Пример #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Topic(int id)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            var forum = await _forumService.GetForumWithPostsAsync(id);

            var posts = await _PostService.GetPostsPerForumAsync(id);

            var forumListing = BuildForumListing(forum);
            var postListing  = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                Author       = post.User.UserName,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating.ToString(),
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post),

            var forumVm = new ForumTopicModel
                Forum = forumListing,
                Posts = postListing,

Пример #2
        //Return a forum and associated posts identified by its primary key
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            Data.Models.Forum  forum = _forumService.GetById(id);
            IEnumerable <Post> posts = new List <Post>();

            //IEnumerable<Post> posts = _postService.GetPostsbyForum(id);
            //Get all the posts from the forum, then enumerate them to a list,
            //Then provide them to the viewModel
            //Nb nullOrEmpty strings checked in method

            posts = _postService.GetFilteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorName   = post.User.UserName,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #3
        public IActionResult Topic(int id)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);  // grab a frum that matches the id passed

            // retrieve post from the DB that corresponds to this(forum-> id) particular forum
            /*var posts = _postService.GetPostsByForum(id);*/
            var posts = forum.Posts;

            // collection of posts
            var postListing = posts.Select(post => new PostListingViewModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Author       = post.User.UserName,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post),

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListing,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #4
        public IActionResult Post(int Id)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(Id);

            var posts = forum.Posts;

            var postListing = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Title        = post.Title,
                Created      = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Forum     = BuildForumListing(forum),
                PostLists = postListing

Пример #5
        // find specific forum using id
        #region for forum Topic
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);
            var posts = _postServices.GetFilteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel {
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorName   = post.User.UserName,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #6
        public IActionResult Topic(int id)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);
            var posts = forum.Posts;

            // ToDo : tu jest blad postListing jest nullem
            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #7
        public IActionResult Topic(int id)
            var forum = _forumService.GetByID(id);
            //var posts = _postService.GetPostsByForum(id); REFACTORING
            var posts = forum.Posts;

            var postListings = posts.Select(p => new PostListingModel
                Id           = p.Id,
                AuthorId     = p.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = p.User.Rating,
                Title        = p.Title,
                DatePoster   = p.Created,
                RepliesCount = p.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(p)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #8
        // Get Forum
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);
            // var posts = _postsService.GetPostsByForum(id); // get the Posts from particular Forum
            //var posts = forum.Posts;
            var posts     = _forumService.GetFilteredPosts(id, searchQuery).ToList();
            var noResults = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery) && !posts.Any());

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                AuthorName   = post.User.UserName,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                EmptySearchResults = noResults,
                SearchQuery        = searchQuery,
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #9
        public IActionResult Topics(int id)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);

            if (forum != null)
                var topics = forum.Topics;

                var topicListings = topics.Select(topic => ModelBuilders.BuildTopicListing(topic))
                                    .OrderByDescending(topic => topic.LastPostCreated);

                var model = new ForumTopicModel
                    Forum  = ModelBuilders.BuildForumListing(forum),
                    Topics = topicListings

                if (TempData["TopicDeletedMessage"] != null)
                    model.TopicDeletedMessage = TempData["TopicDeletedMessage"] as string;


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Forum"));
Пример #10
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);

            var posts = new List <Post>();

            posts = _postService.GetFilteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();

            //var noResults = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery) && !posts.Any());

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post),
                Author       = post.User.UserName,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count()
            }).OrderByDescending(post => post.DatePosted);

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                //EmptySearchResults = noResults,
                Posts = postListings,
                //SearchQuery = searchQuery,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #11
        public IActionResult Topic(int forumId, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(forumId);
            var posts = _postService.GetFilteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();

            //Convert forum into list of posts.
            var postList = posts.Select(p => new ForumTopicListingModel
                Id           = p.Id,
                Title        = p.Title,
                AuthorId     = p.User.Id,
                AuthorName   = p.User.UserName,
                AuthorRating = p.User.Rating,
                Created      = p.Created.ToLocalTime().ToString("d"),
                RepliesCount = p.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(p)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Forum    = BuildForumListing(forum),
                PostList = postList

Пример #12
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = forumService.GetById(id);
            var posts = postService.GetFilteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id             = post.Id,
                AuthorId       = post.User.Id,
                AuthorName     = post.User.UserName,
                AuthorImageUrl = post.User.ProfileImageUrl,
                AuthorRating   = post.User.Rating,
                Title          = post.Title,
                DatePosted     = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount   = post.Replies.Count(),
                LastReply      = BuildPostReply(post.Replies.OrderByDescending(reply => reply.Created).FirstOrDefault()),
                Forum          = BuildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #13
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);
            var posts = new List <Post>();

            posts = _postService.GetFIlteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id            = post.Id,
                IdPembuat     = post.User.Id,
                RatingPembuat = post.User.Rating,
                NamaPembuat   = post.User.UserName,
                Judul         = post.Judul,
                DatePosted    = post.Dibuat.ToString(),
                JumlahBalasan = post.balasan.Count(),
                Forum         = BuildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #14
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.getById(id);
            var posts = _postService.getFilteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                id                = post.id,
                authorId          = post.user.Id,
                author            = post.user.UserName,
                authorRating      = post.user.rating,
                title             = post.title,
                datePosted        = post.created.ToString(),
                nrOfReplies       = post.replies.Count(),
                forumListingModel = buildForumListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                forum = buildForumList(forum),
                posts = postListings

