Пример #1
 internal void method_28()
     if ((this.m_bodyItems != null) && (this.m_bodyItems.Count > 0))
         BodyRegion region = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < this.m_bodyItems.Count; i++)
             region = this.m_bodyItems[i];
             region = null;
         this.m_bodyItems = null;
     if (this.paragraphCollection_0 != null)
         this.paragraphCollection_0 = null;
     if (this.tableCollection_0 != null)
         this.tableCollection_0 = null;
     if (this.formFieldCollection_0 != null)
         this.formFieldCollection_0 = null;
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// 解析单个表达式
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="wherelist"></param>
 /// <param name="datas"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private string GetConditionSql_ParserSingleExpression(string where, FormFieldCollection datas)
     string[] tjlist = where.Split(new String[] { "'", "`" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
     if (tjlist[1].Substring(0, 1) == "@")
         tjlist[1] = tjlist[1].Substring(1);
         tjlist[1] = this.GetConditionSql_GetCurFormVar(tjlist[1], datas);
     else if (tjlist[1].Substring(0, 1) == "[")
         tjlist[1] = tjlist[1].Substring(1, tjlist[1].Length - 2);
         tjlist[1] = this.GetConditionSql_GetSysVariable(tjlist[1]);
     if (tjlist[3].Substring(0, 1) == "@")
         tjlist[3] = tjlist[3].Substring(1);
         tjlist[1] = this.GetConditionSql_GetCurFormVar(tjlist[1], datas);
     else if (tjlist[3].Substring(0, 1) == "[")
         tjlist[3] = tjlist[3].Substring(1, tjlist[3].Length - 2);
         tjlist[3] = this.GetConditionSql_GetSysVariable(tjlist[3]);
     return("'" + tjlist[1] + "'" + tjlist[2] + "'" + tjlist[3] + "'");
Пример #3
        ///<param name="fo"></param>
        ///<param name="returnMessage"></param>
        ///<param name="returnTitle"></param>
        ///<param name="returnSubject"></param>
        ///<param name="returnFieldColl"></param>
        public static bool Validate(Form fo, out string returnMessage, out string returnTitle, out string returnSubject, out FormFieldCollection returnFieldColl)
            //login to VisualVault using API values stored in web.config file
            string serverUrl = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["vVServerURL"];
            string userId    = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["vVUserID"];
            string password  = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["vVPassword"];

            returnSubject = "";

            bool response;

            returnFieldColl = new FormFieldCollection();

            _vault = VVRuntime.VisualVaultLogin.Login(serverUrl, userId, password, Constants.DeveloperKey, Constants.DeveloperSecret, Constants.ProductId);

            if (_vault != null)
                //check required fields
                response = CheckRequiredFields(fo.FormFields, out returnMessage, out returnTitle, out returnSubject, out returnFieldColl);
                //response = UpdateFormFields(fo.FormFields, out returnMessage, out returnTitle, out returnSubject, out returnFieldColl);
                //unable to login to VisualVault
                response      = false;
                returnTitle   = "Error";
                returnMessage = "Unable to login to VisualVault.";

        public void FormFieldsGetFormFieldsCollection()
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Form fields.docx");

            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;
Пример #5
        public static void ObtainingFormFieldsFeature()
            //Shows how to get a collection of form fields.
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Obtaining form fields.docx");

            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;
            FormField           formField1 = formFields[3];
            FormField           formField2 = formFields["CustomerName"];
 public void FormFieldsGetFormFieldsCollection()
     //ExSummary:Shows how to get a collection of form fields.
     Document            doc        = new Document(MyDir + "FormFields.doc");
     FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;
Пример #7
            /// <summary>
            /// 从表单项列表与Request.Forms生成字段数据
            /// 1.主要是用户在工作过程中流转使用
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public FormFieldCollection GetPostedDatas()
                FormFieldCollection ffc = this.Items_FormFieldCollection;

                foreach (FormField ff in ffc)
                    ff.Value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[ff.Id] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[ff.Id];
                    //ff.Value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[ff.Id];
        public void FormFieldsGetByName()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to access form fields.
            Document            doc = new Document(MyDir + "FormFields.doc");
            FormFieldCollection documentFormFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            FormField formField1 = documentFormFields[3];
            FormField formField2 = documentFormFields["CustomerName"];
        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:FormFieldsGetFormFieldsCollection
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_WorkingWithFields();

            Document            doc        = new Document(dataDir + "FormFields.doc");
            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            // ExEnd:FormFieldsGetFormFieldsCollection
            Console.WriteLine("\nDocument have " + formFields.Count.ToString() + " form fields.");
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes form data
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fields">Form data to serialize</param>
 /// <param name="serializationType">Serialization method to use</param>
 public string Serialize(FormFieldCollection fields, FormFieldSerializationType serializationType)
     switch (serializationType)
         case FormFieldSerializationType.UrlEncoded:
             return UrlEncodedSerialize(fields);
         case FormFieldSerializationType.PlainText:
         case FormFieldSerializationType.Multipart:
             throw new NotImplementedException();
             throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("serializationType");
Пример #11
            /// <summary>
            /// 生成当前工作N步中表单Html
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="step"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public String GenerateHtmls(int id)
                WX.Flow.Model.Run.MODEL runmodel = WX.Flow.Model.Run.NewDataModel(id);
                FormFieldCollection     datas    = this.GetDatas_FormFieldCollection();

                Process.MODEL process = this.MyFlow.ProcessList.Find(delegate(Process.MODEL prcs_dele) { return(prcs_dele.StepNo.ToInt32() == runmodel.StepNo.ToInt32()); });
                if (process == null)
                return(this.MyForm.GenerateHtmls(datas, process.Editable_FormFieldCollection, process.Hidden_FormFieldCollection, runmodel.BeginUser.ToString()));
Пример #12
        internal static bool UpdateFormFields(FormFieldCollection formFieldCollection, out string errorMessage, out string messageTitle, out string messageSubject, out FormFieldCollection returnFieldColl)
            var result = true;

            errorMessage    = "";
            messageTitle    = "";
            messageSubject  = "";
            returnFieldColl = new FormFieldCollection();

