protected ParticleSystem InstatiateParticle(ParticleSystem toInstantiate, GameObject point, bool isToParent = false, float destroyTimer = 1f, bool isFollow = false, bool keepRotation = false) { ParticleSystem ret = null; if (toInstantiate != null) { ret = Instantiate(toInstantiate, point.transform.position, point.transform.rotation) as ParticleSystem; if (keepRotation) { ret.transform.rotation = toInstantiate.transform.rotation; } ret.Play(); Destroy(ret.gameObject, destroyTimer); if (isToParent) { ret.transform.SetParent(point.transform); } if (isFollow) { FollowTheLeader follower = ret.GetComponent <FollowTheLeader>(); if (follower == null) { Debug.LogError( + " cannot find FollowTheLeader script did you forget to put it on the particle system?"); } else { if (point == null) { Debug.LogError( + " doesnt have a point to follow, did you forget to send it?"); } else { follower._toFollow = point; } } } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Missing Particle"); } return(ret); }
void Start() { FollowTheLeaderScript = minigame.GetComponent<FollowTheLeader> (); }
void Start() { Instance = this; //changing these to the background sprite to attempt to access their color directly, if it doesn't work, //change it back to "MoveRightHandButton" etc. userButtons [(int)eType.RIGHT] = new PlayerSprite ("MoveRightHandButton"); userButtons [(int)eType.LEFT] = new PlayerSprite ("MoveLeftHandButton"); userButtons [(int)eType.CLAP] = new PlayerSprite ("MoveClapHandButton"); UpdatePlayerTextures(); tutorialHand = GameObject.Find("TutorialHand"); tutorialHand.SetActive(false); Sherlock.Instance.SetBubblePosition (Sherlock.side.DOWN); // Find assocciated minigame minigame = GetComponent<Minigame> (); Sherlock.Instance.HideDialogue(); if(!minigame.isStandalone()) //if the minigame is part of the story, not free play mode { Destroy(tutorialOptions); showTutorial = true; // Show the instructions of the minigame if (minigame != null && minigame.StartConversation () == false) { Debug.Log (minigame.conversationTree.root); } Invoke("continueDialogue", minigame.GetCurrentDialogueDuration()); leftLabelOffset = instructionLabelOffset; rightLabelOffset = instructionLabelOffset; rightLabelOffset.x = -rightLabelOffset.x; SetHandColliders(false); } //noTutorial(); }