Пример #1
        public void Execute_Test()
            var serviceMock             = new Mock <IOrganizationService>();
            var factoryMock             = new Mock <IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            var tracingServiceMock      = new Mock <ITracingService>();
            var notificationServiceMock = new Mock <IServiceEndpointNotificationService>();
            var pluginContextMock       = new Mock <IPluginExecutionContext>();
            var serviceProviderMock     = new Mock <IServiceProvider>();

            //create a guid that we want our mock CRM organization service Create method to return when called
            Guid idToReturn = Guid.NewGuid();

            //next - create an entity object that will allow us to capture the entity record that is passed to the Create method
            Entity actualEntity = new Entity();

            //setup the CRM service mock
            serviceMock.Setup(t =>
                              t.Create(It.IsAny <Entity>())) //when Create is called with any entity as an invocation parameter
            .Returns(idToReturn)                             //return the idToReturn guid
            .Callback <Entity>(s => actualEntity = s);       //store the Create method invocation parameter for inspection later

            IOrganizationService service = serviceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock servicefactory using the CRM service mock
            factoryMock.Setup(t => t.CreateOrganizationService(It.IsAny <Guid>())).Returns(service);
            var factory = factoryMock.Object;

            //set up a mock tracingservice - will write output to console
            tracingServiceMock.Setup(t => t.Trace(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <object[]>())).Callback <string, object[]>((t1, t2) => Console.WriteLine(t1, t2));
            var tracingService = tracingServiceMock.Object;

            //set up mock notificationservice - not going to do anything with this
            var notificationService = notificationServiceMock.Object;

            //set up mock plugincontext with input/output parameters, etc.
            Entity targetEntity = new Entity("account");

            targetEntity.LogicalName = "account";

            //userid to be used inside the plug-in
            Guid userId = Guid.NewGuid();

            //"generated" account id
            Guid accountId = Guid.NewGuid();

            //get parameter collections ready
            ParameterCollection inputParameters = new ParameterCollection();

            inputParameters.Add("Target", targetEntity);
            ParameterCollection outputParameters = new ParameterCollection();

            outputParameters.Add("id", accountId);

            //finish preparing the plugincontextmock
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.InputParameters).Returns(inputParameters);
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.OutputParameters).Returns(outputParameters);
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.UserId).Returns(userId);
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.PrimaryEntityName).Returns("account");

            var pluginContext = pluginContextMock.Object;

            //set up a serviceprovidermock
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is <Type>(i => i == typeof(IServiceEndpointNotificationService)))).Returns(notificationService);
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is <Type>(i => i == typeof(ITracingService)))).Returns(tracingService);
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is <Type>(i => i == typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory)))).Returns(factory);
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is <Type>(i => i == typeof(IPluginExecutionContext)))).Returns(pluginContext);

            var serviceProvider = serviceProviderMock.Object;

            //instantiate the plugin object and execute it with the testserviceprovider
            FollowupPlugin followupPlugin = new FollowupPlugin();


            //verify the entity created inside the plugin the values we expect
            Assert.AreEqual("Send e-mail to the new customer.", actualEntity["subject"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Follow up with the customer. Check if there are any new issues that need resolution.", actualEntity["description"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToLongDateString(), ((DateTime)actualEntity["scheduledstart"]).ToLongDateString()); //lazy way to get around milliseconds being different
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToLongDateString(), ((DateTime)actualEntity["scheduledend"]).ToLongDateString());   //lazy way to get around milliseconds being different
            Assert.AreEqual("account", actualEntity["category"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(accountId, ((EntityReference)actualEntity["regardingobjectid"]).Id);
Пример #2
        public void Execute_Test()
            var serviceMock = new Mock<IOrganizationService>();
            var factoryMock = new Mock<IOrganizationServiceFactory>();
            var tracingServiceMock = new Mock<ITracingService>();
            var notificationServiceMock = new Mock<IServiceEndpointNotificationService>();
            var pluginContextMock = new Mock<IPluginExecutionContext>();
            var serviceProviderMock = new Mock<IServiceProvider>();

            //create a guid that we want our mock CRM organization service Create method to return when called
            Guid idToReturn = Guid.NewGuid();

            //next - create an entity object that will allow us to capture the entity record that is passed to the Create method
            Entity actualEntity = new Entity();

            //setup the CRM service mock
            serviceMock.Setup(t =>
                t.Create(It.IsAny<Entity>())) //when Create is called with any entity as an invocation parameter
                .Returns(idToReturn) //return the idToReturn guid
                .Callback<Entity>(s => actualEntity = s); //store the Create method invocation parameter for inspection later

            IOrganizationService service = serviceMock.Object;

            //set up a mock servicefactory using the CRM service mock
            factoryMock.Setup(t => t.CreateOrganizationService(It.IsAny<Guid>())).Returns(service);
            var factory = factoryMock.Object;

            //set up a mock tracingservice - will write output to console
            tracingServiceMock.Setup(t => t.Trace(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<object[]>())).Callback<string, object[]>((t1, t2) => Console.WriteLine(t1, t2));
            var tracingService = tracingServiceMock.Object;

            //set up mock notificationservice - not going to do anything with this
            var notificationService = notificationServiceMock.Object;

            //set up mock plugincontext with input/output parameters, etc.
            Entity targetEntity = new Entity("account");
            targetEntity.LogicalName = "account";

            //userid to be used inside the plug-in
            Guid userId = Guid.NewGuid();

            //"generated" account id
            Guid accountId = Guid.NewGuid();

            //get parameter collections ready
            ParameterCollection inputParameters = new ParameterCollection();
            inputParameters.Add("Target", targetEntity);
            ParameterCollection outputParameters = new ParameterCollection();
            outputParameters.Add("id", accountId);

            //finish preparing the plugincontextmock
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.InputParameters).Returns(inputParameters);
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.OutputParameters).Returns(outputParameters);
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.UserId).Returns(userId);
            pluginContextMock.Setup(t => t.PrimaryEntityName).Returns("account");

            var pluginContext = pluginContextMock.Object;

            //set up a serviceprovidermock
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is<Type>(i => i == typeof(IServiceEndpointNotificationService)))).Returns(notificationService);
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is<Type>(i => i == typeof(ITracingService)))).Returns(tracingService);
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is<Type>(i => i == typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory)))).Returns(factory);
            serviceProviderMock.Setup(t => t.GetService(It.Is<Type>(i => i == typeof(IPluginExecutionContext)))).Returns(pluginContext);

            var serviceProvider = serviceProviderMock.Object;

            //instantiate the plugin object and execute it with the testserviceprovider
            FollowupPlugin followupPlugin = new FollowupPlugin();

            //verify the entity created inside the plugin the values we expect
            Assert.AreEqual("Send e-mail to the new customer.", actualEntity["subject"]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Follow up with the customer. Check if there are any new issues that need resolution.", actualEntity["description"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToLongDateString(), ((DateTime)actualEntity["scheduledstart"]).ToLongDateString()); //lazy way to get around milliseconds being different
            Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7).ToLongDateString(), ((DateTime)actualEntity["scheduledend"]).ToLongDateString()); //lazy way to get around milliseconds being different
            Assert.AreEqual("account", actualEntity["category"]);
            Assert.AreEqual(accountId, ((EntityReference)actualEntity["regardingobjectid"]).Id);