public void MSASCMD_S05_TC03_FolderUpdate_Status4()
            // Call method FolderUpdate to rename a non existent folder.
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(this.LastFolderSyncKey, "InvalidServerId", Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderUpdate"), "0");
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4105");

            // If the specified folder is a non existent folder when call FolderUpdate command, server will return status 4.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4105
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is] Item, [the meaning of the status value] 4 [is] The specified folder does not exist.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4106");

            // If the specified folder is a non existent folder when call FolderUpdate command, server will return status 4.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4106
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Item], [the cause of the status value 4 is] Client specified a nonexistent folder in a FolderUpdate command request.");
        public void MSASCMD_S05_TC04_FolderUpdate_Status5()
            // Call method FolderCreate to create a new folder as a child folder of the specified parent folder.
            FolderCreateResponse folderCreateResponse = this.GetFolderCreateResponse(this.LastFolderSyncKey, (byte)FolderType.UserCreatedMail, Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderCreate"), "0");

            TestSuiteBase.RecordCaseRelativeFolders(this.User1Information, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId);

            // Call method FolderUpdate to move the folder to a nonexistent parent folder.
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.SyncKey, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId, Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderUpdate"), "InvalidParentId");
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4108");

            // If calls method FolderUpdate to move the folder to a nonexistent parent folder, server will return status 5.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4108
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is] Item, [the meaning of the status value] 5 [is] The specified parent folder was not found.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4109");

            // If calls method FolderUpdate to move the folder to a nonexistent parent folder, server will return status 5.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4109
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Item], [the cause of the status value 5 is] Client specified a nonexistent folder in a FolderUpdate command request.");
        public void MSASCMD_S05_TC07_FolderUpdate_Moves()
            #region Call method FolderCreate to create a new folder as a child folder of the mailbox Root folder.
            string folderName = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderCreate");
            FolderCreateRequest  folderCreateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderCreateRequest(this.LastFolderSyncKey, (byte)FolderType.UserCreatedMail, folderName, "0");
            FolderCreateResponse folderCreateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderCreate(folderCreateRequest);
            string folderServerId1 = folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId;
            TestSuiteBase.RecordCaseRelativeFolders(this.User1Information, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId);

            #region Call method FolderUpdate to move the new created folder from the mailbox Root folder to SentItems folder on the server.
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.SyncKey, folderServerId1, folderName, ((byte)FolderType.SentItems).ToString());
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);
            Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, int.Parse(folderUpdateResponse.ResponseData.Status), "Server should return status 1 to indicate FolderUpdate command success.");

            #region Call method FolderSync to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            FolderSyncResponse folderSyncResponse = this.FolderSync();
            bool isFolderMoved = false;
            foreach (FolderSyncChangesAdd add in folderSyncResponse.ResponseData.Changes.Add)
                if ((add.ServerId == folderServerId1) && (add.ParentId == ((byte)FolderType.SentItems).ToString()))
                    isFolderMoved = true;

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R139");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R139
                @"[In FolderUpdate] The FolderUpdate command moves a folder from one location to another on the server.");

            // Call method FolderCreate to create another new folder which its name is same with above step as a child folder of the mailbox Root folder.
            folderCreateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderCreateRequest(folderSyncResponse.ResponseData.SyncKey, (byte)FolderType.UserCreatedMail, folderName, "0");
            folderCreateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderCreate(folderCreateRequest);
            TestSuiteBase.RecordCaseRelativeFolders(this.User1Information, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId);

            // Call method FolderUpdate to move the newest created folder in mailbox Root folder from mailbox Root folder to SentItems folder on the server.
            folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.SyncKey, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId, folderName, ((byte)FolderType.SentItems).ToString());
            folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R5438");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R5438
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Item], [the cause of the status value 2 is] A folder with that name already exists [or the specified folder is a special folder, such as the Inbox, Outbox, Contacts, or Drafts folders. Special folders cannot be updated].");
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves a folder from one location to another on the server or renames a folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">A FolderUpdateRequest object that contains the request information.</param>
        /// <returns>FolderUpdate command response</returns>
        public FolderUpdateResponse FolderUpdate(FolderUpdateRequest request)
            FolderUpdateResponse response = this.activeSyncClient.FolderUpdate(request);

            this.VerifyWBXMLCapture(CommandName.FolderUpdate, response);
Пример #5
        public void MSASCMD_S04_TC08_FolderSync_UpdateFolder()
            #region Call method FolderCreate command to create a new folder as a child folder of the specified parent folder.
            string folderName = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderSync");
            FolderCreateResponse folderCreateResponse = this.GetFolderCreateResponse(this.LastFolderSyncKey, (byte)FolderType.UserCreatedMail, folderName, "0");
            Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, int.Parse(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.Status), "The server should return a status code 1 in the FolderCreate command response to indicate success.");
            TestSuiteBase.RecordCaseRelativeFolders(this.User1Information, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId);

