Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that delete a yield range entity from a weather station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Crop to delete the setup configuration</param>
        /// <param name="crop">Id of the crop</param>
        /// <param name="label">Name of level</param>
        /// <param name="lower">Limit lower</param>
        /// <param name="upper">Limit upper</param>
        /// <returns>True if the entity is updated, false otherwise</returns>
        public async Task <bool> deleteRangeAsync(WeatherStation entity, string crop, string label, int lower, int upper)
            List <YieldRange> allRanges = new List <YieldRange>();

            // This cicle search the range to delete
            foreach (var r in entity.ranges)
                // If the setup is found, it will update
                if (!(r.crop == ForecastDB.parseId(crop) && r.label.Equals(label) && r.lower == lower && r.upper == upper))
            entity.ranges = allRanges;
            var result = await collection.UpdateOneAsync(Builders <WeatherStation> .Filter.Eq("_id", entity.id), Builders <WeatherStation> .Update.Set("ranges", entity.ranges));

            return(result.ModifiedCount > 0);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that delete a setup entity from a crop
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Crop to delete the setup configuration</param>
        /// <param name="ws">Id of the weather station</param>
        /// <param name="cu">Id of the cultivar</param>
        /// <param name="so">Id of the soil</param>
        /// <param name="days">Days</param>
        /// <returns>True if the entity is updated, false otherwise</returns>
        public async Task <bool> deleteSetupAsync(Crop entity, string ws, string cu, string so, int days)
            List <Setup> allSetups = new List <Setup>();

            // This cicle search the setup to delete
            foreach (var s in entity.setup)
                // If the setup is found, it will update
                if (s.weather_station == ForecastDB.parseId(ws) && s.cultivar == ForecastDB.parseId(cu) && s.soil == ForecastDB.parseId(so) && s.days == days)
                    s.track.updated = DateTime.Now;
                    s.track.enable  = false;
            entity.setup = allSetups;
            var result = await collection.UpdateOneAsync(Builders <Crop> .Filter.Eq("_id", entity.id), Builders <Crop> .Update.Set("setup", entity.setup));

            return(result.ModifiedCount > 0);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Method that return a object id from a string
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">String hash to convert in ObjectId</param>
 /// <returns>ObjectId</returns>
 protected ObjectId getId(string id)
Пример #4
        public async Task <bool> importForecastAsync(string path, double cf)
            StreamReader file;
            string       line;
            // Load the avaliable cpt configuration by state
            List <ClimateConfiguration> climate_conf = new List <ClimateConfiguration>();
            var states = await db.state.listEnableAsync();

            foreach (var s in states)
                climate_conf.Add(new ClimateConfiguration()
                    state = s.id, conf = s.conf.ToList().Where(p => p.track.enable)
            // Create a forecast
            var forecast = await db.forecast.insertAsync(new Data.Models.Forecast()
                start        = DateTime.Now,
                end          = DateTime.Now,
                confidence   = cf,
                climate_conf = climate_conf

            Console.WriteLine("Created forecast " + forecast.id.ToString());
            // Load probabilities
            Console.WriteLine("Getting probabilities and performance");
            Console.WriteLine(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_CLIMATE + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_PROBABILITIES);
            var f_probabilities = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_CLIMATE + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_PROBABILITIES);
            // Get the probabilities file
            List <ImportProbability> probabilities = new List <ImportProbability>();
            string fp = f_probabilities.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Contains(Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_FILE_PROBABILITY));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fp))
                Console.WriteLine("Processing: probabilities");
                // Reading the file
                using (file = File.OpenText(fp))
                    int count = 0;
                    while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                        // Omitted the file's header
                        if (count != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                            // Get the probabilities from the file in a temp memmory
                            var fields = line.Split(Program.settings.splitted);
                            probabilities.Add(new ImportProbability()
                                year   = int.Parse(fields[0]),
                                month  = int.Parse(fields[1]),
                                ws     = fields[2],
                                below  = double.Parse(fields[3]),
                                normal = double.Parse(fields[4]),
                                above  = double.Parse(fields[5])
                        count += 1;
                Console.WriteLine("Probabilities not found");
            // Get the performance metrics file
            List <ImportPerformance> performances = new List <ImportPerformance>();
            string fpe = f_probabilities.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Contains(Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_FILE_PERFORMANCE));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fpe))
                Console.WriteLine("Processing: performance");
                // Reading the file
                using (file = File.OpenText(fpe))
                    int count = 0;
                    while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                        // Omitted the file's header
                        if (count != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                            // Get the probabilities from the file in a temp memmory
                            var fields = line.Split(Program.settings.splitted);
                            performances.Add(new ImportPerformance()
                                year     = int.Parse(fields[0]),
                                month    = int.Parse(fields[1]),
                                ws       = fields[2],
                                pearson  = double.Parse(fields[3]),
                                kendall  = double.Parse(fields[4]),
                                goodness = double.Parse(fields[5])
                        count += 1;
                Console.WriteLine("Performances not found");
            // Create the records of the probabilities in the database
            Console.WriteLine("Saving the probabilities and metrics in the database");
            foreach (var ws in probabilities.Select(p => p.ws).Distinct())
                // Casting the metrics
                List <PerformanceMetric> metrics = new List <PerformanceMetric>();
                foreach (var m in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MeasurePerformance)).Cast <MeasurePerformance>())
                    if (m == MeasurePerformance.goodness)
                        metrics.AddRange(performances.Where(p => p.ws.Equals(ws)).Select(p => new PerformanceMetric()
                            year  = p.year,
                            month = p.month,
                            name  = m,
                            value = p.goodness
                    else if (m == MeasurePerformance.kendall)
                        metrics.AddRange(performances.Where(p => p.ws.Equals(ws)).Select(p => new PerformanceMetric()
                            year  = p.year,
                            month = p.month,
                            name  = m,
                            value = p.kendall
                    else if (m == MeasurePerformance.pearson)
                        metrics.AddRange(performances.Where(p => p.ws.Equals(ws)).Select(p => new PerformanceMetric()
                            year  = p.year,
                            month = p.month,
                            name  = m,
                            value = p.pearson
                // Saving in the database
                await db.forecastClimate.insertAsync(new ForecastClimate()
                    forecast        = forecast.id,
                    weather_station = ForecastDB.parseId(ws),
                    data            = probabilities.Where(p => p.ws.Equals(ws)).Select(p => new ProbabilityClimate()
                        year          = p.year,
                        month         = p.month,
                        probabilities = new List <Probability>()
                            new Probability()
                                measure = MeasureClimatic.prec,
                                lower   = p.below,
                                normal  = p.normal,
                                upper   = p.above
                    }).OrderBy(p => p.year).ThenBy(p => p.month).ToList(),
                    performance = metrics.OrderBy(p => p.year).ThenBy(p => p.month).ToList()

