public ActionResult CreateReference(int formDefinitionID) { FormDefinition form = FormService.Get(formDefinitionID); if (form == null) { ShowMessage((L)"No such form!", HtmlMessageType.Warning); return(RedirectToAction("index", "project")); } IEnumerable <LightFormDefinition> forms = FormService.GetList(form.ProjectID).Select(f => new LightFormDefinition { ID = f.ID, Name = f.Name }); IDictionary <string, IEnumerable <LightFieldDefinition> > fields = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <LightFieldDefinition> >(); foreach (LightFormDefinition item in forms) { fields.Add(item.Name, FormService.GetFields(item.ID).Select(f => new LightFieldDefinition { ID = f.ID, Name = f.Name })); } return(View(new CreateReferenceFieldDefinitionModel { FormDefinitionID = formDefinitionID, FormType = form.FormType, FieldType = FieldType.ReferenceField, Fields = fields })); }
protected IActionResult ValidateParentAndRedirect(IValidatable parent, FormSection section, string actionName) { parent.Validate(); var nextActionName = FormDefinition.GetNextPage(section, actionName).ActionName; return(parent.IsValid ? RedirectToLastActionForNewSection(section) : RedirectToAction(section, nextActionName)); }
public void Throw_KeyNotFoundException_On_GetField_For_Wrong_Key() { const string key = "key"; const string value = "value"; var fieldDefinition = new FieldDefinition { Key = key, Type = "string", Prompt = "Name" }; var field = Substitute.For <INZazuWpfField>(); field.Key.Returns(key); var formDefinition = new FormDefinition { Fields = new[] { fieldDefinition } }; var formData = new FormData(new Dictionary <string, string> { { key, value } }); var factory = Substitute.For <INZazuWpfFieldFactory>(); factory.CreateField(fieldDefinition).Returns(field); var sut = new NZazuView { FormDefinition = formDefinition, FormData = formData, FieldFactory = factory }; new Action(() => sut.GetField("I do not exist")).Invoking(a => a()).Should().Throw <KeyNotFoundException>(); }
public void Update_FormData_On_LostFocus() { var view = new NZazuView(); const string key = "key"; const string value = "value"; var formDefinition = new FormDefinition { Fields = new[] { new FieldDefinition { Key = key, Type = "string" } } }; view.FormDefinition = formDefinition; var values = new Dictionary <string, string> { { key, value } }; view.FormData = values; view.FormData.Values.Should().BeEquivalentTo(values); // simulate user editing const string changedValue = "other"; view.GetField(key).SetValue(changedValue); // simulate user leaves the field -> LostFoucs view.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(UIElement.LostFocusEvent)); // verify (bound) FormData has been updated, so thumbs up for binding experience view.FormData.Values[key].Should().Be(changedValue); }
public PreviewViewModel(IEventAggregator events, FormDefinition definition, FormData data, INZazuWpfFieldFactory fieldFactory = null) { _events = events ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(events)); _events.Subscribe(this); _definition = definition ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(definition)); _data = data ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data)); _fieldFactory = fieldFactory ?? new XceedFieldFactory(); _fieldFactory.Use <INZazuTableDataSerializer>(new NZazuTableDataJsonSerializer()); _fieldFactory.Use <ISupportGeoLocationBox>(new SupportGeoLocationBox()); var dbSuggestor = new SuggestionsProxy( new ElasticSearchSuggestions( connectionPrefix: "")) // instead of localhost. this changes the server { BlackListSize = 10, CacheSize = 3000, MaxFailures = int.MaxValue }; // lets do some stuff with the suggestor _fieldFactory.Use <IProvideSuggestions>(new AggregateProvideSuggestions(new IProvideSuggestions[] { new ProvideValueSuggestions(), new ProvideFileSuggestions(), dbSuggestor })); }
