public virtual FootstepPlanningAction[] GetOutputPlan() { FootstepPlanningAction[] a = new FootstepPlanningAction[1] { default(FootstepPlanningAction) }; return(a); }
// Returns the square distance between the two states of two actions of different domains public float SqrDistance(GridPlanningAction gridAction, FootstepPlanningAction footstepAction) { Vector3 gridPos = (gridAction.state as GridPlanningState).currentPosition; Vector3 footstepPos = (footstepAction.state as FootstepPlanningState).currentPosition; return((footstepPos - gridPos).sqrMagnitude); }
// Returns all the FootstepPlanningActions that can be mapped to the GridPlanningAction girdAction public FootstepPlanningAction[] MappingFromGridAction(GridPlanningAction gridAction, FootstepPlanningAction prevFootstepAction) { FootstepPlanningAction[] mappingActions; // TODO: all the mapping function using a predefined table that returns the mapping actions mappingActions = null; return mappingActions; }
public override void generatePredecesors(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DpreviousState, ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, ref List <DefaultAction> transitions) { FootstepPlanningState currentState = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState; FootstepPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState; FootstepPlanningState previousState = DpreviousState as FootstepPlanningState; float timeLeft = idealGoalState.time - currentState.time; float timeWindow = window * analyzer.maxActionDuration; // If there is no time left if (timeLeft + timeWindow < 0) { //We don't generate transitions return; } AnotatedAnimation preconditions = currentState.preconditions; float meanStepSize = analyzer.meanStepSize; foreach (AnotatedAnimation anim in analyzer.analyzedAnimations.Values) { float minAnimSpeed = 0.0f; float maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; float animSpeedIncr = 0.1f; minAnimSpeed = 1.0f; maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; FootstepPlanningAction newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(previousState, anim, minAnimSpeed, meanStepSize, 0.0f); if (newAction.state != null) { if (newAction.SatisfiesPreconditions(preconditions)) { if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) { transitions.Add(newAction); } // and we generate the other actions using the same animation but at different speeds for (float animSpeed = minAnimSpeed + animSpeedIncr; animSpeed <= maxAnimSpeed; animSpeed += animSpeedIncr) { newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(previousState, anim, animSpeed, meanStepSize, 0.0f); if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) { transitions.Add(newAction); } } } } } }
// Returns all the FootstepPlanningActions that can be mapped to the GridPlanningAction girdAction public FootstepPlanningAction[] MappingFromGridAction(GridPlanningAction gridAction, FootstepPlanningAction prevFootstepAction) { FootstepPlanningAction[] mappingActions; // TODO: all the mapping function using a predefined table that returns the mapping actions mappingActions = null; return(mappingActions); }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, RootMotionComputer computer, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles){ public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) { analyzer.Init(); } planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) { planning.Init(analyzer, agents, obstacles); } foreach (AnimationState state in animation) { state.enabled = true; state.speed = 1.0f; state.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; state.weight = 0; } currentAnimation = null; action = null; animation.Stop(); initialized = true; actionNum = 0; changed = false; errorT = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); errorR = 0; currentBlendingTime = 0; currentActionTime = 0; previousBlendingTime = 0; currentActionEndTime = 0; actionsSinceLastPlan = 0; insertedAction = false; initGameObjectPos = transform.position; initGameObjectRotY = transform.eulerAngles.y; initLocalRootPos = root.localPosition; lastRootPos = root.position; lastRootRot = root.rotation; }
public void React() { FootstepPlanningState frameState = CreateFrameState(); animation.Stop(); AnotatedAnimation stopAnim = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation("Idle"); FootstepPlanningAction stopAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(frameState, stopAnim, 1, analyzer.meanStepSize, analyzer.mass); engine.InsertAction(stopAction); reacting = true; }
