void FloodFill(IntVector StartLocation, int IslandId, HashSet <IntVector> Visited, List <FloorIslandNode> IslandNodes, FloorChunkDB ChunkDB)
            FloorChunk PreferedChunk = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(StartLocation);

            if (!PreferedChunk.bConnectDoors)
                // We don't want doors here
            if (PreferedChunk == null)

            Queue <IntVector> Queue = new Queue <IntVector>();


            while (Queue.Count > 0)
                IntVector Location = Queue.Dequeue();

                FloorChunk CurrentChunk = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(Location);
                if (CurrentChunk != PreferedChunk)

                // Create a node here
                FloorIslandNode Node = new FloorIslandNode();
                Node.IslandId = IslandId;
                Node.Chunk    = CurrentChunk;
                Node.Location = Location;


                // Add the neighbors to the queue
                List <IntVector> Neighbors = new List <IntVector>();
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(-1, 0, 0));
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(1, 0, 0));
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(0, 0, 1));
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(0, 0, -1));

                foreach (IntVector Neighbor in Neighbors)
                    if (Visited.Contains(Neighbor))
                    FloorChunk NeighborChunk = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(Neighbor);
                    if (NeighborChunk != null && NeighborChunk.Id == CurrentChunk.Id)
        void CreateDoors(int y)
            // Tag all islands
            // Create adjacency list
            // Do a DFS on the tagged islands and connect the islands with doors

            HashSet <IntVector>    Visited     = new HashSet <IntVector>();
            List <FloorIslandNode> IslandNodes = new List <FloorIslandNode>();
            int TotalIslands = 0;

            // Tag islands with a flood fill.  This helps if custom volume split existing
            // rooms into multiple parts and needs to be treated separately (islands)
                int IslandId = 0;
                for (int x = 0; x < floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.x; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.z; z++)
                        IntVector Location = new IntVector(x, y, z);
                        if (!Visited.Contains(Location))
                            // Flood fill from here
                            FloodFill(Location, IslandId, Visited, IslandNodes, ChunkDB);
                TotalIslands = IslandId;

            // Create a node map for faster access
            Dictionary <IntVector, FloorIslandNode> IslandNodeByLocation = new Dictionary <IntVector, FloorIslandNode>();

            foreach (FloorIslandNode Node in IslandNodes)
                if (Node.IslandId == -1)
                IslandNodeByLocation.Add(Node.Location, Node);

            // Create adjacency list for each island
            List <FloorIslandAdjacency> AdjacencyList = new List <FloorIslandAdjacency>();

            for (int x = 0; x < floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.x; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.z; z++)
                    IntVector Loc00 = new IntVector(x, y, z);
                    if (!IslandNodeByLocation.ContainsKey(Loc00))
                    FloorIslandNode Node00 = IslandNodeByLocation[Loc00];
                    if (Node00.IslandId == -1)

                    // Test along the left cell
                        IntVector Loc10 = new IntVector(x + 1, y, z);
                        if (IslandNodeByLocation.ContainsKey(Loc10))
                            FloorIslandNode Node10 = IslandNodeByLocation[Loc10];
                            if (Node10.IslandId != -1 && Node00.IslandId != Node10.IslandId)
                                // Different adjacent nodes.  Add to the list
                                FloorIslandAdjacency Adjacency = new FloorIslandAdjacency();
                                Adjacency.A = Node00;
                                Adjacency.B = Node10;

                    // Test along the bottom cell
                        IntVector Loc01 = new IntVector(x, y, z + 1);
                        if (IslandNodeByLocation.ContainsKey(Loc01))
                            FloorIslandNode Node01 = IslandNodeByLocation[Loc01];
                            if (Node01.IslandId != -1 && Node00.IslandId != Node01.IslandId)
                                // Different adjacent nodes.  Add to the list
                                FloorIslandAdjacency Adjacency = new FloorIslandAdjacency();
                                Adjacency.A = Node00;
                                Adjacency.B = Node01;

            // Create another lookup for faster access
            Dictionary <int, List <FloorIslandAdjacency> > AdjacencyByIsland = new Dictionary <int, List <FloorIslandAdjacency> >();

            foreach (FloorIslandAdjacency Adjacency in AdjacencyList)
                int IslandA = Adjacency.A.IslandId;
                int IslandB = Adjacency.B.IslandId;
                if (!AdjacencyByIsland.ContainsKey(IslandA))
                    AdjacencyByIsland.Add(IslandA, new List <FloorIslandAdjacency>());
                if (!AdjacencyByIsland.ContainsKey(IslandB))
                    AdjacencyByIsland.Add(IslandB, new List <FloorIslandAdjacency>());


            Dictionary <int, FloorChunk> IslandToChunkMap = new Dictionary <int, FloorChunk>();

            foreach (FloorIslandNode IslandNode in IslandNodes)
                if (IslandToChunkMap.ContainsKey(IslandNode.IslandId))
                IslandToChunkMap.Add(IslandNode.IslandId, IslandNode.Chunk);

            // Connect the islands to the main network with doors
            HashSet <int> IslandVisited = new HashSet <int>();

            for (int IslandId = 0; IslandId < TotalIslands; IslandId++)
                ConnectIslandRecursive(IslandId, AdjacencyByIsland, IslandVisited, random, DoorManager, IslandToChunkMap);