public Form(string name, string description, FormDefinition definition) { if (name == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name)); } if (description == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(description)); } if (name.Length > 100) { throw new ArgumentException("'Name' is too long"); } if (description?.Length > 1000) { throw new ArgumentException("'Description' is too long"); } Name = name; Definition = definition ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(definition)); Description = description; }
public object GetDefinition(string formPublicIdentifier) { FormDefinition form = FormService.Get(formPublicIdentifier); if (form == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(404)); } return(JsonP(new FormDefinitionModel { PublicIdentifier = formPublicIdentifier, PublicContent = form.PublicContent, Type = FormType.GetTypes().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Key == form.FormType).Value, Fields = form.Fields.Select(f => new FieldDefinitionModel { Name = f.Name, PublicIdentifier = f.PublicIdentifier, Required = f.Required, Type = FieldType.GetTypes().FirstOrDefault(t => t.Key == f.FieldType).Value, FileIdentifier = f.FieldType == FieldType.FileField ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : null, TargetFormPublicIdentifier = f.ReferenceFormID != null ? f.FormDefinition.PublicIdentifier : null, TargetFieldPublicIdentifier = f.ReferenceDisplayFieldID != null ? f.ReferenceDisplayField.PublicIdentifier : null }) })); }
public void Return_field_values_on_GetFieldValues() { const string key = "key"; const string value = "value"; var fieldDefinition = new FieldDefinition { Key = key, Type = "string" }; var formDefinition = new FormDefinition { Fields = new[] { fieldDefinition } }; var factory = Substitute.For <INZazuWpfFieldFactory>(); var field = Substitute.For <INZazuWpfField>(); field.GetValue().Returns(value); field.IsEditable.Returns(true); field.Key.Returns(key); factory.CreateField(fieldDefinition).Returns(field); var view = new NZazuView(); view.FormDefinition = formDefinition; view.FieldFactory = factory; var actual = view.GetFieldValues(); actual.Keys.Should().Contain(key); actual[key].Should().Be(value); }
public ActionResult GetFormData(string formPublicIdentifier, int pageSize = 20, int pageIndex = 0) { UrlHelper url = new UrlHelper(ControllerContext.RequestContext); //TODO: Ordering,filtering,column selection FormDefinition form = FormService.Get(formPublicIdentifier); if (form == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(404)); } IEnumerable <FormData> formData = DataService.GetList(form.ID).OrderByDescending(d => d.Created).Skip(pageSize * pageIndex).Take(pageSize).ToArray(); return(JsonP(formData.Select(d => new FormListDataModel { Created = d.Created, PublicIdentifier = d.PublicIdentifier, Fields = d.Fields.Select(f => new FieldListDataModel { PublicIdentifier = f.FieldDefinition.PublicIdentifier, Name = f.FieldDefinition.Name, Value = f.GetDisplayValue(), FileUrl = f.FieldDefinition.FieldType == FieldType.FileField ? ResolveUrl("~" + url.Action("File", new { FieldID = f.ID })) : null }) }))); }
public UpdateFormDefinitionStatus UpdateForm(int id, string name, bool publicContent) { if (!Validator.CheckName(name)) { return(UpdateFormDefinitionStatus.InvalidName); } FormDefinition form = Get(id); if (form == null) { return(UpdateFormDefinitionStatus.NoSuchFormDefinition); } if (!ProjectService.CanUserManage(form.ProjectID)) { return(UpdateFormDefinitionStatus.PermissionDenied); } form.Name = name; form.PublicContent = publicContent; FormRepository.Update(form); ActivityService.FormDefinitionUpdated(form.ID); return(UpdateFormDefinitionStatus.Updated); }
private void UpdateFields( FormDefinition formDefinition, INZazuWpfFieldFactory fieldFactory, IResolveLayout resolveLayout) { Dispose(); DisposeChecks(); // make sure at least the minimum is set for render the layout if (formDefinition?.Fields == null) { return; } CreateFields(formDefinition.Fields, fieldFactory); if (formDefinition.Checks != null) { CreateFormChecks(formDefinition.Checks, fieldFactory.Resolve <ICheckFactory>()); } var layout = resolveLayout.Resolve(formDefinition.Layout); var parentFields = FormDefinition.Fields.Select(fd => GetField(fd.Key)); layout.DoLayout(Layout, parentFields, resolveLayout); this.SetFieldValues(FormData.Values); SetReadOnly(IsReadOnly); }
