Value); }
private T GetResult <T>(FunctionCallExpression node, List <object> parameters, FunctionNode funcNode, List <object> scope) { List <object> funcParameters = scope; for (int i = 0; i < node.Children.Count; i++) { TypeEnum type = funcNode.FunctionType.ParameterTypes[i].Type; funcParameters.Add(_interpreter.Dispatch(node.Children[i], parameters, type)); } return(_interpreter.Function <T>(funcNode, funcParameters)); }
private void AddSymbolsFromFunc(FunctionNode functionNode) { //todo user func //foreach (var funcNodeArgument in functionNode.FormalArguments) //{ // var compLitNode = funcNodeArgument as RelationNode; // if(compLitNode != null) // functionNode.SymbolTable.AddRelSymbol(compLitNode); // else // functionNode.SymbolTable.AddSetSymbol((SetNode)funcNodeArgument); //} }
private void BeginFunction(VariableType[] args, VariableType ret, CallingConvention callingConvention) { _function = new FunctionNode(CreateLabelNode(), CreateLabelNode(), args, ret, callingConvention); AddNode(_function); AddNode(_function.Entry); var node = _currentNode; AddNode(_function.Exit); // Add function exit / epilog marker. AddNode(_function.End); // Add function end. SetCurrentNode(node); }
public void TestSerializeNullException() { IGraphController graphController = new GraphController(null); IStorage storage = null; IVisualNode node = new FunctionNode(graphController, "", "-", "double,double"); ISlot slot = new Slot(graphController, SlotType.Input, node); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { slot.Serialize(storage); }); }
public override void Visit(FunctionNode node) { if (node.Name == "Main") { _currentStringBuilder = MainBody; VisitChildren(node); } else { _currentStringBuilder = Functions; _currentStringBuilder.Append("\n"); _currentStringBuilder.Append($"public static"); if (node.IsCollection) { _currentStringBuilder.Append($" Collection<"); _currentStringBuilder.Append($"{ResolveTypeToCS(Utilities.FindTypeFromString(node.ReturnType))}"); _currentStringBuilder.Append($">"); } else { _currentStringBuilder.Append($" {ResolveTypeToCS(Utilities.FindTypeFromString(node.ReturnType))}"); } _currentStringBuilder.Append($" {HandleCSharpKeywords(node.Name)} ("); bool first = true; foreach (var item in node.Parameters) { if (first) { first = false; item.Accept(this); } else { _currentStringBuilder.Append($","); item.Accept(this); } } _currentStringBuilder.Append(") \n"); _currentStringBuilder.Append("{\n"); VisitChildren(node); _currentStringBuilder.Append("\n"); _currentStringBuilder.Append("}"); } _currentStringBuilder = Functions; }
private void InsertDeclaration(AST ast, ASTNode himeNode) { if (himeNode.Children[0].Value == "export") { ExportNode exportNode = CreateExportNode(himeNode); ast.Exports.Add(exportNode); } else { FunctionNode functionNode = CreateFunctionNode(himeNode); ast.Functions.Add(functionNode); } }
public static FunctionNode CreateFunctionNode( FunctionNode fn, VariableNode name, ListNode <DeclareNode> args, ITypeNode?ret, INode where ) { fn.Name = name; fn.Arguments.AddRange(args.List); fn.Return = ret; return(fn.R(name)); }
private Expression Build(FunctionNode node) { string methodName; if (!_methodNames.TryGetValue(node.FunctionName.ToLower(), out methodName)) { return(null); } var expression = GetExpression(methodName, node.Arguments); return(expression); }
public override void Visit(FunctionNode node) { Emit(node.ID + "("); foreach (Node argumentNode in node.Arguments) { Visit(argumentNode); if (argumentNode != node.Arguments[^ 1]) { Emit(", "); } } Emit(node is FunctionStmtNode ? ");\n" : ")"); }
public void ExtractReplicationGuideFromText00() { List <int> guides = new List <int>(); string text = " < 101 > < 203 > "; // string text = ""; null; " "; // string text = " < 101 > < xyz > < 203 > "; bool result = FunctionNode.ExtractReplicationGuideFromText(guides, text); Assert.AreEqual(true, result); Assert.AreEqual(2, guides.Count); Assert.AreEqual(101, guides[0]); Assert.AreEqual(203, guides[1]); }
public ClassMemberNode(string name, ExprNode expr, FunctionNode func, TypeNode annotation, TokenLocation location) : base(location) { Name = name; Expr = expr; Func = func; Annotation = annotation; Binding.Name = Name; if (Func != null) { Func.IsClassMember = true; } }
