public virtual string ExtractFromKey(Type type)
            //Check if type is a controller without a FromAction
            if (type.IsController() && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FromAction) && FromController != null)
                //should only come here if type is a controller and attribute is placed at controller class level

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FromAction))
                var fromControllerType = FromController;

                if (fromControllerType == null)
                    // Try to infer it from the type
                    if (!type.IsController())
                        throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"Can't infer FromController as '{type.Name}' is a Razor Page.");

                    fromControllerType = type;

                if (!fromControllerType.IsController())
                    throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"'{fromControllerType.Name}' is used in FromController but isn't a Controller.");

                var actionMethod = fromControllerType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
                                   .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == FromAction); //to prevent AmbiguousMatchException

                if (actionMethod == null || actionMethod.ReturnType.IsAction() == false)
                    throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"{fromControllerType.Name} doesn't contain a valid action named {FromAction}.");


            if (FromPage == null)
                return(null); // Will use default as parent
            if (!FromPage.IsRazorPage())
                throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"'{FromPage.Name}' is used in FromPage but isn't a Razor Page.");

        public virtual string ExtractFromKey(Type type)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FromAction))
                var fromControllerType = FromController;

                if (fromControllerType == null)
                    // Try to infer it from the type
                    if (!type.IsController())
                        throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"Can't infer FromController as '{type.Name}' is a Razor Page.");

                    fromControllerType = type;

                if (!fromControllerType.IsController())
                    throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"'{fromControllerType.Name}' is used in FromController but isn't a Controller.");

                var actionMethod = fromControllerType.GetMethod(FromAction, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                if (actionMethod == null || actionMethod.ReturnType.IsAction() == false)
                    throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"{fromControllerType.Name} doesn't contain a valid action named {FromAction}.");


            if (FromPage == null)
                return(null); // Will use default as parent
            if (!FromPage.IsRazorPage())
                throw new SmartBreadcrumbsException($"'{FromPage.Name}' is used in FromPage but isn't a Razor Page.");