private static void VerifyUpdate(Action <INZazuWpfView> act) { var formDefinition = new FormDefinition { Fields = new FieldDefinition[] { } }; var resolveLayout = Substitute.For <IResolveLayout>(); var layout = Substitute.For <INZazuWpfLayoutStrategy>(); resolveLayout.Resolve(formDefinition.Layout).Returns(layout); var fieldFactory = Substitute.For <INZazuWpfFieldFactory>(); var sut = new NZazuView { ResolveLayout = resolveLayout, FieldFactory = fieldFactory, FormDefinition = formDefinition }; fieldFactory.ClearReceivedCalls(); resolveLayout.ClearReceivedCalls(); layout.ClearReceivedCalls(); act(sut); sut.ResolveLayout.Received().Resolve(sut.FormDefinition.Layout); }
protected IActionResult ValidateParentAndRedirectBack(IValidatable parent, FormSection section, string actionName, FormSection?parentSection = null) { parent.Validate(); var prevPage = FormDefinition.GetPreviousPage(section, actionName); return(parent.IsValid ? RedirectToLastActionForNewSection(parentSection ?? section) : RedirectBackToAction(section, prevPage.ActionName)); }
protected static IFiddle ToFiddle(FormDefinition formDefinition, FormData formData) { var events = new EventAggregator(); return(new FiddleViewModel( new FormDefinitionViewModel(events, formDefinition), new FormDataViewModel(events, formData), new PreviewViewModel(events, formDefinition, formData))); }
public static FormDefinitionDTO ToDTO(this FormDefinition def) => new FormDefinitionDTO { Id = def.Id, Name = def.Name, Description = def.Description, ObjectsCount = def.ObjectsCount, Fields = def.FieldDefinitions //.Select(fd => fd.ToDTO()).ToList() };
public FormDefinition Get(string publicIdentifier) { FormDefinition form = FormRepository.FirstOrDefault(f => f.PublicIdentifier == publicIdentifier); //if (form != null && !ProjectService.CanUserRead(form.ProjectID)) // return null; return(form); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ListForms2Async() { var tenantId = Guid.Parse(TenantId); FormDefinition form = await this.client.CreateFormAsync( new CreateFormRequest { Name = "TestForm", Fields = new List <FormFieldDefinition> { new FormFieldDefinition { Name = "Name", Type = "string", }, new FormFieldDefinition { Name = "Age", Type = "int", }, }, }, tenantId).ConfigureAwait(false); form.Should().NotBeNull(); form = await this.client.GetFormAsync(tenantId, form.FormId).ConfigureAwait(false); form.Should().NotBeNull(); FormSubmission submission = await this.client.SubmitFormAsync( form.FormId, new Dictionary <string, string> { ["Name"] = "Test", ["Age"] = "30", }, new Dictionary <string, HttpFile> { ["ProfilePicture"] = new HttpFile(File.OpenRead("350x350.png"), "test.png", "image/png"), }, tenantId).ConfigureAwait(false); submission.Should().NotBeNull(); submission = await this.client.GetSubmissionAsync(tenantId, form.FormId, submission.SubmissionId).ConfigureAwait(false); submission.Should().NotBeNull(); #pragma warning disable CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope HttpFile attachment = await this.client.GetSubmissionAttachmentAsync(form.FormId, submission.SubmissionId, "ProfilePicture", tenantId).ConfigureAwait(false); #pragma warning restore CA2000 // Dispose objects before losing scope attachment.Should().NotBeNull(); ICollection <FormDefinition> forms = await this.client.ListFormsAsync(tenantId).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task Execute(FormDefinition form) { //There is no such requirement in the task. //I just want to show difference between repository and use-case. if (!await guard.CanCreateNewForms(requester)) { throw new System.UnauthorizedAccessException(); } await repository.CreateFormDefinition(form); }
