Пример #1
 protected override void OnResetPlugin()
     fluidB = null;
     fluidC = null;
     fluidD = null;
     distanceMultiplier = 0.5f;
Пример #2
 public override void OnFluidEnter(Fluid fluid)
     if (dolphin.currentFluid == null || fluid.nutrients > dolphin.currentFluid.nutrients)
         dolphin.currentFluid = fluid;
Пример #3
 public virtual void OnFluidEnter(Fluid fluid)
     if (entity.currentFluid == null || fluid.nutrients > entity.currentFluid.nutrients)
         entity.currentFluid = fluid;
Пример #4
 public override void OnFluidEnter(Fluid fluid)
     if (fish.currentFluid == null || fluid.nutrients > fish.currentFluid.nutrients)
         fish.currentFluid = fluid;
Пример #5
 public override void OnFluidEnter(Fluid fluid)
     if (mekka.currentFluid == null || fluid.nutrients > mekka.currentFluid.nutrients)
         mekka.currentFluid = fluid;
Пример #6
 public void InitVolume()
     Component<Collider>().isTrigger = true;
     Component<Renderer>().material = Fluid.material;
     Component<Renderer>().material.color = new Color(10/255f, 79/255f, 163/255f, 220/225f);
     fluid = Component<Fluid>(true);
     fluid.entity = this;
     renderer.enabled = false;
Пример #7
 public void InitFluid()
     Component<Collider>().isTrigger = true;
     Component<Renderer>().material = Fluid.material;
     fluid = Component<Fluid>(true);
     fluid.entity = this;
     fluid.nutrients = Random.Range(10f, 100f);
Пример #8
 public override void OnFluidExit(Fluid fluid)
     if (fish.target == null)
         if (fluid == fish.currentFluid)
             fish.currentFluid = null;
             fish.target = fluid.entity;
             fish.targetVelocity = fish.maxSpeed * fish.Orientation();
             Debug.Log("Fish returning to fluid: " + fluid.entity);
        private Color MapFluidToColor(Fluid fluid)
            Color color;
            if (fluid == Fluid.OIL)
                color = Color.Green;
            else if (fluid == Fluid.WATER)
                color = Color.Blue;
            else if (fluid == Fluid.GAS)
                color = Color.Red;
                color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 127, 0);

            return color;
Пример #10
    private void Update()
        if (IsDying)
            Audio.volume = 0;
            Transition  += Time.deltaTime / Desc.DeathDuration;

            if (Transition >= 1)
                Transition = 1;
                IsDying    = false;

            transform.position = Fluid.Lerp(TransitionOrigin, TransitionOrigin - Vector3.up * 1.5f, Transition, AnimationMode.easeIn);
        else if (IsStaying)
            Audio.volume = 0;
            Transition  += Time.deltaTime / Desc.AttackDuration;

            if (Transition >= 1)
                IsStaying        = false;
                IsReturning      = true;
                Transition       = 0;
                TransitionOrigin = transform.position;

            transform.position = Fluid.Lerp(TransitionOrigin, TransitionOrigin + Vector3.up * 0.5f, Transition, AnimationMode.easeOut);
            if (IsTurning)
                Audio.volume = Mathf.Clamp01(Audio.volume - Time.deltaTime * 3);

                TurnTransition += Time.deltaTime / Desc.TurnDuration;

                if (TurnTransition >= 1)
                    TurnTransition = 1;
                    IsTurning      = false;

                transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(transform.eulerAngles.x, Fluid.LerpAngle(TurnOrigin, TurnTarget, TurnTransition, AnimationMode.easeInOut), transform.eulerAngles.z);
            else if (IsMoving)
                Audio.volume = 1;
                var segment = Cell.SegmentLength(Path, PathIndex);

                if (IsAttacking && PathIndex + segment >= Path.Length)

                Transition += Time.deltaTime / (segment * Desc.ShiftDuration);

                while (Transition >= 1 && PathIndex + segment - 1 < Path.Length)
                    if (Cell != null)
                        Cell.Character = null;

                    Cell           = Path[PathIndex + segment - 1];
                    Cell.Character = this;

                    Transition      -= 1;
                    TransitionOrigin = transform.position;
                    PathIndex       += segment;

                    if (PathIndex < Path.Length)

                    segment = 1;

                if (PathIndex + segment - 1 < Path.Length)
                    transform.position = Fluid.Lerp(TransitionOrigin, Path[PathIndex + segment - 1].transform.position, Transition, AnimationMode.easeInOut);

                if (IsAttacking)
                    if (PathIndex + 1 >= Path.Length)
                        TransitionOrigin = transform.position;
                        Transition       = 0;
                        IsMoving         = false;
                        prepareToMoveTo(Path[Path.Length - 1]);
                    if (PathIndex >= Path.Length)
                        Transition = 0;
                        IsMoving   = false;
            else if (IsAttacking)
                Audio.volume = 0;

                if (Desc.Projectile != null && !HasFired)
                    HasFired = true;

                    var instance = GameObject.Instantiate(Desc.Projectile.gameObject);
                    instance.transform.position = Origin.position;

                    var projectile = instance.GetComponent <Projectile>();
                    projectile.Origin = instance.transform.position;
                    projectile.Enemy  = Path[Path.Length - 1].Character;
                    projectile.Target = projectile.Enemy.transform.position;
                    projectile.Damage = IsRivalsWith(projectile.Enemy) ? 4 : 2;

                else if (!HasFired)
                    HasFired = true;

                Transition += Time.deltaTime / Desc.AttackDuration;

                if (Transition >= 1)
                    if (Desc.Projectile == null)
                        var enemy = Path[Path.Length - 1].Character;

                        if (enemy != null)
                            enemy.Lives -= IsRivalsWith(enemy) ? 4 : 2;

                            if (enemy.Lives <= 0)

                    IsAttacking      = false;
                    IsReturning      = true;
                    Transition       = 0;
                    TransitionOrigin = transform.position;

                var target = Path[Path.Length - 1];

                if (target.X > Cell.X + 1)
                    target = Manager.Grid.Cells[Cell.X + 1, Cell.Y];
                if (target.X < Cell.X - 1)
                    target = Manager.Grid.Cells[Cell.X - 1, Cell.Y];
                if (target.Y > Cell.Y + 1)
                    target = Manager.Grid.Cells[Cell.X, Cell.Y + 1];
                if (target.Y < Cell.Y - 1)
                    target = Manager.Grid.Cells[Cell.X, Cell.Y - 1];

                var targetPosition = target.transform.position;

                if (Desc.Projectile != null)
                    targetPosition = TransitionOrigin - (target.transform.position - TransitionOrigin);

                transform.position = Fluid.Lerp(TransitionOrigin, targetPosition, Transition, AnimationMode.easeIn);
            else if (IsReturning)
                Audio.volume = 0;
                Transition  += Time.deltaTime / Desc.ReturnDuration;

                if (Transition >= 1)
                    IsReturning = false;

                transform.position = Fluid.Lerp(TransitionOrigin, Cell.transform.position, Transition, AnimationMode.easeOut);
                Audio.volume = 0;
Пример #11
    void Update()
        if (!started)
            oldTime = Time.time;
            threadStopped = false;

            wind = new Fluid(width, height, cellSize, force, diffusion, viscosity);
            thread = new Thread(step);

            started = true;
Пример #12
 public override void OnFluidEnter(Fluid fluid)
Пример #13
 public override void Float(Fluid fluid)
     rigidBody.useGravity = true;
     rigidBody.drag = fluid.fluidDrag;
        protected virtual List <MultiTiledObject> FluidGraphSearchInputTanksThatCanAcceptThisFluid(Fluid L)
            List <MultiTiledObject>    fluidSources       = new List <MultiTiledObject>();
            List <MultiTiledComponent> searchedComponents = new List <MultiTiledComponent>();
            List <MultiTiledComponent> entitiesToSearch   = new List <MultiTiledComponent>();

            while (entitiesToSearch.Count > 0)
                MultiTiledComponent searchComponent = entitiesToSearch[0];
                if (searchedComponents.Contains(searchComponent))

                    if (searchComponent.containerObject.info.fluidManager.canRecieveThisFluid(L))
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for output tanks that have the corresponding fluid and tries to drain from them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="FluidSources"></param>
        public void pullFluidFromNetworkOutputs(List <MultiTiledObject> FluidSources, Fluid L)
            List <MultiTiledObject> energySources = FluidSources;