                //This method is a simple example of updating form field values

                //(1) Get the form template name. In this case we are storing the template name in the web.config file
                var formTemplateName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TestFormTemplate"];

                //(2) Instantiate a form template object by name
                var formTemplate = _vault.Forms.GetFormTemplate(formTemplateName);

                //(3) Fill in a new form.  This will be the first revision of a new form instance
                var formInstance = formTemplate.GetNewFormDataInstance();

                //(4) Populate field values for the new form instance.
                foreach (FormField formField in formInstance.FormFields)
                    if (formField.FieldType == FormFieldTypes.UserIDStamp)
                        //UserIDStamp form field type is referred to as a SignatureStamp in the user interface.
                        //This field type requires special handling; in order to set the value pass in a string value of "True"
                        //which will sign a signature using the user credentials of the authentication user (the user you used to instantiate the Vault object)

                        formField.FieldValue = "True";

                //(5) Save the new form instance

                //(6) Create a new revision of the form instance
                //formInstance = formInstance.GetNewDataInstanceRevision();

                //(7) Update form field values and Save to create a new revision of a form instance
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = false;

        public static void Run()
            // ExStart:FormFieldsGetByName
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_WorkingWithFields();

            Document            doc = new Document(dataDir + "FormFields.doc");
            FormFieldCollection documentFormFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            FormField formField1 = documentFormFields[3];
            FormField formField2 = documentFormFields["Text2"];

            // ExEnd:FormFieldsGetByName
            Console.WriteLine("\n" + formField2.Name + " field have following text " + formField2.GetText() + ".");
Пример #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string MyDir = @"E:\Aspose\Aspose Vs OpenXML\Missing Features of OpenXML Words Provided by Aspose.Words v1.1\Sample Files\";

            //Shows how to get a collection of form fields.
            Document            doc        = new Document(MyDir + "FormFields.doc");
            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            //Shows how to access form fields.
            Document            myDoc = new Document(MyDir + "FormFields.doc");
            FormFieldCollection documentFormFields = myDoc.Range.FormFields;

            FormField formField1 = documentFormFields[3];
            FormField formField2 = documentFormFields["CustomerName"];
Пример #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string FilePath = @"..\..\..\Sample Files\";
            string FileName = FilePath + "Obtaining Form Fields.docx";

            //Shows how to get a collection of form fields.
            Document doc = new Document(FileName);
            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            //Shows how to access form fields.
            Document myDoc = new Document(FileName);
            FormFieldCollection documentFormFields = myDoc.Range.FormFields;

            FormField formField1 = documentFormFields[3];
            FormField formField2 = documentFormFields["CustomerName"];
        public void FormFieldsGetByName()
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Form fields.docx");

            FormFieldCollection documentFormFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            FormField formField1 = documentFormFields[3];
            FormField formField2 = documentFormFields["Text2"];


            formField1.Font.Size  = 20;
            formField2.Font.Color = Color.Red;
Пример #17
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取单个表单变量
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="Vname"></param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private string GetConditionSql_GetCurFormVar(string Vname, FormFieldCollection datas)
                if (datas == null)
                FormField ff = datas.FindItemByTitle(Vname);

                if (ff != null)
        public void TestUrlEncodedSerialize()
            // Arrange
            var fields = new FormFieldCollection
                new FormField("test1", "test1Value"),
                new FormField("Test2", "test2Value"),
                new FormField("Test3", "test \n=&?/+")
            var serializer = new FormFieldSerializer();

            // Act
            var serialized = serializer.Serialize(fields);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("test1=test1Value&Test2=test2Value&Test3=test+%0a%3d%26%3f%2f%2b", serialized);
Пример #19
            /// <summary>
            /// 从表单模板生成表单字段
            /// 1.保存表单模板数据前调用!
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public FormFieldCollection FetchItems()
                FormFieldCollection ffc = new FormFieldCollection();
                string resolvestr       = this.Module.ToString();

                string[] regstr = new string[] {
                    "<input(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)/>",                          //input表单
                    "<input(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)/>",                          //input表单
                    "<textarea(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)>([\\s\\S]*?)</textarea>", //多行文本框
                    "<textarea(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)>([\\s\\S]*?)</textarea>", //多行文本框
                    "<select(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"([\\s\\S]*?)</select>",           //下拉列表
                    "<select(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"([\\s\\S]*?)</select>",           //下拉列表
                    "<img(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)/>",                            //图片
                    "<img(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)/>",                            //图片
                    "<button(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"([\\s\\S]*?)</button>",           //按钮
                    "<button(.*?)name=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)title=\"(.*?)\"([\\s\\S]*?)</button>"            //按钮
                for (int i = 0; i < regstr.Length; i++)
                    MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(resolvestr, regstr[i]);

                    for (int j = 0; j < mc.Count; j++)
                        FormField ff = new FormField();
                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            ff.Id   = mc[j].Result("$4");
                            ff.Text = mc[j].Result("$2");
                            ff.Id   = mc[j].Result("$2");
                            ff.Text = mc[j].Result("$4");
                        if (mc[j].Result("$3").IndexOf("datafld") > -1)
                            ff.Type = Regex.Match(mc[j].Result("$3"), "datafld=\"(.*?)\"").Result("$1");
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            //Open a Word document
            Document document = new Document(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\FillFormField.doc");

            //Get the first section
            Section section = document.Sections[0];

            FormFieldCollection formFields = section.Body.FormFields;

            sb.Append("The first section has " + formFields.Count + " form fields.");

            File.WriteAllText("result.txt", sb.ToString());

            //Launch result file

        private void TestFormField(Document doc)
            doc = DocumentHelper.SaveOpen(doc);
            FieldCollection fields = doc.Range.Fields;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, fields.Count);

