Пример #1
    void Update()
        if (timer > timeBetweenSpawn || timer >= 0.2)
            // Spawn
            GameObject go = new GameObject();
            go.transform.position = spawnPoints[Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0, spawnPoints.Length))].transform.position;

            FruitBehaviour fruit = go.AddComponent <FruitBehaviour>();
            fruit.fruits = fruits;
            fruit.slicedFruitsSprites = slicedFruitsSprites;
            fruit.layer = layer;

            timer = 0;

            // Play a random sound effect
            fruit.audioSource = source;
            fruit.cutFruit    = sounds[Mathf.RoundToInt(Random.Range(0, sounds.Length))];

        // Make the span time faster as the game goes on
        timeBetweenSpawn -= Time.deltaTime / 10;

        timer += Time.deltaTime;
Пример #2
    private FruitBehaviour getFruit()
        FruitBehaviour fb = fruit.Find(x => !x.isActive);

        if (fb == null)
            int randomNmbr = Random.Range(1, 11);

            if (randomNmbr < 10) // 90% chance to spawn "ordinary fruit"
                int fruitIndex = Random.Range(0, 4);
                fb = Instantiate(fruitPrefab[fruitIndex]).GetComponent <FruitBehaviour>();
                fb = Instantiate(fruitPrefab[4]).GetComponent <FruitBehaviour>();

Пример #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()
        if (isPaused)

        if (Time.time - lastSpawn > deltaSpawn)
            int amountOfFruit = Random.Range(0, 10);

            if (amountOfFruit > 3)
                FruitBehaviour fb      = getFruit();
                float          randomX = Random.Range(-1.65f, 1.65f);

                fb.LauchFruit(Random.Range(1.85f, 2.75f), randomX, -randomX);

                lastSpawn = Time.time;
            else if (amountOfFruit == 2 || amountOfFruit == 1)
                FruitBehaviour fb1      = getFruit();
                FruitBehaviour fb2      = getFruit();
                float          randomX1 = Random.Range(-1.65f, 1.65f);
                float          randomX2 = Random.Range(-1.65f, 1.65f);

                fb1.LauchFruit(Random.Range(1.85f, 2.75f), randomX1, -randomX1);
                fb2.LauchFruit(Random.Range(1.85f, 2.75f), randomX2, -randomX2);

                lastSpawn = Time.time;
            else if (amountOfFruit == 0)
                FruitBehaviour fb1 = getFruit();
                FruitBehaviour fb2 = getFruit();
                FruitBehaviour fb3 = getFruit();

                float randomX1 = Random.Range(-1.65f, 1.65f);
                float randomX2 = Random.Range(-1.65f, 1.65f);
                float randomX3 = Random.Range(-1.65f, 1.65f);

                fb1.LauchFruit(Random.Range(1.85f, 2.75f), randomX1, -randomX1);
                fb2.LauchFruit(Random.Range(1.85f, 2.75f), randomX2, -randomX2);
                fb3.LauchFruit(Random.Range(1.85f, 2.75f), randomX3, -randomX3);

                lastSpawn = Time.time;

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            Vector3 pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            pos.z          = -1;
            trail.position = pos;
            //trail.gameObject.GetComponent<TrailRenderer>().time = 0.1f;

            Collider2D[] thisFruitFrame = Physics2D.OverlapPointAll(new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y), LayerMask.GetMask("Fruit"));
            if ((Input.mousePosition - lastMousePosition).sqrMagnitude >= REQUIRED_SLICE_FORCE)
                foreach (Collider2D c2 in thisFruitFrame)
                    c2.GetComponent <FruitBehaviour>().Slice();
                    GameObject victim = c2.GetComponent <FruitBehaviour>().gameObject;

                    if ((victim.name == "TomatoFruit(Clone)") || victim.name == "CarrotFruit(Clone)")
                        Instantiate(fruitSplashEffectRed, victim.transform);
                        Vector3      invertedPos = new Vector3(pos.y, pos.x, pos.z);
                        GameObject[] pieces      = BLINDED_AM_ME.MeshCut.Cut(victim, victim.transform.position, invertedPos, capMaterialRed);

                        if (!pieces[1].GetComponent <Rigidbody>())
                            pieces[1].AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

                        Destroy(pieces[1], 1);
                        victim.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().enabled = false; // IS THIS NECESSARY??
                    else if ((victim.name == "BananaFruit(Clone)") || victim.name == "PineappleFruit(Clone)")
                        Instantiate(fruitSplashEffectYellow, victim.transform);
                        Vector3 invertedPos = new Vector3(pos.y, pos.x, pos.z);

                        GameObject[] pieces = BLINDED_AM_ME.MeshCut.Cut(victim, victim.transform.position, invertedPos, capMaterialYellow);

                        if (!pieces[1].GetComponent <Rigidbody>())
                            pieces[1].AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

                        Destroy(pieces[1], 1);
                        victim.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().enabled = false; // IS THIS NECESSARY??
                    else //Fruit sliced is a bomb, make player lose HP
                        Camera.main.GetComponent <ShakeEffect>().ShakeCamera(0.7f, 0.15f);
                        score          = score - 5;
                        scoreText.text = score.ToString();
            lastMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
            fruitCols         = thisFruitFrame;
            Vector3 pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
            pos.z          = -1;
            trail.position = pos;
            //trail.gameObject.GetComponent<TrailRenderer>().time = 0;