void FixedUpdate()
        if (_thrustDirectionsByPower.Count == 0 || _preferredCannonDirections.Count == 0)
            print($"ERROR: Pirate {name} is missing thrust or cannon data");

         * Each frame, we are going to need to determine:
         * - If we are not within our preferred firing distance:
         *      - Find the direction we can rotate that will give us more preferable thrust toward the floatilla until we reach the direction with maximum thrust toward the floatilla.
         *      - Rotate in that direction
         *      - Apply thrust in the direction of the floatilla if we can.  If we cannot, apply lateral thrust if we can.
         *      - If cannons are facing the floatilla, fire.
         * - If we are within our preferred firing distance:
         *      - If we are not facing the floatilla with our preferred cannon direction, find which direction we can rotate
         *  that will give us a more preferrable cannon direction on the way to that preferred direction.
         *      - If cannons are facing the floatilla, fire.
         *      - Find the direction with the most engines toward/lateral to the floatilla, and ignite in that direction.

        Vector3 floatillaMidpoint = _floatilla.GetWorldMidpoint();

        Vector3 relativePosition           = this.transform.position - floatillaMidpoint;
        Vector3 relativePositionLocalSpace = this.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint(floatillaMidpoint);

        if (relativePosition.magnitude > this.PreferredDistance)
            Vector3 destinationLocalHeading = _thrustDirectionsByPower[0];

            AngleTowardOpponentInDirection(relativePositionLocalSpace, destinationLocalHeading);

            // Once in range, make the turning preference toward the side with the most cannons
            Vector3 destinationLocalHeading = _preferredCannonDirections[0];
            AngleTowardOpponentInDirection(relativePositionLocalSpace, destinationLocalHeading);

            // Once in range, thrust in the first engine direction you find that is toward or perpendicular
            // to the player.
            foreach (var engineDirection in _thrustDirectionsByPower)
                if (Vector3.Angle(engineDirection, relativePositionLocalSpace) < 90.0f)

        // Fire cannons if facing the right direction
        foreach (var cannonDirection in _preferredCannonDirections)
            if (Vector3.Angle(cannonDirection, relativePositionLocalSpace) < 15.0f)