            TestUtil.VerifyField(FieldType.FieldFormDropDown, " FORMDROPDOWN \u0001", string.Empty, doc.Range.Fields[0]);
            TestUtil.VerifyField(FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox, " FORMCHECKBOX \u0001", string.Empty, doc.Range.Fields[1]);
            TestUtil.VerifyField(FieldType.FieldFormTextInput, " FORMTEXT \u0001", "New placeholder text", doc.Range.Fields[2]);

            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, formFields.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(FieldType.FieldFormDropDown, formFields[0].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(new[] { "One", "Two", "Three" }, formFields[0].DropDownItems);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, formFields[0].DropDownSelectedIndex);
            Assert.AreEqual("One", formFields[0].Result);

            Assert.AreEqual(FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox, formFields[1].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual("Right click to check this box", formFields[1].HelpText);
            Assert.AreEqual("Checkbox status text", formFields[1].StatusText);
            Assert.AreEqual(50.0d, formFields[1].CheckBoxSize);
            Assert.AreEqual("0", formFields[1].Result);

            Assert.AreEqual(FieldType.FieldFormTextInput, formFields[2].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual("EntryMacro", formFields[2].EntryMacro);
            Assert.AreEqual("ExitMacro", formFields[2].ExitMacro);
            Assert.AreEqual("Regular", formFields[2].TextInputDefault);
            Assert.AreEqual("FIRST CAPITAL", formFields[2].TextInputFormat);
            Assert.AreEqual(TextFormFieldType.Regular, formFields[2].TextInputType);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, formFields[2].MaxLength);
            Assert.AreEqual("New placeholder text", formFields[2].Result);
Пример #22
            /// <summary>
            /// 获取条件形成的Sql语句
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="inStr">条件字段字符串</param>
            /// <param name="curRun">当前工作</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            private String GetConditionSql(string inStr, Run.MODEL curRun)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(inStr))
                //Get FieldValues of FieldItemCollection
                FormFieldCollection datas = null;

                if (curRun != null)
                    datas = curRun.GetDatas_FormFieldCollection();
                string prcsin = inStr;

                string[] prcslist = prcsin.Split(new String[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (prcslist.Length != 3)
                string[] wherelist = prcslist[0].Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 0; i < wherelist.Length; i++)
                    wherelist[i] = GetConditionSql_ParserSingleExpression(wherelist[i], datas);
                string sqlstr = prcslist[1];

                for (int i = 0; i < wherelist.Length; i++)
                    sqlstr = sqlstr.Replace("[" + (i + 1) + "]", wherelist[i]);

Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Call a phone number using a forwarding phone number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="outgoingNumber">Phone number to call</param>
        /// <param name="forwardingNumber">Forwarding number to call</param>
        /// <param name="phoneType">Phone Type Enumerator</param>
        public void ConnectCall(string outgoingNumber, string forwardingNumber,  PHONETYPES phoneType)
            if (!_isLoggedIn)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not logged in");
            if (_isDisposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);

            var formData = new FormFieldCollection
                new FormField(OUTGOINGNUMBER_FIELD, outgoingNumber),
                new FormField(FORWARDINGNUMBER_FIELD, forwardingNumber),
                new FormField(PHONETYPE_FIELD,((int)phoneType).ToString()),
                new FormField(RNR_SE_FIELD, _rnrSe)
            var response = _webManager.PerformPost(ConnectCallUri, formData, FormFieldSerializationType.UrlEncoded);

            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.Response))
                var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Result>(streamReader.ReadToEnd());

                if (!result.Ok)
                    throw new GVoiceException(result.Data.Code);
Пример #24
        private string _Convert(string srcPath, string destFileExtension, Boolean srcIsZip, int pageIndex = -1, int imgQuality = 0, string htmlEncoding = "gb2312", int fontZoomPercent = 100, Boolean combineImages = false)
            //if (!CheckLicense())
            //    return new InternalBufferOverflowException().ToString();

            if (this.AutoDelOldFile)
                Utils.ClearupDir(this._tempPath, SaveDirMaxFileCount);

            var fileGUID = Utils.GetMd5Str(srcPath);

                this._combineImages = combineImages;

                string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(srcPath).ToLower();
                string fileName      = fileGUID + fileExtension;

                string tempFilePath = this._tempPath + fileName;
                //var dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(this._tempPath + fileGUID);
                //if (!dirInfo.Exists || dirInfo.GetFiles().Length == 0 || fileExtension == ".doc")
                    if (srcPath.Contains("http://"))
                        var downloadTempFile = tempFilePath + ".tmp";
                        Utils.DownloadToFile(srcPath, downloadTempFile, _cookie);
                        if (srcIsZip)
                            Utils.UnZipFile(downloadTempFile, tempFilePath);
                            File.Copy(downloadTempFile, tempFilePath);
                        FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(downloadTempFile);
                    else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._fileServer) && srcPath.StartsWith(@"\\"))
                        using (IdentityScope identity = new IdentityScope(this._serverUser, this._fileServer, this._serverPwd))
                            if (srcIsZip)
                                Utils.UnZipFile(srcPath, tempFilePath);
                                tempFilePath = srcPath;
                        if (srcIsZip)
                            Utils.UnZipFile(srcPath, tempFilePath);
                            tempFilePath = srcPath;

                    //if (srcIsZip)
                    //    try
                    //    {
                    //        //如果是局域网的,则先登录认证
                    //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._fileServer) && srcPath.StartsWith(@"\\"))
                    //        {
                    //            using (IdentityScope identity = new IdentityScope(this._serverUser, this._fileServer, this._serverPwd))
                    //            {
                    //                Utils.UnZipFile(srcPath, tempFilePath);
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        else
                    //        {
                    //            Utils.UnZipFile(srcPath, tempFilePath);
                    //        }

                    //    }
                    //    catch (Exception)
                    //    {
                    //        return "文件解压失败,请确认源文件是压缩文件.";
                    //    }