/// <summary>The <see cref="TermNode"/> visit implementation</summary> /// <param name="termNode">The term AST node</param> /// <returns>The modified AST node if modified otherwise the original node</returns> public override AstNode VisitTermNode(TermNode termNode) { // term // : unary_operator? // [ NUMBER S* | PERCENTAGE S* | LENGTH S* | EMS S* | EXS S* | ANGLE S* | // TIME S* | FREQ S* ] // | STRING S* | IDENT S* | URI S* | hexcolor | function // ; // append for: unary_operator? // TODO - Shall we remove the '+' operator here? _printerFormatter.Append(termNode.UnaryOperator); if (termNode.IsBinary && FunctionNode.IsBinaryOperator(termNode.UnaryOperator)) { _printerFormatter.Append(" "); } // append for: [ NUMBER S* | PERCENTAGE S* | LENGTH S* | EMS S* | EXS S* | ANGLE S* | TIME S* | FREQ S* ] if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(termNode.NumberBasedValue)) { _printerFormatter.Append(termNode.NumberBasedValue); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(termNode.StringBasedValue)) { // append for: | STRING S* | IDENT S* | URI S* _printerFormatter.Append(termNode.StringBasedValue); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(termNode.ReplacementTokenBasedValue)) { // TODO: REPLACECSSTOKENONPRINT _printerFormatter.Append(termNode.ReplacementTokenBasedValue); } else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(termNode.Hexcolor)) { // append for: hexcolor _printerFormatter.Append(termNode.Hexcolor); } else if (termNode.FunctionNode != null) { // append for: function // Invoke the Function visitor termNode.FunctionNode.Accept(this); } foreach (var comment in termNode.ImportantComments) { comment.Accept(this); } return(termNode); }
/// <summary> /// Declares a new function. /// </summary> private void declareFunction(FunctionNode node) { if (node.Name == "_") { Error(CompilerMessages.UnderscoreName); } var isVariadic = false; // validation if (node.Arguments.Count > 0) { for (var idx = 0; idx < node.Arguments.Count; idx++) { var curr = node.Arguments[idx]; if (curr.Name == "_") { curr.Name = Unique.AnonymousArgName(); } if (curr.Type == typeof(UnspecifiedType)) { Error(CompilerMessages.LambdaArgTypeUnknown); } if (curr.IsVariadic) { if (idx < node.Arguments.Count - 1) { Error(CompilerMessages.VariadicArgumentNotLast); } isVariadic = true; } } } else { if (node.Name == EntityNames.RunMethodName || node.Name == EntityNames.EntryPointMethodName) { Error(CompilerMessages.ReservedFunctionRedefinition, node.Name); } } var method = MainType.CreateMethod(node.Name, node.ReturnTypeSignature, node.Arguments, true, prepare: false); method.Kind = TypeContentsKind.UserDefined; method.IsPure = node.IsPure; method.IsVariadic = isVariadic; method.Body = node.Body; }
public LambdaComparer(LambdaExpressionNode lambdaExpression) { FunctionNode functionNode = new FunctionNode(); functionNode.Text = "compare"; VariableNode x = new VariableNode(); x.Text = "x"; VariableNode y = new VariableNode(); y.Text = "y"; functionNode.addChild(x); functionNode.addChild(y); _fn = functionNode; _variables = new Hashtable(); _variables.Add( "compare", lambdaExpression ); }
public void ExecutesDelegate() { Dictionary<string, object> vars = new Dictionary<string, object>(); vars["concat"] = new TestCallback(Concat); FunctionNode fn = new FunctionNode(); fn.Text = "concat"; StringLiteralNode str = new StringLiteralNode(); str.Text = "theValue"; fn.addChild(str); StringLiteralNode str2 = new StringLiteralNode(); str2.Text = "theValue"; fn.addChild(str2); IExpression exp = fn; Assert.AreEqual(string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", this.GetHashCode(), str.Text, str2.Text), exp.GetValue(null, vars)); }
public LambdaComparer(LambdaExpressionNode lambdaExpression) { var functionNode = new FunctionNode {Text = "compare"}; var x = new VariableNode {Text = "x"}; var y = new VariableNode {Text = "y"}; functionNode.addChild(x); functionNode.addChild(y); _fn = functionNode; _variables = new Dictionary<string, object> { {"compare", lambdaExpression} }; }
public void ExecutesLambdaFunction() { Dictionary<string, object> vars = new Dictionary<string, object>(); Expression.RegisterFunction("ident", "{|n| $n}", vars); FunctionNode fn = new FunctionNode(); fn.Text = "ident"; StringLiteralNode str = new StringLiteralNode(); str.Text = "theValue"; fn.addChild(str); IExpression exp = fn; Assert.AreEqual(str.Text, exp.GetValue(null, vars)); }
public FunctionNodeViewModel(FunctionNode graphItemObject, Invert.Core.GraphDesigner.DiagramViewModel diagramViewModel) : base(graphItemObject, diagramViewModel) { }