public void PlaceFootStep() { if (engine == null || engine.actionNum < 1) { return; } FootstepPlanningAction currentAction = engine.action; if (currentAction != null) { AnotatedAnimation animInfo = currentAction.animInfo; if (animInfo != null) { Vector3 translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Quaternion quat = transform.rotation; Quaternion quat = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0)); int endSample = animInfo.LeftFoot.Length - 1; if (animInfo.swing == Joint.LeftFoot) { translation = animInfo.LeftFoot[endSample].position; } else { translation = animInfo.RightFoot[endSample].position; }; Vector3 newFootStepPos = /*engine.lastRootPos*/ transform.position + quat * translation; newFootStepPos[1] = auxHeight; counter = (counter) % numberOfFootSteps; GameObject.Destroy(footSteps[counter]); footSteps[counter] = GameObject.Instantiate((Object)redFootStep, newFootStepPos, quat); FootstepPlanningState state = currentAction.state as FootstepPlanningState; lastPos = state.currentPosition; lastObstacle = state.obstaclePos; counter++; } } }
// This function searches and extracts the tunnel zone, letting it in tunnelZone private void ExtractTunnelZone() { if (currentPlan == null) { return; } // We look for the first GridPlanningAction GridPlanningAction action = currentPlan[0] as GridPlanningAction;; int i = 0; while (action == null && i < currentPlan.Length) { i++; action = currentPlan[i] as GridPlanningAction; } // if we have found a GridPlanningAction if (action != null && i < currentPlan.Length) { // we copy the first part of the plan (the footsteps) newPlan = new Stack <DefaultAction>(); for (int fs = 0; fs < i; fs++) { newPlan.Push(currentPlan[fs] as FootstepPlanningAction); } // we save the lastFootstepAction; lastFootstepAction = currentPlan[i - 1] as FootstepPlanningAction; // we compute how many grid actions are in the plan int numberOfGridActions = currentPlan.Length - (i - 1); // we create and fill the tunnelZone tunnelZone = new GridPlanningAction[numberOfGridActions]; int j = 0; while (i < currentPlan.Length) { tunnelZone[j] = currentPlan[i] as GridPlanningAction; j++; i++; } } }
public override FootstepPlanningAction getFirstAction() { FootstepPlanningAction firstAction = null; int plannedActions = outputPlan.Count; int i = 0; bool isGridAction = false; while (i < plannedActions && firstAction == null && !isGridAction) { DefaultAction defAction = outputPlan.Pop(); firstAction = defAction as FootstepPlanningAction; if (firstAction == null) { GridPlanningAction gridAction = defAction as GridPlanningAction; if (gridAction != null) { outputPlan.Push(defAction); isGridAction = true; } else { GridTimeAction gridTimeAction = defAction as GridTimeAction; if (gridTimeAction != null) { outputPlan.Push(defAction); isGridAction = true; } } } i++; } if (firstAction != null) { currentState = firstAction.state as FootstepPlanningState; } return(firstAction); }
public override FootstepPlanningAction getFirstAction() { FootstepPlanningAction firstAction = null; int i = 0; Debug.Log("OUTPUT PLAN: " + outputPlan.Count); while (i < outputPlan.Count && firstAction == null) { firstAction = outputPlan.Pop() as FootstepPlanningAction; i++; } if (firstAction != null) { currentState = firstAction.state as FootstepPlanningState; } return(firstAction); }
public void InsertAction(FootstepPlanningAction newAction) { currentAnimation.time = currentActionTime; action = newAction; insertedAction = true; float lastHeight = initGameObjectPos.y; initGameObjectPos = transform.position; initGameObjectPos.y = lastHeight; initGameObjectRotY = transform.eulerAngles.y; //Debug.Log("Before = " + planning.currentState.currentPosition); planning.currentState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState; planning.currentState.currentPosition.y = lastHeight; //Debug.Log("After = " + planning.currentState.currentPosition); }
public override bool HasExpired() { bool expired = false; GridTimeAction lastAction = outputPlan.Last() as GridTimeAction; if (lastAction != null) { GridTimeState lastState = lastAction.state as GridTimeState; if (lastState != null) { float lastTime = lastState.time; if (Time.time > lastTime) { expired = true; } } } else { FootstepPlanningAction lastFsAction = outputPlan.Last() as FootstepPlanningAction; if (lastFsAction != null) { FootstepPlanningState lastFsState = lastFsAction.state as FootstepPlanningState; if (lastFsState != null) { float lastTime = lastFsState.time; if (Time.time > lastTime) { expired = true; } } } } return(expired); }
