Пример #1
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, int localFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            var frame = frames[localFrameId];

            //frame.phase = floatCrusher.ReadValue(buffer, ref bitposition);
            frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;
            if (movement == Movement.Oscillate)
                frame.cphase = (uint)floatCrusher.ReadCValue(buffer, ref bitposition);
                frame.phase  = floatCrusher.Decode(frame.cphase);

Пример #2
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival frameArrival)
            var frame = frames[originFrameId];

            // First read content, hold off on applying content to frame until we are sure we want to keep it.
            bool hascontent   = buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 1) != 0;
            int  ownerActorId = hascontent ? (int)buffer.ReadPackedBytes(ref bitposition, 32) : -1;

            // Ignore incoming updates if we are the current owner and the source is not the recognized controller.
            // Leaves frame as it was - since this might overwrite valid data.
            if (photonView.IsMine) // && hascontent && ownerActorId !=  && photonView.ControllerActorNr != netObj.originHistory[originFrameId])
                //Debug.LogError("fid:" + originFrameId + " DES IGNORE newown: " + frame.ownerActorId);

            if (hascontent)
                frame.content      = FrameContents.Complete;
                frame.ownerActorId = ownerActorId;
                //Debug.LogError("fid:" + originFrameId + " DES newown: " + frame.ownerActorId + " cur:" + NetMaster.CurrentFrameId + " ctr:" + photonView.OwnerActorNr + ":" + photonView.ControllerActorNr) ;

                frame.content = FrameContents.Empty;
Пример #3
        public virtual SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            Frame frame = frames[originFrameId];

            int sendEveryXTick = TickEngineSettings.sendEveryXTick;

            if (buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))
                frame.triggerMask = buffer.ReadUInt32(ref bitposition, sendEveryXTick);
                frame.content     = FrameContents.Complete;
                frame.triggerMask = 0;
                frame.content     = FrameContents.Empty;
Пример #4
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            /// Needs to ignore any incoming updates that are the server/relay mirroring back what we sent
            var frame = (IsMine) ? offtickFrame : frames[originFrameId];

            /// If frame is empty, we are done here. Typically means object was disabled.
            if (!buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))

            bool isKeyframe = IsKeyframe(originFrameId);
            var  flags      = vitals.Deserialize(frame.vitalsData, buffer, ref bitposition, isKeyframe);

            frame.content =
                (flags & SerializationFlags.IsComplete) != 0 ? FrameContents.Complete :
                (flags & SerializationFlags.HasContent) != 0 ? FrameContents.Partial :

            //Debug.LogWarning(frame.frameId + " <b>DES " + frame.vitalsData.datas[0].Value + "</b> " + frame.vitalsData.datas[0].Value);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Notify tick manager of an incoming frame, so it can register/modify offsets for that connection.
        /// Returns FrameId translated into localFrameId.
        /// </summary>
        public static ConnectionTickOffsets LogIncomingFrame(int connId, int originFrameId, out FrameArrival arrival)
            ConnectionTickOffsets offsets;

            int frameCount = TickEngineSettings.frameCount;

            //Debug.Log("conn: " + connId + " fid: " + originFrameId);

            if (!perConnOffsets.TryGetValue(connId, out offsets) || offsets == null)
                LogNewConnection(connId, originFrameId, frameCount, out offsets);

            int localFrameId = originFrameId + offsets.originToLocalFrame;

            if (localFrameId >= frameCount)
                localFrameId -= frameCount;

            offsets.frameArriveTime[originFrameId] = Time.time;

            int currTargFrameId = NetMaster.CurrentFrameId;             // offsets.currTargFrameId;

            //bool frameIsInFuture;
            int frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg;

            if (localFrameId == currTargFrameId)
                //frameIsInFuture = false;
                frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg = 0;
                /// Flag frame as valid if it is still in the future
                frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg = currTargFrameId - localFrameId;
                if (frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg < 0)
                    frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg += frameCount;
                if (frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg >= TickEngineSettings.halfFrameCount)
                    frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg -= frameCount;

