Пример #1
        static int PrepareCornerVerts(PNavEdgeLoop edgeLoop, PNavIsland island, Fix64Vec2[] verts, int[] indexes)
            List <PNavNode> corners = new List <PNavNode>();

            foreach (PNavNode node in edgeLoop.nodes)
                if (node.isCorner)

            int cornersCount = corners.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < cornersCount; i++)
                PNavNode  node   = corners[i];
                Fix64Vec3 center = node.Center;
                verts[i]   = new Fix64Vec2(center.x, center.z);
                indexes[i] = island.nodes.IndexOf(node);

            bool isClockwise = IsClockwise(verts, cornersCount);

            if (!isClockwise)
                InverseVerticesAndIndexes(verts, indexes, cornersCount);

Пример #2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward * rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            bool hit = false;

            Fix64Vec3 start    = (Fix64Vec3)transform.position;
            Fix64Vec3 movement = (Fix64)castRange * (Fix64Vec3)transform.right;
            Fix64     radius   = (Fix64)circleRadius;
            Fix64Vec3 end      = start + movement;

            hit = Parallel2D.CircleCast((Fix64Vec2)start, radius, (Fix64Vec2)movement, layerMask, ref hitInfo);

            if (hit)
                castPoint         = hitInfo.point;
                castNormal        = hitInfo.normal;
                circleHitPosition = (Fix64Vec2)(start + hitInfo.fraction * movement);
                castPoint         = (Fix64Vec2)end;
                castNormal        = Fix64Vec2.zero;
                circleHitPosition = castPoint;
Пример #3
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            bool hit = false;

            Fix64Vec3 start    = (Fix64Vec3)transform.position;
            Fix64Vec3 movement = (Fix64)castRange * (Fix64Vec3)transform.forward;
            Fix64     radius   = (Fix64)sphereRadius;
            Fix64Vec3 end      = start + movement;

            hit = Parallel3D.SphereCast(start, radius, movement, layerMask, ref hitInfo);

            if (hit)
                castPoint         = hitInfo.point;
                castNormal        = hitInfo.normal;
                sphereHitPosition = start + hitInfo.fraction * movement;
                castPoint         = end;
                castNormal        = Fix64Vec3.zero;
                sphereHitPosition = end;
Пример #4
        void Update()
            Fix64Vec3 center = (Fix64Vec3)transform.position;
            Fix64     radius = (Fix64)sphereRadius;

            Parallel3D.OverlapSphere(center, radius, layerMask, result);
Пример #5
        void Move(Fix64 distanceToDestination, Fix64Vec3 direction, Fix64 deltaTime)
            Fix64 stepDistance = movementSpeed * deltaTime;

            stepDistance          = Fix64Math.Min(distanceToDestination, stepDistance);
            _pTransform.position += direction.normalized * stepDistance;
Пример #6
        void RotateToTarget(Fix64Vec3 direction, Fix64 deltaTime)
            Fix64Quat newRotation = Fix64Quat.LookRotation(direction, Fix64Vec3.up);

            newRotation          = Fix64Quat.Slerp(_pTransform.rotation, newRotation, rotationSpeed * Fix64.DegreeToRad * deltaTime);
            _pTransform.rotation = newRotation;
Пример #7
        void MoveByPhysics(Fix64 distanceToDestination, Fix64Vec3 direction, Fix64 deltaTime)
            Fix64     movementSpeedLimit = distanceToDestination / deltaTime;
            Fix64     clampedSpeed       = Fix64Math.Clamp(movementSpeed, Fix64.zero, movementSpeedLimit);
            Fix64Vec3 velocity           = direction * clampedSpeed;//Fix64Vec3.ClampLength(direction * movementSpeed, clampedSpeed);

            _pRigidbody.LinearVelocity = velocity;
Пример #8
        public void ParallelFixedUpdate(Fix64 deltaTime)
            Fix64Vec3 force = new Fix64Vec3(
                _strength * hortizontal,
                _strength * vertical);

