IEnumerator IOpenChest() { OpenChest(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3)); CloseChest(); focusController.DeFocus(); }
void PickUpCurrency() { // Add to balance Debug.Log("DEBUG - CURRENCY: Added " + + " to your balance"); characterStats.Balance += currency.CurrencyValue; // Delete from game world Debug.Log("DEBUG - CURRENCY: Deleting " +; Destroy(gameObject); // Stop Focusing the deleted currency focusController.DeFocus(); }
void PickUpItem() { // Add item to inventory Debug.Log("DEBUG - ITEM: Added " + + " to inventory"); bool successfulPickup = Inventory.InventoryInstance.AddToInventory(itemBlueprint); // Delete item from game world if (successfulPickup == true) { Destroy(gameObject); } // Stop Focusing the deleted item focusController.DeFocus(); }
void AttackEnemy() { if (health <= playerManager.player.GetComponent <AllCharacterStats>().Damage) { // drop loot for (int i = 0; i < enemy.loot.Count; i++) { if (enemy.loot[i].item != null) { float chance = Random.Range(0.1f, 99.9f); if (chance < enemy.loot[i].dropChance) { Debug.Log("DEBUG - Ai: Dropping loot " + enemy.loot[i].item.ItemName); GameObject loot = Instantiate(enemy.loot[i].item.itemPrefab, focusController.focus.interactionPoint.position, focusController.focus.interactionPoint.rotation); = enemy.loot[i].item.ItemName; } else { Debug.Log("DEBUG - Ai: Lost chance of dropping " + enemy.loot[i].item.ItemName + " - " + chance.ToString()); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("WARNING - Ai: Drop item with index " + i + " is not assigned!"); } } // drop currency for (int i = 0; i < enemy.currency.Count; i++) { if (enemy.currency[i].currency != null) { float chance = Random.Range(0.1f, 99.9f); if (chance < enemy.currency[i].dropChance) { Debug.Log("DEBUG - Ai: Dropping currency " + enemy.currency[i].currency.CurrencyName); GameObject currency = Instantiate(enemy.currency[i].currency.currencyPrefab, focusController.focus.interactionPoint.position, focusController.focus.interactionPoint.rotation); = enemy.currency[i].currency.CurrencyName; } else { Debug.Log("DEBUG - Ai: Lost chance of dropping " + enemy.currency[i].currency.CurrencyName + " - " + chance.ToString()); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("WARNING - Ai: Drop currency with index " + i + " is not assigned!"); } } focusController.DeFocus(); // kill enemy KillEnemy(); } else { float playerEnemyDistance = Vector3.Distance(playerManager.player.transform.position, this.transform.position); if (playerEnemyDistance <= enemy.enemyAttackRadius) { // attacking the enemy Debug.Log("DEBUG - Ai: Player dealed " + characterStats.Damage + " to " + enemy.prefabName); health -= characterStats.Damage; } // defocusing enemy focusController.DeFocus(); } }