Пример #1
        private Point3d GetNextFlowStepOnMesh(Mesh FLOW_MESH, Point3d startPoint, double MOVE_DISTANCE)
            double   maximumDistance = 0; // TD: setting this as +ve speeds up the search?
            Vector3d closestNormal;
            Point3d  closestPoint;

            // Get closest point
            FLOW_MESH.ClosestPoint(startPoint, out closestPoint, out closestNormal, maximumDistance);
            // Get the next point following the vector
            var nextFlowPoint = FlowCalculations.MoveFlowPoint(closestNormal, closestPoint, MOVE_DISTANCE);

            // Need to snap back to the surface (the vector may be pointing off the edge)
        private Point3d GetNextFlowStepOnSurface(Brep FLOW_SURFACE, Point3d startPoint, double MOVE_DISTANCE)
            double         closestS, closestT;
            double         maximumDistance = 0; // TD: setting this as +ve speeds up the search?
            Vector3d       closestNormal;
            ComponentIndex closestCI;
            Point3d        closestPoint;

            // Get closest point
            FLOW_SURFACE.ClosestPoint(startPoint, out closestPoint, out closestCI, out closestS, out closestT,
                                      maximumDistance, out closestNormal);
            // Get the next point following the vector
            var nextFlowPoint = FlowCalculations.MoveFlowPoint(closestNormal, closestPoint, MOVE_DISTANCE);

            // Need to snap back to the surface (the vector may be pointing off the edge)
        protected override void GroundHogSolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Create holder variables for input parameters
            var FLOW_SURFACE  = default(Surface);
            var FLOW_ORIGINS  = new List <Point3d>();
            var FLOW_FIDELITY = 1000.0; // Default Value
            var FLOW_LIMIT    = 0;      // Default Value
            var THREAD        = false;

            // Access and extract data from the input parameters individually
            DA.GetData(0, ref FLOW_SURFACE);
            if (!DA.GetDataList(1, FLOW_ORIGINS))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref FLOW_FIDELITY))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref FLOW_LIMIT))
            if (!DA.GetData(4, ref THREAD))

            // Validation
            if (FLOW_SURFACE == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "A null item has been provided as the Surface input; please correct this input.");
            // TODO: properly cull nulls; they come through as 0,0,0 however
            if (FLOW_ORIGINS.Count == 0)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "No valid points have been provided; perhaps check that you have not provided null or invalid points?");
            if (FLOW_FIDELITY == 0)
                FLOW_FIDELITY = FlowCalculations.getSensibleFidelity(FLOW_ORIGINS, null, FLOW_SURFACE);

            var startPoints       = FLOW_ORIGINS.ToArray();                  // Array for multithreading
            var allFlowPathPoints = new List <Point3d> [startPoints.Length]; // Array of all the paths
            var flowPoints        = new List <Point3d>();

            var FLOW_BREP = default(Brep);

            if (FLOW_SURFACE != default(Surface))
                FLOW_BREP = FLOW_SURFACE.ToBrep();

            if (THREAD)
                Parallel.For(0, startPoints.Length, i => // Shitty multithreading
                    allFlowPathPoints[i] = DispatchFlowPoints(FLOW_BREP, startPoints[i], FLOW_FIDELITY, FLOW_LIMIT);
                for (var i = 0; i < startPoints.Length; i = i + 1)
                    allFlowPathPoints[i] = DispatchFlowPoints(FLOW_BREP, startPoints[i], FLOW_FIDELITY, FLOW_LIMIT);

            var outputs = FlowCalculations.MakeOutputs(allFlowPathPoints);

            // Assign variables to output parameters
            DA.SetDataTree(0, outputs.Item1);
            DA.SetDataList(1, outputs.Item2);