private void DrawingBoard_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { // If a method isn't selected, do nothing if (lstMethods.SelectedItems.Count <= 0) { return; } // Otherwise, generate a new Node to and add it to our code base Node f = null; switch (CurrentMode[cmbSelectionPicker.Text]) { case METHODS: f = new FunctionNode(mAvailableMethods[lstMethods.SelectedIndices[0]]); break; case CONSTANTS: f = new ConstantNode(ConstantNode.ConstConverter[lstMethods.SelectedItems[0].Text]); break; case OPERATORS: f = new OperatorNode(OperatorNode.Operators[lstMethods.SelectedIndices[0]]); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("You somehow got something besides Meth/Const/Op in the cmb box."); break; } f.Location = e.Location; mCommands.Add(f); spltMainContainer.Panel2.Controls.Add(f); }
//done private void ParseFunction(Node subtree) { FunctionNode func = new FunctionNode(subtree); //we already checked we had a Define tokens.Next(); SymbolTable.EnterScope(); //Define Return Name(params): tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Type); func.ReturnType = tokens.LastToken.Value; tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Ident); func.Ident = tokens.LastToken.Value; tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.LeftParen); if (tokens.CurrentToken != TokenType.RightParen) { ParseFunctionParamList(func); } tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.RightParen).ConsumeToken(TokenType.Colon); //and close FunctionTable.Add(func.CreateSignature(), func); ParseBlock(func); if (func.ReturnType == "Void") { func.Children[1].AddChild(new ReturnNode(func.Children[1])); } SymbolTable.ExitScope(); }
/// <summary> /// Declares a new function. /// </summary> private void declareFunction(FunctionNode node) { if (node.Name == "_") Error(CompilerMessages.UnderscoreName); var isVariadic = false; // validation if (node.Arguments.Count > 0) { for (var idx = 0; idx < node.Arguments.Count; idx++) { var curr = node.Arguments[idx]; if (curr.Name == "_") curr.Name = Unique.AnonymousArgName(); if(curr.Type == typeof(UnspecifiedType)) Error(CompilerMessages.LambdaArgTypeUnknown); if (curr.IsVariadic) { if (idx < node.Arguments.Count - 1) Error(CompilerMessages.VariadicArgumentNotLast); isVariadic = true; } } } else { if (node.Name == EntityNames.RunMethodName || node.Name == EntityNames.EntryPointMethodName) Error(CompilerMessages.ReservedFunctionRedefinition, node.Name); } var method = MainType.CreateMethod(node.Name, node.ReturnTypeSignature, node.Arguments, true, prepare: false); method.Kind = TypeContentsKind.UserDefined; method.IsPure = node.IsPure; method.IsVariadic = isVariadic; method.Body = node.Body; }
private static void GenerateFunctionDeclaration(FunctionNode node, DataContext data) { data.VariableMap.DeclareVariable(node.FunctionName, node.Line, node.Column); StartLine(data, "context.DeclareVariable(\"{0}\", isConst: true, value: ", node.FunctionName); GenerateFunction(node, data); EndLine(data, ");"); }
private static void GenerateFunction(FunctionNode node, DataContext data) { Append(data, "new ScriptFunction(new Func<ScriptExecutionContext, dynamic[]"); if (node.Args.Count > 0) { Append(data, ", "); Append(data, string.Join(", ", Enumerable.Repeat("dynamic", node.Args.Count))); } string functionName = "Function" + data.GetNextFunctionIndex(); Append(data, ", dynamic>({0})", functionName); data.VariableMap.PushFrame(); Append(data, ", "); if (node.Args.Count > 0) { Append(data, "new dynamic[] {{ "); for (int i = 0; i < node.Args.Count; i++) { data.VariableMap.DeclareVariable(node.Args[i].VariableName, node.Line, node.Column); if (i != 0) Append(data, ", "); if (node.Args[i].ValueExpression != null) { GenerateExpression(node.Args[i].ValueExpression, data); } else { Append(data, "null"); } } Append(data, " }}"); } else { Append(data, "null"); } var variableDeclarations = node.BodyStatementBlock.Find<VariableDeclarationNode>().Where(x => x.FindParent<FunctionNode>() == node).Select(x => x.VariableName); var capturedVariables = node.BodyStatementBlock.Find<VariableReferenceNode>() .Where(x => x.FindParent<FunctionNode>() == node && !variableDeclarations.Contains(x.VariableName) && !data.VariableMap.IsVariableDeclaredInCurrentFrame(x.VariableName) ) .ToArray(); Append(data, ", "); if (capturedVariables.Length > 0) { Append(data, "new dynamic[] {{ "); for (int i = 0; i < capturedVariables.Length; i++) { if (i != 