private static void CreateAndVisualizeSensitiveFilteredFixationsStream() { _fixationDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); _fixationDataStream .Begin((x, y, _) => { Console.WriteLine("\n" + "Fixation started at X: {0}, Y: {1}", x, y); _fixationBeginTime = DateTime.Now; }) .Data((x, y, _) => { Console.WriteLine("During fixation, currently at: X: {0}, Y: {1}", x, y); }) .End((x, y, _) => { Console.WriteLine("Fixation ended at X: {0}, Y: {1}", x, y); if (_fixationBeginTime != default(DateTime)) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan; Console.WriteLine("Fixation duration: {0}", DateTime.Now - _fixationBeginTime); Console.ForegroundColor = _defaultForegroundColor; } }); }
public void StartGazeDataStreams(GazePointCallback gazePointCallback, FixationCallback fixationCallback, EyePositionCallback eyePositionCallback) { if (gazePointCallback != null) { if (gazePointDataStream == null) { gazePointDataStream = eyeXHost.CreateGazePointDataStream(Tobii.EyeX.Framework.GazePointDataMode.Unfiltered); } gazePointDataStream.Next += InvokeGazePointEvent; GazePointEvent += gazePointCallback; GazePointEvent += RecordGazePoint; } if (fixationCallback != null) { if (fixationDataStream == null) { fixationDataStream = eyeXHost.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Sensitive); } fixationDataStream.Next += InvokeFixationEvent; FixationEvent += fixationCallback; FixationEvent += RecordFixation; } if (eyePositionCallback != null) { if (eyePositionDataStream == null) { eyePositionDataStream = eyeXHost.CreateEyePositionDataStream(); } eyePositionDataStream.Next += InvokeEyePositionEvent; EyePositionEvent += eyePositionCallback; EyePositionEvent += RecordEyePosition; } }
//starts a fixation data stream (class constructor) public _Tobii() { //create connection to Tobii Eyetracker _host = new Host(); _fixationDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); _gazePointDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateGazePointDataStream(); }
public TobiiAgentAnalyzer(object host) { //m_FixationBeginWithoutEnd = false; m_SentForRecognition = false; this.m_host = new Host(); m_Stream = m_host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Sensitive, true); }
/// <summary> /// Detect EyeX engine presence, and starts it to get gaze positions /// </summary> /// <param name="fps">Number of gaze positions expected per second</param> /// <exception cref="Exception">If EyeX engine is not installed or running</exception> public Gaze(int fps) { this.interpolated = duration * fps / 1000; this.Position = Cursor.Position; positions = new Queue <Point>(interpolated); // simple check of EyeX presence switch (EyeXHost.EyeXAvailability) { case EyeXAvailability.NotAvailable: throw new Exception("Please install the EyeX Engine"); case EyeXAvailability.NotRunning: throw new Exception("Please make sure that the EyeX Engine is started"); } Engine = new EyeXHost(); // track display size Engine.ScreenBoundsChanged += (object s, EngineStateValue <Rect> e) => displaySize = e.Value;; // track gaze position to set cursor on it gazeStream = Engine.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Sensitive); gazeStream.Next += OnGazeChange; // start the EyeX engine Engine.Start(); displaySize = Engine.ScreenBounds.Value; // start timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer(duration / interpolated); timer.Enabled = true; timer.Elapsed += OnTick; }
/*************************EYE_X_COMPONENT.INIT********************/ /* * Receive method for the EyeX gaze data stream. */ private void ReceiveGazeData(Envelope e) { using (gazeDataStream = host.CreateGazePointDataStream(GazePointDataMode.LightlyFiltered)) { Console.WriteLine("EyeX data stream initiated."); gazePoint.Post(gazeDataStream, e.OriginatingTime); using (eyePositionStream = host.CreateEyePositionDataStream()) { Console.WriteLine("EyeX eye position stream initiated."); eyeData.Post(eyePositionStream, e.OriginatingTime); gazeDataStream.Next += (s, q) => { frameDataX = q.X; frameDataY = q.Y; }; eyePositionStream.Next += (s, q) => { leftEyeX = q.LeftEye.X; leftEyeY = q.LeftEye.Y; leftEyeZ = q.LeftEye.Z; leftEyeNormalizedX = q.LeftEyeNormalized.X; leftEyeNormalizedY = q.LeftEyeNormalized.Y; leftEyeNormalizedZ = q.LeftEyeNormalized.Z; rightEyeX = q.RightEye.X; rightEyeY = q.RightEye.Y; rightEyeZ = q.RightEye.Z; rightEyeNormalizedX = q.RightEyeNormalized.X; rightEyeNormalizedY = q.RightEyeNormalized.Y; rightEyeNormalizedZ = q.RightEyeNormalized.Z; }; Console.WriteLine("Listening for gaze data..."); using (FixationDataStream fixationStream = host.