                //frameIsInFuture = frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg != 0 && frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg < TickEngineSettings.halfFrameCount;

            const string STR_TAG = "\nSeeing many of these messages indicates a buffer underrun, due to an unstable connection, too small a buffer setting, or too high a tick rate.";

            if (frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg >= 0)
                if (frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg == 0)
                    if (TickEngineSettings.LogLevel == TickEngineSettings.LogInfoLevel.All)
                        string strframes = " Incoming Frame: <b>" + originFrameId + "</b> Current Interpolation: " + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(NetMaster.PreviousFrameId) + "->" + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(currTargFrameId);
                        Debug.Log("<b>Late Update </b>conn: " + connId + " " + strframes + ". Already interpolating to this frame. Not critically late, but getting close." + STR_TAG);
                else if (frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg == 1)
                    if (TickEngineSettings.LogLevel >= TickEngineSettings.LogInfoLevel.WarningsAndErrors)
                        string strframes = " Incoming Frame: <b>" + originFrameId + "</b> Current Interpolation: " + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(NetMaster.PreviousFrameId) + "->" + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(currTargFrameId);
                        Debug.LogWarning("<b>Critically Late Update</b> conn: " + connId + " " + strframes + " Already applied and now interpolating from this frame. Snapshots will be rewound and reapplied." + STR_TAG);
                else if (frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg >= TickEngineSettings.halfFrameCount)
                    string strframes = " Incoming Frame: <b>" + originFrameId + "</b> Current Interpolation: " + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(NetMaster.PreviousFrameId) + "->" + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(currTargFrameId);
                    Debug.LogError("<b>Critically Late Update</b> conn: " + connId + " " + strframes + " DATA LOSS HAS OCCURRED EVEN FOR RELIABLE PACKETS. Increase Buffer size in "
                                   + typeof(TickEngineSettings).Name + "." + STR_TAG);
                    if (TickEngineSettings.LogLevel >= TickEngineSettings.LogInfoLevel.WarningsAndErrors)
                        string strframes = " Incoming Frame: <b>" + originFrameId + "</b> Current Interpolation: " + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(NetMaster.PreviousFrameId) + "->" + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(currTargFrameId);
                        Debug.LogWarning("<b>Critically Late Update</b> conn: " + connId + " " + strframes + " Already applied and now interpolating from this frame. Snapshots will be rewound and reapplied" + STR_TAG);
            else if (frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg <= (-(TickEngineSettings.halfFrameCount)))
                string strframes = " Incoming Frame: <b>" + originFrameId + "</b> Current Interpolation: " + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(NetMaster.PreviousFrameId) + "->" + offsets.ConvertFrameLocalToOrigin(currTargFrameId);
                Debug.LogError("<b>Critically Late Update</b> conn: " + connId + " " + strframes + " DATA LOSS HAS OCCURRED EVEN FOR RELIABLE PACKETS. Increase Buffer size in "
                               + typeof(TickEngineSettings).Name + "." + STR_TAG);

            arrival = (FrameArrival)frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg;

            //Debug.Log(Time.time + " ARRIVAL " + arrival + " fid:" + originFrameId + " half: " + TickEngineSettings.halfFrameCount);

            bool frameIsInFuture = frameOffsetFromCurrentTarg <= 0;

            offsets.frameArrivedTooLate |= !frameIsInFuture;
            offsets.validFrameMask.Set(originFrameId, true /*frameIsInFuture*/);

Пример #6
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            Frame frame = frames[originFrameId];

            if (!buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))
                //if (GetComponent<SyncPickup>())
                //    Debug.LogError(originFrameId + " No Content");


            SerializationFlags flags = SerializationFlags.HasContent;

            /// Read State
            frame.state = (ObjState)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 6);

            bool isAttached = (frame.state & ObjState.Mounted) != 0;

            if (!isAttached)
                frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;
            else if (IsKeyframe(originFrameId) || buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 1) == 1)
                /// Read attached
                if ((frame.state & ObjState.Mounted) != 0)
                    frame.mountToViewID = (int?)buffer.ReadPackedBytes(ref bitposition, 32);
                    if (bitsForMountType > 0)
                        int mountidx    = (int)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, bitsForMountType);
                        int mountTypeId = indexToMountTypeId[mountidx];
                        frame.mountTypeId = (int?)mountTypeId;
                        frame.mountTypeId = 0;
                frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;

            /// State is attached, but because this is a delta frame the parent info is missing
                frame.mountToViewID = null;
                frame.mountTypeId   = null;
                frame.content       = FrameContents.Partial;

            //if (GetComponent<SyncPickup>())
            //    Debug.Log(Time.time + " " + flags + " " + name + " <b> fr: " + frame.frameId + " <color=purple>DES STATE</color></b> " + frame.content + " " + frame.state +
            //        ((frame.state & ObjState.Visible) != 0 ? " VISIBLE " : " ") +
            //        ((frame.state & ObjState.Mounted) != 0 ? " MOUNTED " + frame.mountToViewID : " ")
            //        );

Пример #7
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, int localFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            //if (arrival != FrameArrival.IsFuture && snapFrame != null)
            //	Debug.Log("arrival lcl: " + localFrameId + " sn:" + snapFrame.frameId + " " + arrival);