Пример #9
        public void ParallelFixedUpdate(Fix64 deltaTime)
            Fix64Vec3 delta = new Fix64Vec3(
                _speed * deltaTime * hortizontal,
                _speed * deltaTime * vertical,

            _pTransform.position += delta;
Пример #10
        public void GetAABB(int x, int y, int z, out Fix64Vec3 lower, out Fix64Vec3 upper)
            Fix64 lowerX = worldOrigin.x;
            Fix64 lowerY = worldOrigin.y;
            Fix64 lowerZ = worldOrigin.z;

            lower = new Fix64Vec3(
                lowerX + (Fix64)x * gridSize.x,
                lowerY + (Fix64)y * gridSize.y,
                lowerZ + (Fix64)z * gridSize.z);

            upper = new Fix64Vec3(
                lowerX + ((Fix64)x + Fix64.one) * gridSize.x,
                lowerY + ((Fix64)y + Fix64.one) * gridSize.y,
                lowerZ + ((Fix64)z + Fix64.one) * gridSize.z);
Пример #11
        public void Move(Fix64 deltaTime)
            //using (new SProfiler($"move"))
                if (_waypoints.Count > 0)
                    Fix64Vec2 currentWaypoint   = _waypoints[_currentWaypointTargetIndex];
                    Fix64Vec3 currentWaypoint3D = new Fix64Vec3(currentWaypoint.x, _pTransform.position.y, currentWaypoint.y);

                    Fix64Vec3 direction = currentWaypoint3D - _pTransform.position;
                    direction = new Fix64Vec3(direction.x, Fix64.zero, direction.z);
                    direction = direction.normalized;
                    Fix64 distanceToDestination = Fix64Vec3.Distance(currentWaypoint3D, _pTransform.position);

                    if (distanceToDestination > stopDistance)
                        if (physicsBasedMovement)
                            MoveByPhysics(distanceToDestination, direction, deltaTime);
                            Move(distanceToDestination, direction, deltaTime);

                        if (rotate)
                            RotateToTarget(direction, deltaTime);

                        if (_currentWaypointTargetIndex == _waypoints.Count)
                            //reached last waypoint
                            // DONE
                            _currentWaypointTargetIndex = 0;
        public static void CheckVolume(PNavMesh pNavMesh, int xStart, int xEnd, int zStart, int zEnd, int yStart, int yEnd, int scale, Action <int, int, int, int, int, int> callback)
            PShapeOverlapResult3D result = new PShapeOverlapResult3D();

            Fix64Vec3 size     = pNavMesh.gridSize * (Fix64)scale;
            Fix64Vec3 toCenter = Fix64.half * size;

            int scaledXEnd = xEnd / scale;
            int scaledYEnd = yEnd / scale;
            int scaledZEnd = zEnd / scale;

            for (int x = xStart; x < scaledXEnd; x++)
                for (int z = zStart; z < scaledZEnd; z++)
                    for (int y = yStart; y < scaledZEnd; y++)
                        int scaledX = x * scale;
                        int scaledY = y * scale;
                        int scaledZ = z * scale;

                        Fix64Vec3 l;
                        Fix64Vec3 u;
                        pNavMesh.GetAABB(scaledX, scaledY, scaledZ, out l, out u);

                        Fix64Vec3 center = l + toCenter;
                        Fix64Quat rot    = Fix64Quat.identity;

                            center, rot,
                            size.x, size.y, size.z,

                        if (result.count > 0)
                            callback(scaledX, scaledX + scale, scaledZ, scaledZ + scale, scaledY, scaledY + scale);
Пример #13
        public static void DrawAABB(Fix64Vec3 l, Fix64Vec3 u, Color color)
            Color c = Handles.color;

            Vector3 lower = (Vector3)l;
            Vector3 upper = (Vector3)u;

            Handles.color = color;
            float XL = lower.x;
            float YL = lower.y;
            float ZL = lower.z;

            float XU = upper.x;
            float YU = upper.y;
            float ZU = upper.z;

