Пример #1
        private static TopDict[] LoadTopDicts(FontSource p, uint offset, ByteSegment[] cffIndex, ByteSegment[] strings)
            var arr = new TopDict[cffIndex.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < cffIndex.Length; i++)
                var bsi           = cffIndex[i];
                var topDict       = CffDictParser.LoadTopDict(p.Bytes, bsi.Offset, bsi.Count, strings);
                var privateSize   = topDict.Private[0];
                var privateOffset = topDict.Private[1];
                if (privateSize != 0 && privateOffset != 0)
                    var privateDict =
                        CffDictParser.LoadPrivateDict(p.Bytes, privateOffset + offset, privateSize);
                    topDict.DefaultWidthX = privateDict.DefaultWidthX;
                    topDict.NormalWidthX  = privateDict.NormalWidthX;
                    if (privateDict.Subrs != 0)
                        var subrOffset = privateOffset + privateDict.Subrs;
                        p.Offset = subrOffset + offset;
                        var subrIndex = LoadIndexData(p);
                        topDict.Subrs     = subrIndex;
                        topDict.SubrsBias = GetSubrBias(topDict.Subrs.Length);

                    topDict.PrivateDict = privateDict;

                arr[i] = topDict;
Пример #2
        FontContent ProcessFont(LocaleSource input, KeyboardLayoutContent keyboardLayoutContent, ContentProcessorContext context)
            // Get all code points used by this keyboard layout
            List <char> codePoints = new List <char>();

            VirtualKeyContent[] keys = keyboardLayoutContent.Keys;
            foreach (VirtualKeyContent key in keys)
                if (key == null)

                foreach (VirtualKeyValue value in key.ShiftStates)
                    if (value != VirtualKeyValue.Empty)
                        GetCodePointsFromCharacters(value.Characters.ToCharArray(), codePoints);

            foreach (DeadKey deadKey in keyboardLayoutContent.DeadKeys.Values)
                GetCodePointsFromCharacters(deadKey.CombinedCharacters, codePoints);

            context.Logger.LogMessage("Keyboard layout for locale {0} requires {1} code points", input.CultureInfo.Name, codePoints.Count);
            FontSource fs = new FontSource(input.FontName, codePoints.ToArray());

            return(context.Convert <FontSource, FontContent>(fs, "FontProcessor"));
Пример #3
        private static ByteSegment[] LoadIndexData(FontSource p)
            var count = p.ReadUShort();

            if (count <= 0)

            var offSize = p.ReadByte();
            var offsets = new uint[count + 1];

            for (var i = 0; i < offsets.Length; i++)
                offsets[i] = p.ReadUInt(offSize);
            var segments = new ByteSegment[count];

            for (var i = 0; i < offsets.Length - 1; i++)
                segments[i] = new ByteSegment(p.Offset + offsets[i] - 1, offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i]);
            p.Offset += offsets[offsets.Length - 1] - 1;
Пример #4
 static FontCache()
     using (Stream fontStream = ...)
         FontCache.MyCoolFontSource = new FontSource(fontStream);
Пример #5
        private void LoadFontList()
            if (!_IsFontLoading)
                _IsFontLoading = true;

                //폰트 콤보
                FontHelper.LoadAllFont(FontSource, FontTypes.All, () =>
                    DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
                        var selected = FontSource.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == Settings.Subtitle.FontFamily);
                        if (selected == null)
                            Settings.Subtitle.FontFamily = Settings.FONT_FAMILY_DEFAUT;
                            selected = FontSource.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == Settings.Subtitle.FontFamily);

                        FontFamily     = selected;
                        _IsFontLoading = false;
Пример #6
 public TrueTypeFontMarkerSymbol(FontSource fontSource, string fontFamily, int charCode, double fontSize)
     _fontSource       = fontSource;
     _fontFamily       = fontFamily;
     _charCode         = charCode;
     _fontSize         = fontSize;
     _originalFontSize = _fontSize;
Пример #7
 private void LoadedFontListCommandExecute(object arg)
     FontHelper.LoadAllFont(FontSource, FontTypes.CustomFont, () =>
         DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
Пример #8
 internal void LoadFontList()
     FontHelper.LoadFonts(FontSource, FontTypes.All, null, () =>
         DispatcherHelper.CheckBeginInvokeOnUI(() =>
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Init this instance to
        /// </summary>
        public static void Init()
            var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();