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempFilePath))

                string destFileName = fileGUID + destFileExtension;
                string destDir      = this._tempPath + fileGUID + "\\";
                string destFilePath = destDir + destFileName;
                string resultData   = string.Empty;

                if (fileExtension == ".doc" || fileExtension == ".docx")
                    if (!Directory.Exists(destDir))

                    if (destFileExtension.Equals(".html"))
                        Document doc = new Document(tempFilePath);

                        doc.SaveOptions.HtmlExportTextInputFormFieldAsText = true;
                        doc.SaveOptions.HtmlExportAllowNegativeLeftIndent  = true;
                        doc.SaveOptions.HtmlExportDocumentProperties       = false;

                        FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;
                        for (int i = formFields.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            var ff = formFields[i];
                            if (ff.Type == FieldType.FieldNone)


                        StreamReader sr       = new StreamReader(destFilePath);
                        var          htmlData = Utils.ReplaceMatch("<meta name=\"generator\" content=\".*?\" />", RegexOptions.None, sr.ReadToEnd(), "");
                        htmlData = Utils.ReplaceMatch(@"<html>[\s\S]*?<body>", RegexOptions.None, htmlData, "");
                        htmlData = Utils.ReplaceMatch(@"</body>[\s\S]*?</html>", RegexOptions.None, htmlData, "");
                        byte a = 0xc2;
                        byte b = 0xa0;
                        htmlData = htmlData.Replace((char)a, ' ');
                        htmlData = htmlData.Replace((char)b, ' ');
                        htmlData = Utils.ReplaceMatch("<img src=\"(.*?)\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, htmlData, "<img src=\"" + this._relativeTempPath + fileGUID + "/$1\"");
                        string pageData = "<span style=\"font-family:'宋体'; font-size:[1-9]+?pt\">-</span><span[^>].*?>[1-9]+?</span><span style=\"font-family:'宋体'; font-size:[1-9]+?pt\">-</span>";
                        htmlData = Utils.ReplaceMatch(pageData, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, htmlData, "");
                        var utils = new Utils();
                        htmlData = utils.UpdateTableWidthMatch("<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"border-collapse[^>]*?>", htmlData, "100%");
                        htmlData = htmlData.Replace("442.35pt", "100%");


                        if (htmlEncoding.ToLower().Equals("gb2312"))
                            //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(destFilePath, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));

                            resultData = Utils.UTF82GB2312(htmlData);
                            //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(destFilePath);

                            resultData = htmlData;

                        var dir = new DirectoryInfo(destDir);
                        if (dir.Exists && dir.GetFiles().Length == 0)
                    else if (destFileExtension.Equals(".jpg"))
                        resultData = new DocEngine().Convert(tempFilePath, this._tempPath, fileGUID, combineImages, pageIndex, imgQuality);
                else if (fileExtension == ".pdf")
                    resultData = new PDFEngine().Convert(tempFilePath, this._tempPath, fileGUID, combineImages, pageIndex, imgQuality);
                else if (fileExtension == ".ceb")
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CebImageSavePath))
                        resultData = new CebEngine().Convert(tempFilePath, this._tempPath, fileGUID, this._tempPath, combineImages, imgQuality);
                        resultData = new CebEngine().Convert(tempFilePath, this._tempPath, fileGUID, CebImageSavePath, combineImages, imgQuality);



            catch (Exception)
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="formFieldCollection"></param>
        /// <param name="errorMessage"></param>
        /// <param name="messageTitle"></param>
        /// <param name="messageSubject"></param>
        /// <param name="returnFieldColl"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool CheckRequiredFields(FormFieldCollection formFieldCollection, out string errorMessage, out string messageTitle, out string messageSubject, out FormFieldCollection returnFieldColl)
            //list form fields you want to validate here
            var requiredFields = "First Name,DOB,Place of Birth,Gender".Split(',');

            var result = true;

            errorMessage    = "";
            messageTitle    = "";
            messageSubject  = "";
            returnFieldColl = new FormFieldCollection();

            foreach (string fieldName in requiredFields)
                foreach (FormField formField in formFieldCollection)
                    if (fieldName.ToLower() == formField.FieldName.ToLower())
                        bool found;

                        //If the form field has no value we assume validation failed

                        //If the form field has a value and the value = select item or --select-- we assume
                        //a drop down list where no value has been selected by the user

                        switch (formField.FieldValue.ToLower())
                        case "select item":
                        case "--select--":
                        case "":
                            found = false;

                            found = true;

                        //Always set the RenderValidationError property to true|false

                        if (!found)
                            if (errorMessage.Length > 0)
                                errorMessage += ",";

                            //turn on the validation error icon
                            formField.RenderValidationError = true;

                            errorMessage += fieldName;
                            //turn off the validation error icon
                            formField.RenderValidationError = false;

            if (errorMessage.Length > 0)
                errorMessage = errorMessage.Insert(0, "These fields have missing values: ");

                messageTitle = "Field validation error";

                messageSubject = "Missing required fields";

                result = false;

Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes form data with the default serialization method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fields">Form data to serialize</param>
 public string Serialize(FormFieldCollection fields)
     return Serialize(fields, FormFieldSerializationType.UrlEncoded);
        public static FormFieldCollection GetFormFieldsOfDocument(this Document document)
            FormFieldCollection formFields = document.Range.FormFields;

        [Test] //ExSkip
        public void Visitor()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use a document builder to insert a combo box.
            builder.Write("Choose a value from this combo box: ");
            FormField comboBox = builder.InsertComboBox("MyComboBox", new[] { "One", "Two", "Three" }, 0);

            comboBox.CalculateOnExit = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(3, comboBox.DropDownItems.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, comboBox.DropDownSelectedIndex);


            // Use a document builder to insert a check box.
            builder.Write("Click this check box to tick/untick it: ");
            FormField checkBox = builder.InsertCheckBox("MyCheckBox", false, 50);

            checkBox.IsCheckBoxExactSize = true;
            checkBox.HelpText            = "Right click to check this box";
            checkBox.OwnHelp             = true;
            checkBox.StatusText          = "Checkbox status text";
            checkBox.OwnStatus           = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(50.0d, checkBox.CheckBoxSize);