            #region Change DeviceID
            string folderSyncKey = folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.SyncKey;

            #region Call method FolderSync to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            FolderSyncResponse foldersyncResponseForNewDeviceID = this.FolderSync();
            string             changeDeviceIDFolderId           = TestSuiteBase.GetCollectionId(foldersyncResponseForNewDeviceID, folderName);
            Site.Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(changeDeviceIDFolderId), "If the new folder created by FolderCreate command, server should return a server ID for the new created folder.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R5020");

            // If client sends the FolderSync request successfully, the server must send a synchronization key to the client in a response.
                (foldersyncResponseForNewDeviceID.ResponseData.SyncKey != null) && (foldersyncResponseForNewDeviceID.ResponseData.SyncKey != folderSyncKey),
                @"[In Synchronizing a Folder Hierarchy] [FolderSync sequence for folder hierarchy synchronization, order 1:] The server responds with [the folder hierarchy and] a new folderhierarchy:SyncKey value.");


            #region Call method FolderUpdate to rename a folder.
            string folderUpdateName = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderUpdate");
            FolderUpdateRequest folderUpdateRequest = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(foldersyncResponseForNewDeviceID.ResponseData.SyncKey, changeDeviceIDFolderId, folderUpdateName, "0");

            #region Restore DeviceID and call FolderSync command.
            this.CMDAdapter.ChangeDeviceID(Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("DeviceID", this.Site));

            // The client calls FolderSync command to synchronize the collection hierarchy with original device id.
            FolderSyncRequest  folderSyncRequest  = Common.CreateFolderSyncRequest(folderSyncKey);
            FolderSyncResponse folderSyncResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderSync(folderSyncRequest);
            bool isUpdated = false;
            foreach (Response.FolderSyncChangesUpdate update in folderSyncResponse.ResponseData.Changes.Update)
                if (update.DisplayName == folderUpdateName)
                    isUpdated = true;

            Site.Assert.IsTrue(isUpdated, "Rename successfully");
        public void MSASCMD_S05_TC01_FolderUpdate_Success()
            #region Call method FolderCreate command to create a new folder as a child folder of the specified parent folder.
            FolderCreateResponse folderCreateResponse = this.GetFolderCreateResponse(this.LastFolderSyncKey, (byte)FolderType.UserCreatedMail, Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderCreate"), "0");
            Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, int.Parse(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.Status), "The server should return a status code 1 in the FolderCreate command response to indicate success.");
            TestSuiteBase.RecordCaseRelativeFolders(this.User1Information, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId);

            #region Call method FolderUpdate to rename a folder.
            string updateFolderName = Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderUpdate");
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.SyncKey, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId, updateFolderName, "0");
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            #region Call method FolderSync to synchronize the collection hierarchy.
            FolderSyncResponse folderSyncResponse = this.FolderSync();
            bool isFolderRenamed = false;
            foreach (FolderSyncChangesAdd add in folderSyncResponse.ResponseData.Changes.Add)
                if ((add.DisplayName == updateFolderName) && (add.ServerId == folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId))
                    isFolderRenamed = true;

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R140");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R140
                @"[In FolderUpdate] The [FolderUpdate] command is also used to rename a folder.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4100");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4100
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <string>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Global], [the cause of the status value 1 is] Server successfully completed command.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_ R5784");

            // IF folder has been updated successfully, the server must send a synchronization key to the client in a response.
                @"[In SyncKey(FolderCreate, FolderDelete, and FolderUpdate)] After a successful [FolderCreate command (section, FolderDelete command (section, or] FolderUpdate command (section, the server MUST send a synchronization key to the client in a response.");
Пример #7
        public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UpdateFolder(FolderUpdateRequest request)
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type");
            var serialized    = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(request);
            var stringContent = new StringContent(serialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
            var result        = await client.PostAsync($"/folder/update", stringContent);

        internal FolderUpdateResponse MoveOrRenameFolder(string syncKey, string folderId, string destParentId, string displayName)
            FolderUpdateRequest folderUpdateRequest = new FolderUpdateRequest
                SyncKey     = syncKey,
                ServerId    = folderId,
                ParentId    = destParentId,
                DisplayName = displayName

        public void MSASCMD_S05_TC02_FolderUpdate_Status2()
            // Call method FolderUpdate to rename the Calendar folder.
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(this.LastFolderSyncKey, this.User1Information.CalendarCollectionId, "Notes", "0");
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4101");