            Vector3 p0 = new Vector3(XL, YU, ZL);
            Vector3 p1 = new Vector3(XL, YL, ZL);
            Vector3 p2 = new Vector3(XL, YU, ZU);
            Vector3 p3 = new Vector3(XL, YL, ZU);
            Vector3 p4 = new Vector3(XU, YU, ZL);
            Vector3 p5 = new Vector3(XU, YL, ZL);
            Vector3 p6 = new Vector3(XU, YU, ZU);
            Vector3 p7 = new Vector3(XU, YL, ZU);

            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p1);
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p2);
            Handles.DrawLine(p0, p4);
            Handles.DrawLine(p1, p3);
            Handles.DrawLine(p1, p5);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2, p3);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2, p6);
            Handles.DrawLine(p3, p7);
            Handles.DrawLine(p4, p5);
            Handles.DrawLine(p4, p6);
            Handles.DrawLine(p5, p7);
            Handles.DrawLine(p6, p7);

            Handles.color = c;
Пример #14
        public static void DrawAABB(PNavMesh pNavMesh)
            if (pNavMesh.columns != null)
                for (int x = 0; x < pNavMesh.columns.GetLength(0); x++)
                    //if (x * pNavMesh.gridSize.x < 95)

                    for (int z = 0; z < pNavMesh.columns.GetLength(1); z++)
                        PNavColumn column = pNavMesh.columns[x, z];

                        for (int y = 0; y < column.nodes.Length; y++)
                            int       objectCount = column.nodes[y].objectCount;
                            Fix64Vec3 l           = column.nodes[y].lower;
                            Fix64Vec3 u           = column.nodes[y].upper;

                            //if (l.x * pNavMesh.gridSize.x < 30)

                            if (objectCount > 0)
                                SceneDebugDraw.DrawAABB(l, u, Color.green);
                                //DrawAABB(l, u, Color.green);
Пример #15
        public static void DrawPolygon(PNavMesh pNavMesh)
            foreach (PNavIsland island in pNavMesh.islands)
                Fix64Vec3[] verts = new Fix64Vec3[1024];

                int indiceRead = 0;
                for (int p = 0; p < island.polygonCount; p++)
                    int ic = island.indiceCountsOfPolygons[p];
                    for (int indiceOfPolygon = 0; indiceOfPolygon < ic; indiceOfPolygon++)
                        int      nodeIndex = island.indices[indiceRead];
                        PNavNode vertNode  = island.nodes[nodeIndex];
                        verts[indiceOfPolygon] = vertNode.Center;

                    DrawPolygon(verts, ic, Color.cyan);
Пример #16
        static void DrawPolygon(Fix64Vec3[] verts, int count, Color color)
            Color c = Handles.color;

            Handles.color = color;

            Fix64Vec3 previous = Fix64Vec3.zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Fix64Vec3 current = verts[i];
                if (i != 0)
                    Handles.DrawLine((Vector3)previous, (Vector3)current);

                previous = current;

            Handles.DrawLine((Vector3)previous, (Vector3)verts[0]);

            Handles.color = c;
Пример #17
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            PRaycastHit3D raycastHit3D;

            bool hit = false;

            Fix64Vec3 start = (Fix64Vec3)transform.position;
            Fix64Vec3 end   = start + (Fix64)raycastLength * (Fix64Vec3)transform.right;

            hit = Parallel3D.RayCast(start, end, layerMask, out raycastHit3D);

            if (hit)
                raycastPoint  = raycastHit3D.point;
                raycastNormal = raycastHit3D.normal;
                raycastPoint = end;
Пример #18
        public PNavMeshPath CalculatePath(Fix64Vec3 start, Fix64Vec3 end)
            Fix64Vec2   startPosition = new Fix64Vec2(start.x, start.z);
            Fix64Vec2   endPosition   = new Fix64Vec2(end.x, end.z);
            PNavPolygon startPolygon  = null;
            PNavPolygon endPolygon    = null;

            bool          sameIsland = false;
            NavMeshAStart astart     = null;