            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < energySources.Count; i++)
                FluidManagerV2 other = energySources[i].GetFluidManager();
                if (this.GetFluidManager().canRecieveThisFluid(L) == false)
                    break;                                                         //Since we already check for valid tanks this will basically check again to see if the tanks are full.
Пример #16
 public Windmill(CustomObjectData PyTKData, BasicItemInformation info, Vector2 TileLocation, Vector2 offsetKey, List <ResourceInformation> ProducedResources = null, int EnergyRequiredPer10Minutes = 0, int TimeToProduce = 0, bool UpdatesContainer = false, string CraftingBook = "", MultiTiledObject obj = null, Fluid FluidRequiredForOperation = null, int FluidAmountRequiredPerOperation = 0) : base(PyTKData, info, TileLocation)
     this.offsetKey                           = offsetKey;
     this.containerObject                     = obj;
     this.producedResources                   = ProducedResources ?? new List <ResourceInformation>();
     this.energyRequiredPer10Minutes          = EnergyRequiredPer10Minutes;
     this.timeToProduce                       = TimeToProduce;
     this.updatesContainerObjectForProduction = UpdatesContainer;
     this.MinutesUntilReady                   = TimeToProduce;
     this.craftingRecipeBook                  = CraftingBook;
     this.requiredFluidForOperation         = FluidRequiredForOperation;
     this.amountOfFluidRequiredForOperation = FluidAmountRequiredPerOperation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches a network of fluid managers to see if any of these fluid managers have an output tank with the corresponding fluid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual List <MultiTiledObject> FluidGraphSearchForFluidFromOutputTanks(Fluid L)
            List <MultiTiledObject>     fluidSources       = new List <MultiTiledObject>();
            HashSet <Guid>              searchedComponents = new HashSet <Guid>();
            Queue <MultiTiledComponent> entitiesToSearch   = new Queue <MultiTiledComponent>();
            HashSet <Guid>              searchedObjects    = new HashSet <Guid>();

            foreach (MultiTiledComponent tile in this.GetNeighboringFluidManagers())
            while (entitiesToSearch.Count > 0)
                MultiTiledComponent searchComponent = entitiesToSearch.Dequeue();
                if (searchedComponents.Contains(searchComponent.guid))

                 * else if (searchedObjects.Contains(searchComponent.containerObject))
                 * {
                 *  continue;
                 * }

                    List <MultiTiledComponent> neighbors = searchComponent.GetNeighboringFluidManagers();

                    foreach (MultiTiledComponent tile in neighbors)
                        if (searchedObjects.Contains(tile.containerObject.guid) || searchedComponents.Contains(tile.guid))

                    if (searchComponent.containerObject.info.fluidManager.doesThisOutputTankContainThisFluid(L))
                        //ModCore.log("Found a tank that contains this fluid!");
Пример #18
        private ObservableCollection <Product> BaseTestProducts()
            ObservableCollection <Product> result = new ObservableCollection <Product>();

            #region Products creation
            Product product1 = new Cold();
            product1.Id    = 1;
            product1.Name  = "product 1";
            product1.Price = new Decimal(10);

            Product product2 = new Consistant();
            product2.Id    = 2;
            product2.Name  = "product 2";
            product2.Price = new Decimal(20);

            Product product3 = new Fluid();
            product3.Id    = 3;
            product3.Name  = "product 3";
            product3.Price = new Decimal(30);

            Product product4 = new Hot();
            product4.Id    = 4;
            product4.Name  = "product 4";
            product4.Price = new Decimal(40);

            Product product5 = new Usefull();
            product5.Id    = 5;
            product5.Name  = "product 5";
            product5.Price = new Decimal(50);

            Product product6 = new Useless();
            product6.Id    = 6;
            product6.Name  = "product 6";
            product6.Price = new Decimal(60);

            Product product7 = new Usable();
            product7.Id    = 7;
            product7.Name  = "product 7";
            product7.Price = new Decimal(70);

            Product product8 = new Cold();
            product8.Id    = 8;
            product8.Name  = "product 8";
            product8.Price = new Decimal(80);

            Product product9 = new Cold();
            product9.Id    = 9;
            product9.Name  = "product 9";
            product9.Price = new Decimal(90);

            Product product10 = new Cold();
            product10.Id    = 10;
            product10.Name  = "product 10";
            product10.Price = new Decimal(100);

Пример #19
 public Compressor(FluidList fluidType)
     //Setting the inlet and outlet to the selected fluid type
     Inlet  = new Fluid(fluidType);
     Outlet = new Fluid(fluidType);
Пример #20
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            PhysxPhysicWorld PhysxPhysicWorld = World.PhysicWorld as PhysxPhysicWorld;

            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            const int maximumParticles = 3000;

            ///There are 2 math apis (XNA AND PHYSX)
            ///Sometimes we need to convert between then
            ///Use the extension methods AsPhysx() in XNA API and AsXNA in Physx APi

            var fluidEmitterDesc = new FluidEmitterDescription()
                DimensionX   = 1.5f,
                DimensionY   = 1.5f,
                Rate         = 65,
                RelativePose =
                    Phyx.Matrix.RotationAxis(new Phyx.Vector3(0, 1, 0), (float)Math.PI) *
                    Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 10, -50),
                Shape       = EmitterShape.Rectangular,
                Type        = EmitterType.ConstantFlowRate,
                RandomAngle = 0.5f,

            fluidEmitterDesc.Flags |= (FluidEmitterFlag.Enabled | FluidEmitterFlag.Visualization);

            var fluidDesc = new FluidDescription()
                Emitters         = { fluidEmitterDesc },
                Flags            = FluidFlag.Enabled | FluidFlag.Visualization,
                MaximumParticles = maximumParticles,

            fluidDesc.ParticleWriteData.AllocatePositionBuffer <Vector3>(maximumParticles);
            fluidDesc.ParticleWriteData.NumberOfParticles = maximumParticles;

            ///create and add the fluid to the world
            fluid = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateFluid(fluidDesc);

            ///Use Billboards to render the fuild particles (dummy way)
            Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures/Smoke");

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumParticles; i++)
                Billboard3D Billboard3D = new Billboard3D(tex, Vector3.Zero, new Vector2(0.001f));
                Billboard3D.Enabled = false;

            // Ledge
                var         boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                SimpleModel SimpleModel  = new PloobsEngine.Modelo.SimpleModel(factory, "Model/block");
                SimpleModel.SetTexture(factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1, 1, Color.Red), TextureType.DIFFUSE);
                PhysxPhysicObject PhysxPhysicObject = new PloobsEngine.Physics.PhysxPhysicObject(boxShapeDesc,
                                                                                                 (Phyx.Matrix.RotationX(-0.5f) * Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 5, -52)).AsXNA(), new Vector3(5, 0.1f, 5));
                ForwardXNABasicShader shader    = new ForwardXNABasicShader(ForwardXNABasicShaderDescription.Default());
                ForwardMaterial       fmaterial = new ForwardMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, SimpleModel, PhysxPhysicObject);

            // Drain
                var boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                boxShapeDesc.Flags |= ShapeFlag.FluidDrain;

                var drainActorDesc = new ActorDescription()
                    GlobalPose = Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, -20, -55),
                    Shapes     = { boxShapeDesc }

                var drianActor = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateActor(drainActorDesc);

            BallThrowPhysx28 BallThrowBullet = new BallThrowPhysx28(this.World, GraphicFactory);

