Пример #1
        public DataTable TryGetPreview()
            //there is already a data table in memory
            if (_workingTable != null)

            //we have not loaded anything yet
            if (Headers == null)
                //get a chunk
                DataTable toReturn = GetChunk(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), new GracefulCancellationToken());

                //clear these to close the file and reset state to 'I need to open the file again state'

                Headers       = null;
                EventHandlers = null;
                DataPusher    = null;

                _workingTable = null;
                _reader       = null;


            throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot generate preview because _headers has already been set which likely means it is already loading / didn't cleanup properly after last preview attempt?");
Пример #2
 private void InitializeComponents()
     Headers       = new FlatFileColumnCollection(_fileToLoad, MakeHeaderNamesSane, ExplicitlyTypedColumns, ForceHeaders, ForceHeadersReplacesFirstLineInFile, IgnoreColumns);
     DataPusher    = new FlatFileToDataTablePusher(_fileToLoad, Headers, HackValueReadFromFile, AttemptToResolveNewLinesInRecords, Culture);
     EventHandlers = new FlatFileEventHandlers(_fileToLoad, DataPusher, ThrowOnEmptyFiles, BadDataHandlingStrategy, _listener, MaximumErrorsToReport <= 0 ? int.MaxValue:MaximumErrorsToReport, IgnoreBadReads);