public ActionResult FoodBank(FoodBankViewModel vm)
            // insert a new Food Bank based on the logged in users Site ID
            int?SiteID = Session["SiteID"] as int?;

            // Insert into foodbank table the user's Site ID
            string sql = String.Format(
                "INSERT INTO foodbank (SiteID) VALUES ({0}); ", SiteID.Value.ToString());


            vm.SiteID        = SiteID.Value; // set the ID since it now exists
            vm.StatusMessage = "Succesfully added!";

        public ActionResult FoodBank()
            // Get the logged in Site ID from the session
            int?SiteID = Session["SiteID"] as int?;

            // if there is none, redirect to the login page
            if (!SiteID.HasValue)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account"));

            FoodBankViewModel vm = new FoodBankViewModel();

            // find out if we have a food bank for this site already or not
            string sql = String.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foodbank WHERE SiteID = {0}; ", SiteID.Value.ToString());

            vm.FoodBankExists = Int32.Parse(SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString()) > 0;