            FontLoader.LoadFonts(assemblies, (fontName, s) => {
                fontName       = fontName.ToLowerInvariant();
                var copyStream = new MemoryStream();
                Typefaces[fontName] = new FontSource(copyStream);
Пример #10
        public static OffsetTable Load(FontSource data)
            var sfntVersion = data.ReadUInt();
            var numTables   = data.ReadUShort();

            // Skip search range
            // Skip entry selector
            // Skip range shift
            data.Offset += 6;
            return(new OffsetTable(numTables, sfntVersion));
Пример #11
        public static TableRecord Load(FontSource data)
            var tag = data.ReadTag().Trim();

            // Skip check sum
            data.Offset += 4;
            var offset = data.ReadUInt();

            // Skip length
            data.Offset += 4;
            return(new TableRecord(tag, offset));
Пример #12
        protected override void SetupMainPage(MainPage mainPage)
            mPage = mainPage;
            FontSource fontSource = new FontSource(Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("SoshiLandSilverLight;component/Content/nobile.ttf", UriKind.Relative)).Stream);
            FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily("Nobile");

            ContentManager.SilverlightFontTranslation("SpriteFont1", new SpriteFontTTF(fontSource, fontFamily, 14));


            // Start the app by prompting User Name
Пример #13
        /// <param name="fontSize">Font size in points.</param>
        public SpriteFontTTF(FontSource source, FontFamily family, int fontSize)
            this.FontFamily = family;
            this.FontSource = source;
            this.FontSize   = fontSize * pointsToPixels;

            measuringTextBlock = new TextBlock()
                FontSize   = FontSize,
                FontFamily = FontFamily,
                FontSource = FontSource
Пример #14
        protected override void SetupMainPage(MainPage mainPage)
            FontSource uiFontSource = new FontSource(Application.GetResourceStream(
                                                         new Uri("/CatGirls;component/Content/NGO_____.TTF", UriKind.Relative)).Stream);
            FontFamily uiFontFamily = new FontFamily("News Gothic");

            ContentManager.SilverlightFontTranslation("UIFont", new SpriteFontTTF(uiFontSource, uiFontFamily, 16));

            var game = new CatGirlsGame(NamedScreenSizes.Get("web"));

Пример #15
        public static EncodingRecord Load(FontSource source, uint tableOffset)
            var platformID           = source.ReadUShort();
            var encodingID           = source.ReadUShort();
            var encodingRecordOffset = source.ReadUInt();

            var offset = source.Offset;

            source.Offset = tableOffset + encodingRecordOffset;
            var subTableFormat = source.ReadUShort();

            source.Offset = offset;

            return(new EncodingRecord(platformID, encodingID, encodingRecordOffset, subTableFormat));
Пример #16
        private void DeleteFontCommandExecute(RoutedEventArgs args)
            var element = args.OriginalSource as FrameworkElement;

            if (element != null && element.DataContext is PickerItem <string, string> )
                var listView   = Lime.Xaml.Helpers.ElementHelper.FindVisualParent <ListView>(element);
                var pickerItem = element.DataContext as PickerItem <string, string>;

                var fonts = new List <PickerItem <string, string> >(FontSource.Where(x => x.Payload2 == pickerItem.Payload2));

                //자막 설정의 폰트 리스트 삭제
                MessengerInstance.Send(new Message("DeleteFonts", fonts), SubtitleSettingViewModel.NAME);
                //폰트 삭제
                FontHelper.RemoveFont(listView, FontSource, pickerItem);
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates DXFont from params
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateDXFont()
            switch (FontSource)
            case GuiFontType.SystemFont:
                string name = "Tahoma";
                float  size = 12.0f;
                System.Drawing.FontStyle style = System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular;

                if (FontParams.ContainsKey("FontName"))
                    name = FontParams["FontName"];
                if (FontParams.ContainsKey("FontSize"))
                    float.TryParse(FontParams["FontSize"], out size);
                if (FontParams.ContainsKey("FontStyle"))
                    style = (System.Drawing.FontStyle)System.Drawing.FontStyle.Parse(style.GetType(), FontParams["FontStyle"]);

                this.dxFont = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(GameEngine.Instance.RenderEngine.Device,
                                                                  new System.Drawing.Font(name, size, style));


                this.dxFont = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(GameEngine.Instance.RenderEngine.Device, GameEngine.Instance.Target.Font);
                Console.Write("\t\tUnknown FontSource: " + FontSource.ToString());