            PNavMeshPath result = new PNavMeshPath();

            result.Destination   = end;
            result.Destination2D = endPosition;
            result.Status        = ParallelNavMeshPathStatus.Invalid;
            result.navMesh       = navMesh;

            PNavIsland endIsland   = null;
            PNavIsland startIsland = null;

            foreach (PNavIsland island in navMesh.islands)
                bool foundStart = false;
                bool foundEnd   = false;

                foreach (PNavPolygon polygon in island.graph.polygons)
                    bool isStart = polygon.TestPoint(startPosition);
                    bool isEnd   = polygon.TestPoint(endPosition);

                    if (isStart && isEnd)
                        result.Status     = ParallelNavMeshPathStatus.Valid;
                        result.startIndex = -1;

                    if (isStart)
                        startPolygon = polygon;
                        startIsland  = island;
                        foundStart   = true;

                    if (isEnd)
                        endPolygon = polygon;
                        endIsland  = island;
                        foundEnd   = true;

                if (foundStart && foundEnd)
                    sameIsland    = true;
                    astart        = astartDictionary[island];
                    result.island = island;

                if (sameIsland)

            if (startPolygon != null && endPolygon == null)
                //we find the polygon that is closest to the end position in the start position island
                sameIsland    = true;
                astart        = astartDictionary[startIsland];
                result.island = startIsland;
                endPolygon    = startIsland.FindNearestPolygong(endPosition);
            else if (startPolygon == null && endPolygon != null)
                //we find the polygon that is closest to the start position in the end position island
                sameIsland    = true;
                astart        = astartDictionary[endIsland];
                result.island = endIsland;
                startPolygon  = endIsland.FindNearestPolygong(startPosition);
            else if (startPolygon == null && endPolygon == null)
                //we find the polygon that is closest to the start position
                //we then find the polygon that is closest to the end position in the same island
                Fix64       minStart        = Fix64.FromDivision(1000, 1);
                PNavPolygon minStartPolygon = null;
                PNavIsland  minStartIsland  = null;

                foreach (PNavIsland island in navMesh.islands)
                    foreach (PNavPolygon polygon in island.graph.polygons)
                        Fix64 dis = Fix64Vec2.Distance(polygon.centroid, startPosition);
                        if (dis < minStart)
                            minStart        = dis;
                            minStartPolygon = polygon;
                            minStartIsland  = island;

                sameIsland    = true;
                astart        = astartDictionary[minStartIsland];
                result.island = minStartIsland;
                startPolygon  = minStartPolygon;

                endPolygon = minStartIsland.FindNearestPolygong(endPosition);

            if (sameIsland)
                if (astart != null && startPolygon != null && endPolygon != null)
                    NavMeshAStarNode startNode = astart.FindNode(startPolygon.index);
                    NavMeshAStarNode endNode   = astart.FindNode(endPolygon.index);
                    NavMeshAStarNode lastNode  = null;

                    using (new SProfiler("Pathfinding"))

                        startNode.startPoint = startPosition;
                        endNode.isLastNode   = true;
                        endNode.endPoint     = endPosition;

                        lastNode = astart.FindPath(startNode, endNode);

                    result.polygonIndexes = new int[PNavMeshPath.MAX_CORNER_COUNT];

                    int startIndex = 127;

                    while (lastNode != null)
                        result.polygonIndexes[startIndex] = lastNode.UserObject.index;
                        lastNode = (NavMeshAStarNode)lastNode.Parent;

                    result.startIndex = startIndex + 1;
                    result.Status     = ParallelNavMeshPathStatus.Valid;

        public static void CubeCastInRange(PNavMesh pNavMesh, int xStart, int xEnd, int zStart, int zEnd, int yStart, int yEnd)
            PShapeOverlapResult3D result = new PShapeOverlapResult3D();

            if (xEnd > pNavMesh.xCount)
                xEnd = pNavMesh.xCount;

            if (zEnd > pNavMesh.zCount)
                zEnd = pNavMesh.zCount;

            if (yEnd > pNavMesh.yCount)
                yEnd = pNavMesh.yCount;