            /// Needs to ignore any incoming updates that are the server/relay mirroring back what we sent
            var frame = (pv.IsMine) ? offtickFrame : frames[localFrameId];
            Frame frame = null;
            /// If enabled flag is false, we are done here.
            if (!buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))
                frame.content = FrameContents.Empty;


            frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;

            bool _hasTeleported = buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition);
            frame.hasTeleported = _hasTeleported;

            if (_hasTeleported)
                //Debug.Log(localFrameId + " RCV TELE : trgf: " + (targFrame != null ? targFrame.frameId.ToString() : "null"));
                transformCrusher.Read(frame.telecm, buffer, ref bitposition);
                transformCrusher.Decompress(frame.telem, frame.telecm);

            transformCrusher.Read(frame.cm, buffer, ref bitposition);
            transformCrusher.Decompress(frame.m, frame.cm);

            //if (GetComponent<SyncPickup>())
            //	Debug.Log(Time.time + " " + name + " <b>" + localFrameId + " DES TRANS</b> " + frame.m.position + " -> " + frame.telem.position + (_hasTeleported ? " <b>tele</b>" : ""));

            return /*frame.hasTeleported ? SerializationFlags.ForceReliable :*/ (SerializationFlags.HasChanged);
Пример #8
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            Frame frame = frames[originFrameId];

            // Get first content bool to see if we have any contacts at all.
            bool hasContent = buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition);

            if (hasContent)
                /// if pickup event bool
                    var tes = frame.contactRecords;

                    var te = new ContactRecord(
                        (int)buffer.ReadPackedBytes(ref bitposition, 32),
                        (byte)buffer.ReadPackedBits(ref bitposition, 8),
                        (ContactType)(1 << (int)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 2))

                    //Debug.LogError(name + " DES: " + te);
                // Loop for all contact records.
                while (buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition));

                frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;
                return(SerializationFlags.HasContent /*| SerializationFlags.ForceReliable*/);

            // No contact records
            frame.content = FrameContents.Empty;
Пример #9
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, int localFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            WeaponFrame        frame = frames[localFrameId];
            SerializationFlags flags = SerializationFlags.None;

            if (buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))
                frame.triggerMask = buffer.ReadUInt32(ref bitposition, sendEveryXTick);
                flags            |= SerializationFlags.HasChanged /*| SerializationFlags.ForceReliable*/;
                frame.triggerMask = 0;

            frame.hitmask = (uint)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, sendEveryXTick);

            for (int i = 0; i < sendEveryXTick; ++i)
                if ((frame.hitmask & (1 << i)) != 0)
                    flags |= frame.netHits[i].Deserialize(buffer, ref bitposition, NetObj.bitsForColliderIndex);

            frame.content = flags == SerializationFlags.None ? FrameContents.Empty : FrameContents.Complete;
Пример #10
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, int localFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            Frame frame = frames[localFrameId];
            SerializationFlags flags = SerializationFlags.HasChanged;

            /// if pickup event bool
            if (buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))
                int netObjId = (int)buffer.ReadPackedBytes(ref bitposition, MasterNetAdapter.BITS_FOR_NETID);
                frame.triggeredById = netObjId;
                flags = SerializationFlags.HasChanged /*| SerializationFlags.ForceReliable*/;
                frame.triggeredById = null;

            frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;

Пример #11
        public void OnDeserialize(int sourceFrameId, int originFrameId, int localframeId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, bool hasData)
            bufferAddTime[localframeId] = Time.time;

            SerializationFlags flags = SerializationFlags.None;

            if (hasData)
                /// Integrity check
                if (buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 8) != 111)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed Integrity check pre PackObjs.");
                FrameArrival arrival = NetMaster.CheckFrameArrival(localframeId);

                /// Deserialize Pack Objects
                //int prevFrameId = ((localframeId == 0) ? SimpleSyncSettings.FrameCount : localframeId) - 1;
                int pcnt = packObjRecords.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < pcnt; ++i)
                    var p      = packObjRecords[i];
                    var pframe = p.packFrames[localframeId];

                    int mcnt = p.info.fieldCount;
                    for (int m = 0; m < mcnt; ++m)
                        pframe.mask[m] = buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition);

                    int maskOffset = 0;

                    var flag = p.info.UnpackFrameFromBuffer(pframe, ref pframe.mask, ref pframe.isCompleteMask, ref maskOffset, buffer, ref bitposition, originFrameId, SerializationFlags.None);
                    flags |= flag;