Пример #18
 private void RegisterMessages()
     MessengerInstance.Register <Message>(this, NAME, (msg) =>
         switch (msg.Key)
         case "DeleteFonts":
             var fonts = msg.GetValue <List <PickerItem <string, string> > >();
             for (int i = FontSource.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                 var storageFile = FontSource[i].Payload2 as StorageFile;
                 if (storageFile != null)
                     if (fonts.Any(x => (x.Payload2 as StorageFile).Path == storageFile.Path))
Пример #19
    private void Start()
        var source = new FontSource(_font.bytes);

        var fontModel = FontModel.Load(source);

        var codePoints = UnicodeUtility.ToCodePoints(_text);

        _contourPoints = new List <GlyphContourInfoV2>(codePoints.Length);

        var offset = 0f;

        for (var i = 0; i < codePoints.Length; i++)
                var codePoint = codePoints[i];
                var glyph     = fontModel.GetGlyph(codePoint, source);
                var con       = glyph.ToVector2(fontModel, source);
                ShowPoint(con, offset);
                offset += con.AdvancedWidth;
            catch (FontException e)

                // Replace with a tofu glyph.
                var glyph = fontModel.GetNotDefGlyph(source);
                var con   = glyph.ToVector2(fontModel, source);
                ShowPoint(con, offset);
                offset += con.AdvancedWidth;
Пример #20
        static RectRegion BuildUI()
            var fs = new FontSource();

            var tr = new TextRegion()
                Text      = Lorem.Text,
                GridColor = new Color4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f),
                FontSize  = 36,

            var list = new ListRegion <FontInfo>(fs);

            list.SelectionChanged += () =>
                tr.Style.Font = list.Selected;

            return(new HorizontalSplitter
                Left = list,
                Right = tr,
Пример #21
        private static byte[] LoadFdSelect(FontSource p, uint offset, uint glyphCount, uint fdArrayCount)
            var fdSelect = new List <byte>();

            p.Offset = offset;
            var format = p.ReadByte();

            if (format == 0)
                // Simple list of nGlyphs elements
                for (var i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++)
                    var fdIndex = p.ReadByte();
                    if (fdIndex >= fdArrayCount)
                        throw new FontException($"Invalid value: FDIndex={fdIndex}, FDArrayCount={fdArrayCount}");
            else if (format == 3)
                // Ranges
                var nRanges = p.ReadUShort();
                var first   = p.ReadUShort();
                if (first != 0)
                    throw new FontException($"Invalid value: first={first}");
                ushort next = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < nRanges; i++)
                    var fdIndex = p.ReadByte();
                    next = p.ReadUShort();
                    if (fdIndex > fdArrayCount)
                        throw new FontException($"Invalid value: FDIndex={fdIndex}, FDArrayCount={fdArrayCount}");
                    if (next > glyphCount)
                        throw new FontException($"Invalid value: next={next}, glyphCount={glyphCount}");
                    while (first < next)

                    first = next;

                if (next != glyphCount)
                    throw new FontException($"Invalid value: next={next}, glyphCount={glyphCount}");
                throw new FontException($"Unsupported format: {format}");

Пример #22
        protected override void RegisterEventHandler()
            //폰트 변경시 재로드
            FontHelper.FontFamilyListChanged += (object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) =>
                if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
                    foreach (KeyName item in e.NewItems)
                        if (!FontSource.Contains(item))
                else if (e.Action == System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove)
                    foreach (KeyName item in e.OldItems)
                        if (!FontSource.Contains(item))

                    if (e.OldItems.Cast <KeyName>().Any(x => x.Key.ToString() == Settings.ClosedCaption.CCFontFamily))
                        Settings.ClosedCaption.CCFontFamily = FontHelper.FONT_FAMILY_DEFAUT;
                        //폰트가 삭제되어 선택이 사라지는 현상을 제거하기 위해 저장