            // Use a document builder to insert text input form field.
            builder.Write("Enter text here: ");
            FormField textInput = builder.InsertTextInput("MyTextInput", TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", "Placeholder text", 50);

            textInput.EntryMacro       = "EntryMacro";
            textInput.ExitMacro        = "ExitMacro";
            textInput.TextInputDefault = "Regular";
            textInput.TextInputFormat  = "FIRST CAPITAL";
            textInput.SetTextInputValue("New placeholder text");
            Assert.AreEqual(TextFormFieldType.Regular, textInput.TextInputType);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, textInput.MaxLength);

            // This collection contains all of our form fields.
            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, formFields.Count);

            // Fields display our form fields. We can see their field codes by opening this document
            // in Microsoft and pressing Alt + F9. These fields have no switches,
            // and members of the FormField object fully govern their form fields' content.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, doc.Range.Fields.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(" FORMDROPDOWN \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[0].GetFieldCode());
            Assert.AreEqual(" FORMCHECKBOX \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[1].GetFieldCode());
            Assert.AreEqual(" FORMTEXT \u0001", doc.Range.Fields[2].GetFieldCode());

            // Allow each form field to accept a document visitor.
            FormFieldVisitor formFieldVisitor = new FormFieldVisitor();

            using (IEnumerator <FormField> fieldEnumerator = formFields.GetEnumerator())
                while (fieldEnumerator.MoveNext())


            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "FormFields.Visitor.html");
            TestFormField(doc); //ExSkip
Пример #29
            public String GenerateHtmls(FormFieldCollection datas, FormFieldCollection editableFlds, FormFieldCollection hiddenFlds, string BeginuserID)
                String htmls  = null;
                String module = this.Module.ToString();

                htmls = module;
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                htmls = this.Module_Short.ToString();
                HtmlNode           rootNode = document.DocumentNode;
                string             newnode  = "";
                HtmlNodeCollection hnc      = rootNode.SelectNodes("//input");//单行文本框

                if (hnc != null)
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                            if (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                                hn.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
                            if (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                                if (hn.Attributes["style"] != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["style"].Value = hn.Attributes["style"].Value + ";display:none;";
                                    hn.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");
                            if (hn.Attributes["value"] != null)
                                hn.Attributes["value"].Value = datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value;
                                hn.Attributes.Add("value", datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value);
                            if (hn.Attributes["class"] != null && hn.Attributes["class"].Value == "AUTO")
                                switch (hn.Attributes["datafld"].Value)
                                case "SYS_DATE": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年M月d日"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT3": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT4": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT1": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年M月"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATE_CN_SHORT2": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("M月d日"); break;

                                case "SYS_TIME": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("H:m:s"); break;

                                case "SYS_DATETIM": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:m:s"); break;

                                case "SYS_WEEK": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek.ToString(); break;

                                case "SYS_USERID": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Authentication.GetUserID(); break;

                                case "SYS_USERNAME":
                                    if (BeginuserID == "")
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.RealName.ToString();
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.WXUser.GetRealNameByUserID(BeginuserID);
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_DEPTNAME":
                                    if (BeginuserID == "")
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.MyDepartMent.Name.ToString();
                                        hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.WXUser.GetDeptNameByUserID(BeginuserID);

                                case "SYS_USERPRIV":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.DutyUser.Name.ToString();
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_USERPRIVOTHER":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.DutyUser.Name.ToString();
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_USERNAME_DATE":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.RealName.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_USERNAME_DATETIME":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.RealName.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:m:s");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_FORMNAME":
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = "表单名称";
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_RUNDATE": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_RUNDATETIME": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_RUNID": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_AUTONUM": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ""; break;

                                case "SYS_IP": hn.Attributes["value"].Value = "-SYS_IP-"; break;    //getIp();

                                case "SYS_MANAGER1":
                                    WX.Model.User.MODEL zgmodel = WX.Model.User.Caches.Find(delegate(WX.Model.User.MODEL dele) { return(dele.DepartmentID.ToInt32() == WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.DepartmentID.ToInt32() && dele.DutyId.ToInt32() == 500); });
                                    //WX.Model.Employee.GetModel("select top 1 * from [TU_Employees] where DepartmentID='" + WX.Main.CurUser.EmployeeUser.DepartmentID.ToString() + "' and DutyID=500");
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = (zgmodel != null ? zgmodel.RealName.value.ToString() : "");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_MANAGER2":
                                    //WX.Model.Department.MODEL model = WX.Model.Department.GetModel("select * from TE_Departments where ParentID='" + usermodel.EmployeeUser.DepartmentID.value.ToString() + "'");
                                    //WX.Model.Employee.MODEL zgmodel = WX.Model.Employee.GetModel("select top 1 * from [TU_Employees] where DepartmentID='" + WX.Main.CurUser.EmployeeUser.DepartmentID.ToString() + "' and DutyID=500");
                                    WX.Model.User.MODEL zgmodel = WX.Model.User.Caches.Find(delegate(WX.Model.User.MODEL dele) { return(dele.DepartmentID.ToInt32() == WX.Public.CurUser.UserModel.DepartmentID.ToInt32() && dele.DutyId.ToInt32() == 500); });
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = (zgmodel != null ? zgmodel.RealName.value.ToString() : "");
                                } break;

                                case "SYS_SQL": { hn.Attributes["value"].Value = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetValue(hn.Attributes["datasrc"].Value.ToString()).ToString(); } break;