            // Load scenarios
            Console.WriteLine("Getting scenarios");
            // Get folder of the scenarios
            List <ImportScenario> scenarios = new List <ImportScenario>();

            Console.WriteLine("Searching scenarios");
            Console.WriteLine(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_CLIMATE + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_SCENARIOS);
            // Get a list of files of the scenarios
            var d_f_scenario = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_CLIMATE + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_SCENARIOS).Where(p => !p.Contains("scenario")).OrderBy(p => p);

            // This cicle goes through of the scenarios (max, min, avg)
            foreach (var s in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ScenarioName)))
                // This cicle goes through of the measure (t_max, t_min, )
                foreach (var me in Enum.GetNames(typeof(MeasureClimatic)))
                    var f_scenarios = d_f_scenario.Where(p => p.Contains(me + "_" + s));
                    if (f_scenarios.Count() == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("File not found. scenario: " + s + " measure: " + me);
                    foreach (var fs in f_scenarios)
                        Console.WriteLine("Getting scenario: " + s + " measure: " + me);
                        var ws_fs = fs.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)[fs.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Length - 1].Substring(0, 24);
                        // Reading the file
                        using (file = File.OpenText(fs))
                            int count = 0;
                            while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                                // Omitted the file's header
                                if (count != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                                    // Get the data from the file in a temp memmory
                                    var fields = line.Split(Program.settings.splitted);
                                    scenarios.Add(new ImportScenario()
                                        year     = int.Parse(fields[0]),
                                        month    = int.Parse(fields[1]),
                                        ws       = ws_fs,
                                        scenario = s,
                                        measure  = me,
                                        value    = double.Parse(fields[2])
                                count += 1;
            // Create the records of the scenarios in the database
            Console.WriteLine("Saving the scenarios in the database");
            var header_scenario = scenarios.Select(p => new
            }).Distinct().OrderBy(p => p.ws).ThenBy(p => p.year);

            foreach (var data in header_scenario)
                var data_temp = scenarios.Where(p => p.ws == data.ws && p.scenario == data.scenario && p.year == data.year).
                                OrderBy(p => p.measure).ThenBy(p => p.month);
                List <MonthlyDataStation> monthly_data = new List <MonthlyDataStation>();
                foreach (var month in data_temp.Select(p => p.month).Distinct())
                    monthly_data.Add(new MonthlyDataStation()
                        month = month,
                        data  = data_temp.Where(p => p.month == month).Select(p2 => new ClimaticData()
                            measure = (MeasureClimatic)Enum.Parse(typeof(MeasureClimatic), p2.measure, true),
                            value   = p2.value
                await db.forecastScenario.insertAsync(new ForecastScenario()
                    forecast        = forecast.id,
                    weather_station = ForecastDB.parseId(data.ws),
                    name            = (ScenarioName)Enum.Parse(typeof(ScenarioName), data.scenario, true),
                    year            = data.year,
                    monthly_data    = monthly_data