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Sensitive)) { fixationData.Post(fixationStream, e.OriginatingTime); fixationStream.Next += (s, q) => { fixationX = q.X; fixationY = q.Y; }; Console.WriteLine("Recording fixation points..."); Console.In.Read(); } } } }
private static void CreateAndVisualizeSlowFilteredFixationsStream() { if (_fixationDataStream != null) { _fixationDataStream.Next -= OnNextFixation; } _fixationDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Slow); _fixationDataStream.Next += OnNextFixation; }
public Form1() { eyeXHost.Start(); fixation = eyeXHost.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Slow); InitializeComponent(); pictureBox1.ImageLocation = @"..\a.png"; pictureBox3.ImageLocation = @"..\c.png"; pictureBox2.ImageLocation = @"..\b.png"; fixation.Next += fixationEventHandler; }
private void CollectData() { double previousTime = GetUnixTimestampForNow(); double elapsedTime = 0; double startTime = 0; double endTime = 0; int numFixations = 0; double lastFixationStartTime = 0; double fixationLengthRunningTotal = 0; // Increment the number of fixations each time we receive data from the eye tracker. fixationDataStream = eyeXHost.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Sensitive); System.EventHandler <FixationEventArgs> inc = delegate(object s, FixationEventArgs e) { if (e.EventType == FixationDataEventType.Begin) { numFixations++; lastFixationStartTime = e.Timestamp; } if (e.EventType == FixationDataEventType.End) { fixationLengthRunningTotal += e.Timestamp - lastFixationStartTime; } }; fixationDataStream.Next += inc; // Keep collecting the data until we tell it not to. while (!shouldEndCollection) { if (elapsedTime < instanceLength) { elapsedTime += GetUnixTimestampForNow() - previousTime; previousTime = GetUnixTimestampForNow(); } else { endTime = GetUnixTimestampForNow(); double fixationsPerSecond = numFixations / (instanceLength / 1000); double meanLengthOfFixation = fixationLengthRunningTotal / numFixations; Instance instance = new Instance(startTime, endTime, numFixations, fixationsPerSecond, meanLengthOfFixation, instanceClass); collectedInstances.Add(instance); startTime = GetUnixTimestampForNow(); numFixations = 0; fixationLengthRunningTotal = 0; elapsedTime = 0; previousTime = GetUnixTimestampForNow(); } } }
public GazeHandler() { _host = new Host(); _wpfInteractorAgent = _host.InitializeWpfAgent(); _gazePointDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateGazePointDataStream(); _fixationDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); _fixationDataStream.Subscribe(this); _gazePointDataStream.Subscribe(this); }
private static void SetupStream() { host = new Host(); stream = host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Slow); stream.Data( (x, y, ts) => { currentGazePoint.X = (int)Math.Round(x); currentGazePoint.Y = (int)Math.Round(y); }); }
public EyeTrackingHandler(Gecko.GeckoWebBrowser b, TransparentPanel scroll, Keyboard keys, FavoritesPanel favorites, Button click, Panel close) { host = new Host(); fixationStream = host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Slow); HandleFixation(); acceptClick = true; circleCenter = new Point(1, 1); zooming = false; zoomingExecution = false; freePointingExecution = false; pointedPosition = new Point(1, 1); browser = b; browserX = browser.Location.X; width = browserX + browser.Width; browserY = browser.Location.Y; height = browserY + browser.Height; clickButton = click; scrollPanel = scroll; keyboardPanel = keys; closePanel = close; favoritesPanel = favorites; firstPointedX = 0; firstPointedY = 0; pointedX = 0; pointedY = 0; fixationCounter = 0; requiredSamplings = 120; radiusLimit = 150; zoomingSamplings = 30; scrollingSamplings = 10; settingsPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "EyeBrowserTimingPreferences.txt"); if (File.Exists(settingsPath)) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(settingsPath)) { requiredSamplings = Int32.Parse(reader.ReadLine()); radiusLimit = Int32.Parse(reader.ReadLine()); zoomingSamplings = Int32.Parse(reader.ReadLine()); scrollingSamplings = Int32.Parse(reader.ReadLine()); } } else { using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(settingsPath, false)) { writer.WriteLine(requiredSamplings); writer.WriteLine(radiusLimit); writer.WriteLine(zoomingSamplings); writer.WriteLine(scrollingSamplings); } } }