            SampleImageSizeChangedEventHandler = (sender, args) =>
                if (args.NewSize.Width != 0 && args.NewSize.Height != 0)
                    SampleImageSize = args.NewSize;

            SampleImageOpenedEventHandler = (sender, args) =>
                if (SampleSubtitleData == null)
                    var resource = ResourceLoader.GetForCurrentView();

                    JsonObject obj = new JsonObject()
                        ["Pts"] = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(0),
                        ["StartDisplayTime"] = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(0),
                        ["EndDisplayTime"]   = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(0),
                        ["Format"]           = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(1),
                        ["NumRects"]         = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(1),
                        ["Rects"]            = new JsonArray()
                            new JsonObject()
                                ["Guid"]  = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(""),
                                ["Type"]  = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(3),
                                ["Text"]  = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(""),
                                ["Ass"]   = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(resource.GetString("Sample/Subtitle/Text")),
                                ["Style"] = new JsonObject()
                                    ["Name"]             = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(""),
                                    ["FontSize"]         = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(resource.GetString("Sample/Subtitle/BaseFontSize")),
                                    ["BorderStyle"]      = JsonValue.CreateStringValue("1"),
                                    ["OutlineThickness"] = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(1),
                                    ["ShadowThickness"]  = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(1.5),
                                    ["MarginLeft"]       = JsonValue.CreateStringValue("6"),
                                    ["MarginRight"]      = JsonValue.CreateStringValue("6"),
                                    ["MarginBottom"]     = JsonValue.CreateStringValue("24")

                    SampleSubtitleData = obj;

                var img        = sender as Image;
                var storyboard = img.Resources["FadeInStoryboard"] as Storyboard;

            ImageRefreshTappedEventHandler = (sender, args) =>
                if (!_SampleImageUriEnumerator.MoveNext())

                SampleImageSource = new BitmapImage(_SampleImageUriEnumerator.Current as Uri);

            FontFamilyComboBoxLoadedEventHandler = (sender, args) =>
                _FontFamilyComboBox = sender as ComboBox;
                //폰트 로드
                if (FontSource.Count == 0)
Пример #23
        private CompactFontFormatTable(FontSource source, FontModel font)
            var tableOffset = source.Offset;

            // Header
            // Skip h_major, h_minor, h_hdrSize, h_offSize
            source.Offset += 4;

            // Ignore Name Index

            // Top Dict Index
            var topDictIndex = LoadIndexData(source);

            // String Index
            var stringIndex = LoadIndexData(source);

            var globalSubrIndex = LoadIndexData(source);

            if (globalSubrIndex != null)
                font.GSubrs     = globalSubrIndex;
                font.GSubrsBias = GetSubrBias(font.GSubrs.Length);

            var topDictArray = LoadTopDicts(source, tableOffset, topDictIndex, stringIndex);

            if (topDictArray.Length != 1)
                throw new FontException($"Too Many TopDict: {topDictArray.Length}");

            font.TopDict = topDictArray[0];

            if (font.TopDict.PrivateDict != null)
                font.DefaultWidthX = font.TopDict.PrivateDict.DefaultWidthX;
                font.NormalWidthX  = font.TopDict.PrivateDict.NormalWidthX;

            font.IsCidFont = font.TopDict.ROS.Item1 != null && font.TopDict.ROS.Item2 != null;

            if (font.IsCidFont)
                if (!font.TopDict.FDArrayIndex.HasValue || font.TopDict.FDArrayIndex.Value == 0)
                    throw new FontException("FDArray is missing.");

                if (!font.TopDict.FDSelectIndex.HasValue || font.TopDict.FDSelectIndex.Value == 0)
                    throw new FontException("FDSelect is missing");

                var fdArrayOffset  = tableOffset + font.TopDict.FDArrayIndex.Value;
                var fdSelectOffset = tableOffset + font.TopDict.FDSelectIndex.Value;

                source.Offset = fdArrayOffset;
                var fdArrayIndex = LoadIndexData(source);
                font.TopDict.FDArray =
                    LoadTopDicts(source, tableOffset, fdArrayIndex, stringIndex);
                font.TopDict.FDSelect =
                    LoadFdSelect(source, fdSelectOffset, font.GlyphCount, (uint)font.TopDict.FDArray.Length);