0) Append(data, ", "); Append(data, "context[\"{0}\"]", capturedVariables[i].VariableName); } Append(data, " }}"); } else { Append(data, "null"); } Append(data, ")"); data.PushCodeBlock(functionName); data.CodeBlock.Padding = 2; string returnType = "dynamic"; if (node.IsGenerator) returnType = "IEnumerable<dynamic>"; Append(data, "private static {0} {1}(ScriptExecutionContext context, dynamic[] captures", returnType, functionName); if (node.Args.Count > 0) { Append(data, ", "); Append(data, string.Join(", ", node.Args.Select(x => "dynamic " + data.VariableMap.GetVariableName(x.VariableName)))); } EndLine(data, ")"); WriteLine(data, "{{"); data.CodeBlock.Padding++; if (!node.IsGenerator) WriteLine(data, "context.PushStackFrame(\"{0}\");", !node.IsAnonymous ? node.FunctionName : "<anonymous>"); foreach (var arg in node.Args) WriteLine(data, "context.DeclareVariable(\"{0}\", {1});", arg.VariableName, data.VariableMap.GetVariableName(arg.VariableName)); for (int i = 0; i < capturedVariables.Length; i++) WriteLine(data, "context.DeclareVariable(\"{0}\", captures[{1}]);", capturedVariables[i].VariableName, i); if (!node.IsGenerator) { WriteLine(data, "bool isError = false;"); WriteLine(data, "try {{"); data.CodeBlock.Padding++; } GenerateStatementBlock(node.BodyStatementBlock, data, pushStackFrame: false); if (!(node.BodyStatementBlock.Last() is ReturnNode) && !node.IsGenerator) { WriteLine(data, "return null;"); } if (!node.IsGenerator) { data.CodeBlock.Padding--; WriteLine(data, "}} catch(Exception) {{"); data.CodeBlock.Padding++; WriteLine(data, "isError = true;"); WriteLine(data, "throw;"); data.CodeBlock.Padding--; WriteLine(data, "}} finally {{"); data.CodeBlock.Padding++; WriteLine(data, "if (!isError) {{"); data.CodeBlock.Padding++; WriteLine(data, "context.PopStackFrame();"); data.CodeBlock.Padding--; WriteLine(data, "}}"); data.CodeBlock.Padding--; WriteLine(data, "}}"); } data.CodeBlock.Padding--; WriteLine(data, "}}"); data.PopCodeBlock(); data.VariableMap.PopFrame(); }
private FunctionNode StringFunction() { FunctionNode comparisonNode = new FunctionNode { FilterOperator = FilterOperator.StartsWith, Arguments = { new PropertyNode { Name = "Name" }, new StringNode { Value = "J" } } }; return comparisonNode; }
/// <summary> /// fun_def = [ "pure" ] "fun" identifier [ ":" type ] fun_args "->" block /// </summary> private FunctionNode parseFunDef() { var node = new FunctionNode(); node.IsPure = check(LexemType.Pure); if (!check(LexemType.Fun)) { if (node.IsPure) error(ParserMessages.FunctionDefExpected); else return null; } node.Name = ensure(LexemType.Identifier, ParserMessages.FunctionIdentifierExpected).Value; if (check(LexemType.Colon)) node.ReturnTypeSignature = ensure(parseType, ParserMessages.FunctionReturnExpected); node.Arguments = attempt(() => parseFunArgs(true)) ?? new List<FunctionArgument>(); ensure(LexemType.Arrow, ParserMessages.SymbolExpected, "->"); node.Body.LoadFrom(ensure(parseBlock, ParserMessages.FunctionBodyExpected)); return node; }
internal virtual INode BuildExpression(Dictionary<NodeModel, Dictionary<int, INode>> buildDict) { //Debug.WriteLine("Building expression..."); if (OutPortData.Count > 1) { var names = OutPortData.Select(x => x.NickName).Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, OutPortData.Count), (x, i) => x+i).ToList(); var listNode = new FunctionNode("list", names); foreach (var data in names.Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, OutPortData.Count), (name, index) => new { Name=name, Index=index })) { listNode.ConnectInput(data.Name, Build(buildDict, data.Index)); } return listNode; } else return Build(buildDict, 0); }
private void ParseFunctionParamList(FunctionNode func) { if (func.Ident == "Greet") { int i; } bool cont; do { cont = false; VariableNode var = new VariableNode(func.Params); var.Type = tokens.CurrentToken.Value; tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Type); if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.LeftSquare) { var.IsArray = true; var.ArraySize = null; tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.LeftSquare); tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.RightSquare); } tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Ident); //name var.Ident = tokens.LastToken.Value; SymbolTable.AddVariable(var.Ident, var); if (tokens.CurrentToken == TokenType.Comma) //moar { tokens.ConsumeToken(TokenType.Comma); cont = true; } } while (cont); //okay we hit the end //SymbolTable.ExitScope(); }