                                default: break;
                                if (hn.Attributes["hidden"] != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["type"].Value = "hidden";
                                if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["value"].Value = datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value;
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                            else if (hn.Attributes["class"] != null && hn.Attributes["class"].Value == "CALC")
                                newnode = "<script>function calc_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "(){var myvalue=eval(\"" + (hn.Attributes["value"].Value.IndexOf('(') > -1 ? "calc_" : "") + hn.Attributes["value"].Value.ToLower() + "\");if(myvalue==Infinity) document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".value=\"无效结果\";else if(!isNaN(myvalue)) {var prec=document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".getAttribute('prec');var vPrec;if(!prec) vPrec=10000;else vPrec=Math.pow(10,prec);var result = new Number(parseFloat(Math.round(myvalue*vPrec)/vPrec));document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".value=result.toFixed(prec);}else document.form1." + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ".value=myvalue;setTimeout(calc_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + ",1000);}setTimeout(calc_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + ",3000);</script>";
                                htmls   = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml + newnode);
                            else if (hn.Attributes["type"].Value == "text")
                                if (hn.Attributes["hidden"] != null)
                                    hn.Attributes["type"].Value = "hidden";
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                            else if (hn.Attributes["type"].Value == "checkbox")
                                hn.Attributes["value"].Value = hn.Attributes["name"].Value;
                                if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == hn.Attributes["name"].Value)
                                    if (hn.Attributes["checked"] != null)
                                        hn.Attributes["checked"].Value = "checked";
                                        hn.Attributes.Add("checked", "checked");
                                else if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null)
                                    catch { }
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                hnc = rootNode.SelectNodes("//select");//下拉
                if (hnc != null)
                    string child = "";
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        if (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            hn.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
                        if (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            if (hn.Attributes["style"] != null)
                                hn.Attributes["style"].Value = hn.Attributes["style"].Value + ";display:none;";
                                hn.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.Attributes["class"] != null && hn.Attributes["class"].Value == "AUTO")
                            switch (hn.Attributes["datafld"].Value)
                            case "SYS_LIST_DEPT":
                                newnode = "";
                                string    sSql = "exec [dbo].[sp_get_tree_multi_table] 'TE_Departments','ID','Name','ParentID','Sort',0,0,5";
                                DataTable dt   = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable(sSql);

                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + dr["id"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == dr["id"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + dr["node_name"].ToString() + "</option>";
                                if (hn.Attributes["child"] != null)
                                    child = hn.Attributes["child"].Value + "|DepartmentID";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            case "SYS_LIST_USER":
                                newnode = "";
                                DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM vw_employees");
                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + (child != "" && child.Split('|')[0] == hn.Attributes["id"].Value ? dr["RealName"].ToString() + "|" + dr[child.Split('|')[1]] + "|" : "") + dr["UserID"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == (child != "" && child.Split('|')[0] == hn.Attributes["id"].Value ? dr["RealName"].ToString() + "|" + dr[child.Split('|')[1]] + "|" : "") + dr["UserID"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + dr["RealName"].ToString() + "</option>";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            case "SYS_LIST_PRIV":
                                newnode = "";
                                DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("select * from TE_Duties");
                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + dr["ID"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == dr["ID"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + dr["Name"].ToString() + "</option>";
                                if (hn.Attributes["child"] != null)
                                    child = hn.Attributes["child"].Value + "|DutyID";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            case "SYS_LIST_SQL":
                                newnode = "";
                                DataTable dt = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable(hn.Attributes["datasrc"].Value.ToString());
                                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                    newnode += "<option value=\"" + dr["ID"].ToString() + "\" " + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == dr["ID"].ToString() ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + ">" + (dr["Name"] == null || dr["Name"].ToString() == "" ? dr["ID"].ToString() : dr["Name"].ToString()) + "</option>";
                                hn.InnerHtml = newnode;
                            } break;

                            default: break;
                            htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                            if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null && datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != "")
                                hn.InnerHtml = hn.InnerHtml.Replace(" selected=\"selected\"", "").Replace(datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\">", datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\" selected=\"selected\">");
                            if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                hnc = rootNode.SelectNodes("//textarea");//单行文本框
                if (hnc != null)
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        if (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            hn.Attributes.Add("readonly", "readonly");
                        if (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value))
                            if (hn.Attributes["style"] != null)
                                hn.Attributes["style"].Value = hn.Attributes["style"].Value + ";display:none;";
                                hn.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none;");
                        if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value != null)
                            hn.InnerHtml = datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value;;
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                            if (hn.Attributes["rich"] != null && hn.Attributes["rich"].Value == "1")
                                newnode = "<div><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + hn.InnerHtml + "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "___Config\" value=\"HtmlEncodeOutput=true\" /><iframe " + (hn.Attributes["style"] != null ? " style=\"" + hn.Attributes["style"].Value + "\"" : "") + (hn.Attributes["readonly"] != null ? " readonly=\"" + hn.Attributes["readonly"].Value + "\"" : "") + " id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "___Frame\" src=\"/fckeditor/editor/fckeditor.html?InstanceName=" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "&amp;Toolbar=\"Defaul\" width=\"" + (hn.Attributes["rich_width"] != null ? hn.Attributes["rich_width"].Value : "100%") + "\" height=\"" + (hn.Attributes["rich_width"] != null ? hn.Attributes["rich_height"].Value : "300px") + "\" frameborder=\"no\" scrolling=\"no\"></iframe></div>";
                                htmls   = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", hn.OuterHtml);
                hnc = rootNode.SelectNodes("//img");//单选按钮
                if (hnc != null)
                    foreach (HtmlNode hn in hnc)
                        newnode = "";
                        if (hn.OuterHtml.Trim() != "")
                            string oldnode = hn.OuterHtml;
                            switch (hn.Attributes["class"].Value)
                            case "RADIO":
                                string[] items    = hn.Attributes["radio_field"].Value.Split('`');
                                string   checkstr = "";
                                for (int j = 0; j < items.Length; j++)
                                    checkstr = "";
                                    if (items[j] != "")
                                        if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == "" && hn.Attributes["radio_check"] != null && hn.Attributes["radio_check"].Value == items[j])
                                            checkstr = "checked";
                                        if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == items[j])
                                            checkstr = "checked";
                                        newnode += "<input name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" type=\"radio\" title=\"" + hn.Attributes["title"].Value + "\" " + checkstr + " " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + " value=\"" + items[j] + "\" />" + items[j] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                            } break;