public override FootstepPlanningAction[] GetOutputPlan() { FootstepPlanningAction[] actionList = new FootstepPlanningAction[outputPlan.Count]; int i = 0; int count = 0; while (i < outputPlan.Count) { FootstepPlanningAction fsAction = outputPlan.ElementAt(i) as FootstepPlanningAction; if (fsAction != null) { actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if (REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } i++; } return(actionList); }
// This function searches and extracts the tunnel zone, letting it in tunnelZone private void ExtractTunnelZone() { if (currentPlan == null) return; // We look for the first GridPlanningAction GridPlanningAction action = currentPlan[0] as GridPlanningAction;; int i = 0; while (action == null && i < currentPlan.Length) { i++; action = currentPlan[i] as GridPlanningAction; } // if we have found a GridPlanningAction if (action != null && i < currentPlan.Length) { // we copy the first part of the plan (the footsteps) newPlan = new Stack<DefaultAction>(); for (int fs = 0; fs < i; fs++) newPlan.Push(currentPlan[fs] as FootstepPlanningAction); // we save the lastFootstepAction; lastFootstepAction = currentPlan[i-1] as FootstepPlanningAction; // we compute how many grid actions are in the plan int numberOfGridActions = currentPlan.Length - (i-1); // we create and fill the tunnelZone tunnelZone = new GridPlanningAction[numberOfGridActions]; int j = 0; while( i < currentPlan.Length ) { tunnelZone[j] = currentPlan[i] as GridPlanningAction; j++; i++; } } }
// Returns the square distance between the two states of two actions of different domains public float SqrDistance(GridPlanningAction gridAction, FootstepPlanningAction footstepAction) { Vector3 gridPos = (gridAction.state as GridPlanningState).currentPosition; Vector3 footstepPos = (footstepAction.state as FootstepPlanningState).currentPosition; return (footstepPos - gridPos).sqrMagnitude; }
// Collisions check with other agents public bool CheckAgentsCollisions(FootstepPlanningState state) { if (neighborhood == null) { return(false); } if (neighborhood.neighbors == null) { return(false); } Dictionary <int, Neighbor> neighbors = neighborhood.neighbors; if (neighbors.Count <= 0) { return(false); } //if (neighbors.Count > 0) // Debug.Log("There are neighbors"); //else // Debug.Log("There are no neighbors"); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Neighbor> pair in neighbors) { if (pair.Value.planning != null && pair.Value.triggers == 2) { FootstepPlanningAction[] plan = pair.Value.planning.GetOutputPlan(); if (plan.Length > 0 && plan[0] != null) { int i = 0; FootstepPlanningAction action = plan[i]; FootstepPlanningState prevNeighborState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState; while (prevNeighborState == null && i < plan.Length) { action = plan[i]; prevNeighborState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState; i++; } bool thereIsTime = true; while (i < plan.Length && plan[i] != null && action.state != null && thereIsTime) { FootstepPlanningState footstepState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState; if (footstepState != null && footstepState.time < state.time) { action = plan[i]; i++; } else { thereIsTime = false; } } FootstepPlanningState neighborState = prevNeighborState; if (action.state != null) { neighborState = action.state as FootstepPlanningState; } if (state != null && prevNeighborState != null && neighborState != null) { return(CheckAgentRootCollisions(state, prevNeighborState, neighborState)); } } else { FootstepPlanningState neighborState = pair.Value.planning.currentState; return(CheckAgentRootCollisions(state, null, neighborState)); } } } return(false); }
public void AnimationEngineUpdate() { //void Update(){ if (!initialized) { return; } //if (currentAnimation != null) // Debug.Log("currentAnimationTime: " + currentAnimation.time); if ( currentAnimation == null || Mathf.Abs(currentAnimation.time) >= currentActionTime //|| Time.time >= currentActionEndTime || !currentAnimation.enabled ) { // Get new animation if (!insertedAction) { action = planning.getFirstAction(); } if (action != null) { string animationName =; /* * if (blending) * { * // We blend out the previous animation * // if it exists and it is not the first one * if (currentAnimation != null) * { * if (actionNum > 0) * animation.Blend(,0.0f,currentBlendingTime); * else * { * animation.Stop(); * animation.Sample(); * } * } * } */ // We set up the speed of the new animation AnimationState newAnimationState = animation[animationName]; newAnimationState.speed = action.speed; // We set the animation at the beginning if (currentAnimation == null || planning.goalReached) { newAnimationState.time = 0; } else { //newAnimationState.time = currentAnimation.time - currentActionTime; newAnimationState.time = Time.time - currentActionEndTime; } newAnimationState.enabled = true; // We save the new animation currentAnimation = newAnimationState; // We get the info of the new animation AnotatedAnimation animInfo = action.animInfo; // We compute the time of the action and the time of the blending float newActionTime = animInfo.time * animInfo.totalLength; float newBlendingTime = animInfo.totalLength * animInfo.footPlantLenght * action.speed; if (animInfo.type != LocomotionMode.Walk) { newBlendingTime = 0.5f; } currentActionTime = newActionTime; if (previousBlendingTime < newBlendingTime) { currentBlendingTime = previousBlendingTime; } else { currentBlendingTime = newBlendingTime; } previousBlendingTime = newBlendingTime; if (blending) { /* * //We play/blend in the new animation if it's not the first one * if (actionNum > 0) * animation.Blend(,1.0f,currentBlendingTime); * else * { * animation.Play(; * animation.Sample(); * } */ //Debug.Log("blending time = " + currentBlendingTime); if (insertedAction) { currentBlendingTime = 1.5f; } //animation.CrossFade(,currentBlendingTime); animation.CrossFade(, 0.5f); } else { animation.Play(; } changed = true; insertedAction = false; if (action != null && action.state != null) { currentActionEndTime = (action.state as FootstepPlanningState).time; } float startTime = Time.time; /* * Debug.Log("anim starts at time: " + startTime); * Debug.Log("offset: " + newAnimationState.time); * float length = animInfo.time * animInfo.totalLength * action.speed - newAnimationState.time; * float endTime = startTime + length; * Debug.Log("action length: " + length); * Debug.Log("predicted end time: " + endTime); * Debug.Log("state time: " + currentActionEndTime); */ } else { //if (!blending) animation.Stop(); //else if (currentAnimation != null) // animation.Blend(,0.0f,currentBlendingTime); changed = false; planning.goalReached = true; //Debug.Log("goalReached at time " + Time.time); } } else { changed = false; } }
override public void generateTransitions(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DpreviousState, ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, ref List <DefaultAction> transitions) { FootstepPlanningState currentState = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState; // FootstepPlanningState previousState = DpreviousState as FootstepPlanningState; FootstepPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState; float timeLeft = idealGoalState.time - currentState.time; float timeWindow = window * analyzer.maxActionDuration; // If there is no time left if (timeLeft + timeWindow < 0) { //We don't generate transitions return; } //Debug.Log("Calling my generation"); // The next action preconditions AnotatedAnimation preconditions = currentState.preconditions; float meanStepSize = analyzer.meanStepSize; float mass = analyzer.mass; // The added transitions //int count = 0; /* * //string[] names = {"WalkRightSlow","WalkRightSlow2","WalkNormal","WalkNormal2","WalkFast","WalkFast2","WalkLeft","WalkLeft2","WalkRight","WalkRight2","LeftStep","RightStep"}; * string[] names = { * "WalkFast","WalkFast2","WalkNormal","WalkNormal2","WalkLeft","WalkLeft2","WalkRight","WalkRight2","LeftStep" * ,"RightStep","WalkLeftSlow","WalkLeftSlow2","WalkRightSlow","WalkRightSlow2" * ,"RightStepSlow","LeftStepSlow","WalkSlow","WalkSlow2" * ,"TurnRight360","TurnLeft360" * ,"WalkTurnLeft","WalkTurnLeft2" * "WalkTurnRight","WalkTurnRight2" * ,"WalkSlowest","WalkSlowest2" * ,"Idle" * }; * * AnotatedAnimation[] anims = new AnotatedAnimation[names.Length]; * int aux=0; * foreach (string name in names) * { * anims[aux] = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation(name); * aux++; * } */ // For each possible animation foreach (AnotatedAnimation anim in analyzer.analyzedAnimations.Values) //foreach (AnotatedAnimation anim in anims) { // We compute the min and max possible speed of the animation // (depending on the previous state, the current state and the velocity of the new animation) float minAnimSpeed = 0.0f; float maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; //ComputeMinAndMaxAnimSpeeds(currentState,previousState,anim.speed,ref minAnimSpeed,ref maxAnimSpeed); float animSpeedIncr = 0.1f; //minAnimSpeed = 