            Debug.Log("CubeCastInRange:" + " xStart=" + xStart + " xEnd=" + xEnd + " zStart=" + zStart + " zEnd=" + zEnd + " yStart=" + yStart + " yEnd=" + yEnd);

            for (int x = xStart; x < xEnd; x++)
                for (int z = zStart; z < zEnd; z++)
                    PNavColumn column = pNavMesh.columns[x, z];

                    int surfaceIndex = -1;

                    for (int y = yStart; y < yEnd; y++)
                        Fix64Vec3 l;
                        Fix64Vec3 u;
                        pNavMesh.GetAABB(x, y, z, out l, out u);
                        Fix64Vec3 center = Fix64.half * (l + u);
                        Fix64Quat rot    = Fix64Quat.identity;
                            center, rot,
                            pNavMesh.gridSize.x, pNavMesh.gridSize.y, pNavMesh.gridSize.z,

                        PNavNode node = new PNavNode();

                        node.lower       = l;
                        node.upper       = u;
                        node.objectCount = result.count;
                        node.islandIndex = -1;
                        node.point       = new PNavPoint(x, z);

                        if (result.count > 0 && y > surfaceIndex)
                            surfaceIndex = y;

                        column.nodes[y] = node;

                    column.surfaceNodeIndexes[0] = surfaceIndex;

                    if (surfaceIndex >= 0)
                        column.type = ParallelNavColumnType.Walkable;
                        column.type = ParallelNavColumnType.Empty;
Пример #20
        public bool NextCorner(Fix64Vec3 position, Fix64 width, ref Fix64Vec3 corner, ref int index)
            //if corner not found stay at current position
            corner = position;

            if (Status != ParallelNavMeshPathStatus.Valid)

            index = BoundaryCheckIndex(index);

            if (index == -1)
                Status = ParallelNavMeshPathStatus.Invalid;

            Fix64Vec2 testPosition = new Fix64Vec2(position.x, position.z);

            Fix64Vec2 pa         = Fix64Vec2.zero;
            Fix64Vec2 pb         = Fix64Vec2.zero;
            bool      pointABSet = false;

            if (polygonIndexes == null)
                //destination polygon and start polygon is the same
                index = MAX_CORNER_COUNT;

            while (index <= MAX_CORNER_COUNT)
                if (index == MAX_CORNER_COUNT)
                    //reached final polygon
                    if (pointABSet)
                        //check if destination is in the span of pa and pb
                        Fix64Vec2 des       = new Fix64Vec2(Destination.x, Destination.z);
                        Fix64Vec2 vd        = des - testPosition;
                        Fix64Vec2 va        = pa - testPosition;
                        Fix64Vec2 vb        = pb - testPosition;
                        bool      desInSpan = Fix64Math.InSpan(vd, va, vb);
                        if (!desInSpan)
                            Fix64Vec2 pointOnEdge = FindNearestPointOnEdge(testPosition, pa, pb, width);
                            corner = new Fix64Vec3(pointOnEdge.x, position.y, pointOnEdge.y);

                    corner = Destination;

                int         nextIndex        = index + 1;
                int         polygonIndex     = polygonIndexes[index];
                PNavPolygon currentPolygon   = island.graph.polygons[polygonIndex];
                int         nextPolygonIndex = polygonIndexes[nextIndex];
                PNavPolygon nextPolygon      = island.graph.polygons[nextPolygonIndex];

                PNavEdge edge = FindEdge(currentPolygon, nextPolygon, width);

                if (edge != null)
                    if (!pointABSet)
                        pa         = edge.pointA;
                        pb         = edge.pointB;
                        pointABSet = true;
                        Fix64Vec2 va  = pa - testPosition;
                        Fix64Vec2 vb  = pb - testPosition;
                        Fix64     AXB = Fix64Vec2.Cross(va, vb);
                        Fix64     BXA = Fix64Vec2.Cross(vb, va);