            BallThrowBullet.ballSize = 1f;
            BallThrowBullet.Speed    = 25;

            CameraFirstPerson CameraFirstPerson = new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo);

            CameraFirstPerson.Position     = new Vector3(-35, 8, -52);
            CameraFirstPerson.LeftRightRot = MathHelper.ToRadians(125);
Пример #21
 public void PlaceLiquid(Vector3 position, Fluid fluid, float leftVal, float rightVal, bool doAnimation)
     left  = leftVal;
     right = rightVal;
     PlaceLiquid(position, fluid, doAnimation);
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算下一个节点的数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coolent">冷却剂 对象模型</param>
        /// <param name="income">入口流动节点 上一个节点的数据</param>
        /// <param name="channel">所要计算的通道模型</param>
        /// <param name="Lj">长度m</param>
        /// <param name="power">线功率。W/m</param>
        /// <param name="massVelocity">质量流速(kg/s)</param>
        /// <param name="deltaP">压降Pa *这是个返回值*</param>
        /// <param name="flowDirection">流动方向(-1~1)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal FluidData NodeToNext(
            Fluid coolent, FluidData income, Channel channel, double Lj,
            double power, double massVelocity, Precision Acc, out double deltaP,
            CHF_Formula_Types chf_formula, double flowDirection = 1)

            double De = 4 * channel.FlowArea / channel.WetPerimeter;
            double Hin = coolent.GetH(income.Temperature, income.Pressure);
            double Hout = Hin + power * 0.001 * Lj / income.MassFlowRate;
            double Pin = income.Pressure;
            double Pout = Pin;
            double pos_in = income.Position;
            double pos_out = pos_in + Lj;
            double Tin = income.Temperature;
            double Tout = coolent.GetT(Hout, Pout);
            double density = coolent.GetDensity(Tout, Pout);
            double velocity = massVelocity / channel.FlowArea / density;
            double Kv = coolent.GetKv(Tout, Pout);
            double Re = velocity * De / Kv;
            double Pr = coolent.GetPr(Tout, Pout);
            double K = coolent.GetK(Tout, Pout);
            double Ph = density * G * Lj * flowDirection;
            double Pf = FrictionFactor(Re) * Lj / De * density * velocity * velocity * 0.5;
            double Pa = density * (velocity + income.Velocity) * (velocity - income.Velocity) * 0.5;

            deltaP = (Ph + Pf + Pa);
            Pout = Pin - deltaP * 0.000001;
            double Hf = coolent.GetHf(Pin);
            double Hg = coolent.GetHg(Pin);
            double Xe = (Hout - Hf) / (Hg - Hf);
            double Qc = Q_Critical(Xe, De, velocity * density, Hf, Hout, chf_formula);
            double Ql = power / channel.HotPerimeter;
            double DNBR = Qc / Ql;
            double    h       = h_convect(Re, Pr, K, De, DNBR);
            FluidData outcome = new FluidData
                Enthalphy = Math.Round(Hout, Acc.H),
                Pressure = Math.Round(Pout, Acc.Pressure + 6),
                Temperature = Math.Round(Tout, Acc.T),
                Position = pos_out,
                MassFlowRate = Math.Round(massVelocity, Acc.MassFlowRate),
                Density = Math.Round(density, Acc.Density),
                Velocity = Math.Round(velocity, Acc.Velocity),
                Kv = Math.Round(Kv, Acc.Kv),
                Re = Math.Round(Re, Acc.Re),
                Pr = Math.Round(Pr, Acc.Pr),
                K = Math.Round(K, Acc.K),
                DNBR = Math.Round(DNBR, 3),
                h = Math.Round(h, Acc.h),
                //热平衡含气率 -1~1     ·
                Xe = Math.Round(Xe, 3),

            if (Hout < 0 | density < 0 | Pout < 0 | Pf < 0)
                string MsgHeader = "-----[Fatal error]计算出现错误(出现负值),请查看下面的调试信息-----";
                string MsgBody   = "";
                MsgBody += "入口数据\n";
                foreach (PropertyInfo item in income.GetType().GetProperties())
                    MsgBody += item.Name + ":" + item.GetValue(income, null) + "\n";
                MsgBody += "出口数据\n";
                foreach (PropertyInfo item in outcome.GetType().GetProperties())
                    MsgBody += item.Name + ":" + item.GetValue(outcome, null) + "\n";
                MsgBody += "通道数据\n";
                foreach (PropertyInfo item in channel.GetType().GetProperties())
                    MsgBody += item.Name + ":" + item.GetValue(channel, null) + "\n";
                MsgBody += "压降数据\n";
                MsgBody += "Ph:" + Ph + "\n";
                MsgBody += "Pf:" + Pf + "\n";
                MsgBody += "Pa:" + Pa + "\n";
                //throw new Exception("计算出现错误(出现负值),请查看调试信息");

#if !DEBUG
            if (Hout < 0 | density < 0 | Pout < 0 | Pf < 0)
                string MsgHeader = "-----[Fatal error]计算出现错误(出现负值),请查看下面的调试信息-----";
                string MsgBody   = "";
                MsgBody += "入口数据\n";
                foreach (PropertyInfo item in income.GetType().GetProperties())
                    MsgBody += item.Name + ":" + item.GetValue(income, null) + "\n";
                MsgBody += "出口数据\n";
                foreach (PropertyInfo item in outcome.GetType().GetProperties())
                    MsgBody += item.Name + ":" + item.GetValue(outcome, null) + "\n";
                MsgBody += "通道数据\n";
                foreach (PropertyInfo item in channel.GetType().GetProperties())
                    MsgBody += item.Name + ":" + item.GetValue(channel, null) + "\n";
                MsgBody += "压降数据\n";
                MsgBody += "Ph:" + Ph + "\n";
                MsgBody += "Pf:" + Pf + "\n";
                MsgBody += "Pa:" + Pa + "\n";
Пример #23
        public override void LoadContent()
            // We add to the GameServices objects that we want to be able to use accross different classes
            // without having to pass them explicitly every time.
            GraphicsDevice = GameServices.GetService<GraphicsDevice>();
            Content = GameServices.GetService<ContentManager>();
            graphics = GameServices.GetService<GraphicsDeviceManager>();
            soundManager = GameServices.GetService<SoundManager>();

            ScreenManager.AddScreen(RankScreen, null, false);
            ScreenManager.AddScreen(PauseScreen, null, false);

            world = new World(new Vector2(0, 0));

            this.world.ContactManager.PostSolve += new PostSolveDelegate(PostSolve);

            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);

            // Create a new track
            randomRaceTrack = RandomTrack.createTrack();

            randomRaceTrack.polygonList = polygonsList;

            int[] crucialPoints = { 300, 600, 1000 };
            Logic = new GameLogic(crucialPoints, randomRaceTrack.curvePointsMiddle.Count);

            randomRaceTrack.gameLogic = Logic;
            Logic.DidFinishLap += randomRaceTrack.ResetStickyNotes;

            mySneezesManager.randomTrack = randomRaceTrack;


            screenRenderer = new ScreenRenderer();
            Logic.DidEliminateCar += screenRenderer.setSadToPlayer;
            Logic.DidFinishLap += screenRenderer.setLap;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Car aCar = new Car(world, Content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/small_car"), Color.White, randomRaceTrack, i, playerIndexes[i]);

            assetCreator = new AssetCreator(graphics.GraphicsDevice);

            defaultViewport = GraphicsDevice.Viewport;


            // Single screen mode only
            cameraFollowing = new Camera(defaultViewport, Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(defaultViewport.Width / 2, defaultViewport.Height / 2), 0.0f, Cars.Count, isFullHd);

            //low res:
            //0.95 for 2 players
            //0.93 for 3 players
            //0.91 for 4 players

            //high res:
            //0.95 for 4 players


            mySneezesManager.camera = cameraFollowing;