                    //Debug.Log(localframeId + " Des READY? flg: " + flag + "  " + p.readyMask.AllAreTrue + " " + p.readyMask.PrintMask(null) + " "
                    //	+ p.readyMask.Seg1 + ":" + p.readyMask.AllTrue1 + " " + p.readyMask.Seg2 + ":" + p.readyMask.AllTrue2);

                    /// Experimental - Apply valid values as they arrive if pack object isn't fully ready. Ensure even a late arriving full update counts toward Ready
                    if (!p.readyMask.AllAreTrue /*&& (flag & SerializationFlags.IsComplete) != 0*/)
                        /// Add any always ready bits (Triggers)
                        /// Only write to syncvars that are not already marked as valid
                        FastBitMask128 newchangesmask = !p.readyMask & pframe.isCompleteMask;
                        maskOffset = 0;
                        p.info.CopyFrameToObj(pframe, p.component, ref newchangesmask, ref maskOffset);

                        Debug.Log(localframeId + "<b> Des PRE COMPLETE? </b>" + p.readyMask.AllAreTrue + " " + p.readyMask.PrintMask(null) + " "
                                  + p.readyMask.Seg1 + ":" + p.readyMask.AllTrue1 + " " + p.readyMask.Seg2 + ":" + p.readyMask.AllTrue2);

                packObjValidMask[localframeId] = true;

                /// Integrity check
                if (buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 8) != 123)
                    Debug.LogError(name + " Failed Integrity check post PackObjs. " + localframeId);
                /// Deserialize SyncObjs
                int cnt = onNetDeserializeCallbacks.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
                    var flag = onNetDeserializeCallbacks[i].OnNetDeserialize(originFrameId, localframeId, buffer, ref bitposition, arrival);
                    flags |= flag;

                    /// Experimental - immediately apply complete frames to unready sync objects.
                    //if (arrival == FrameArrival.IsLate && (flag & SerializationFlags.IsComplete) != 0 && !syncObjReadyMask[i])
                    //	Debug.Log("Call an early Apply here when a method exists for that.");

                /// Integrity check
                if (buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 8) != 234)
                    Debug.LogError(name + " Failed Integrity check post SyncObjs. " + localframeId);
Пример #12
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, int localFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival arrival)
            Frame frame = frames[localFrameId];

            SerializationFlags flags = SerializationFlags.HasChanged;

            /// Read State
            frame.state = (ObjState)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 5);

            bool isAttached = (frame.state & ObjState.Attached) != 0;

            if (!isAttached)
                frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;
            else if (IsKeyframe(originFrameId) || buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 1) == 1)
                ///// Read isRespawn bool
                //frame.respawn = buffer.Read(ref bitposition, 1) == 0 ? false : true;

                /// Read attached
                if ((frame.state & ObjState.Attached) != 0)
                    frame.attachedToNetId = (int?)buffer.ReadPackedBytes(ref bitposition, 32);
                    if (bitsForMountType > 0)
                        int mountidx    = (int)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, bitsForMountType);
                        int mountTypeId = indexToMountTypeId[mountidx];
                        frame.attachedToMountTypeId = (int?)mountTypeId;
                        frame.attachedToMountTypeId = 0;

                frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;

            /// State is attached, but because this is a delta frame the parent info is missing
                frame.attachedToNetId       = null;
                frame.attachedToMountTypeId = null;
                frame.content = FrameContents.Partial;

            //if (GetComponent<SyncPickup>())
            //	Debug.Log(Time.time + " " + name + " <b>[" + frame.frameId + "] DES State </b> " + frame.state + " " +
            //		(frame.isCompleteFrame ? (frame.attachedToNetId + ":" + frame.attachedToMountTypeId) : " empty"));

Пример #13
        public SerializationFlags OnNetDeserialize(int originFrameId, byte[] buffer, ref int bitposition, FrameArrival frameArrival)
            Frame frame = frames[originFrameId];
            SerializationFlags flags = SerializationFlags.None;

            bool iskeyframe = IsKeyframe(originFrameId);

            if (!iskeyframe)
                frame.content = FrameContents.Empty;

            if (respawnEnable)
                /// Read ticksToRespawn
                if (buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))
                    frame.ticksUntilRespawn = (int)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, bitsForTicksUntilRespawn);
                    flags |= SerializationFlags.HasContent;
                    frame.ticksUntilRespawn = -1;

            if (despawnEnable)
                if (buffer.ReadBool(ref bitposition))
                    frame.ticksUntilDespawn = (int)buffer.Read(ref bitposition, bitsForTicksUntilDespawn);
                    flags |= SerializationFlags.HasContent;
                    frame.ticksUntilDespawn = -1;

            frame.content = FrameContents.Complete;