                            case "DATE":
                                newnode = "<input name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" class=\"" + (hn.Attributes["date_format"].Value == "yyyy-MM-dd" ? "easyui-datebox" : "easyui-datetimebox") + "\" value=\"" + (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value == "" ? DateTime.Now.ToString(hn.Attributes["date_format"].Value) : datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value) + "\" type=\"text\"  style=\"" + (hn.Attributes["tsize"] != null ? "width:" + hn.Attributes["tsize"].Value.ToString() + "px;" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "display:none;" : "") + "\" " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + " title=\"" + hn.Attributes["title"].Value + "\" />";
                                htmls   = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                            } break;

                            case "LIST_VIEW":
                                string[] titles = hn.Attributes["lv_title"].Value.Split('`');
                                newnode  = "<TABLE  id='LV_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "' lv_sum=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_sum"].Value + "\" lv_cal=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_cal"].Value + "\" lv_coltype=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_coltype"].Value + "\" lv_colvalue=\"" + hn.Attributes["lv_colvalue"].Value + "\" data_table=\"\" data_field=\"\" data_query=\"\" data_fld_name=\"\" class='LIST_VIEW' style='border-collapse:collapse;" + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "display:none;" : "") + "' border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 FormData='" + hn.Attributes["lv_size"].Value + "'><TR style='font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;' class='LIST_VIEW_HEADER'>\n";
                                newnode += "<TD nowrap>序号</TD>\n";
                                for (int i = 0; i < titles.Length - 1; i++)
                                    newnode += "<TD nowrap>" + titles[i] + "</TD>\n";
                                newnode += "<TD>操作</TD></TR></TABLE>\n";
                                newnode += "<input type=button value=新增 " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "style=\"display:none;\"" : "") + " onclick=\"tb_addnew('LV_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "','0','" + hn.Attributes["lv_colvalue"].Value + "','1')\">\n";
                                newnode += "<input type=button value=计算 " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "style=\"display:none;\"" : "") + " onclick=\"tb_cal('LV_" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value.Split('_')[1] + "','" + hn.Attributes["lv_cal"].Value + "')\">\n";
                                newnode += "<input type=hidden class=\"LIST_VIEW\" name=" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + ">\n";
                                newnode += "<br />\n";
                                newnode += "<br />\n";
                                htmls    = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);

                            case "SIGN":
                                string[] types = hn.Attributes["sign_type"].Value.Split(',');
                                if (types[0] == "1")
                                    newnode = "<input id=\"Button1\" type=\"button\" value=\" 盖 章 \" onclick=\"addseal()\" " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + " />";
                                if (types[1] == "1")
                                    newnode += "<input id=\"Button2\" type=\"button\" value=\" 手 写 \" onclick=\"handwrite()\" " + (editableFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? "readonly=\"readonly\"" : "") + (hiddenFlds.Contains(hn.Attributes["name"].Value) ? " style='display:none;'" : "") + " />";
                                if (newnode != "")
                                    newnode += "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\" id=\"txtSealData\" />";
                                htmls = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);

                            case "USER":
                                newnode = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "\" id=\"" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" />";
                                string txtvalue = "";
                                    if (datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value.Trim() != "")
                                        DataTable dduname = ULCode.QDA.XSql.GetDataTable("select RealName from TU_Users where UserID='" + datas[hn.Attributes["name"].Value].Value + "'");
                                        if (dduname.Rows.Count > 0)
                                            txtvalue = dduname.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                                catch { }
                                newnode += "<input type=\"text\" name=\"txt" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\" value=\"" + txtvalue + "\" size=\"12\" readonly=\"readonly\" id=\"txt" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "\"/>";
                                newnode += "&nbsp; ╋<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"PopupIFrame('/App_Ctrl/SelectPeople.aspx?CompanyId=11','选择人员','" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "','txt" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "',468,395);\">选择</a>";
                                htmls    = htmls.Replace("{" + hn.Attributes["name"].Value + "}", newnode);
                            } break;

                            default: break;
                //return htmls;
Пример #30
            /// <summary>
            /// 保存
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="step">第几步</param>
            /// <param name="fldDatas">字段信息与数据</param>
            /// <param name="attacheIdList">附件id列表</param>
            /// <param name="attacheNameList">附件Name列表</param>
            /// <param name="signText"></param>
            /// <param name="signData"></param>
            /// <param name="flag">状态</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public int Save(int step, FormFieldCollection fldDatas, string attacheIdList, string attacheNameList, string signText, string signData, int flag)
                String sSql = String.Format("select * from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name='FL_RunDatas_{0}'", this.MyForm.Id);

                if (!ULCode.QDA.XSql.IsHasRow(sSql))
                    sSql = String.Format("Select * into FL_RunDatas_{0} from FL_RunDatas", this.MyForm.Id);
                sSql = String.Format("Select * from FL_RunDatas_{0} where RunId={1}", this.MyForm.Id, this.Id);
                if (ULCode.QDA.XSql.IsHasRow(sSql))
                    sSql = String.Format("Update FL_RunDatas_{0} set Datas='{2}' where RunId={0}", this.MyForm.Id, this.Id, fldDatas.GetSavedDatas(FormFieldDataType.Data));
                    sSql = String.Format("insert into FL_RunDatas_{0}(Name,FormId,RunId,BeginUserId,BeginTime,Datas) Values('{2}','{0}','{1}','{3}','{4}','{5}')"
                                         , this.MyForm.Id
                                         , this.Id
                                         , this.Name
                                         , this.BeginUser.ToString()
                                         , this.BeginTime
                                         , fldDatas.GetSavedDatas(FormFieldDataType.Data));
                int iR0 = ULCode.QDA.XSql.Execute(sSql);