            //generate starting positions and angles
            int startingPoint = 0;
               // positionCars(startingPoint);

            _debugView = new DebugViewXNA(world);
            _debugView.DefaultShapeColor = Color.White;
            _debugView.SleepingShapeColor = Color.LightGray;
            _debugView.LoadContent(GraphicsDevice, Content);

            basicVert = new VertexPositionColorTexture[maxNumberOfTriangles];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxNumberOfTriangles; i++) basicVert[i].TextureCoordinate = new Vector2(-1);

            verticesBorders = new VertexPositionColorTexture[randomRaceTrack.curvePointsInternal.Count];

            fluid = new Fluid();

            currentPoses = new Vector2[4];
            prevPoses = new Vector2[4];

            currentMousePos = new Vector2(100);
            prevMousePos = new Vector2(0);

            quad = new QuadRenderComponent(ScreenManager.Game, cameraFollowing, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height);

            fluidUpdateThread = new Thread(this.UpdateFluid);

            mySneezesManager.fluid = fluid;

            fluidEffect = Content.Load<Effect>("Shaders/FluidEffect");

            texInk = new Texture2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice,
                fluid.m_w, fluid.m_h, true,
            buffer = new RenderTarget2D(GraphicsDevice, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, true,
                SurfaceFormat.Color, GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.DepthStencilFormat);

            //gaussian = new GaussianBlur(ScreenManager.Game);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算稳态子通道流量场,使用进出口压力迭代,即不考虑横向流动
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coolent">冷却剂</param>
        /// <param name="channels">通道集合</param>
        /// <param name="rods">燃料棒集合</param>
        /// <param name="massFlow">质量流速对象</param>
        /// <param name="Ni">通道数</param>
        /// <param name="Nj">轴向分段数</param>
        /// <param name="totalArea">总流通面积</param>
        /// <param name="options">计算选项</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <ChannelFlow> Caculate_Channels_Steady_IOIteration(
            Fluid coolent,
            List <Channel> channels,
            List <Rod> rods,
            MassFlow massFlow,
            int Ni, int Nj,
            double totalArea,
            Options options)

            List <ChannelFlow> channelsFlow = new List <ChannelFlow>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                ChannelFlow channelFlow = new ChannelFlow
                    //流动计算结果 编号与输入的子通道编号相对应
                    ChannelIndex = channels[i].Index,
                    FluidDatas   = new List <FluidData>()
                for (int j = 0; j < Nj + 1; j++)
                    channelFlow.FluidDatas.Add(new FluidData());
            Iteration iteration = options.Iteration;
            PowerFactor powerFactor = options.PowerFactor;
            Precision acc = options.Precision;
            CHF_Formula_Types chf_formula = options.DNBR_Formula;
            double flow_direction = massFlow.Flow_Direction;

            double[] DeltaP = new double[Ni];
            double[] m = new double[Ni];
            Matrix <double> P_Local = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj + 1, Ni, 0);

            double Sigma = 0;
            int iteration_times = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                    DeltaP[i] = 0;
                    FluidData InitNode = SetInitNode(coolent, totalArea, channels[i], massFlow, acc);
                    channelsFlow[i].FluidDatas[0] = InitNode;
                    P_Local[0, i] = InitNode.Pressure;
                    if (iteration_times <= 1)
                        m[i] = InitNode.MassFlowRate;
                    for (int j = 1; j < Nj + 1; j++)
                        double Lj = rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j - 1].To - rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j - 1].From;
                        FluidData pre = channelsFlow[i].FluidDatas[j - 1];
                        double SubPowerJ = 0;
                        foreach (Rod rod in rods)
                            foreach (var ContactedChannel in rod.ContactedChannel)
                                if (ContactedChannel.Index == channels[i].Index)
                                    SubPowerJ += rod.SubPowerCollection[j - 1].Value * ContactedChannel.Angle / 360;
                        SubPowerJ = SubPowerJ * powerFactor.Multiplier;
                        FluidData next = NodeToNext(
                            out double DeltaPij,
                        channelsFlow[i].FluidDatas[j] = next;
                        P_Local[j, i] = next.Pressure;
                        DeltaP[i] += DeltaPij;
                Sigma = 0;
                double AvgPressure = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                    Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("通道{0}压降:{1}", i, DeltaP[i]));
                    AvgPressure += DeltaP[i];
                AvgPressure = AvgPressure / Ni;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                    Sigma += Math.Abs(DeltaP[i] - AvgPressure);
                double TotalM = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                    double Factor = Math.Sqrt(AvgPressure / DeltaP[i]);
                    m[i] = Factor * m[i]; // 所有偏差之和
                    TotalM += m[i];
                double k = massFlow.MassVelocity / TotalM;
                for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                    m[i] = k * m[i];
                    Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("通道{0}质量流速:{1}", i, m[i]));
                Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("Sigma->{0}", Sigma));
                iteration_times += 1;
                Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("压力迭代次数:{0}", iteration_times));
                if (iteration_times > iteration.MaxIteration)
                    Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("超过最大迭代次数限制,最大迭代次数限制{0}", iteration.MaxIteration));
            }while (Sigma > iteration.Sigma);

            // MyIOManager.OutputData.SteadyResult.ChannelsFlow = ChannelsFlow;
            Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(P_Local.ToMatrixString(Nj + 1, Ni));

            var MassFlowRate = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj + 1, Ni, (Mi, Mj) => m[Mj]);

            Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(MassFlowRate.ToMatrixString(Nj + 1, Ni));

Пример #25
        public Plot_LogPH(LiveCharts.WinForms.CartesianChart myChart, FluidList refType)
            MyChart = myChart;
            RefType = refType;
            Fluid Dome = new Fluid(RefType);

            //Finding the zoom on the X-axis
            Dome.UpdatePX(Dome.LimitPressureMin, 0);
            SpecificEnergy GraphHMin = Dome.Enthalpy * 0.5;

            Dome.UpdatePX(Dome.LimitPressureMin, 1);
            SpecificEnergy GraphHMax = Dome.Enthalpy * 1.4;

            //Rounds to nearest 50
            GraphHMin = SpecificEnergy.FromJoulesPerKilogram(Math.Round(GraphHMin.JoulesPerKilogram / 50) * 50);

            //Creating Y Axis
            MyChart.AxisY.Add(new LogarithmicAxis
                LabelFormatter = value => (Math.Pow(10, value)).ToString("N0"),
                Base           = 10,  //Note that Max and min values are based on the 'Base = 10'!
                MaxValue       = 2.5, //2.5,
                MinValue       = 0,   //1
                Title          = "Pressure - [" + string.Format(new CultureInfo("en-US"), "{0:a}", Dome.Pressure.ToUnit(PressureUnit.Bar)) + "]",

                Separator = new Separator
                    Stroke          = Brushes.LightGray,
                    Step            = Math.Log10(10) / 2,
                    StrokeThickness = 1,

            //Creating X Axis
            MyChart.AxisX.Add(new Axis
                LabelFormatter = value => value.ToString("N0"),
                MaxValue       = GraphHMax.As(SpecificEnergyUnit.KilojoulePerKilogram),
                MinValue       = GraphHMin.As(SpecificEnergyUnit.KilojoulePerKilogram),
                Title          = "Enthalpy - [" + string.Format(new CultureInfo("en-US"), "{0:a}", GraphHMax.ToUnit(SpecificEnergyUnit.KilojoulePerKilogram)) + "]",
                Separator      = new Separator
                    Stroke          = Brushes.LightGray,
                    Step            = 100,
                    StrokeThickness = 0.3,

            MyChart.DataTooltip       = null;
            MyChart.DisableAnimations = true;
            MyChart.Background        = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(250, 250, 250));
            MyChart.Hoverable         = false;
Пример #26
 public override void OnFluidExit(Fluid fluid)
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a terrain patch from an array of bytes; returns null if the data is invalid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The array of bytes to generate the patch from.</param>
        /// <returns>See summary.</returns>
        public static TerrainPatch FromByteArray(byte[] data)
            if (data == null)
                return null;
                ReadOnlyCollection<Season> seasons = SeasonExtensions.GetSeasons();

                BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data));

                    // Read the patch ID
                    int x = reader.ReadInt32();
                    int y = reader.ReadInt32();
                    int z = reader.ReadInt32();

                    // Create a patch object
                    TerrainPatch patch = new TerrainPatch(new Point3D(x, y, z));

                    // Read the array of heights
                    for (int i = 0; i < patch.vertexHeightsArray.Length; i++)
                        patch.vertexHeightsArray[i] = reader.ReadSingle();

                    // Read terrain types for all seasons
                    for (int j = 0; j < seasons.Count; j++)
                        // Read the array of textures
                        for (int i = 0; i < patch.vertexTexturesArray[j].Length; i++)
                            patch.vertexTexturesArray[(int)seasons[j]][i] = (TerrainType)reader.ReadInt16();

                    // Read the number of fluids
                    short countFluids = reader.ReadInt16();

                    // Read all the fluids
                    for (int i = 0; i < countFluids; i++)
                        // Create a new fluid object to store on the patch
                        Fluid fluid = new Fluid(patch.PatchId);

                        // Read fluid properties for all seasons
                        for (int j = 0; j < seasons.Count; j++)
                            // Read the vertices
                            Vector3 southWest = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
                            Vector3 southEast = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
                            Vector3 northWest = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());
                            Vector3 northEast = new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());

                            // Read the fluid type
                            short fluidType = reader.ReadInt16();

                            // Read the fluid flow direction
                            short flowDirection = reader.ReadInt16();

                            // Read the fluid flow speed
                            float flowSpeed = reader.ReadSingle();

                            // Copy the read variables into the properties of the fluid object
                            fluid.SetPoint(seasons[j], FluidVertex.Southwest, southWest);
                            fluid.SetPoint(seasons[j], FluidVertex.Southeast, southEast);
                            fluid.SetPoint(seasons[j], FluidVertex.Northwest, northWest);
                            fluid.SetPoint(seasons[j], FluidVertex.Northeast, northEast);
                            fluid.SetFluidType(seasons[j], (FluidType)fluidType);
                            fluid.SetFlowDirection(seasons[j], (FluidFlowDirection)flowDirection);
                            fluid.SetFlowSpeed(seasons[j], flowSpeed);

                        // Add the fluid to the patch

                    return patch;
                catch (EndOfStreamException)
                    return null;
                catch (IOException)
                    return null;
Пример #28
 public SteamEngine(BasicItemInformation info, Vector2 TileLocation, List <ResourceInformation> ProducedResources = null, int EnergyRequiredPer10Minutes = 0, int TimeToProduce = 0, string CraftingBook = "", Fluid FluidRequiredForOperation = null, int FluidAmountRequiredPerOperation = 0) : base(info, TileLocation)
     this.producedResources          = ProducedResources ?? new List <ResourceInformation>();
     this.energyRequiredPer10Minutes = EnergyRequiredPer10Minutes;
     this.timeToProduce      = TimeToProduce;
     this.MinutesUntilReady  = TimeToProduce;
     this.craftingRecipeBook = CraftingBook;
     this.requiredFluidForOperation         = FluidRequiredForOperation;
     this.amountOfFluidRequiredForOperation = FluidAmountRequiredPerOperation;
Пример #29
 public override void OnFluidStay(Fluid fluid)
Пример #30
 public virtual void OnFluidStay(Fluid fluid)
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory ,IContentManager contentManager)
            PhysxPhysicWorld PhysxPhysicWorld = World.PhysicWorld as PhysxPhysicWorld;
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            const int maximumParticles = 3000;

            ///There are 2 math apis (XNA AND PHYSX)
            ///Sometimes we need to convert between then
            ///Use the extension methods AsPhysx() in XNA API and AsXNA in Physx APi

            var fluidEmitterDesc = new FluidEmitterDescription()
                DimensionX = 1.5f,
                DimensionY = 1.5f,
                Rate = 65,
                RelativePose =
                    Phyx.Matrix.RotationAxis(new Phyx.Vector3(0, 1, 0), (float)Math.PI) *
                    Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 10, -50),
                Shape = EmitterShape.Rectangular,
                Type = EmitterType.ConstantFlowRate,
                RandomAngle = 0.5f,

            fluidEmitterDesc.Flags |= (FluidEmitterFlag.Enabled | FluidEmitterFlag.Visualization);

            var fluidDesc = new FluidDescription()
                Emitters = { fluidEmitterDesc },
                Flags = FluidFlag.Enabled | FluidFlag.Visualization,
                MaximumParticles = maximumParticles,
            fluidDesc.ParticleWriteData.NumberOfParticles = maximumParticles;            

            ///create and add the fluid to the world
            fluid = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateFluid(fluidDesc);

            ///Use Billboards to render the fuild particles (dummy way)
            Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures/Smoke");
            for (int i = 0; i < maximumParticles; i++)
                Billboard3D Billboard3D = new Billboard3D(tex,Vector3.Zero,new Vector2(0.001f));
                Billboard3D.Enabled = false;

            // Ledge
                var boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                SimpleModel SimpleModel = new PloobsEngine.Modelo.SimpleModel(factory, "Model/block");
                SimpleModel.SetTexture(factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1, 1, Color.Red), TextureType.DIFFUSE);
                PhysxPhysicObject PhysxPhysicObject = new PloobsEngine.Physics.PhysxPhysicObject(boxShapeDesc,
                    (Phyx.Matrix.RotationX(-0.5f) * Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 5, -52)).AsXNA(),new Vector3(5,0.1f,5));
                ForwardXNABasicShader shader = new ForwardXNABasicShader(ForwardXNABasicShaderDescription.Default());
                ForwardMaterial fmaterial = new ForwardMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, SimpleModel, PhysxPhysicObject);

            // Drain
                var boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                boxShapeDesc.Flags |= ShapeFlag.FluidDrain;

                var drainActorDesc = new ActorDescription()
                    GlobalPose = Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, -20, -55),
                    Shapes = { boxShapeDesc }

                var drianActor = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateActor(drainActorDesc);

            BallThrowPhysx28 BallThrowBullet = new BallThrowPhysx28(this.World, GraphicFactory);
            BallThrowBullet.ballSize = 1f;
            BallThrowBullet.Speed = 25;

            CameraFirstPerson CameraFirstPerson = new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo);
            CameraFirstPerson.Position = new Vector3(-35, 8, -52);
            CameraFirstPerson.LeftRightRot = MathHelper.ToRadians(125);
Пример #32
 void Awake()
     fluids = Fluid.All();
Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算稳态子通道流量场,使用节点压力迭代,即用压力平衡思想考虑横向流动
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coolent">冷却剂</param>
        /// <param name="channels">通道集合</param>
        /// <param name="rods">燃料棒集合</param>
        /// <param name="massFlow">质量流速对象</param>
        /// <param name="Ni">通道数</param>
        /// <param name="Nj">轴向分段数</param>
        /// <param name="totalArea">总流通面积</param>
        /// <param name="options">计算选项</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <ChannelFlow> Caculate_Channels_Steady_NodeIteration(
            Fluid coolent,
            List <Channel> channels,
            List <Rod> rods,
            MassFlow massFlow,
            int Ni, int Nj,
            double totalArea,
            Options options)
            List <ChannelFlow> channelsFlow = new List <ChannelFlow>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                ChannelFlow channelFlow = new ChannelFlow
                    //流动计算结果 编号与输入的子通道编号相对应
                    ChannelIndex = channels[i].Index,
                    FluidDatas   = new List <FluidData>()
                for (int j = 0; j < Nj + 1; j++)
                    channelFlow.FluidDatas.Add(new FluidData());
            Iteration iteration = options.Iteration;
            PowerFactor powerFactor = options.PowerFactor;
            Precision acc = options.Precision;
            CHF_Formula_Types chf_formula = options.DNBR_Formula;
            double flow_direction = massFlow.Flow_Direction;

