private void InsertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FixtureDetails detail = details[FixtureComboBox.SelectedIndex]; int DrainType = 0; int WaterSupplyType = 0; int VentType = 0; if (!DrainCheckBox.Checked) { DrainType = 0; } else { DrainType = DrainTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1; } if (!VentCheckBox.Checked) { VentType = 0; } else { VentType = Vent } }
private void FixtureComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { FixtureDetails df = details[FixtureComboBox.SelectedIndex]; if (df.model.HWSFU != ConstantName.invalidNum) { HWCheckBox.Checked = true; HWFUTextBox.Text = df.model.HWSFU.ToString(); HWDiaTextBox.Text = df.model.HW_DIA.ToString(); } else { HWCheckBox.Checked = false; HWFUTextBox.Text = ""; HWDiaTextBox.Text = ""; } if (df.model.CWSFU != ConstantName.invalidNum) { CWCheckBox.Checked = true; CWFUTextBox.Text = df.model.CWSFU.ToString(); ColdWaterDiaTextBox.Text = df.model.CW_DIA.ToString(); } else { CWCheckBox.Checked = false; CWFUTextBox.Text = ""; ColdWaterDiaTextBox.Text = ""; } if (df.model.VENT_DIA != ConstantName.invalidNum) { VentCheckBox.Checked = true; ventDiaTextBox.Text = df.model.VENT_DIA.ToString(); } else { VentCheckBox.Checked = false; ventDiaTextBox.Text = ""; } if (df.model.DFU != ConstantName.invalidNum) { DrainCheckBox.Checked = true; DrainFUTextBox.Text = df.model.DFU.ToString(); drainDiaTextBox.Text = df.model.WASTE_DIA.ToString(); } else { DrainCheckBox.Checked = false; DrainFUTextBox.Text = ""; drainDiaTextBox.Text = ""; } }
private void OnFixtureUpdate(IFixtureOverviewDelta fixture) { if (fixture == null) { return; } FixtureDetails details = new FixtureDetails { Id = fixture.Id }; // ListenerOverview is not suitable to use here.... // we have to get the FixtureOverview to have all data var overview = Supervisor.GetFixtureOverview(fixture.Id); FillFixtureOverview(details, overview); if (fixture.ListenerOverview != null) { details.IsDeleted = fixture.ListenerOverview.IsDeleted.GetValueOrDefault(); details.IsOver = fixture.ListenerOverview.IsOver.GetValueOrDefault(); } if (fixture.FeedUpdate != null) { FixtureProcessingEntry entry = new FixtureProcessingEntry(); FillProcessingEntry(entry, fixture.FeedUpdate); details.AddProcessingEntry(entry); } Supervisor.Service.StreamingService.OnFixtureUpdate(details); if (fixture.LastError != null && fixture.LastError.IsErrored) { ProcessingEntryError error = new ProcessingEntryError { FixtureId = fixture.Id, FixtureDescription = overview.Name, Sequence = fixture.LastError.Sequence }; FillProcessingEntryError(error, fixture.LastError); Supervisor.Service.StreamingService.OnError(error); } }
/// <summary> /// Read Node File From Database, Fill Out The NODEDWG /// Path must be FULL PATH of a DWG from the database /// </summary> /// <param name="connection"></param> /// <param name="path">Note PATH</param> public void ReadFromDatabase(SQLiteConnection connection, string pathDwg) { FixtureBoxSet.Clear(); InsertPointSet.Clear(); FixtureDetailSet.Clear(); TableDataSet.Clear(); string relPath = GoodiesPath.MakeRelativePath(pathDwg); file = DBDwgFile.SelectRow(connection, relPath); if (file == null || file.ID == ConstantName.invalidNum) { MessageBox.Show("NODEDWG -> ReadFromDatabase -> File Not Found"); return; } foreach (FixtureBeingUsedAreaModel fixtureBox in DBFixtureBeingUsedArea.SelectRows(connection, file.ID)) { FixtureBeingUsedArea fixtureArea = new FixtureBeingUsedArea(fixtureBox); //this line is very important. You have to make sure they have file model in each fixtureArea; //this won't complicate the program as we pass the pointer. FixtureBoxSet.Add(fixtureArea); } foreach (FixtureDetailsModel detailModel in DBFixtureDetails.SelectRows(connection, file.ID)) { FixtureDetails fd = new FixtureDetails(detailModel); FixtureDetailSet.Add(fd); } foreach (InsertPointModel insertPointModel in DBInsertPoint.SelectRows(connection, file.ID)) { InsertPoint ip = new InsertPoint(insertPointModel); InsertPointSet.Add(ip); } foreach (TableModel model in DBTable.SelectRows(connection, file.ID)) { TableData table = new TableData(model); TableDataSet.Add(table); } }
public IFixtureDetails GetFixtureDetail(string fixtureId) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fixtureId)) { return(null); } var overview = Supervisor.GetFixtureOverview(fixtureId); FixtureDetails details = new FixtureDetails(); FillFixtureOverview(details, overview); foreach (var update in overview.GetFeedAudit()) { FixtureProcessingEntry entry = new FixtureProcessingEntry(); FillProcessingEntry(entry, update); details.AddProcessingEntry(entry); } return(details); }