            var privateDictOffset = tableOffset + font.TopDict.Private[1];
            var privateDict       = CffDictParser.LoadPrivateDict(source.Bytes, privateDictOffset, font.TopDict.Private[0]);

            font.DefaultWidthX = privateDict.DefaultWidthX;
            font.NormalWidthX  = privateDict.NormalWidthX;

            if (privateDict.Subrs != 0)
                var subrOffset = privateDictOffset + privateDict.Subrs;
                source.Offset = subrOffset;
                var subrIndex = LoadIndexData(source);
                font.Subrs     = subrIndex;
                font.SubrsBias = GetSubrBias(font.Subrs.Length);
                font.Subrs     = new ByteSegment[0];
                font.SubrsBias = 0;

            source.Offset    = tableOffset + font.TopDict.CharStrings;
            _charStringIndex = LoadIndexData(source);
Пример #24
 public static CompactFontFormatTable Load(uint tableOffset, FontSource p, FontModel font)
     p.Offset = tableOffset;
     return(new CompactFontFormatTable(p, font));
Пример #25
        // How do we support "null" values, should the caller take care of that?
        // The caller is responsible for calling value_free_value on the returned Value
        public static Value FromObject(object v, bool box_value_types)
            Value value = new Value();

            unsafe {
                if (box_value_types && (v is ValueType || v is string))
                    value.boxed_valuetype = GCHandle.Alloc(v);

                if (v is IEasingFunction && !(v is EasingFunctionBase))
                    v = new EasingFunctionWrapper(v as IEasingFunction);

                if (v is INativeEventObjectWrapper)
                    INativeEventObjectWrapper dov = (INativeEventObjectWrapper)v;

                    if (dov.NativeHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
                        throw new Exception(String.Format(
                                                "Object {0} has not set its native property", dov.GetType()));


                    value.Kind = dov.GetKind();
                    value.u.p  = dov.NativeHandle;
                else if (v is DependencyProperty)
                    value.Kind = Kind.DEPENDENCYPROPERTY;
                    value.u.p  = ((DependencyProperty)v).Native;
                else if (v is int || (v.GetType().IsEnum&& Enum.GetUnderlyingType(v.GetType()) == typeof(int)))
                    value.Kind  = Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind(v.GetType());
                    value.u.i32 = (int)v;
                else if (v is byte || (v.GetType().IsEnum&& Enum.GetUnderlyingType(v.GetType()) == typeof(byte)))
                    value.Kind  = Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind(v.GetType());
                    value.u.i32 = (byte)v;
                else if (v is bool)
                    value.Kind  = Kind.BOOL;
                    value.u.i32 = ((bool)v) ? 1 : 0;
                else if (v is double)
                    value.Kind = Kind.DOUBLE;
                    value.u.d  = (double)v;
                else if (v is float)
                    value.Kind = Kind.FLOAT;
                    value.u.f  = (float)v;
                else if (v is long)
                    value.Kind  = Kind.INT64;
                    value.u.i64 = (long)v;
                else if (v is TimeSpan)
                    TimeSpan ts = (TimeSpan)v;
                    value.Kind  = Kind.TIMESPAN;
                    value.u.i64 = ts.Ticks;
                else if (v is ulong)
                    value.Kind   = Kind.UINT64;
                    value.u.ui64 = (ulong)v;
                else if (v is uint)
                    value.Kind   = Kind.UINT32;
                    value.u.ui32 = (uint)v;
                else if (v is char)
                    value.Kind   = Kind.CHAR;
                    value.u.ui32 = (uint)(char)v;
                else if (v is string)
                    value.Kind = Kind.STRING;

