// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        float duration = 5;

        Tween tween = FloatTween.CreateTween(duration,
                                             //  Called each update with 'time' being time left.
                                             (time) =>
            //  (Optional if needed).
            //  To normalize the time value from 0 - 1.
            //  0 means tween just started, 1 means tween is dead.
            float normalized = (1.0f - time / duration);

            //  For testing purposes lets move transform somewhere.
            Vector3 nextPosition = transform.position + Vector3.up * Mathf.Sin(time * time) * Time.deltaTime * 3;

            //  Set the next position.
            transform.position = nextPosition;
                                             //  Called at the end of the tween. (Tween dies).
                                             () =>
            Debug.Log("Tween has ended!");

        //  Don't forget to start me.
    void Start()
        float duration = 10;

        float   startScale    = transform.localScale.x;
        Vector3 startPosition = transform.position;

        Tween tween = FloatTween.CreateTween(duration,
                                             //  Called each update with 'time' being time left.
                                             (time) =>
            //  Rotate the transform around startPosition.
            Vector3 nextPosition = startPosition + Vector3.up * Mathf.Sin(5 * time) + Vector3.left * Mathf.Cos(5 * time);
            transform.position   = nextPosition;
                                             //  Called at the end of the tween. (Tween dies).
                                             () =>
            Debug.Log("Tween has ended!");

        //  Don't forget to start me.