/// <summary> /// Merge two line to one line. /// </summary> /// <param name="mergeLines">Line to be merged.</param> void MergeLines(FormLineList mergeLines, FormLineList sameLevelLines) { if (mergeLines == null || mergeLines.Count < 2) { return; } FormLine firstLine = mergeLines[0]; bool isHorizontal = firstLine.IsTransverseLine; if (isHorizontal) { List <double> xValues = mergeLines.Select(line => line.StartPoint.x). Concat(mergeLines.Select(line => line.EndPoint.x)).ToList(); firstLine.StartPoint.x = xValues.Min(); firstLine.EndPoint.x = xValues.Max(); } else { List <double> yValues = mergeLines.Select(line => line.StartPoint.y). Concat(mergeLines.Select(line => line.EndPoint.y)).ToList(); firstLine.StartPoint.y = yValues.Min(); firstLine.EndPoint.y = yValues.Max(); } for (int i = 1; i < mergeLines.Count; i++) { sameLevelLines.Remove(mergeLines[i]); } }
void RemoveLittleLines(SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList> diclines) { foreach (double key in diclines.Keys) { FormLineList lines = diclines[key]; lines.Where(line => line.Length < 1).ToList().ForEach(line => lines.Remove(line)); } diclines.Where(pair => pair.Value.Count == 0).ToList().ForEach(pair => diclines.Remove(pair.Key)); }
/// <summary> /// Remove short lines from line dictionary. /// </summary> /// <param name="diclines">Line dictionary</param> void RemoveTooShortAndTooLongLines(Page page, SortedDictionary <double, FormLineList> diclines, bool isHorizontial, Rect posRect) { double[] pageSize = PdfTronHelper.GetPageSize(page); double maxLength = isHorizontial ? pageSize[0] : pageSize[1]; diclines.Where(pair => pair.Value.Exists(line => Math.Abs(line.Length - maxLength) < 3)) .Select(pair => pair.Key).ToList() .ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key)); FormLineList _lines = new FormLineList(diclines.SelectMany(pair => pair.Value).ToList()); if (_lines.Count > 1) { if (isHorizontial) { double[] textLeftRightXValue = pdfTronHelper.GetLeftRightTextBounds(page); maxLength = (textLeftRightXValue[1] - textLeftRightXValue[0]); diclines.Where(x => x.Value.Sum(line => line.Length) < maxLength * 0.5 ).Select(x => x.Key).ToList().ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key)); foreach (double key in diclines.Keys.ToArray()) { FormLineList lines = diclines[key]; if (lines.Count < 2) { continue; } double _maxLength = lines.Max(line => line.Length); FormLine maxLengthLine = lines.Find(line => line.Length == _maxLength); lines.Where(line => line.Length < (_maxLength * 0.7)).ToList().ForEach(line => lines.Remove(line)); } FormLineList templines = new FormLineList(diclines.SelectMany(pair => pair.Value).ToList()); if (templines.Count > 1) { maxLength = templines.Select(line => line.Length).Max(); double scale = 0.4; double minLength = maxLength * scale; IEnumerable <double> shortLineKeys = diclines.Where( x => x.Value.Sum(line => line.Length) < minLength ).Select(x => x.Key); shortLineKeys.ToList().ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key)); } } else { maxLength = posRect.Height(); if (posRect.Height() < 300) { maxLength = _lines.Select(line => line.Length).Max(); } double minLength = maxLength * 0.4; if (minLength < 9) { minLength = 9; } IEnumerable <double> shortLineKeys = diclines.Where( x => x.Value.Sum(line => line.Length) < minLength ).Select(x => x.Key); shortLineKeys.ToList().ForEach(key => diclines.Remove(key)); } } else { diclines.Clear(); } }