            // When the special folder, such as the Inbox, Outbox, Contacts, or Drafts folders, be updated, server will return status 2.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4101
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is] Item, [the meaning of the status value] 2 [is] A folder with that name already exists or the specified folder is a special folder.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4102");

            // When the special folder, such as the Inbox, Outbox, Contacts, or Drafts folders, be updated, server will return status 2.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4102
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Item], [the cause of the status value 2 is] [A folder with that name already exists or] the specified folder is a special folder, such as the Inbox, Outbox, Contacts, or Drafts folders. Special folders cannot be updated.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4096");

            // When the special folder, such as the Inbox, Outbox, Contacts, or Drafts folders, be updated, server will return status 2.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4096
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] If the command fails, the Status element contains a code that indicates the type of failure.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_ R5786");

            // If the FolderUpdate command is not successful, the server must not return a SyncKey element.
                @"[In SyncKey(FolderCreate, FolderDelete, and FolderUpdate)] If the [FolderCreate command, FolderDelete command, or] FolderUpdate command is not successful, the server MUST NOT return a SyncKey element.");
        public void MSASCMD_S05_TC08_FolderUpdate_Status3()
            Site.Assume.AreNotEqual <string>("12.1", Common.GetConfigurationPropertyValue("ActiveSyncProtocolVersion", this.Site), "The recipient information cache is not supported when the MS-ASProtocolVersion header is set to 12.1. MS-ASProtocolVersion header value is determined using Common PTFConfig property named ActiveSyncProtocolVersion.");

            // Call method FolderUpdate attempting to update a recipient information cache
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(this.LastFolderSyncKey, "RI", Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderUpdate"), User1Information.RecipientInformationCacheCollectionId);
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "MS-ASCMD_R143");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R143
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In FolderUpdate] Attempting to update a recipient information cache using this [FolderUpdate] command results in a Status element (section value of 3.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "MS-ASCMD_R4103");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4103
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is] Item, [the meaning of the status value] 3 [is] The specified folder is the Recipient information folder, which cannot be updated by the client.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "MS-ASCMD_R4104");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4104
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Item], [the cause of the status value 3 is] The client specified the Recipient information folder, which is a special folder. Special folders cannot be updated.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "MS-ASCMD_R141");

            // Since server return status 3, the FolderUpdate command cannot be used to update a recipient information cache.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R141
                @"[In FolderUpdate] The FolderUpdate command cannot be used to update a recipient information cache.");
        public void MSASCMD_S05_TC06_FolderUpdate_Status10()
            #region Call method FolderCreate to create a new folder as a child folder of the specified parent folder.
            FolderCreateResponse folderCreateResponse = this.GetFolderCreateResponse(this.LastFolderSyncKey, (byte)FolderType.UserCreatedMail, Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderCreate"), "0");
            Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, int.Parse(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.Status), "The server should return a status code 1 in the FolderCreate command response to indicate success.");
            TestSuiteBase.RecordCaseRelativeFolders(this.User1Information, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId);

            #region Call method FolderUpdate to rename the created folder without SyncKey element.
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest(null, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId, Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderUpdate"), "0");
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R3102");

            // The server should return a status code 10 in the FolderUpdate command response to indicate the client sent FolderUpdate request contains a semantic error.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R3102
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In FolderUpdate] Including the Status element in a FolderUpdate request results in a Status element value of 10 being returned in the response.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4123");

            // The server should return a status code 10 in the FolderUpdate command response to indicate the client sent FolderUpdate request contains a semantic error.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4123
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Global], [the cause of the status value 10 is] The client sent a FolderUpdate command request that contains a semantic error.");

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4568");