            var MassFlowRate = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj + 1, Ni, 0);

            var P_Local = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj + 1, Ni, 0);

            double Sigma = 0;

            double[] m = new double[Ni];
            double[] velocity = new double[Ni];
            double[] DeltaP = new double[Nj];
            for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                FluidData InitNode = SetInitNode(coolent, totalArea, channels[i], massFlow, acc);
                channelsFlow[i].FluidDatas[0] = InitNode;
                P_Local[0, i] = InitNode.Pressure;
                //质量流速kg/s 迭代用)
                m[i] = InitNode.MassFlowRate;
                velocity[i] = InitNode.Velocity;
                MassFlowRate[0, i] = m[i];
            for (int j = 1; j < Nj + 1; j++)
                int iteration_times = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                        double Lj = rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j - 1].To - rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j - 1].From;
                        FluidData pre = channelsFlow[i].FluidDatas[j - 1];
                        double SubPowerJ = 0;
                        foreach (Rod rod in rods)
                            foreach (var ContactedChannel in rod.ContactedChannel)
                                if (ContactedChannel.Index == channels[i].Index)
                                    SubPowerJ += rod.SubPowerCollection[j - 1].Value * ContactedChannel.Angle / 360;
                        SubPowerJ = SubPowerJ * powerFactor.Multiplier;
                        FluidData next = NodeToNext(
                            out double DeltaPij,
                        DeltaP[i] = DeltaPij;
                        channelsFlow[i].FluidDatas[j] = next;
                        P_Local[j, i] = next.Pressure;
                        MassFlowRate[j, i] = m[i];

                    Sigma = 0;
                    double AvgPressure = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                        AvgPressure += DeltaP[i];
                    AvgPressure = AvgPressure / Ni;
                    // 所有偏差之和
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                        Sigma += Math.Abs(DeltaP[i] - AvgPressure);
                    double TotalM = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                        double Factor = (1 - DeltaP[i] / AvgPressure) * 0.1;
                        m[i] = m[i] + m[i] * Factor;

                        TotalM += m[i];

                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("因子{0}:", Factor));
                    double k = massFlow.MassVelocity / TotalM;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ni; i++)
                        m[i] = k * m[i];
                        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("通道{0}压降{1}Pa", i, DeltaP[i]));
                    iteration_times += 1;
                    Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("压力迭代次数:{0}", iteration_times));
                    if (iteration_times > iteration.MaxIteration)
                        Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("超过最大迭代次数限制,最大迭代次数限制{0}", iteration.MaxIteration));
                }while (Sigma > iteration.Sigma);
                Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("Sigma->{0}", Sigma));
            Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(P_Local.ToMatrixString(Nj + 1, Ni));
            Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(MassFlowRate.ToMatrixString(Nj + 1, Ni));

        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory, IContentManager contentManager)
            PhysxPhysicWorld PhysxPhysicWorld = World.PhysicWorld as PhysxPhysicWorld;

            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            const int maximumParticles = 1000;
            var       fluidEmitterDesc = new FluidEmitterDescription()
                DimensionX   = 0.5f,
                DimensionY   = 0.5f,
                Rate         = 15,
                RelativePose =
                    Phyx.Matrix.RotationAxis(new Phyx.Vector3(0, 1, 0), (float)Math.PI) *
                    Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 10, -50),
                Shape       = EmitterShape.Rectangular,
                Type        = EmitterType.ConstantFlowRate,
                RandomAngle = 0.5f

            fluidEmitterDesc.Flags |= (FluidEmitterFlag.Enabled | FluidEmitterFlag.Visualization);

            var fluidDesc = new FluidDescription()
                Emitters         = { fluidEmitterDesc },
                Flags            = FluidFlag.Enabled | FluidFlag.Visualization | FluidFlag.Enabled,
                MaximumParticles = maximumParticles,

            fluidDesc.ParticleWriteData.AllocatePositionBuffer <Vector3>(maximumParticles);
            fluidDesc.ParticleWriteData.NumberOfParticles = maximumParticles;

            fluid = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateFluid(fluidDesc);

            Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures/Smoke");

            for (int i = 0; i < maximumParticles; i++)
                Billboard3D Billboard3D = new Billboard3D(tex, Vector3.Zero, new Vector2(0.002f));
                Billboard3D.Enabled = false;

            // Ledge
                var         boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                SimpleModel SimpleModel  = new PloobsEngine.Modelo.SimpleModel(factory, "Model/block");
                SimpleModel.SetTexture(factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1, 1, Color.Red), TextureType.DIFFUSE);
                PhysxPhysicObject PhysxPhysicObject = new PloobsEngine.Physics.PhysxPhysicObject(boxShapeDesc,
                                                                                                 (Phyx.Matrix.RotationX(-0.5f) * Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 5, -52)).AsXNA(), new Vector3(5, 0.1f, 5));
                ForwardXNABasicShader shader    = new ForwardXNABasicShader(ForwardXNABasicShaderDescription.Default());
                ForwardMaterial       fmaterial = new ForwardMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, SimpleModel, PhysxPhysicObject);

            // Drain
                var boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                boxShapeDesc.Flags |= ShapeFlag.FluidDrain;

                var drainActorDesc = new ActorDescription()
                    GlobalPose = Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 0, -55),
                    Shapes     = { boxShapeDesc }

                var drianActor = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateActor(drainActorDesc);

            BallThrowPhysx28 BallThrowBullet = new BallThrowPhysx28(this.World, GraphicFactory);


            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo));
        protected override void LoadContent(GraphicInfo GraphicInfo, GraphicFactory factory ,IContentManager contentManager)
            PhysxPhysicWorld PhysxPhysicWorld = World.PhysicWorld as PhysxPhysicWorld;
            base.LoadContent(GraphicInfo, factory, contentManager);

            const int maximumParticles = 1000;
            var fluidEmitterDesc = new FluidEmitterDescription()
                DimensionX = 0.5f,
                DimensionY = 0.5f,
                Rate = 15,
                RelativePose =
                    Phyx.Matrix.RotationAxis(new Phyx.Vector3(0, 1, 0), (float)Math.PI) *
                    Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 10, -50),
                Shape = EmitterShape.Rectangular,
                Type = EmitterType.ConstantFlowRate,
                RandomAngle = 0.5f
            fluidEmitterDesc.Flags |= (FluidEmitterFlag.Enabled | FluidEmitterFlag.Visualization);

            var fluidDesc = new FluidDescription()
                Emitters = { fluidEmitterDesc },
                Flags = FluidFlag.Enabled | FluidFlag.Visualization | FluidFlag.Enabled,
                MaximumParticles = maximumParticles,
            fluidDesc.ParticleWriteData.NumberOfParticles = maximumParticles;
            fluid = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateFluid(fluidDesc);

            Texture2D tex = factory.GetTexture2D("Textures/Smoke");
            for (int i = 0; i < maximumParticles; i++)
                Billboard3D Billboard3D = new Billboard3D(tex,Vector3.Zero,new Vector2(0.002f));
                Billboard3D.Enabled = false;

            // Ledge
                var boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                SimpleModel SimpleModel = new PloobsEngine.Modelo.SimpleModel(factory, "Model/block");
                SimpleModel.SetTexture(factory.CreateTexture2DColor(1, 1, Color.Red), TextureType.DIFFUSE);
                PhysxPhysicObject PhysxPhysicObject = new PloobsEngine.Physics.PhysxPhysicObject(boxShapeDesc,
                    (Phyx.Matrix.RotationX(-0.5f) * Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 5, -52)).AsXNA(),new Vector3(5,0.1f,5));
                ForwardXNABasicShader shader = new ForwardXNABasicShader(ForwardXNABasicShaderDescription.Default());
                ForwardMaterial fmaterial = new ForwardMaterial(shader);
                IObject obj = new IObject(fmaterial, SimpleModel, PhysxPhysicObject);