                    value.u.p = StringToIntPtr((string)v);
                else if (v is Rect)
                    Rect rect = (Rect)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.RECT;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(Rect));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(rect, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is Size)
                    Size size = (Size)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.SIZE;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(Size));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(size, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is CornerRadius)
                    CornerRadius corner = (CornerRadius)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.CORNERRADIUS;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(CornerRadius));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(corner, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is AudioFormat)
                    AudioFormat f = (AudioFormat)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.AUDIOFORMAT;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedAudioFormat));
                    UnmanagedAudioFormat *format = (UnmanagedAudioFormat *)value.u.p;
                    format->bitsPerSample    = f.BitsPerSample;
                    format->channels         = f.Channels;
                    format->samplesPerSecond = f.SamplesPerSecond;
                    format->waveFormat       = f.WaveFormat;
                else if (v is VideoFormat)
                    VideoFormat f = (VideoFormat)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.VIDEOFORMAT;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedVideoFormat));
                    UnmanagedVideoFormat *format = (UnmanagedVideoFormat *)value.u.p;
                    format->framesPerSecond = f.FramesPerSecond;
                    format->height          = f.PixelHeight;
                    format->width           = f.PixelWidth;
                    format->stride          = f.Stride;
                    format->pixelFormat     = f.PixelFormat;
                else if (v is Point)
                    Point pnt = (Point)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.POINT;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(Point));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(pnt, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is Thickness)
                    Thickness thickness = (Thickness)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.THICKNESS;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(Thickness));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(thickness, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is Color)
                    Color c = (Color)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.COLOR;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedColor));
                    UnmanagedColor *color = (UnmanagedColor *)value.u.p;
                    color->r = c.R / 255.0f;
                    color->g = c.G / 255.0f;
                    color->b = c.B / 255.0f;
                    color->a = c.A / 255.0f;
                else if (v is Matrix)
                    // hack around the fact that managed Matrix is a struct while unmanaged Matrix is a DO
                    // i.e. the unmanaged and managed structure layouts ARE NOT equal
                    return(FromObject(new UnmanagedMatrix((Matrix)v), box_value_types));
                else if (v is StylusPoint)
                    return(FromObject(new UnmanagedStylusPoint((StylusPoint)v), box_value_types));
                else if (v is Matrix3D)
                    // hack around the fact that managed Matrix3D is a struct while unmanaged Matrix3D is a DO
                    // i.e. the unmanaged and managed structure layouts ARE NOT equal
                    return(FromObject(new UnmanagedMatrix3D((Matrix3D)v), box_value_types));
                else if (v is Duration)
                    Duration d = (Duration)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.DURATION;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(Duration));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(d, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is KeyTime)
                    KeyTime k = (KeyTime)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.KEYTIME;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(KeyTime));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(k, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is RepeatBehavior)
                    RepeatBehavior d = (RepeatBehavior)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.REPEATBEHAVIOR;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(RepeatBehavior));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(d, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is FontFamily)
                    FontFamily family = (FontFamily)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.FONTFAMILY;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedFontFamily));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(family, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.

                else if (v is FontSource)
                    FontSource source = (FontSource)v;

                    value.Kind = Kind.FONTSOURCE;

                    if (source.wrapper != null || source.typeface != null)
                        value.u.p = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedFontSource));
                        UnmanagedFontSource *ufs = (UnmanagedFontSource *)value.u.p;
                        ufs->type = source.type;

                        switch (source.type)
                        case FontSourceType.ManagedStream:
                            ManagedStreamCallbacks callbacks = source.wrapper.GetCallbacks();
                            ufs->source.stream = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedStreamCallbacks));
                            Marshal.StructureToPtr(callbacks, ufs->source.stream, false);

                        case FontSourceType.GlyphTypeface:
                            ufs->source.typeface = source.typeface.Native;
                        value.IsNull = true;

                else if (v is PropertyPath)
                    PropertyPath propertypath = (PropertyPath)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.PROPERTYPATH;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedPropertyPath));

                    UnmanagedPropertyPath *upp = (UnmanagedPropertyPath *)value.u.p;
                    upp->property = propertypath.NativeDP;
                    if (upp->property == IntPtr.Zero)
                        upp->pathString         = StringToIntPtr(propertypath.Path);
                        upp->expandedPathString = StringToIntPtr(propertypath.ExpandedPath);
                        upp->pathString         = IntPtr.Zero;
                        upp->expandedPathString = IntPtr.Zero;
                else if (v is Uri)
                    Uri uri = (Uri)v;

