/** * Manufactures individual cell formulas out the whole shared formula * debacle * * @param fr the formatting records * @param nf flag indicating whether this uses the 1904 date system * @return an array of formulas to be added to the sheet */ public Cell[] getFormulas(FormattingRecords fr, bool nf) { Cell[] sfs = new Cell[formulas.Count + 1]; // This can happen if there are many identical formulas in the // sheet and excel has not sliced and diced them exclusively if (templateFormula == null) { //logger.warn("Shared formula template formula is null"); return(new Cell[0]); } templateFormula.setTokens(tokens); NumberFormat templateNumberFormat = null; // See if the template formula evaluates to date if (templateFormula.getType() == CellType.NUMBER_FORMULA) { SharedNumberFormulaRecord snfr = (SharedNumberFormulaRecord) templateFormula; templateNumberFormat = snfr.getNumberFormat(); if (fr.isDate(templateFormula.getXFIndex())) { templateFormula = new SharedDateFormulaRecord(snfr, fr, nf, sheet, snfr.getFilePos()); templateFormula.setTokens(snfr.getTokens()); } } sfs[0] = templateFormula; BaseSharedFormulaRecord f = null; for (int i = 0; i < formulas.Count; i++) { f = (BaseSharedFormulaRecord)formulas[i]; // See if the formula evaluates to date if (f.getType() == CellType.NUMBER_FORMULA) { SharedNumberFormulaRecord snfr = (SharedNumberFormulaRecord)f; if (fr.isDate(f.getXFIndex())) { f = new SharedDateFormulaRecord(snfr, fr, nf, sheet, snfr.getFilePos()); } else { ; // snfr.setNumberFormat(templateNumberFormat); } } f.setTokens(tokens); sfs[i + 1] = f; } return(sfs); }
/// <summary> Reads in the contents of this sheet</summary> internal void read() { Record r = null; BaseSharedFormulaRecord sharedFormula = null; bool sharedFormulaAdded = false; bool cont = true; // Set the position within the file excelFile.Pos = startPosition; // Handles to the last drawing and obj records MsoDrawingRecord msoRecord = null; ObjRecord objRecord = null; // A handle to window2 record Window2Record window2Record = null; // A handle to printgridlines record PrintGridLinesRecord printGridLinesRecord = null; // A handle to printheaders record PrintHeadersRecord printHeadersRecord = null; while (cont) { r = excelFile.next(); if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.UNKNOWN && r.Code == 0) { //System.Console.Error.Write("Warning: biff code zero found"); // Try a dimension record if (r.Length == 0xa) { logger.warn("Biff code zero found - trying a dimension record."); r.Type = (NExcel.Biff.Type.DIMENSION); } else { logger.warn("Biff code zero found - Ignoring."); } } if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.DIMENSION) { DimensionRecord dr = null; if (workbookBof.isBiff8()) { dr = new DimensionRecord(r); } else { dr = new DimensionRecord(r, DimensionRecord.biff7); } numRows = dr.NumberOfRows; numCols = dr.NumberOfColumns; cells = new Cell[numRows][]; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { cells[i] = new Cell[numCols]; } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.LABELSST) { LabelSSTRecord label = new LabelSSTRecord(r, sharedStrings, formattingRecords, sheet); addCell(label); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.RK || r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.RK2) { RKRecord rkr = new RKRecord(r, formattingRecords, sheet); if (formattingRecords.isDate(rkr.XFIndex)) { DateCell dc = new DateRecord(rkr, rkr.XFIndex, formattingRecords, nineteenFour, sheet); addCell(dc); } else { addCell(rkr); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.HLINK) { HyperlinkRecord hr = new HyperlinkRecord(r, sheet, workbookSettings); hyperlinks.Add(hr); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.MERGEDCELLS) { MergedCellsRecord mc = new MergedCellsRecord(r, sheet); if (mergedCells == null) { mergedCells = mc.Ranges; } else { Range[] newMergedCells = new Range[mergedCells.Length + mc.Ranges.Length]; Array.Copy(mergedCells, 0, newMergedCells, 0, mergedCells.Length); Array.Copy(mc.Ranges, 0, newMergedCells, mergedCells.Length, mc.Ranges.Length); mergedCells = newMergedCells; } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.MULRK) { MulRKRecord