protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { #region approval page if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["SN"])) { ProcessSN = Request.QueryString["SN"]; string formID = string.Empty; string activityName = string.Empty; string processID = string.Empty; string approveXML = string.Empty; //取得审批XML //FBA to AD //WorkflowHelper.GetProcessInfo(MUID, Password, ProcessSN, ref processID, ref activityName); //任务占用提示 edit by lee try { //WorkflowHelper.GetProcessInfo(ProcessSN, ref formID, ref processID, ref activityName, ref approveXML);//,StaffNo); WorkflowHelper.GetSCFProcessInfo(ProcessSN, ref formID, ref processID, ref activityName, ref approveXML); FormID = formID; //ProcessID = processID; string FName = FormID.Substring(0, 3); ActivityName = activityName; ActivityXml = approveXML; } catch (Exception ex) { //is not allowed to open the worklist item with if (ex.Message.Contains("26030")) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "js", "try{ymPrompt=top.ymPrompt}catch(e){} ymPrompt.alert({ message: '此任务已被他人处理或占用,您已无法处理!', title: '任务提示', handler:function() {window.location.href='/WorkSpace/MyWorklist.aspx ';}});", true); return; } else { Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "js", "try{ymPrompt=top.ymPrompt}catch(e){} ymPrompt.alert({ message: '此任务已被他人处理或被占用!', title: '任务提示', handler:function() {window.location.href='/WorkSpace/MyWorklist.aspx ';}});", true); return; } } //if (ActivityPageName(FName) != GetPageName()) // throw new Exception("00001 You have no permission to open this process."); } #endregion #region HR C&B if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["FormID"])) { FormID = Request.QueryString["FormID"]; } #endregion #region draft page if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["FormID"]) && IsDraftPage) { FormID = Request.QueryString["FormID"]; } #endregion } base.OnLoad(e); }