public void CannotCreateFormObjectIfSomeValueTooShort() { var testForm = new FormDefinition("test") .AddField(() => new TextFieldDefinition("MIN", "Min length test", false) .Min(5)); Assert.Throws <ValidationException>( () => new FormObject(testForm , fromJson("{'MIN':'123'}"))); }
public void CannotCreateFormObjectIfSomeValueTooLong() { var testForm = new FormDefinition("test") .AddField(() => new TextFieldDefinition("MAX", "Max length test", false) .Max(5)); Assert.Throws <ValidationException>( () => new FormObject(testForm , fromJson("{'MAX':'1234567'}"))); }
public FormDefinition Get(int id) { FormDefinition form = FormRepository.Get(id); if (form != null && !ProjectService.CanUserRead(form.ProjectID)) { return(null); } return(form); }
public static FormDefinition GetConnectionFormDefintion() { var formDefinition = new FormDefinition { CompanyName = Connector.CompanyName, CryptoKey = Connector.CryptoKey, HelpUri = new Uri(HelpLink) }; return(formDefinition); }
public IQueryable <FieldDefinition> GetFields(int id) { FormDefinition form = Get(id); if (form != null) { return(form.Fields.AsQueryable()); } return(new FieldDefinition[0].AsQueryable()); }
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ListFormSubmissionsAsync() { var tenantId = Guid.Parse(TenantId); ICollection <FormDefinition> forms = await this.client.ListFormsAsync(tenantId).ConfigureAwait(false); FormDefinition form = forms.First(); ICollection <FormSubmissionSummary> submissions = await this.client.ListSubmissionsAsync(tenantId, form.FormId).ConfigureAwait(false); FormSubmissionSummary submissionInfo = submissions.FirstOrDefault(s => s.AttachmentCount > 0); FormSubmission submission = await this.client.GetSubmissionAsync(tenantId, form.FormId, submissionInfo.SubmissionId).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public ActionResult GetInquiryData(string formPublicIdentifier) { FormDefinition form = FormService.Get(formPublicIdentifier); if (form == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(404)); } //TODO: Compute inquiry data! (Use cache?) return(View()); }
public void Update_when_FormDefinition_changed() { var formDefinition = new FormDefinition { Layout = "grid", Fields = new FieldDefinition[] { } }; VerifyUpdate(view => { view.FormDefinition = formDefinition; view.FormDefinition.Should().Be(formDefinition); }); }
private static FormDefinition BuildWith(DataFormField field) { var definition = new FormDefinition(field.PropertyType); definition.FormRows.Add(new FormRow { Elements = { new FormElementContainer(0, 1, field) } }); field.Freeze(); return(definition); }
internal static FormDefinition GetConnectionFormDefintion() { var formDefinition = new FormDefinition { CompanyName = Connector.CompanyName, CryptoKey = Connector.CryptoKey, HelpUri = new Uri(HelpLink) }; formDefinition.Add(BuildTokenDefinition(0)); return(formDefinition); }
public void Preserve_Formdata_if_FormDefinition_changed() { const string key = "name"; const string value = "John"; var fieldDefinition = new FieldDefinition { Key = key, Type = "string", Prompt = "Name" }; var initialFormDefinition = new FormDefinition { Fields = new[] { fieldDefinition } }; var formData = new FormData(new Dictionary <string, string> { { key, value } }); var sut = new NZazuView { FormDefinition = initialFormDefinition, FormData = formData }; sut.FormData.Should().Be(formData); var actual = sut.GetFieldValues(); actual.Should().Contain(formData.Values); fieldDefinition.Prompt = "Login"; var changedFormDefinition = new FormDefinition { Fields = new[] { fieldDefinition } }; // it is ugly to attach to depProperty.changed. It goes like this // var dpDescriptor = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(NZazuView.FormDefinitionProperty, typeof(NZazuView)); var formDefinitionChanged = false; EventHandler handler = (sender, args) => { formDefinitionChanged = true; }; dpDescriptor.AddValueChanged(sut, handler); try { sut.FormDefinition = changedFormDefinition; } finally { dpDescriptor.RemoveValueChanged(sut, handler); } formDefinitionChanged.Should().BeTrue(); actual = sut.GetFieldValues(); actual.Should().Contain(formData.Values); }