Пример #15
        public IActionResult Topic(int id)
            var forum = _fourmSercice.GetById(id);
            var posts = forum.Posts;

            var PostListings = posts.Select(post =>
                                            new PostListingModel {
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorName   = post.User.UserName,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuilForunListing(post)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel {
                Posts = PostListings,
                Forum = BuilForunListing(forum)

Пример #16
        public IActionResult Topic(int id)
            var forum = _serviceForum.GetById(id);

            var posts = forum.Posts;

            var postListings = posts.Select(x => new PostListingModel
                AuthorID     = x.User.Id,
                Id           = x.Id,
                AuthorRating = x.User.Rating,
                AuthorName   = x.User.UserName,
                Title        = x.Title,
                DatePosted   = x.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = x.PostReplies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(x)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #17
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);

            var posts = new List <Post>();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery))
                posts = _postService.GetFilteredPosts(forum, searchQuery).ToList();
                posts = forum.Posts.ToList();

            var postListings = posts.Select(p => new PostListingModel()
                Id           = p.Id,
                AuthorId     = p.User.Id,
                AuthorName   = p.User.UserName,
                AuthorRating = p.User.Rating.HasValue ? p.User.Rating.Value : 0,
                Title        = p.Title,
                DatePosted   = p.Created.ToString(),
                RepliesCount = p.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = ModelHelper.BuildForumListing(p)

            var model = new ForumTopicModel()
                Posts = postListings,
                Forum = ModelHelper.BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #18
        public void Topic_WithSearchQuery_ReturnsFilteredPosts()
            var forumToReturn = new Forum();
            var expectedPost  = new Post()
                Title = "Filtered Post", Forum = forumToReturn, User = new ApplicationUser(), Replies = new List <PostReply>()
            var listToReturn = new Post[] { expectedPost };

            _postService.GetFilteredPosts(1, "query").Returns(listToReturn);

            ViewResult      view       = (ViewResult)_controller.Topic(1, "query");
            ForumTopicModel model      = (ForumTopicModel)view.Model;
            var             actualPost = model.Posts.First();

            Assert.Equal(expectedPost.Title, actualPost.Title);
Пример #19
        public async Task <IActionResult> Topic(int id)
            var forum   = _forumService.GetById(id);
            var allPost = await _forumService.GetAllPostByForumId(id);

            //var postListings = allPost.Select(post => new PostListingModel
            //    Id = post.Id,
            //    AuthorId = post.User.Id,
            //    AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
            //    Title = post.Title,
            //    DatePosted = post.Created.ToString(),
            //    RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
            //    Forum = BuildForumListing(post)

            var postListing = new List <PostListingModel>();

            foreach (var post in allPost)
                var postListModel = new PostListingModel
                    Id           = post.PostId,
                    AuthorId     = post.Id,
                    AuthorRating = post.ApplicationUsers.Rating,
                    Title        = post.Title,
                    DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                    RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                    Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)
            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postListing,
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum)

Пример #20
        public IActionResult Topic(int forumId, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(forumId);
            var posts = _postService.GetSeacrhedPosts(forum, searchQuery);

            var forumViewModel = new ForumViewModel
                Id          = forum.Id,
                Description = forum.Description,
                Name        = forum.Title,
                ImageUrl    = forum.ImageUrl,
                UserName    = forum.User.UserName,
                UserRating  = forum.User.Rating,
                Created     = forum.Created

            var postViewModels = posts.Select(p => new PostViewModel
                Id           = p.Id,
                AuthorId     = p.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = p.User.Rating,
                AuthorName   = p.User.UserName,
                Title        = p.Title,
                DatePosted   = p.Created.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                RepliesCount = p.Replies.Count(),

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postViewModels,
                Forum = forumViewModel

Пример #21
        public IActionResult Topic(int forumId, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(forumId);
            var posts = _postService.GetSearchedPosts(forum, searchQuery);

            var postViewModels = posts.Select(post => new PostViewModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                AuthorName   = post.User.UserName,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = ForumViewModelMapper(forum)
            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts = postViewModels,
                Forum = ForumViewModelMapper(forum)

Пример #22
        public IActionResult Delete(int id)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);
            var posts = _postService.GetPostsByForum(id);

            var postListings = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                AuthorName   = post.User.UserName,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created,
                RepliesCount = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)
            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Forum = BuildForumListing(forum),
                Posts = postListings

Пример #23
        public IActionResult Topic(int id, string searchQuery)
            var forum = _forumService.GetById(id);

            var posts = new List <Post>();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchQuery))
                posts = forum.Posts.ToList();
                posts = _postService.GetFilteredPosts(id, searchQuery).ToList();

            var postList = posts.Select(post => new PostListingModel
                Id           = post.Id,
                AuthorName   = post.User.UserName,
                AuthorId     = post.User.Id,
                AuthorRating = post.User.Rating,
                Title        = post.Title,
                DatePosted   = post.Created.ToString(),
                ReplyCount   = post.Replies.Count(),
                Forum        = BuildForumListing(post)
            }).ToList <PostListingModel>();

            var model = new ForumTopicModel
                Posts       = postList,
                Forum       = BuildForumListing(forum),
                SearchQuery = searchQuery

Пример #24
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(ForumTopicModel model)
            await _forumService.EditForum(model.Forum.Id, model.Forum.Name, model.Forum.Description);

            return(RedirectToAction("Topic", "Forum", new { id = model.Forum.Id }));