Пример #1
        void Move()
            if (target != null && damageType == 2)
                Vector3 dir = tran.position;
                dir.y = target.transform.position.y;
                dir   = dir - target.transform.position;
                Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.up);
                tran.rotation = rot;

            frameDis = Time.deltaTime * speed;
            tran.Translate(Vector3.forward * frameDis);

            if (disappearType == 1)
                maxDis -= frameDis;
                if (maxDis <= 0)
                    inited = false;
Пример #2
    void defaultInit(NPCConfigData cfg)
        this.lv  = 1;
        this.num = cfg.ID;

        this.curHp        = cfg.healthpoint;
        this.totalConstHp = cfg.healthpoint;
        this.totalTempHp  = cfg.healthpoint;

        this.attackpower           = cfg.attackpower;
        this.armorclass            = cfg.armorclass;
        this.armorpenetration      = cfg.armorpenetration;
        this.spellpower            = cfg.spellpower;
        this.spellresistance       = cfg.spellresistance;
        this.spellpenetration      = cfg.spellpenetration;
        this.attackdamagereduction = cfg.attackdamagereduction;
        this.spelldamagereduction  = cfg.spelldamagereduction;
        this.speed                  = cfg.speed;
        this.crit                   = cfg.crit;
        this.BeHeal                 = cfg.BeHeal;
        this.critresistance         = cfg.critresistance;
        this.additionalcrit         = cfg.additionalcrit;
        this.attacklifesteal        = cfg.attacklifesteal;
        this.spelllifesteal         = cfg.spelllifesteal;
        this.attackspeed            = cfg.attackspeed;
        this.additionalreduction    = cfg.additionalreduction;
        this.attackdamageback       = cfg.attackdamageback;
        this.spelldamageback        = cfg.spelldamageback;
        this.recovery               = cfg.recovery;
        this.attackadditionaldamage = cfg.attackadditionaldamage;
        this.Protection             = 0f;
        this.factor                 = cfg.factor;
        this.seekRange              = cfg.seekRange;
        this.fleeRange              = cfg.fleeRange;
Пример #3
        // Update is called once per frame
        public void Update()
            if (inited)
                lifeTime -= Time.deltaTime;
                if (lifeTime < 0f)
                    inited = false;
                    WarTarAnimParam deadParam = new WarTarAnimParam();
                    deadParam.OP = EffectOp.Injury;

                    SelfDescribed des = new SelfDescribed()
                        src       = UniqueID,
                        target    = UniqueID,
                        act       = Verb.Punch,
                        srcEnd    = null,
                        targetEnd = new EndResult()
                            param1 = 9999999,
                            param2 = 0,
                            param3 = 0,
                            param4 = 0,

                    deadParam.described = des;

                    deadParam.Sender   = UniqueID;
                    deadParam.Receiver = UniqueID;

                    wmMgr.npcMgr.SendMessage(UniqueID, UniqueID, deadParam);
Пример #4
    public float getFloatValue(string FieldName)
        FieldInfo fi = GetType().GetField(FieldName, c_bf);

        if (fi.FieldType == typeof(Int32Fog))
            Int32Fog val = (Int32Fog)fi.GetValue(this);
            FloatFog val = (FloatFog)fi.GetValue(this);
Пример #5
 // Update is called once per frame
 public void Update()
     if (inited)
         lifeTime -= Time.deltaTime;
         if (lifeTime < 0f)
             inited = false;
             if (onEnd != null)
Пример #6
        public override void Init(ServerNPC owner, WarMsgParam param)
            parent = owner;
            wmMgr    = WarServerManager.Instance;
            UniqueId = wmMgr.npcMgr.SignID(this);
            Camp     = Camp.set(owner.Camp);
            WarSrcAnimParam wp = param as WarSrcAnimParam;

            if (wp != null)
                SelfDescribed sd     = wp.described;
                EndResult     result = sd.srcEnd;
                lifeTime = result.param8;
            inited = true;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Init the specified owner and param.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">Owner.</param>
        /// <param name="param">Parameter.</param>
        public override void Init(ServerNPC owner, WarMsgParam param)
            parent = owner;
            tran   = transform;
            wmMgr  = WarServerManager.Instance;
            Camp   = Camp.set(parent.Camp);

            WarSrcAnimParam srcParam = param as WarSrcAnimParam;

            if (srcParam != null)
                SelfDescribed sd = srcParam.described;
                if (sd != null)
                    EndResult result      = sd.targetEnd;
                    int       effectIndex = result.param2;
                    targetIndex = result.param5;
                    if (targetIndex > 0)
                        if (wmMgr != null)
                            target = wmMgr.npcMgr.GetNPCByUniqueID(targetIndex);
                    EffectConfigData effect = Core.Data.getIModelConfig <EffectModel>().get(effectIndex);
                    if (effect != null)
                        effectID      = effectIndex;
                        speed         = effect.Param3 / 1000f;
                        maxDis        = effect.Param4 / 1000;
                        damageType    = effect.Param8;
                        disappearType = effect.Param5;
//                    string msg = string.Format("[effect:{0} speed:{1} maxDis:{2} disappearType:{3} damageType:{4}]", effectID, speed, maxDis, disappearType, damageType);
//                    Debug.Log(msg);
                inited = true;
Пример #8
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        FloatFog j = i + 0.3f;