                        Fix64Vec2 pa1 = edge.pointA;
                        Fix64Vec2 pb1 = edge.pointB;

                        Fix64Vec2 va1   = pa1 - testPosition;
                        Fix64Vec2 vb1   = pb1 - testPosition;
                        Fix64     A1XB1 = Fix64Vec2.Cross(va1, vb1);

                        bool sameDirection = A1XB1 * AXB > Fix64.zero;

                        bool va1InsideOfSpan = Fix64Math.InSpan(va1, va, vb);
                        bool vb1InsideOfSpan = Fix64Math.InSpan(vb1, va, vb);

                        if (va1InsideOfSpan)
                            if (sameDirection)
                                bool valid = IsValidEdgePoint(testPosition, pb, pa1, width);
                                if (valid)
                                    pa = pa1;
                                    va1InsideOfSpan = false;
                                bool valid = IsValidEdgePoint(testPosition, pa, pa1, width);
                                if (valid)
                                    pb = pa1;
                                    va1InsideOfSpan = false;

                        if (vb1InsideOfSpan)
                            if (sameDirection)
                                bool valid = IsValidEdgePoint(testPosition, pa, pb1, width);
                                if (valid)
                                    pb = pb1;
                                    vb1InsideOfSpan = false;
                                bool valid = IsValidEdgePoint(testPosition, pb, pb1, width);
                                if (valid)
                                    pa = pb1;
                                    vb1InsideOfSpan = false;

                        if (!va1InsideOfSpan && !vb1InsideOfSpan)
                            Fix64Vec2 pointOnEdge = FindNearestPointOnEdge(testPosition, pa, pb, width);

                            corner = new Fix64Vec3(pointOnEdge.x, position.y, pointOnEdge.y);

                index = BoundaryCheckIndex(nextIndex);

Пример #21
 public void UpdateCurrentPolygonIndex(Fix64Vec3 position)
Пример #22
 public void SetDestination(Fix64Vec3 destination)
     _destination = destination;
Пример #23
        public bool NextCorner1(Fix64Vec3 position, Fix64 width, ref Fix64Vec3 corner, ref int index)
            //if corner not found stay at current position
            corner = position;

            if (Status != ParallelNavMeshPathStatus.Valid)

            if (index < 0)
                index = startIndex;

            if (index == MAX_CORNER_COUNT)
                //reached last polygon, invalidate path
                index  = -1;
                Status = ParallelNavMeshPathStatus.Invalid;

            Fix64Vec2 testPosition = new Fix64Vec2(position.x, position.z);

            int         polygonIndex   = polygonIndexes[index];
            PNavPolygon currentPolygon = island.graph.polygons[polygonIndex];

            int nextIndex = index + 1;

            if (nextIndex >= MAX_CORNER_COUNT)
                //reached final polygon
                index  = MAX_CORNER_COUNT;
                corner = Destination;

            int         nextPolygonIndex = polygonIndexes[nextIndex];
            PNavPolygon nextPolygon      = island.graph.polygons[nextPolygonIndex];
            PNavEdge    edge             = FindEdge(currentPolygon, nextPolygon, width);

            if (edge != null)
                Fix64Vec2 pointOnEdge = Fix64Math.FindNearestPointOnLine(testPosition, edge.pointA, edge.pointB);
                Fix64     distanceToA = Fix64Vec2.Distance(pointOnEdge, edge.pointA);
                Fix64     distanceToB = edge.width - distanceToA;
                Fix64Vec2 ba          = edge.pointB - edge.pointA;
                ba = ba.normalized;
                Fix64 halfWidth = width / Fix64.two;
                if (distanceToA < halfWidth)
                    pointOnEdge = edge.pointA + ba * halfWidth;
                else if (distanceToB < halfWidth)
                    pointOnEdge = edge.pointB - ba * halfWidth;

                corner = new Fix64Vec3(pointOnEdge.x, position.y, pointOnEdge.y);
                index  = nextIndex;