/// <exclude /> public static FormTreeCompiler BuildWidgetForParameters(IEnumerable <ParameterProfile> parameterProfiles, Dictionary <string, object> bindings, string uniqueName, string panelLabel, IFormChannelIdentifier channelIdentifier) { XNamespace stdControlLibSpace = Namespaces.BindingFormsStdUiControls10; var bindingsDeclaration = new XElement(Namespaces.BindingForms10 + "bindings"); var widgetPlaceholder = new XElement(stdControlLibSpace + "FieldGroup", new XAttribute("Label", panelLabel)); var bindingsValidationRules = new Dictionary <string, List <ClientValidationRule> >(); foreach (ParameterProfile parameterProfile in parameterProfiles.Where(f => f.WidgetFunction != null)) { IWidgetFunction widgetFunction = parameterProfile.WidgetFunction; Type bindingType = widgetFunction != null && parameterProfile.Type.IsLazyGenericType() ? widgetFunction.ReturnType : parameterProfile.Type; bindingsDeclaration.Add( new XElement(Namespaces.BindingForms10 + "binding", new XAttribute("optional", true), new XAttribute("name", parameterProfile.Name), new XAttribute("type", bindingType.AssemblyQualifiedName))); var context = new FunctionContextContainer(); XElement uiMarkup = FunctionFacade.GetWidgetMarkup(widgetFunction, parameterProfile.Type, parameterProfile.WidgetFunctionParameters, parameterProfile.Label, parameterProfile.HelpDefinition, parameterProfile.Name, context); widgetPlaceholder.Add(uiMarkup); if (!bindings.ContainsKey(parameterProfile.Name)) { bindings.Add(parameterProfile.Name, ""); } if (parameterProfile.IsRequired) { bindingsValidationRules.Add(parameterProfile.Name, new List <ClientValidationRule> { new NotNullClientValidationRule() }); } } FormDefinition widgetFormDefinition = BuildFormDefinition(bindingsDeclaration, widgetPlaceholder, bindings); var compiler = new FormTreeCompiler(); using (XmlReader reader = widgetFormDefinition.FormMarkup) { compiler.Compile(reader, channelIdentifier, widgetFormDefinition.Bindings, false, "WidgetParameterSetters" + uniqueName, bindingsValidationRules); } return(compiler); }
public CreateFormDefinitionStatus CreateForm(string name, int formType, bool publicContent, int projectID) { if (GetList(projectID).Count() == Validator.MaxUserProjects) return CreateFormDefinitionStatus.FormCountExceeded; if(!Validator.CheckName(name)) return CreateFormDefinitionStatus.InvalidName; if(!Validator.CheckFormType(formType)) return CreateFormDefinitionStatus.InvalidFormType; Project project = ProjectService.Get(projectID); if(project == null) return CreateFormDefinitionStatus.NoSuchProject; if(!ProjectService.CanUserManage(projectID)) return CreateFormDefinitionStatus.PermissionDenied; FormDefinition form = new FormDefinition { Name = name, FormType = formType, PublicContent = publicContent, ProjectID = projectID, PublicIdentifier = HashHelper.ComputePublicIdentifier(typeof(FormDefinition).Name, name), Created = DateTime.Now }; FormRepository.Insert(form); ActivityService.FormDefinitionCreated(form.ID); return CreateFormDefinitionStatus.Created; }
public string PreConnect(IDictionary<string, string> properties) { var form = new FormDefinition { CompanyName = "etouches, Inc.", CryptoKey = "{B5D0EEE1-40CE-4D34-B161-52B8620903EE}", HelpUri = new Uri(""), Entries = new Collection<EntryDefinition> { new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "Account Id", PropertyName = "AccountId" }, new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "Event Id", PropertyName = "EventId" }, new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "API Key", PropertyName = "ApiKey" }, new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "TTL for Cache In Minutes", PropertyName = "TTL" }, new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "Page Size", PropertyName = "PageSize" }, new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "Base URL (leave blank for", PropertyName = "BaseUrl" }, new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "API V2 URL (leave blank for", PropertyName = "V2Url" } } }; return form.Serialize(); }