            // Load yield data
            Console.WriteLine("Copying raster");
            Console.WriteLine(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_CLIMATE + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_RASTER_SOURCE);
            if (Directory.Exists(Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_RASTER_DESTINATION))
                string raster_d = Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_RASTER_DESTINATION + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + forecast.id.ToString();
                DirectoryHelper.DirectoryCopy(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_CLIMATE + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_RASTER_SOURCE, raster_d, true);
                Console.WriteLine("Folder to save the raster files doesn't exist: " + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_RASTER_DESTINATION);

            // Load yield data
            Console.WriteLine("Getting yield");
            Console.WriteLine(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_YIELD);
            // Get folder of the scenarios
            var d_crops = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(path + Program.settings.In_PATH_FS_YIELD);
            List <ImportYield> yields = new List <ImportYield>();

            foreach (var dc in d_crops)
                Console.WriteLine("Crop " + dc);
                var d_f_yield = Directory.EnumerateFiles(dc);
                foreach (var f_yield in d_f_yield.Where(p => p.EndsWith(".csv")))
                    Console.WriteLine("Working in " + f_yield);
                    using (file = File.OpenText(f_yield))
                        int count = 0;
                        while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                            // Omitted the file's header
                            if (count != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
                                // Get the data from the file in a temp memmory
                                var fields = line.Split(Program.settings.splitted);
                                yields.Add(new ImportYield()
                                    weather_station = fields[0],
                                    soil            = fields[1],
                                    cultivar        = fields[2],
                                    start           = Program.settings.Add_Day ? DateTime.Parse(fields[3]).AddDays(1) : DateTime.Parse(fields[3]),
                                    end             = Program.settings.Add_Day ? DateTime.Parse(fields[4]).AddDays(1) : DateTime.Parse(fields[4]),
                                    measure         = fields[5],
                                    avg             = double.Parse(fields[6].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[6]),
                                    median          = double.Parse(fields[7].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[7]),
                                    min             = double.Parse(fields[8].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[8]),
                                    max             = double.Parse(fields[9].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[9]),
                                    quar_1          = double.Parse(fields[10].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[10]),
                                    quar_2          = double.Parse(fields[11].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[11]),
                                    quar_3          = double.Parse(fields[12].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[12]),
                                    conf_lower      = double.Parse(fields[13].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[13]),
                                    conf_upper      = double.Parse(fields[14].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[14]),
                                    sd       = double.Parse(fields[15].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[15]),
                                    perc_5   = double.Parse(fields[16].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[16]),
                                    perc_95  = double.Parse(fields[17].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[17]),
                                    coef_var = double.Parse(fields[18].ToLower().Equals("nan") ? "0" : fields[18])
                            count += 1;
            // Create the records of the yield in the database
            Console.WriteLine("Saving the yield in the database");
            ForecastYield    fy_new;
            YieldCrop        yc_entity;
            List <YieldCrop> yc_entities;
            List <YieldData> yd_entities;
            var ws_list = yields.Select(p => new { p.weather_station, p.cultivar, p.soil }).Distinct();

            foreach (var ws in ws_list)
                Console.WriteLine("Working in ws: " + ws.weather_station + " soil: " + ws.soil + " cultivar: " + ws.cultivar);
                fy_new = new ForecastYield()
                    forecast        = forecast.id,
                    weather_station = ForecastDB.parseId(ws.weather_station),
                    cultivar        = ForecastDB.parseId(ws.cultivar),
                    soil            = ForecastDB.parseId(ws.soil)
                var yield_crop = yields.Where(p => p.weather_station == ws.weather_station && p.soil == ws.soil && p.cultivar == ws.cultivar);
                yc_entities = new List <YieldCrop>();
                var dates_list = yield_crop.Select(p => new { start = p.start, end = p.end }).Distinct();
                int count_yc   = yield_crop.Count();
                foreach (var dc in dates_list)
                    yc_entity = new YieldCrop()
                        start = dc.start, end = dc.end
                    var yield_data = yield_crop.Where(p => p.start == dc.start && p.end == dc.end);
                    int count_yd   = yield_data.Count();
                    yd_entities = new List <YieldData>();
                    foreach (var yd in yield_data)
                        yd_entities.Add(new YieldData()
                            measure    = (MeasureYield)Enum.Parse(typeof(MeasureYield), yd.measure, true),
                            median     = yd.median,
                            avg        = yd.avg,
                            min        = yd.min,
                            max        = yd.max,
                            quar_1     = yd.quar_1,
                            quar_2     = yd.quar_2,
                            quar_3     = yd.quar_3,
                            conf_lower = yd.conf_lower,
                            conf_upper = yd.conf_upper,
                            sd         = yd.sd,
                            perc_5     = yd.perc_5,
                            perc_95    = yd.perc_95,
                            coef_var   = yd.coef_var
                    yc_entity.data = yd_entities;
                fy_new.yield = yc_entities;
                await db.forecastYield.insertAsync(fy_new);

            Console.WriteLine("Forecast imported");