0.2f; maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; animSpeedIncr = 0.2f; minAnimSpeed = 1.0f; maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; //minAnimSpeed = 0.5f; maxAnimSpeed = 0.5f; //int animCount = 0; //Debug.Log("Transitions: currentState.time = "+currentState.time+" realTime = "+Time.realtimeSinceStartup); // we check the preconditions of that action FootstepPlanningAction newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(currentState, anim, minAnimSpeed, meanStepSize, mass); if (newAction.state != null) { if (newAction.SatisfiesPreconditions(preconditions)) { if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) { transitions.Add(newAction); } //count++; //animCount++; // and we generate the other actions using the same animation but at different speeds for (float animSpeed = minAnimSpeed + animSpeedIncr; animSpeed <= maxAnimSpeed; animSpeed += animSpeedIncr) { newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(currentState, anim, animSpeed, meanStepSize, mass); //transitions.Insert(count,newAction); if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) { transitions.Add(newAction); } //count++; //animCount++; } } } //Debug.Log("Animation " + + " transitions = " + animCount); //if (transitions.Count == 0) // Debug.Log("No transitions!"); } }
public void React() { FootstepPlanningState frameState = CreateFrameState(); animation.Stop(); AnotatedAnimation stopAnim = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation("Idle"); FootstepPlanningAction stopAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(frameState,stopAnim,1,analyzer.meanStepSize, analyzer.mass); engine.InsertAction(stopAction); reacting = true; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override FootstepPlanningAction[] GetOutputPlan() { if (outputPlan == null) return null; FootstepPlanningAction[] actionList = new FootstepPlanningAction[outputPlan.Count]; int i=0; int count=0; // Debug.Log("OutputPlan: " + outputPlan.Count); while(i < outputPlan.Count) { DefaultAction action = outputPlan.ElementAt(i); //Debug.Log("we have an action " + i); FootstepPlanningAction fsAction = action as FootstepPlanningAction; if (fsAction != null) { actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if(REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } else { GridPlanningAction gridAction = action as GridPlanningAction; if (gridAction != null) { fsAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(gridAction,analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation("Idle"),1.5f); if (fsAction != null) { actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if(REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } //Debug.Log("OutputPlan at time " + Time.time + " has " + outputPlan.Count + " actions."); //Debug.Log("Grid Action added at time: " + Time.time + " at pos " + count); } else { //Debug.Log("We might add a GridTimeAction"); GridTimeAction gridTimeAction = action as GridTimeAction; if (gridTimeAction != null) { if (analyzer != null) fsAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(gridTimeAction,analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation("Idle"),1.0f); if (fsAction != null) { //Debug.Log("Adding a gridTimeAction"); actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if(REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } } } } i++; } return actionList; }
public override void generatePredecesors(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DpreviousState, ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, ref List<DefaultAction> transitions) { FootstepPlanningState currentState = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState; FootstepPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState; FootstepPlanningState previousState = DpreviousState as FootstepPlanningState; float timeLeft = idealGoalState.time - currentState.time; float timeWindow = window*analyzer.maxActionDuration; // If there is no time left if ( timeLeft + timeWindow < 0 ) { //We don't generate transitions return; } AnotatedAnimation preconditions = currentState.preconditions; float meanStepSize = analyzer.meanStepSize; foreach( AnotatedAnimation anim in analyzer.analyzedAnimations.Values) { float minAnimSpeed = 0.0f; float maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; float animSpeedIncr = 0.1f; minAnimSpeed = 1.0f; maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; FootstepPlanningAction newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(previousState,anim,minAnimSpeed,meanStepSize, 