internal object OpenNamedWindow(FormDefinition formDef, XElement xml, ActivityHarness sourceHarness) { string url = FormsURL + formDef.Path; object o = null; try { System.Xml.XmlTextReader rdr = UrlAsXmlTextReader(url); o = XamlReader.Load(rdr); } catch (Exception ex) { ApplicationEx.DebugException(ex, url); return null; } if (o is WindowEx) { WindowEx w = (WindowEx)o; if (sourceHarness == null) { w.Initialise(xml); } else { w.InitialiseCopy(sourceHarness); } w.Show(); } else if (o is TabItem) { TabItem ti = (TabItem)o; if (ti is TabItemEx) { TabItemEx ati = (TabItemEx)ti; ati.IsDynamic = true; if (sourceHarness == null) { ati.Initialise(xml); } else { ati.InitialiseCopy(sourceHarness); ati.Harness.IsActivityOwner = false; } } //homeTabControl.Items.Add(ti); //homeTabControl.SelectedItem = ti; } return o; }
/// <summary> /// Construct an XML serialized form that will define the input properties that will be displayed in the UI and /// used to pass back into the connection using the connect method the connection method /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string BuildUiFormDefinition() { FormDefinition formDefinition = new FormDefinition(); //Add your company name here, this is a required field formDefinition.CompanyName = "Scribe Software Corporation © 1996-2011 All rights reserved."; //declare the key used for transfering of sensative data //this is a required formDefinition.CryptoKey = CryptoKey; //decalare a help uri, this is not required and will not be display if it is not declared formDefinition.HelpUri = new Uri(""); //for each input item on the screen a new entry definition will need to be created and //added to the form definition in order to be serialized and passed up to the ui. //this first entry will define a combo box EntryDefinition entry = new EntryDefinition(); //set the input type to plain text entry.InputType = InputType.Text; entry.IsRequired = true; //set the Label that is displayed to the user and the identifying property name //note: the label and the property name may be different entry.Label = "Provider"; entry.PropertyName = "Provider"; //set the position in which the control will be displayed entry.Order = 1; //the options will hold the list of values to be placed in the combo box //The first value is what will be displayed to the user //The second value is the actual value that will be passed back to the connector entry.Options.Add("SQL Server 2012", "SQLNCLI11"); entry.Options.Add("SQL Server 2008", "SQLNCLI10"); entry.Options.Add("SQL Server 2005", "SQLNCLI"); //finally add the entry definition representing the combobox to the form definition formDefinition.Add(entry); //create and entry for a standard text box formDefinition.Add(new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, PropertyName = "Server", Label = "Server", Order = 2, IsRequired = true }); formDefinition.Add(new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, PropertyName = "Database", Label = "Database", Order = 3, IsRequired = true }); formDefinition.Add(new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, PropertyName = "UserName", Label = "UserName", Order = 4, IsRequired = true }); //Finally create a password field formDefinition.Add(new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Password, PropertyName = "Password", Label = "Password", Order = 5, IsRequired = true }); //serialize the formDefinition so that it can be sent back to the UI return formDefinition.Serialize(); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public string PreConnect(IDictionary<string, string> properties) { var form = new FormDefinition { CompanyName = ("Melissa Data. Additional Information :"), CryptoKey = "1", HelpUri = new Uri(""), Entries = new Collection<EntryDefinition> { new EntryDefinition { InputType = InputType.Text, IsRequired = true, Label = "Melissa Data License Key", PropertyName = "licensekey" }, } }; return form.Serialize(); }