mulrk = new MulRKRecord(r); // Get the individual cell records from the multiple record int num = mulrk.NumberOfColumns; int ixf = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { ixf = mulrk.getXFIndex(i); NumberValue nv = new NumberValue(mulrk.Row, mulrk.FirstColumn + i, RKHelper.getDouble(mulrk.getRKNumber(i)), ixf, formattingRecords, sheet); if (formattingRecords.isDate(ixf)) { DateCell dc = new DateRecord(nv, ixf, formattingRecords, nineteenFour, sheet); addCell(dc); } else { nv.setNumberFormat(formattingRecords.getNumberFormat(ixf)); addCell(nv); } } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.NUMBER) { NumberRecord nr = new NumberRecord(r, formattingRecords, sheet); if (formattingRecords.isDate(nr.XFIndex)) { DateCell dc = new DateRecord(nr, nr.XFIndex, formattingRecords, nineteenFour, sheet); addCell(dc); } else { addCell(nr); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.BOOLERR) { BooleanRecord br = new BooleanRecord(r, formattingRecords, sheet); if (br.Error) { ErrorRecord er = new ErrorRecord(br.getRecord(), formattingRecords, sheet); addCell(er); } else { addCell(br); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PRINTGRIDLINES) { printGridLinesRecord = new PrintGridLinesRecord(r); settings.PrintGridLines = (printGridLinesRecord.PrintGridLines); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PRINTHEADERS) { printHeadersRecord = new PrintHeadersRecord(r); settings.PrintHeaders = (printHeadersRecord.PrintHeaders); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.WINDOW2) { window2Record = new Window2Record(r); settings.ShowGridLines = (window2Record.ShowGridLines); settings.DisplayZeroValues = (window2Record.DisplayZeroValues); settings.setSelected(); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PANE) { PaneRecord pr = new PaneRecord(r); if (window2Record != null && window2Record.Frozen && window2Record.FrozenNotSplit) { settings.VerticalFreeze = (pr.RowsVisible); settings.HorizontalFreeze = (pr.ColumnsVisible); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.CONTINUE) { ; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.NOTE) { ; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.ARRAY) { ; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PROTECT) { ProtectRecord pr = new ProtectRecord(r); settings.Protected = (pr.IsProtected()); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.SHAREDFORMULA) { if (sharedFormula == null) { logger.warn("Shared template formula is null - " + "trying most recent formula template"); SharedFormulaRecord lastSharedFormula = (SharedFormulaRecord)sharedFormulas[sharedFormulas.Count - 1]; if (lastSharedFormula != null) { sharedFormula = lastSharedFormula.TemplateFormula; } } SharedFormulaRecord sfr = new SharedFormulaRecord(r, sharedFormula, workbook, workbook, sheet); sharedFormulas.Add(sfr); sharedFormula = null; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.FORMULA || r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.FORMULA2) { FormulaRecord fr = new FormulaRecord(r, excelFile, formattingRecords, workbook, workbook, sheet, workbookSettings); if (fr.Shared) { BaseSharedFormulaRecord prevSharedFormula = sharedFormula; sharedFormula = (BaseSharedFormulaRecord)fr.Formula; // See if it fits in any of the shared formulas sharedFormulaAdded = addToSharedFormulas(sharedFormula); if (sharedFormulaAdded) { sharedFormula = prevSharedFormula; } // If we still haven't added the previous base shared formula, // revert it to an ordinary formula and add it to the cell if (!sharedFormulaAdded && prevSharedFormula != null) { // Do nothing. It's possible for the biff file to contain the // record sequence // FORMULA-SHRFMLA-FORMULA-SHRFMLA-FORMULA-FORMULA-FORMULA // ie. it first lists all the formula templates, then it // lists all the individual formulas addCell(revertSharedFormula(prevSharedFormula)); } } else { Cell cell = fr.Formula; // See if the formula evaluates to date if (fr.Formula.Type == CellType.NUMBER_FORMULA) { NumberFormulaRecord nfr = (NumberFormulaRecord)fr.Formula; if (formattingRecords.isDate(nfr.XFIndex)) { cell = new