0.0f); if (newAction.state != null) { if ( newAction.SatisfiesPreconditions(preconditions) ) { if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) transitions.Add(newAction); // and we generate the other actions using the same animation but at different speeds for (float animSpeed = minAnimSpeed + animSpeedIncr; animSpeed <= maxAnimSpeed; animSpeed += animSpeedIncr) { newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(previousState,anim,animSpeed,meanStepSize, 0.0f); if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) transitions.Add(newAction); } } } } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override FootstepPlanningAction[] GetOutputPlan() { if (outputPlan == null) { return(null); } FootstepPlanningAction[] actionList = new FootstepPlanningAction[outputPlan.Count]; int i = 0; int count = 0; // Debug.Log("OutputPlan: " + outputPlan.Count); while (i < outputPlan.Count) { DefaultAction action = outputPlan.ElementAt(i); //Debug.Log("we have an action " + i); FootstepPlanningAction fsAction = action as FootstepPlanningAction; if (fsAction != null) { actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if (REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } else { GridPlanningAction gridAction = action as GridPlanningAction; if (gridAction != null) { fsAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(gridAction, analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation("Idle"), 1.5f); if (fsAction != null) { actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if (REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } //Debug.Log("OutputPlan at time " + Time.time + " has " + outputPlan.Count + " actions."); //Debug.Log("Grid Action added at time: " + Time.time + " at pos " + count); } else { //Debug.Log("We might add a GridTimeAction"); GridTimeAction gridTimeAction = action as GridTimeAction; if (gridTimeAction != null) { if (analyzer != null) { fsAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(gridTimeAction, analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation("Idle"), 1.0f); } if (fsAction != null) { //Debug.Log("Adding a gridTimeAction"); actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if (REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } } } } i++; } return(actionList); }
public override void generateTransitions(ref DefaultState DcurrentState, ref DefaultState DpreviousState, ref DefaultState DidealGoalState, ref List<DefaultAction> transitions) { FootstepPlanningState currentState = DcurrentState as FootstepPlanningState; // FootstepPlanningState previousState = DpreviousState as FootstepPlanningState; FootstepPlanningState idealGoalState = DidealGoalState as FootstepPlanningState; float timeLeft = idealGoalState.time - currentState.time; float timeWindow = window*analyzer.maxActionDuration; // If there is no time left if ( timeLeft + timeWindow < 0 ) { //We don't generate transitions return; } //Debug.Log("Calling my generation"); // The next action preconditions AnotatedAnimation preconditions = currentState.preconditions; float meanStepSize = analyzer.meanStepSize; float mass = analyzer.mass; // The added transitions //int count = 0; /* //string[] names = {"WalkRightSlow","WalkRightSlow2","WalkNormal","WalkNormal2","WalkFast","WalkFast2","WalkLeft","WalkLeft2","WalkRight","WalkRight2","LeftStep","RightStep"}; string[] names = { "WalkFast","WalkFast2","WalkNormal","WalkNormal2","WalkLeft","WalkLeft2","WalkRight","WalkRight2","LeftStep" ,"RightStep","WalkLeftSlow","WalkLeftSlow2","WalkRightSlow","WalkRightSlow2" ,"RightStepSlow","LeftStepSlow","WalkSlow","WalkSlow2" ,"TurnRight360","TurnLeft360" ,"WalkTurnLeft","WalkTurnLeft2" "WalkTurnRight","WalkTurnRight2" ,"WalkSlowest","WalkSlowest2" ,"Idle" }; AnotatedAnimation[] anims = new AnotatedAnimation[names.Length]; int aux=0; foreach (string name in names) { anims[aux] = analyzer.GetAnotatedAnimation(name); aux++; } */ // For each possible animation foreach( AnotatedAnimation anim in analyzer.analyzedAnimations.Values) //foreach (AnotatedAnimation anim in anims) { // We compute the min and max possible speed of the animation // (depending on the previous state, the current state and the velocity of the new animation) float minAnimSpeed = 0.0f; float maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; //ComputeMinAndMaxAnimSpeeds(currentState,previousState,anim.speed,ref minAnimSpeed,ref maxAnimSpeed); float animSpeedIncr = 0.1f; //minAnimSpeed = 0.2f; maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; animSpeedIncr = 0.2f; minAnimSpeed = 1.0f; maxAnimSpeed = 1.0f; //minAnimSpeed = 0.5f; maxAnimSpeed = 0.5f; //int animCount = 0; //Debug.Log("Transitions: currentState.time = "+currentState.time+" realTime = "+Time.realtimeSinceStartup); // we check the preconditions of that action FootstepPlanningAction newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(currentState,anim,minAnimSpeed,meanStepSize,mass); if (newAction.state != null) { if ( newAction.SatisfiesPreconditions(preconditions) ) { if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) transitions.Add(newAction); //count++; //animCount++; // and we generate the other actions using the same animation but at different speeds for (float animSpeed = minAnimSpeed + animSpeedIncr; animSpeed <= maxAnimSpeed; animSpeed += animSpeedIncr) { newAction = new FootstepPlanningAction(currentState,anim,animSpeed,meanStepSize,mass); //transitions.Insert(count,newAction); if (!CheckStateCollisions(newAction.state)) transitions.Add(newAction); //count++; //animCount++; } } } //Debug.Log("Animation " + + " transitions = " + animCount); //if (transitions.Count == 0) // Debug.Log("No transitions!"); } }
public void AnimationEngineUpdate() { //void Update(){ if (!initialized) return; //if (currentAnimation != null) // Debug.Log("currentAnimationTime: " + currentAnimation.time); if ( currentAnimation == null || Mathf.Abs(currentAnimation.time) >= currentActionTime //|| Time.time >= currentActionEndTime || !currentAnimation.enabled ) { // Get new animation if (!insertedAction) action = planning.getFirstAction(); if (action != null) { string animationName =; /* if (blending) { // We blend out the previous animation // if it exists and it is not the first one if (currentAnimation != null) { if (actionNum > 0) animation.Blend(,0.0f,currentBlendingTime); else { animation.Stop(); animation.Sample(); } } } */ // We set up the speed of the new animation AnimationState newAnimationState = animation[animationName]; newAnimationState.speed = action.speed; // We set the animation at the beginning if (currentAnimation == null || planning.goalReached) newAnimationState.time = 0; else //newAnimationState.time = currentAnimation.time - currentActionTime; newAnimationState.time = Time.time - currentActionEndTime; newAnimationState.enabled = true; // We save the new animation currentAnimation = newAnimationState; // We get the info of the new animation AnotatedAnimation animInfo = action.animInfo; // We compute the time of the action and the time of the blending float newActionTime = animInfo.time * animInfo.totalLength; float newBlendingTime = animInfo.totalLength * animInfo.footPlantLenght * action.speed; if (animInfo.type != LocomotionMode.Walk) newBlendingTime = 0.5f; currentActionTime = newActionTime; if (previousBlendingTime < newBlendingTime) currentBlendingTime = previousBlendingTime; else currentBlendingTime = newBlendingTime; previousBlendingTime = newBlendingTime; if (blending) { /* //We play/blend in the new animation if it's not the first one if (actionNum > 0) animation.Blend(,1.0f,currentBlendingTime); else { animation.Play(; animation.Sample(); } */ //Debug.Log("blending time = " + currentBlendingTime); if (insertedAction) currentBlendingTime = 1.5f; //animation.CrossFade(,currentBlendingTime); animation.CrossFade(,0.5f); } else animation.Play(; changed = true; insertedAction = false; if (action != null && action.state != null) currentActionEndTime = (action.state as FootstepPlanningState).time; float startTime = Time.time; /* Debug.Log("anim starts at time: " + startTime); Debug.Log("offset: " + newAnimationState.time); float length = animInfo.time * animInfo.totalLength * action.speed - newAnimationState.time; float endTime = startTime + length; Debug.Log("action length: " + length); Debug.Log("predicted end time: " + endTime); Debug.Log("state time: " + currentActionEndTime); */ } else { //if (!blending) animation.Stop(); //else if (currentAnimation != null) // animation.Blend(,0.0f,currentBlendingTime); changed = false; planning.goalReached = true; //Debug.Log("goalReached at time " + Time.time); } } else changed = false; }