            // Drain
                var boxShapeDesc = new BoxShapeDescription(5, 0.1f, 5);
                boxShapeDesc.Flags |= ShapeFlag.FluidDrain;

                var drainActorDesc = new ActorDescription()
                    GlobalPose = Phyx.Matrix.Translation(-40, 0, -55),
                    Shapes = { boxShapeDesc }

                var drianActor = PhysxPhysicWorld.Scene.CreateActor(drainActorDesc);

            BallThrowPhysx28 BallThrowBullet = new BallThrowPhysx28(this.World, GraphicFactory);

            this.World.CameraManager.AddCamera(new CameraFirstPerson(GraphicInfo));
Пример #36
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算燃料棒稳态温度场
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Nj">轴向分段数</param>
        /// <param name="Nk">燃料棒数</param>
        /// <param name="coolent">冷却剂</param>
        /// <param name="channels">通道结合</param>
        /// <param name="rods">燃料棒集合</param>
        /// <param name="rodTypes">燃料棒类型集合</param>
        /// <param name="materials">材料集合</param>
        /// <param name="channelsFlow">已经得到的子通道稳态流体计算结果</param>
        /// <param name="gasGap">气体间隙模型对象</param>
        /// <param name="options">计算选项集合</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <RodTemperature> Caculate_Rods_Temperature_Steady(
            int Nj, int Nk,
            Fluid coolent,
            List <Channel> channels,
            List <Rod> rods,
            List <RodType> rodTypes,
            List <Material> materials,
            List <ChannelFlow> channelsFlow,
            GasGap gasGap,
            Options options)
            //燃料棒温度集合 返回数据
            List <RodTemperature> RodsTemperature = new List <RodTemperature>();

            var CladSegment = options.CladSegment;
            var PelletSegment = options.PelletSegment;
            var powerFactor = options.PowerFactor.Multiplier;
            var cladShare = options.PowerFactor.CladShare;
            var pelletShare = options.PowerFactor.PelletShare;
            var fluidShare = options.PowerFactor.FluidShare;
            var acc = options.Precision;

            Matrix <double> Tf = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, Nk, 0);

            Matrix <double> h = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, Nk, 0);

            Matrix <double> massFlowDensity = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, Nk, 0);

            for (int k = 0; k < Nk; k++)
                RodTemperature RodkTemperature = new RodTemperature
                    Index   = rods[k].Index,
                    SubRods = new List <SubRodTemperature>(),
                int size = CladSegment + PelletSegment + 2;
                //燃料棒k的温度场 矩阵
                Matrix <double> RodTField = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(Nj, size, 0);

                bool    isTypeFound = false;
                RodType rodType     = new RodType();
                foreach (RodType type in rodTypes)
                    if (type.Index == rods[k].Type)
                        rodType = type;
                        isTypeFound = true;
                if (!isTypeFound)
                    Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("燃料棒{0}未找到匹配的{1}燃料棒类型", k, rods[k].Type));
                Material Clad   = new Material();
                Material Pellet = new Material();
                foreach (var material in materials)
                    if (material.Index == rodType.CladMaterialIndex)
                        Clad = material;
                    else if (material.Index == rodType.PelletMaterialIndex)
                        Pellet = material;
                double d_rod = rodType.Diameter;
                double d_pellet = rodType.PelletDiameter;
                double clad_thickness = rodType.CladThickness;
                double gap_thickness = (d_rod - d_pellet) * 0.5 - clad_thickness;
                for (int j = 0; j < Nj; j++)
                    double Lj = rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j].To - rods[0].SubPowerCollection[j].From;
                    double    TotalAngle = 0;
                    double    Xe         = 0;
                    FluidData FluidJ;
                    //遍历与[燃料棒k] 接触的 子通道,找到流体外部边界条件
                    foreach (ContactedChannel EachContactedChannel in rods[k].ContactedChannel)
                        ChannelFlow ChannelFlowOfContactChannel = new ChannelFlow();
                        foreach (ChannelFlow channelFlow in channelsFlow)
                            //通道数据 index和连接的通道 index相同
                            if (channelFlow.ChannelIndex == EachContactedChannel.Index)
                                ChannelFlowOfContactChannel = channelFlow;
                        FluidJ    = ChannelFlowOfContactChannel.FluidDatas[j];
                        h[j, k]  += FluidJ.h * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        Tf[j, k] += FluidJ.Temperature * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        Xe        = FluidJ.Xe * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        massFlowDensity[j, k] += FluidJ.Velocity * FluidJ.Density * EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                        TotalAngle += EachContactedChannel.Angle;
                    h[j, k] = h[j, k] / TotalAngle;
                    Tf[j, k] = Tf[j, k] / TotalAngle;
                    Xe = Xe / TotalAngle;
                    massFlowDensity[j, k] = massFlowDensity[j, k] / TotalAngle;

                    double Linearpower = rods[k].SubPowerCollection[j].Value * powerFactor;
                    double fi_pellet = Linearpower * pelletShare / (0.25 * PI * d_pellet * d_pellet);
                    double cladArea = 0.25 * PI * (d_rod * d_rod - (d_rod - 2 * clad_thickness) * (d_rod - 2 * clad_thickness));
                    //包壳 体热流密度
                    double fi_clad = Linearpower * cladShare / cladArea;
                    double deltaR_clad = clad_thickness / CladSegment;
                    double deltaR_pellet = d_pellet * 0.5 / PelletSegment;
                    //包壳外表面 - 热流密度
                    double q = Linearpower * (1 - fluidShare) / (PI * d_rod);
                    //包壳外表面 - 温度
                    double Tw = q / h[j, k] + Tf[j, k];
                    RodTField[j, 0] = Tw;
                    for (int layer = 0; layer < CladSegment; layer++)
                        double r_outside = 0.5 * d_rod - deltaR_clad * layer;
                        double r_inside = 0.5 * d_rod - deltaR_clad * (layer + 1);
                        double r_av = (r_inside + r_outside) * 0.5;
                        double layerArea = PI * (d_rod * d_rod * 0.25 - r_inside * r_inside);
                        double layerHeat = layerArea * fi_clad;
                        //层导热热阻ln(d2/d1)/2π lamd l   Clad.K.Get(vectorT[layer])
                        double R_layer = Math.Log(r_outside / r_inside) / (2 * PI * Clad.GetK(RodTField[j, layer]) * Lj);
                        RodTField[j, layer + 1] = (Linearpower - layerHeat) * Lj * R_layer + RodTField[j, layer];

                    double q_gap = Linearpower * pelletShare / (PI * d_pellet);
                    RodTField[j, CladSegment + 1] = RodTField[j, CladSegment] + q_gap / gasGap.Get_h();
                    for (int layer = 0; layer < PelletSegment; layer++)
                        double r_outside = 0.5 * d_pellet - deltaR_pellet * layer;
                        double r_inside = 0.5 * d_pellet - deltaR_pellet * (layer + 1);
                        double r_av = (r_inside + r_outside) * 0.5;
                        double layerArea = PI * (0.25 * d_pellet * d_pellet - r_inside * r_inside);
                        double layerHeat = layerArea * fi_pellet;
                        //层导热热阻ln(d2/d1)/2π*lamd*l   Clad.K.Get(vectorT[layer])
                        double R_layer = Math.Log(r_outside / r_inside) / (2 * PI * Clad.GetK(RodTField[j, layer]) * Lj);
                        RodTField[j, layer + CladSegment + 2] = (Linearpower * pelletShare - layerHeat) * Lj * R_layer + RodTField[j, layer + CladSegment + 1];
                    RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment + 1] = RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment] + 0.25 * fi_pellet / Pellet.GetK(RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment]) * deltaR_pellet * deltaR_pellet;
                    double q_critical = Q_Critical(Xe, d_rod, massFlowDensity[j, k], coolent.GetHf(Tf[j, k]), coolent.GetH(Tf[j, k]), options.DNBR_Formula);
                    SubRodTemperature subRodTemperature = new SubRodTemperature
                        Index = j,
                        CladOutsideT   = Math.Round(RodTField[j, 0], acc.T),
                        CladInsideT    = Math.Round(RodTField[j, CladSegment], acc.T),
                        PelletOutsideT = Math.Round(RodTField[j, CladSegment + 1], acc.T),
                        PelletCenterT  = Math.Round(RodTField[j, PelletSegment + CladSegment + 1], acc.T),
                        h = Math.Round(h[j, k], acc.h),
                        Q = Math.Round(q, 1),
                        Qc = Math.Round(q_critical, 1),
                        DNBR = Math.Round(q_critical / q, 3),
                        TemperatureVector = RodTField.Row(j),

                Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(String.Format("燃料棒{0}:", rods[k].Index));
                Main.MsgCenter.ShowMessage(RodTField.ToMatrixString(Nj, PelletSegment + CladSegment + 2));

Пример #37
 public virtual void OnFluidExit(Fluid fluid)
Пример #38
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Object creation
            Shop shop = new Shop();
            shop.Id      = 1;
            shop.Name    = "My Grocerie";
            shop.Finance = new Decimal(1200);
            shop.Credit  = new Decimal(1500);

            Client client1 = new Client();
            client1.Id      = 1;
            client1.Money   = new Decimal(100.20);
            client1.Name    = "Eude";
            client1.Surname = "Jean";
            Address address1 = new Address();
            address1.Id     = 1;
            address1.City   = "Rennes";
            address1.Path   = "Voie";
            address1.Way    = "La guenardiere";
            address1.Number = "6";
            client1.Address = address1;

            Client client2 = new Client();
            client2.Id      = 2;
            client2.Money   = new Decimal(50);
            client2.Name    = "Marc";
            client2.Surname = "Jack";
            Address address2 = new Address();
            address2.Id     = 2;
            address2.City   = "Rennes";
            address2.Path   = "Voie";
            address2.Way    = "La guenardiere";
            address2.Number = "6";
            client2.Address = address2;

            Client client3 = new Client();
            client3.Id      = 3;
            client3.Money   = new Decimal(30.80);
            client3.Name    = "Ulé";
            client3.Surname = "Ivon";
            Address address3 = new Address();
            address3.Id     = 3;
            address3.City   = "Rennes";
            address3.Path   = "Voie";
            address3.Way    = "La guenardiere";
            address3.Number = "6";
            client3.Address = address3;

            Owner owner = new Owner();
            owner.Id      = 4;
            owner.Name    = "Montant";
            owner.Surname = "Ive";
            Address address4 = new Address();
            address4.Id     = 4;
            address4.City   = "Rennes";
            address4.Path   = "Voie";
            address4.Way    = "La guenardiere";
            address4.Number = "6";
            owner.Address   = address4;

            #region Products creation
            Product product1 = new Cold();
            product1.Id    = 1;
            product1.Name  = "product 1";
            product1.Price = new Decimal(10);

            Product product2 = new Consistant();
            product2.Id    = 2;
            product2.Name  = "product 2";
            product2.Price = new Decimal(20);

            Product product3 = new Fluid();
            product3.Id    = 3;
            product3.Name  = "product 3";
            product3.Price = new Decimal(30);

            Product product4 = new Hot();
            product4.Id    = 4;
            product4.Name  = "product 4";
            product4.Price = new Decimal(40);

            Product product5 = new Usefull();
            product5.Id    = 5;
            product5.Name  = "product 5";
            product5.Price = new Decimal(50);

            Product product6 = new Useless();
            product6.Id    = 6;
            product6.Name  = "product 6";
            product6.Price = new Decimal(60);

            Product product7 = new Usable();
            product7.Id    = 7;
            product7.Name  = "product 7";
            product7.Price = new Decimal(70);

            Product product8 = new Cold();
            product8.Id    = 8;
            product8.Name  = "product 8";
            product8.Price = new Decimal(80);

            Product product9 = new Cold();
            product9.Id    = 9;
            product9.Name  = "product 9";
            product9.Price = new Decimal(90);

            Product product10 = new Cold();
            product10.Id    = 10;
            product10.Name  = "product 10";
            product10.Price = new Decimal(100);

            #region Print object in console

             * Console.WriteLine(product1);
             * Console.WriteLine(product2);
             * Console.WriteLine(product3);
             * Console.WriteLine(product4);
             * Console.WriteLine(product5);
             * Console.WriteLine(product6);
             * Console.WriteLine(product7);
             * Console.WriteLine(product8);
             * Console.WriteLine(product9);
             * Console.WriteLine(product10);
             * Console.WriteLine(client1);
             * Console.WriteLine(client2);
             * Console.WriteLine(client3);*/


Пример #39
 public InterfaceObj InitializeBhWithTaylorBubble(Fluid fluidNom, Gas gasNom, PhysicsParam physicsParam, SimParam simParam,
                                                  int inUse, out InternalObj internalObj, out PlotObj plotObj)
     return(this._gasBubble.InitializeBhWithTaylorBubble(fluidNom, gasNom, physicsParam, simParam, inUse,
                                                         out internalObj, out plotObj));
Пример #40
        public static Block ParseBlock(XmlNode node, DFG <Block> dfg, ParserInfo parserInfo, bool allowDeclarationBlocks = false, bool canBeScheduled = true)
            string id        = node.GetAttributeValue(Block.ID_FIELD_NAME);
            string blockType = node.GetAttributeValue(Block.TYPE_FIELD_NAME);

            switch (blockType)
            case ArithOP.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(ArithOP.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case Constant.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(Constant.Parse(node, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case FluidArray.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(FluidArray.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo));

            case SetArrayFluid.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(SetArrayFluid.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo));

            case Fluid.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(Fluid.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo));

            case InputDeclaration.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                if (!allowDeclarationBlocks)
                    parserInfo.ParseExceptions.Add(new ParseException(id, "Declaration blocks has to be at the top of the program."));
                return(InputDeclaration.Parse(node, parserInfo));

            case OutputDeclaration.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                if (!allowDeclarationBlocks)
                    parserInfo.ParseExceptions.Add(new ParseException(id, "Declaration blocks has to be at the top of the program."));
                return(OutputDeclaration.Parse(node, parserInfo));

            case WasteDeclaration.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                if (!allowDeclarationBlocks)
                    parserInfo.ParseExceptions.Add(new ParseException(id, "Declaration blocks has to be at the top of the program."));
                return(WasteDeclaration.Parse(node, parserInfo));

            case HeaterDeclaration.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                if (!allowDeclarationBlocks)
                    parserInfo.ParseExceptions.Add(new ParseException(id, "Declaration blocks has to be at the top of the program."));
                return(HeaterDeclaration.Parse(node, parserInfo));

            case OutputUsage.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(OutputUsage.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo));

            case WasteUsage.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(WasteUsage.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo));

            case DropletDeclaration.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(DropletDeclaration.Parse(node, parserInfo));

            case BoolOP.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(BoolOP.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            //case Sensor.XmlTypeName:
            //    return Sensor.Parse(node);
            case GetNumberVariable.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(GetNumberVariable.Parse(node, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case SetNumberVariable.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(SetNumberVariable.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo));

            case GetDropletCount.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(GetDropletCount.Parser(node, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case GetArrayLength.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(GetArrayLength.Parse(node, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case ImportVariable.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(ImportVariable.Parse(node, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case NumberArray.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(NumberArray.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo));

            case GetArrayNumber.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(GetArrayNumber.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case SetArrayNumber.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(SetArrayNumber.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

            case RoundOP.XML_TYPE_NAME:
                return(RoundOP.Parse(node, dfg, parserInfo, canBeScheduled));

                throw new UnknownBlockException(id);