public Form1() { eyeXHost.Start(); fixation = eyeXHost.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Slow); InitializeComponent(); comboBox1.SelectedItem = comboBox1.Items[0]; s.SelectVoice("Microsoft Zira Desktop"); //bmp = new Bitmap(500, 500); //using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) //{ // g.Clear(Color.White); //} }
public void StopAllGazeDataStream() { SetGazeDataRecording(false, false, false); GazePointEvent = null; gazePointDataStream.Dispose(); gazePointDataStream = null; FixationEvent = null; fixationDataStream.Dispose(); fixationDataStream = null; EyePositionEvent = null; eyePositionDataStream.Dispose(); eyePositionDataStream = null; }
protected override void OnOpen() { PrintSampleIntroText(); // Everything starts with initializing Host, which manages the connection to the // Tobii Engine and provides all the Tobii Core SDK functionality. // NOTE: Make sure that Tobii.EyeX.exe is running host = new Host(); // Initialize Fixation data stream. fixationDataStream = host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); // Because timestamp of fixation events is relative to the previous ones // only, we will store them in this variable. var fixationBeginTime = 0d; fixationDataStream.Next += (o, fixation) => { // On the Next event, data comes as FixationData objects, wrapped in a StreamData<T> object. var fixationPointX = fixation.Data.X; var fixationPointY = fixation.Data.Y; switch (fixation.Data.EventType) { case FixationDataEventType.Begin: fixationBeginTime = fixation.Data.Timestamp; string beginString = string.Format("begin|{0}|{1}", fixationPointX, fixationPointY); Send(beginString); break; case FixationDataEventType.Data: string duringString = string.Format("during|{0}|{1}", fixationPointX, fixationPointY); Send(duringString); break; case FixationDataEventType.End: string endString = string.Format("end|{0}|{1}", fixationPointX, fixationPointY); Send(endString); string fixString = string.Format("duration|{0}|null", fixationBeginTime > 0 ? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(fixation.Data.Timestamp - fixationBeginTime) : TimeSpan.Zero); Send(fixString); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fixation event type, which doesn't have explicit handling."); } }; }
private void StartButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StartOverButton_Click(sender, e); fsFIX = new FileStream(@"C: \Users\CTS\Desktop\testFIX.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); fsSAC = new FileStream(@"C: \Users\CTS\Desktop\testSAC.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); swFIX = new StreamWriter(fsFIX); swSAC = new StreamWriter(fsSAC); hostFIX = new Host(); hostSAC = new Host(); fixationDataStream = hostFIX.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(Tobii.Interaction.Framework.FixationDataMode.Slow); gazePointDataStream = hostSAC.Streams.CreateGazePointDataStream(); fixationDataStream.Data((x, y, timestamp) => addToTXTFIX(x, y, timestamp)); gazePointDataStream.GazePoint((x, y, ts) => addToTXTSAC(x, y, ts)); }