DateFormulaRecord(nfr, formattingRecords, workbook, workbook, nineteenFour, sheet); } } addCell(cell); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.LABEL) { LabelRecord lr = null; if (workbookBof.isBiff8()) { lr = new LabelRecord(r, formattingRecords, sheet, workbookSettings); } else { lr = new LabelRecord(r, formattingRecords, sheet, workbookSettings, LabelRecord.biff7); } addCell(lr); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.RSTRING) { RStringRecord lr = null; // RString records are obsolete in biff 8 Assert.verify(!workbookBof.isBiff8()); lr = new RStringRecord(r, formattingRecords, sheet, workbookSettings, RStringRecord.biff7); addCell(lr); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.NAME) { ; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PASSWORD) { PasswordRecord pr = new PasswordRecord(r); settings.PasswordHash = (pr.PasswordHash); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.ROW) { RowRecord rr = new RowRecord(r); // See if the row has anything funny about it if (!rr.isDefaultHeight() || rr.isCollapsed() || rr.isZeroHeight()) { rowProperties.Add(rr); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.BLANK) { BlankCell bc = new BlankCell(r, formattingRecords, sheet); addCell(bc); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.MULBLANK) { MulBlankRecord mulblank = new MulBlankRecord(r); // Get the individual cell records from the multiple record int num = mulblank.NumberOfColumns; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int ixf = mulblank.getXFIndex(i); MulBlankCell mbc = new MulBlankCell(mulblank.Row, mulblank.FirstColumn + i, ixf, formattingRecords, sheet); addCell(mbc); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.SCL) { SCLRecord scl = new SCLRecord(r); settings.ZoomFactor = (scl.ZoomFactor); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.COLINFO) { ColumnInfoRecord cir = new ColumnInfoRecord(r); columnInfosArray.Add(cir); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.HEADER) { HeaderRecord hr = null; if (workbookBof.isBiff8()) { hr = new HeaderRecord(r, workbookSettings); } else { hr = new HeaderRecord(r, workbookSettings, HeaderRecord.biff7); } NExcel.HeaderFooter header = new NExcel.HeaderFooter(hr.Header); settings.Header = (header); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.FOOTER) { FooterRecord fr = null; if (workbookBof.isBiff8()) { fr = new FooterRecord(r, workbookSettings); } else { fr = new FooterRecord(r, workbookSettings, FooterRecord.biff7); } NExcel.HeaderFooter footer = new NExcel.HeaderFooter(fr.Footer); settings.Footer = (footer); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.SETUP) { SetupRecord sr = new SetupRecord(r); if (sr.isPortrait()) { settings.Orientation = (PageOrientation.PORTRAIT); } else { settings.Orientation = (PageOrientation.LANDSCAPE); } settings.PaperSize = (PaperSize.getPaperSize(sr.PaperSize)); settings.HeaderMargin = (sr.HeaderMargin); settings.FooterMargin = (sr.FooterMargin); settings.ScaleFactor = (sr.ScaleFactor); settings.PageStart = (sr.PageStart); settings.FitWidth = (sr.FitWidth); settings.FitHeight = (sr.FitHeight); settings.HorizontalPrintResolution = (sr.HorizontalPrintResolution); settings.VerticalPrintResolution = (sr.VerticalPrintResolution); settings.Copies = (sr.Copies); if (workspaceOptions != null) { settings.FitToPages = (workspaceOptions.FitToPages); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.WSBOOL) { workspaceOptions = new WorkspaceInformationRecord(r); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.DEFCOLWIDTH) { DefaultColumnWidthRecord dcwr = new DefaultColumnWidthRecord(r); settings.DefaultColumnWidth = (dcwr.Width); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.DEFAULTROWHEIGHT) { DefaultRowHeightRecord drhr = new DefaultRowHeightRecord(r); if (drhr.Height != 0) { settings.DefaultRowHeight = (drhr.Height); } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.LEFTMARGIN) { MarginRecord m = new LeftMarginRecord(r); settings.LeftMargin = (m.Margin); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.RIGHTMARGIN) { MarginRecord m = new RightMarginRecord(r); settings.RightMargin = (m.Margin); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.TOPMARGIN) { MarginRecord m = new TopMarginRecord(r); settings.TopMargin = (m.Margin); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.BOTTOMMARGIN) { MarginRecord m = new BottomMarginRecord(r); settings.BottomMargin = (m.Margin); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.HORIZONTALPAGEBREAKS) { HorizontalPageBreaksRecord dr = null; if (workbookBof.isBiff8()) { dr = new HorizontalPageBreaksRecord(r); } else { dr = new HorizontalPageBreaksRecord(r, HorizontalPageBreaksRecord.biff7); } rowBreaks = dr.RowBreaks; } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.PLS) { plsRecord = new PLSRecord(r); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.OBJ) { objRecord = new ObjRecord(r); if (objRecord.Type == ObjRecord.PICTURE && !workbookSettings.DrawingsDisabled) { if (msoRecord == null) { logger.warn("object record is not associated with a drawing " + " record - ignoring"); } else { Drawing drawing = new Drawing(msoRecord, objRecord, workbook.DrawingGroup); drawings.Add(drawing); } msoRecord = null; objRecord = null; } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.MSODRAWING) { msoRecord = new MsoDrawingRecord(r); } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.BOF) { BOFRecord br = new BOFRecord(r); Assert.verify(!br.isWorksheet()); int startpos = excelFile.Pos - r.Length - 4; // Skip to the end of the nested bof // Thanks to Rohit for spotting this Record r2 = excelFile.next(); while (r2.Code != NExcel.Biff.Type.EOF.Value) { r2 = excelFile.next(); } if (br.isChart()) { Chart chart = new Chart(msoRecord, objRecord, startpos, excelFile.Pos, excelFile, workbookSettings); charts.Add(chart); if (workbook.DrawingGroup != null) { workbook.DrawingGroup.add(chart); } // Reset the drawing records msoRecord = null; objRecord = null; } // If this worksheet is just a chart, then the EOF reached // represents the end of the sheet as well as the end of the chart if (sheetBof.isChart()) { cont = false; } } else if (r.Type == NExcel.Biff.Type.EOF) { cont = false; } } // Restore the file to its accurate position excelFile.restorePos(); // Add all the shared formulas to the sheet as individual formulas foreach (SharedFormulaRecord sfr in sharedFormulas) { Cell[] sfnr = sfr.getFormulas(formattingRecords, nineteenFour); for (int sf = 0; sf < sfnr.Length; sf++) { addCell(sfnr[sf]); } } // If the last base shared formula wasn't added to the sheet, then // revert it to an ordinary formula and add it if (!sharedFormulaAdded && sharedFormula != null) { addCell(revertSharedFormula(sharedFormula)); } }
/** * Manufactures individual cell formulas out the whole shared formula * debacle * * @param fr the formatting records * @param nf flag indicating whether this uses the 1904 date system * @return an array of formulas to be added to the sheet */ public Cell[] getFormulas(FormattingRecords fr, bool nf) { Cell[] sfs = new Cell[formulas.Count + 1]; // This can happen if there are many identical formulas in the // sheet and excel has not sliced and diced them exclusively if (templateFormula == null) { //logger.warn("Shared formula template formula is null"); return new Cell[0]; } templateFormula.setTokens(tokens); NumberFormat templateNumberFormat = null; // See if the template formula evaluates to date if (templateFormula.getType() == CellType.NUMBER_FORMULA) { SharedNumberFormulaRecord snfr = (SharedNumberFormulaRecord) templateFormula; templateNumberFormat = snfr.getNumberFormat(); if (fr.isDate(templateFormula.getXFIndex())) { templateFormula = new SharedDateFormulaRecord(snfr,fr,nf,sheet, snfr.getFilePos()); templateFormula.setTokens(snfr.getTokens()); } } sfs[0] = templateFormula; BaseSharedFormulaRecord f = null; for (int i = 0; i < formulas.Count; i++) { f = (BaseSharedFormulaRecord)formulas[i]; // See if the formula evaluates to date if (f.getType() == CellType.NUMBER_FORMULA) { SharedNumberFormulaRecord snfr = (SharedNumberFormulaRecord)f; if (fr.isDate(f.getXFIndex())) { f = new SharedDateFormulaRecord(snfr,fr,nf,sheet, snfr.getFilePos()); } else { ;// snfr.setNumberFormat(templateNumberFormat); } } f.setTokens(tokens); sfs[i + 1] = f; } return sfs; }