                    value.Kind = Kind.URI;
                    value.u.p  = UriHelper.ToNativeUri(uri);
                else if (v is XmlLanguage)
                    XmlLanguage lang = (XmlLanguage)v;

                    value.Kind = Kind.XMLLANGUAGE;
                    value.u.p  = StringToIntPtr(lang.IetfLanguageTag);
                else if (v is Cursor)
                    Cursor c = (Cursor)v;

                    value.Kind  = Kind.CURSORTYPE;
                    value.u.i32 = (int)c.cursor;
                else if (v is GridLength)
                    GridLength gl = (GridLength)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.GRIDLENGTH;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(GridLength));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(gl, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is FontStretch)
                    FontStretch stretch = (FontStretch)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.FONTSTRETCH;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedFontStretch));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(stretch, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is FontStyle)
                    FontStyle style = (FontStyle)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.FONTSTYLE;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedFontStyle));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(style, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is FontWeight)
                    FontWeight weight = (FontWeight)v;
                    value.Kind = Kind.FONTWEIGHT;
                    value.u.p  = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(UnmanagedFontWeight));
                    Marshal.StructureToPtr(weight, value.u.p, false);                      // Unmanaged and managed structure layout is equal.
                else if (v is TextDecorationCollection)
                    value.Kind  = Kind.TEXTDECORATIONS;
                    value.u.i32 = (int)(v as TextDecorationCollection).Kind;
                else if (v is Type)
                    Type t = v as Type;
                    value.Kind = Kind.MANAGEDTYPEINFO;
                    value.u.p  = NativeMethods.managed_type_info_new(Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind(t));
                else if (v is Value)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("You can not create a Mono.Value from a Mono.Value.");
                    //Console.WriteLine ("Do not know how to encode {0} yet, boxing it", v.GetType ());

                    // TODO: We probably need to marshal types that can animate as the
                    // corresponding type (Point, Double, Color, etc).
                    // TODO: We need to store the GCHandle somewhere so that we can free it,
                    // or register a callback on the surface for the unmanaged code to call.
                    GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(v);
                    value.IsGCHandle = true;
                    value.Kind       = Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind(v.GetType());
                    value.u.p        = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle);
Пример #26
        public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime)
            ioctls.maFontGetCount = delegate()
                int count = 0;
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() => count = System.Windows.Media.Fonts.SystemTypefaces.Count);

            ioctls.maFontGetName = delegate(int _index, int _buffer, int _bufferLen)
                if (_index > ioctls.maFontGetCount())
                    String fontName = "";
                    MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                        int count = 0;
                        System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator <Typeface> en = System.Windows.Media.Fonts.SystemTypefaces.GetEnumerator();
                        while (count < _index)
                        System.Windows.Media.Typeface currentTypeFace = en.Current;
                        System.Windows.Media.GlyphTypeface currentGlyph;
                        currentTypeFace.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out currentGlyph);
                        fontName = currentGlyph.FontFileName;
                        fontName = (fontName.Split('.'))[0];

                    if (fontName.Length > _bufferLen)
                    core.GetDataMemory().WriteStringAtAddress(_buffer, fontName, _bufferLen);

            ioctls.maFontLoadWithName = delegate(int _postScriptName, int _size)
                String        fontName      = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_postScriptName);
                Typeface      typeface      = null;
                GlyphTypeface glyphTypeface = null;
                MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() =>
                    int count = Fonts.SystemTypefaces.Count;
                    System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator <Typeface> en = Fonts.SystemTypefaces.GetEnumerator();
                    while (count != 0)
                        typeface = en.Current;
                        if (typeface.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out glyphTypeface))
                            if (glyphTypeface.FontFileName.StartsWith(fontName))

                if (glyphTypeface == null)

                return(mFonts.Count - 1);

            ioctls.maFontLoadDefault = delegate(int _type, int _style, int _size)

                switch (_type)
                case MoSync.Constants.FONT_TYPE_MONOSPACE:

                case MoSync.Constants.FONT_TYPE_SERIF:

                case MoSync.Constants.FONT_TYPE_SANS_SERIF:



            ioctls.maFontSetCurrent = delegate(int _font)
                mCurrentFont       = mFonts[_font];
                mCurrentFontSource = new System.Windows.Documents.FontSource(mCurrentFont);