public void Connect() { if (!_isConnected) { _TobiiHost.EnableConnection(); _TobiiWPFAgent = _TobiiHost.InitializeWpfAgent(); _GazePointDataStream = _TobiiHost.Streams.CreateGazePointDataStream(Tobii.Interaction.Framework.GazePointDataMode.Unfiltered); _GazePointDataStream.Next += OnGazePointData; _FixationDataStream = _TobiiHost.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); _FixationDataStream.Next += OnFixationData; _EyePositionStream = _TobiiHost.Streams.CreateEyePositionStream(true); _EyePositionStream.Next += OnEyePositionData; _isConnected = true; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // create host stream for Tobii _host = new Host(); // _gazePointDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateGazePointDataStream(); _fixationDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); // set params to save streams on file string gaze_path = "gazeStream.csv"; string fixs_path = "fixationStream.csv"; // call for save on file function stream_read_write(path_to_py, gaze_path, fixs_path); Console.Write("----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void Capture() { try { // Initializes Eyetracker. EyeXHost eyeXHost = new EyeXHost(); eyeXHost.Start(); FixationDataStream lightlyFilteredGazeDataStream = eyeXHost.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Slow); lightlyFilteredGazeDataStream.Next += lightlyFilteredGazeDataStream_Next; _eyeXhost = eyeXHost; // Timer which checks URL every 0.1s Timer t = new Timer(); t.Interval = 100; t.Elapsed += CheckUrl; // Starting URL. CHANGE IT HERE IF NEEDED. string url = ""; //string url = ""; //string url = ""; /* Creates new visible ChromeDriver, maximizes the browser window, navigates to the starting URL * and starts the "check url" timer. CHANGE THE PATH TO THE DRIVER HERE IF NEEDED. */ driver = new ChromeDriver("D:\\IJS\\EyeTracker"); driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); t.Start(); lastUrl = url; Console.ReadKey(); } finally { // Dispose the driver if the above code fails. if (driver != null) { driver.Dispose(); } } }
// KeyPress event private void TrialForm_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Escape) { StopTrials(); } else if (e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Space && trialState == 0) { if (true) //if (gazeCentered()) { //Launch trials thread trialsThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TrialsRunningThread)) { IsBackground = true }; trialsThread.Start(); //Init tobbi gaze fixationDataStream = MainForm.tobii4C.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); fixationDataStream.Begin((x, y, timestamp) => { if (x != 0) { currentFixation = new Fixation(); currentFixation.x = x; currentFixation.y = y; currentFixation.timestamp = timestamp; } }); fixationDataStream.End((x, y, timestamp) => { currentFixation.timespan = timestamp; trialFixations.Add(currentFixation); }); } else { synth.SpeakAsync(fixCenterMsg); } } }
public DeviceInteractionHost() { MainWindow _mainWindow = (MainWindow)Application.Current.MainWindow; //Device _host = new Host(); //init tobii streams _fixationDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); //_fixationDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(Tobii.Interaction.Framework.FixationDataMode.Slow); _gazePointDataStream = _host.Streams.CreateGazePointDataStream(); lsloffset = _mainWindow.stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - liblsl.local_clock() * 1000; _lslDevices = new List <LSLDevice>(); _tasks = new List <Task>(); _source = new CancellationTokenSource(); _token = _source.Token; _mre = new ManualResetEvent(false); }
public void StartServer() { this.eyeXHost = new EyeXHost(); this.eyeXHost.Start(); this.gazeDataStream = eyeXHost.CreateGazePointDataStream(GazePointDataMode.LightlyFiltered); this.gazeDataStream.Next += new System.EventHandler<EyeXFramework.GazePointEventArgs>(this.HandleEyeGazeEvent); this.fixationDataStream = eyeXHost.CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode.Slow); this.fixationDataStream.Next += new System.EventHandler<EyeXFramework.FixationEventArgs>(this.HandleEyeFixationEvent); try { IPAddress ipAddr = IPAddress.Parse(host); tcpServer = new TcpClient(); tcpServer.Connect(ipAddr, port); swSender = new StreamWriter(tcpServer.GetStream()); } catch { this.StopServer(); } }
public TobiiAgentAnalyzer() { this.sentForRecognition = false; = new Host(); = host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a fixation data stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">Specifies the kind of data processing to be applied by the EyeX Engine.</param> /// <returns>The data stream.</returns> public FixationDataStream CreateFixationDataStream(FixationDataMode mode) { var dataStream = new FixationDataStream(mode); RegisterDataStreamObserver(dataStream); return dataStream; }