private static IFixtureDetails GenerateMockedFixtureOverview(string fixtureId) { var tmp = new FixtureDetails { Id = fixtureId, IsStreaming = true, State = FixtureState.Ready, Competition = "French Division 1", CompetitionId = "1qqqqqq", StartTime = new DateTime(2014, 3, 17, 17, 0, 0), Description = "PSG v Lion", IsOver = false, IsDeleted = false }; tmp.AddProcessingEntry(new FixtureProcessingEntry { Sequence = "1", Epoch = "1", IsUpdate = false, State = FixtureProcessingState.PROCESSED, Timestamp = new DateTime(2013, 06, 11, 14, 33, 0) }); tmp.AddProcessingEntry(new FixtureProcessingEntry { Sequence = "2", Epoch = "1", IsUpdate = true, State = FixtureProcessingState.PROCESSED, Timestamp = new DateTime(2013, 06, 11, 14, 34, 0), Exception = "Null pointer exception" }); tmp.AddProcessingEntry(new FixtureProcessingEntry { Sequence = "2", Epoch = "1", IsUpdate = false, State = FixtureProcessingState.PROCESSED, Timestamp = new DateTime(2013, 06, 11, 14, 34, 30) }); tmp.AddProcessingEntry(new FixtureProcessingEntry { Sequence = "3", Epoch = null, IsUpdate = true, State = FixtureProcessingState.SKIPPED, Timestamp = new DateTime(2013, 06, 11, 14, 35, 0) }); tmp.AddProcessingEntry(new FixtureProcessingEntry { Sequence = "4", Epoch = null, IsUpdate = true, State = FixtureProcessingState.PROCESSED, Timestamp = new DateTime(2013, 06, 11, 14, 37, 0) }); tmp.AddProcessingEntry(new FixtureProcessingEntry { Sequence = "5", Epoch = "2", IsUpdate = true, State = FixtureProcessingState.SKIPPED, Timestamp = new DateTime(2013, 06, 11, 14, 38, 45), EpochChangeReasons = new[] { 10 }, }); tmp.AddProcessingEntry(new FixtureProcessingEntry { Sequence = "5", Epoch = "2", IsUpdate = false, State = FixtureProcessingState.PROCESSING, Timestamp = new DateTime(2013, 06, 11, 14, 39, 0) }); return(tmp); }
public static void InsertFixtureUnit(FixtureDetails fd) { Goodies.AddBlockToActiveDrawing("C:\\Users\\dngo\\Desktop\\SAMPLES\\VERSION1.dwg", "FIX_26"); Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Editor ed = doc.Editor; Database db = doc.Database; BlockReference bref = null; Dictionary <ObjectId, ObjectId> blockToInsert = Goodies.InsertDynamicBlock("FIX_26", db, ref bref); using (doc.LockDocument()) { using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { BlockTable bt = (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead); BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForRead); } } }
private static NODEDWG GetData(Database db, SQLiteConnection connection) { NODEDWG note = new NODEDWG(); using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { BlockTable bt = (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead); BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(bt[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForRead); foreach (ObjectId id in btr) { DBObject obj = tr.GetObject(id, OpenMode.ForRead); if (obj is BlockReference) { BlockReference bref = (BlockReference)obj; if (Goodies.IsBlockInTheDrawing(bref)) { if (bref.IsDynamicBlock) { string brefName = Goodies.GetDynamicName(bref); if (brefName.Equals(ConstantName.FixtureInformationArea)) { FixtureBeingUsedArea dbA = new FixtureBeingUsedArea(bref); if (dbA.model != null) { note.FixtureBoxSet.Add(dbA); } } } else if (bref.Name == ConstantName.FixtureDetailsBox) { FixtureDetails FD = new FixtureDetails(bref, tr); if (FD.model != null) { note.FixtureDetailSet.Add(FD); } } else if (bref.Name == ConstantName.InsertPoint) { InsertPoint IP = new InsertPoint(bref, tr); if (IP.model != null) { note.InsertPointSet.Add(IP); } } else if (bref is Table) { TableData tb = new TableData(bref, tr, db); if (tb.model != null) { note.TableDataSet.Add(tb); } } } } } List <FixtureDetails> newFixs = new List <FixtureDetails>(); foreach (FixtureBeingUsedArea fba in note.FixtureBoxSet) { foreach (FixtureDetails fd in note.FixtureDetailSet) { if (fba.IsInsideTheBox(fd)) { newFixs.Add(fd); } } } note.FixtureDetailSet.Clear(); foreach (FixtureDetails fd in newFixs) { note.FixtureDetailSet.Add(fd); } } //Write to Database string currentdwgPath = db.Filename; string dbPath = GoodiesPath.GetDatabasePathFromDwgPath(currentdwgPath); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbPath)) { MessageBox.Show("Could Not Find Database."); } note.file = DBDwgFile.GetPNote(connection); note.file.modifieddate = GoodiesPath.GetModifiedOfFile(GoodiesPath.GetFullPathFromRelativePath(note.file.relativePath, connection)).Ticks; if (note.file == null) { MessageBox.Show($"Can't find this {currentdwgPath} in databse."); return(null); } foreach (FixtureBeingUsedArea fixtureBox in note.FixtureBoxSet) { fixtureBox.model.file = note.file; } foreach (FixtureDetails fd in note.FixtureDetailSet) { fd.model.file = note.file; } foreach (InsertPoint ip in note.InsertPointSet) { ip.model.file = note.file; } foreach (TableData table in note.TableDataSet) { table.model.file = note.file; } DBDwgFile.DeleteRow(connection, note.file.relativePath); note.WriteToDataBase(connection); return(note); }