            // The server should return a status code 10 in the FolderUpdate command response to indicate the client sent FolderUpdate request does not contain SyncKey element.
            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4568
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In SyncKey(FolderCreate, FolderDelete, and FolderUpdate)] The server returns a Status element (section value of 10 if the SyncKey element is not included in a FolderUpdate command request.");
Пример #12
        public async Task HandleValidFolderSubmit()
            HttpResponseMessage result = null;

            if (NewFolderModel.FolderId == null || NewFolderModel.FolderId.Value == 0)
                var request = new FolderCreateRequest();
                request.Folder.FolderId = NewFolderModel.FolderId;
                request.Folder.Name     = NewFolderModel.Name;
                request.Folder.Created  = NewFolderModel.Created;
                request.Folder.Modified = NewFolderModel.Modified;
                request.Folder.Deleted  = NewFolderModel.Deleted;
                result = await Client.CreateFolder(request);
                var request = new FolderUpdateRequest();
                request.Folder.FolderId = NewFolderModel.FolderId;
                request.Folder.Name     = NewFolderModel.Name;
                request.Folder.Created  = NewFolderModel.Created;
                request.Folder.Modified = NewFolderModel.Modified;
                request.Folder.Deleted  = NewFolderModel.Deleted;
                result = await Client.UpdateFolder(request);
            if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Success, "Saved successfully");
                DocumentModels = await Client.GetAllDocuments();

                ShowEditFolder   = false;
                ShowEditDocument = false;
                NotificationService.Notify(NotificationSeverity.Error, "Failed", result.ReasonPhrase, 6000);
        public void MSASCMD_S05_TC05_FolderUpdate_Status9()
            #region Call method FolderCreate to create a new folder as a child folder of the specified parent folder.
            FolderCreateResponse folderCreateResponse = this.GetFolderCreateResponse(this.LastFolderSyncKey, (byte)FolderType.UserCreatedMail, Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderCreate"), "0");
            Site.Assert.AreEqual <int>(1, int.Parse(folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.Status), "The server should return a status code 1 in the FolderCreate command response to indicate success.");
            TestSuiteBase.RecordCaseRelativeFolders(this.User1Information, folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId);

            #region Call method FolderUpdate to rename a folder with invalid synchronization key.
            FolderUpdateRequest  folderUpdateRequest  = Common.CreateFolderUpdateRequest("InvalidSyncKey", folderCreateResponse.ResponseData.ServerId, Common.GenerateResourceName(Site, "FolderUpdate"), "0");
            FolderUpdateResponse folderUpdateResponse = this.CMDAdapter.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest);

            // Add the debug information
            Site.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Verify MS-ASCMD_R4120");

            // Verify MS-ASCMD requirement: MS-ASCMD_R4120
            Site.CaptureRequirementIfAreEqual <int>(
                @"[In Status(FolderUpdate)] [When the scope is Global], [the cause of the status value 9 is] The client sent a malformed or mismatched synchronization key, or the synchronization state is corrupted on the server.");
Пример #14
 public bool Update([FromBody] FolderUpdateRequest request)
Пример #15
 FolderUpdateResponse IEasConnection.FolderUpdate(FolderUpdateRequest folderUpdateRequest)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an empty FolderUpdateRequest instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A FolderUpdateRequest instance</returns>
        public static FolderUpdateRequest CreateFolderUpdateRequest()
            FolderUpdateRequest request = new FolderUpdateRequest();
            Request.FolderUpdate requestData = new Request.FolderUpdate();

            request.RequestData = requestData;
            return request;
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an empty FolderUpdateRequest instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="syncKey">The syncKey of this request</param>
 /// <param name="serverId">Specified the updated folder's server id</param>
 /// <param name="displayName">Specified new display name of the folder</param>
 /// <param name="parentId">Specified new parentId of the created folder</param>
 /// <returns>A FolderUpdateRequest instance</returns>
 public static FolderUpdateRequest CreateFolderUpdateRequest(string syncKey, string serverId, string displayName, string parentId)
     FolderUpdateRequest request = new FolderUpdateRequest();
     Request.FolderUpdate requestData = new Request.FolderUpdate
         DisplayName = displayName,
         SyncKey = syncKey,
         ParentId = parentId,
         ServerId = serverId
     request.RequestData = requestData;
     return request;
Пример #18
 private FolderUpdateResponse FolderUpdate(FolderUpdateRequest folderUpdateRequest)
     return(EasConnectionWrapper.WrapException <FolderUpdateResponse>(() => this.wrappedObject.FolderUpdate(folderUpdateRequest), (ConnectionsTransientException e) => new EasFolderUpdateFailedTransientException(e.Message, e), (ConnectionsPermanentException e) => new EasFolderUpdateFailedPermanentException(e.Message, e)));
Пример #19
 public bool UpdateFolder(FolderUpdateRequest request)
Пример #20
        FolderUpdateResponse IEasConnection.FolderUpdate(FolderUpdateRequest folderUpdateRequest)
            FolderUpdateCommand folderUpdateCommand = new FolderUpdateCommand(this.EasConnectionSettings);