                //2.保存attacheIdList, attacheNameList到当前步骤
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attacheIdList))
                    if (this.Attach_IdList.isEmpty)
                        this.Attach_IdList.set_String_Append("," + attacheIdList);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attacheNameList))
                    if (this.Attach_NameList.isEmpty)
                        this.Attach_NameList.set_String_Append("," + attacheNameList);
                        this.Attach_NameList.set_String_Append("," + attacheNameList);
                //this.Attach_IdList.set_String_AppendFormat(",{0}", attacheIdList);
                //this.Attach_NameList.set_String_AppendFormat(",{0}", attacheNameList);

                int iR1 = this.Update();

                sSql = String.Format("if exists(select * from FL_RunFeedBack where RunId={0} and StepNo={1} and UserId='{4}' and FeedFlag=0)"
                                     + " Update FL_RunFeedBack set Content='{2}',SignData='{3}',FeedFlag={7},EditTime=GetDate(),CheckUserID='" + WX.Public.CurUser.UserID + "' where RunId={0} and StepNo={1} and UserId='{4}' and FeedFlag=0;"
                                     + " else "
                                     + " Insert into FL_RunFeedBack(RunId,StepNo,UserId,Content,Attach_IdList,Attach_NameList,EditTime,FeedFlag,SignData,ReplyId,CheckUserID)"
                                     + "                         values({0},{1},'{4}','{2}','{5}','{6}',GetDate(),{7},'{3}',0,'{8}');"
                                     , this.Id, step, signText, signData, this.BeginUser.ToString(), null, null, flag, WX.Public.CurUser.UserID);

                int iR2 = ULCode.QDA.XSql.Execute(sSql);

                WX.Flow.Model.Process.MODEL proc = WX.Flow.Model.Process.GetModel("select * from FL_Process where FlowID=" + this.FlowId.ToString() + " and StepNo=" + step);
                if (proc != null && proc.UpdateTable.ToString() != "")
                    sSql = String.Format("if exists(select * from {0} where UserID='{2}')  update {0} set {1} where UserID='{2}'; else begin Insert into {0} (UserID) values('{2}');update {0} set {1} where UserID='{2}';end", proc.UpdateTable.ToString(), proc.UpdateKeyValue, this.BeginUser.ToString());
                if (iR0 * iR1 * iR2 > 0)
Пример #31
 /// <param name="action">Form action</param>
 /// <param name="html">Html of the form</param>
 /// <param name="fields">Form fields</param>
 public Form(Uri action, string html, FormFieldCollection fields)
     Fields = fields;
     Html = html;
     Action = action;
Пример #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Send an SMS to a specified phone number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="phoneNumber">Phone number to send the sms to</param>
        /// <param name="message">SMS Message</param>
        public void SendSms(string phoneNumber, string message)
            if (!_isLoggedIn)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Not logged in");
            if (_isDisposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name);

            var formData = new FormFieldCollection
                new FormField(PHONENUMBER_FIELD, phoneNumber),
                new FormField(TEXT_FIELD, message),
                new FormField(RNR_SE_FIELD, _rnrSe)
            var response = _webManager.PerformPost(SendSmsUri, formData, FormFieldSerializationType.UrlEncoded);

            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.Response))
                var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Result>(streamReader.ReadToEnd());

                if (!result.Ok)
                    throw new GVoiceException(result.Data.Code);
        public static void SetValueFieldsInDocument(this Document document, List <FieldProperties> listValues, FormFieldCollection formFields)
            int count = 0;

            foreach (var field in formFields)
                var value = listValues.Where(l => l.Name == field.Name).FirstOrDefault();

                if (value != null)
                    field.Result = value.Result;

            NumberFieldsWithoutValue = count;
Пример #34
        [Test] //ExSkip
        public void FormField()
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use a document builder to insert a combo box
            FormField comboBox = builder.InsertComboBox("MyComboBox", new[] { "One", "Two", "Three" }, 0);

            comboBox.CalculateOnExit = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(3, comboBox.DropDownItems.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, comboBox.DropDownSelectedIndex);

            // Use a document builder to insert a check box
            FormField checkBox = builder.InsertCheckBox("MyCheckBox", false, 50);

            checkBox.IsCheckBoxExactSize = true;
            checkBox.HelpText            = "Right click to check this box";
            checkBox.OwnHelp             = true;
            checkBox.StatusText          = "Checkbox status text";
            checkBox.OwnStatus           = true;
            Assert.AreEqual(50.0d, checkBox.CheckBoxSize);


            // Use a document builder to insert text input form field
            FormField textInput = builder.InsertTextInput("MyTextInput", TextFormFieldType.Regular, "", "Your text goes here", 50);

            textInput.EntryMacro       = "EntryMacro";
            textInput.ExitMacro        = "ExitMacro";
            textInput.TextInputDefault = "Regular";
            textInput.TextInputFormat  = "FIRST CAPITAL";
            textInput.SetTextInputValue("This value overrides the one we set during initialization");
            Assert.AreEqual(TextFormFieldType.Regular, textInput.TextInputType);
            Assert.AreEqual(50, textInput.MaxLength);

            // Get the collection of form fields that has accumulated in our document
            FormFieldCollection formFields = doc.Range.FormFields;

            Assert.AreEqual(3, formFields.Count);

            // Our form fields are represented as fields, with field codes FORMDROPDOWN, FORMCHECKBOX and FORMTEXT respectively,
            // made visible by pressing Alt + F9 in Microsoft Word
            // These fields have no switches and the content of their form fields is fully governed by members of the FormField object
            Assert.AreEqual(3, doc.Range.Fields.Count);

            // Iterate over the collection with an enumerator, accepting a visitor with each form field
            FormFieldVisitor formFieldVisitor = new FormFieldVisitor();

            using (IEnumerator <FormField> fieldEnumerator = formFields.GetEnumerator())
                while (fieldEnumerator.MoveNext())


            doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "Field.FormField.docx");
            TestFormField(doc); //ExSkip