//public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, FootstepPlanningTest planner, RootMotionComputer computer, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles){ public void Init(AnimationAnalyzer animAnalyzer, Planner planner, NeighbourAgents agents, NeighbourObstacles obstacles) { analyzer = animAnalyzer; if (analyzer != null && !analyzer.initialized) analyzer.Init(); planning = planner; if (planning != null && !planning.initialized) planning.Init(analyzer,agents,obstacles); foreach (AnimationState state in animation) { state.enabled = true; state.speed = 1.0f; state.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; state.weight = 0; } currentAnimation = null; action = null; animation.Stop(); initialized = true; actionNum = 0; changed = false; errorT = new Vector3(0,0,0); errorR = 0; currentBlendingTime = 0; currentActionTime = 0; previousBlendingTime = 0; currentActionEndTime = 0; actionsSinceLastPlan = 0; insertedAction = false; initGameObjectPos = transform.position; initGameObjectRotY = transform.eulerAngles.y; initLocalRootPos = root.localPosition; lastRootPos = root.position; lastRootRot = root.rotation; }
// This function search for a new path inside the tunnel // Hopefully it will return just a path of FootstepPlanningAction public Stack<DefaultAction> SearchInTunnel() { int[] backTrackingIndexes = new int[tunnelZone.Length]; for(int bt = 0; bt < backTrackingIndexes.Length; bt++) backTrackingIndexes[bt] = 0; // For every GridPlanningAction in the tunnel zone int i = 0; while ( i < tunnelZone.Length && i > 0 ) // if i < 0 it means we have backtracked and found no solution { GridPlanningAction gridAction = tunnelZone[i]; // We have all the mapping actions coming from the GridPlanningAction FootstepPlanningAction[] mappingActions = MappingFromGridAction(gridAction,lastFootstepAction); // We look for a mapping action that is valid for our tunnel int j = backTrackingIndexes[i]; bool found = false; FootstepPlanningAction footstepAction = null; while (!found && j < mappingActions.Length) { footstepAction = mappingActions[j]; // If it falls inside the tunnel if ( SqrDistance(gridAction,footstepAction) <= SqrW ) // TODO: CHECK FOR COLLISIONS found = true; else j++; } // If we have found a valid FootstepAction if (found && footstepAction != null) { // we add id to our plan newPlan.Push(footstepAction); // we save its mapping index in case we do backtracking later backTrackingIndexes[i] = j; // we also save the FootstepAction we have added lastFootstepAction = footstepAction; i++; } else // if we haven't found a valid action { // we do backtrack newPlan.Pop(); // we retrieve the last footstepAction lastFootstepAction = newPlan.Pop() as FootstepPlanningAction; newPlan.Push(lastFootstepAction); i--; } } return newPlan; }
public override FootstepPlanningAction[] GetOutputPlan() { FootstepPlanningAction[] actionList = new FootstepPlanningAction[outputPlan.Count]; int i=0; int count=0; while(i < outputPlan.Count) { FootstepPlanningAction fsAction = outputPlan.ElementAt(i) as FootstepPlanningAction; if (fsAction != null) { actionList[count] = fsAction; count++; if(REPRODUCTION_MODE.REPRODUCTION_MODE.Equals(Reproduction.MODE.RECORD)) { storedPlan.Add(fsAction); //Debug.Log("Recording"); } } i++; } return actionList; }
// This function search for a new path inside the tunnel // Hopefully it will return just a path of FootstepPlanningAction public Stack <DefaultAction> SearchInTunnel() { int[] backTrackingIndexes = new int[tunnelZone.Length]; for (int bt = 0; bt < backTrackingIndexes.Length; bt++) { backTrackingIndexes[bt] = 0; } // For every GridPlanningAction in the tunnel zone int i = 0; while (i < tunnelZone.Length && i > 0) // if i < 0 it means we have backtracked and found no solution { GridPlanningAction gridAction = tunnelZone[i]; // We have all the mapping actions coming from the GridPlanningAction FootstepPlanningAction[] mappingActions = MappingFromGridAction(gridAction, lastFootstepAction); // We look for a mapping action that is valid for our tunnel int j = backTrackingIndexes[i]; bool found = false; FootstepPlanningAction footstepAction = null; while (!found && j < mappingActions.Length) { footstepAction = mappingActions[j]; // If it falls inside the tunnel if (SqrDistance(gridAction, footstepAction) <= SqrW) { // TODO: CHECK FOR COLLISIONS found = true; } else { j++; } } // If we have found a valid FootstepAction if (found && footstepAction != null) { // we add id to our plan newPlan.Push(footstepAction); // we save its mapping index in case we do backtracking later backTrackingIndexes[i] = j; // we also save the FootstepAction we have added lastFootstepAction = footstepAction; i++; } else // if we haven't found a valid action { // we do backtrack newPlan.Pop(); // we retrieve the last footstepAction lastFootstepAction = newPlan.Pop() as FootstepPlanningAction; newPlan.Push(lastFootstepAction); i--; } } return(newPlan); }