Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add keyword value matching to the query.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fitsKeyword"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IFitsQueryExpression KeywordMatching <T>(string fitsKeyword, T value)
            var valueType          = typeof(T);
            var headerType         = typeof(FitsHeaderIndexedRow);
            var headerKeywordProps = headerType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.HasAttribute <FitsFieldAttribute>());
            var matchingProp       = headerKeywordProps.FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                                       p.GetCustomAttribute <FitsFieldAttribute>().Name == fitsKeyword);

            if (matchingProp == null)
                throw new FitsDatabaseException($"Cannot add keyword matching for keyword '{fitsKeyword}' to the query, " +
                                                $"this keyword doesn't exist in the indexed keywords");

            if (matchingProp.PropertyType != valueType && matchingProp.PropertyType.ToNullableUnderlying() != valueType)
                throw new FitsDatabaseException($"Cannot add keyword matching for keyword '{fitsKeyword}' to the query, " +
                                                $"the given value is not of type '{matchingProp.PropertyType.Name}'");

            // The expression works on FitsSearchResult, which combines all the related SQL tables.
            // Construct the expression dynamically from the property name linked to the FITS header name.

            var exprParamType = typeof(FitsSearchResult);

            // ... == targetValue
            var targetValue = Expression.Constant(value);
            // ((FitsSearchResult)x) => ...
            var parameter = Expression.Parameter(exprParamType, "x");
            // ((FitsSearchResult)x) => x.HeaderData.property
            Expression property = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, nameof(FitsSearchResult.HeaderData));

            property = Expression.PropertyOrField(property, matchingProp.Name);

            // Convert property from nullable to non-nullable type because expressions can't
            // really handle nullables (value gets always converted to non-nullable, and comparison
            // between nullables and non-nullables will throw).
            var nonNullableType = valueType.ToNullableUnderlying();

            property = Expression.Convert(property, nonNullableType);

            // ((FitsSearchResult)x) => x.HeaderData.property == targetValue
            var body   = Expression.Equal(property, targetValue);
            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <FitsSearchResult, bool> >(body, parameter);

            var expr = new FitsQueryExpression()
                Expression = lambda

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for string inside a FITS keyword value.
        /// Both the fitsKeyword and the searchString must be strings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fitsKeyword"></param>
        /// <param name="searchString"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IFitsQueryExpression KeywordSearch(string fitsKeyword, string searchString)
            var exprParamType      = typeof(FitsSearchResult);
            var headerType         = typeof(FitsHeaderIndexedRow);
            var headerKeywordProps = headerType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.HasAttribute <FitsFieldAttribute>());
            var matchingProp       = headerKeywordProps.FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                                       p.GetCustomAttribute <FitsFieldAttribute>().Name == fitsKeyword);

            if (matchingProp == null)
                throw new FitsDatabaseException($"Cannot add keyword matching for keyword '{fitsKeyword}' to the query, " +
                                                $"this keyword doesn't exist in the indexed keywords");

            if (matchingProp.PropertyType != typeof(string))
                throw new FitsDatabaseException($"Cannot add keyword matching for keyword '{fitsKeyword}' to the query, " +
                                                $"the given value is not of type '{matchingProp.PropertyType.Name}'");

            var        targetValue = Expression.Constant(searchString);
            var        parameter   = Expression.Parameter(exprParamType, "x");
            Expression property    = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, nameof(FitsSearchResult.HeaderData));

            property = Expression.PropertyOrField(property, matchingProp.Name);

            MethodInfo method = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) });
            var        body   = Expression.Call(property, method, targetValue);
            var        lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <FitsSearchResult, bool> >(body, parameter);

            var expr = new FitsQueryExpression()
                Expression = lambda

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Does a comparison with the given operator to a numeric FITS keyword value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fitsKeyword"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <param name="comparison"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IFitsQueryExpression NumericValueComparison(string fitsKeyword, double value,
                                                           NumericComparison comparison)
            var exprParamType      = typeof(FitsSearchResult);
            var headerType         = typeof(FitsHeaderIndexedRow);
            var headerKeywordProps = headerType.GetProperties().Where(p => p.HasAttribute <FitsFieldAttribute>());
            var matchingProp       = headerKeywordProps.FirstOrDefault(p =>
                                                                       p.GetCustomAttribute <FitsFieldAttribute>().Name == fitsKeyword);

            if (matchingProp == null)
                throw new FitsDatabaseException($"Cannot add keyword matching for keyword '{fitsKeyword}' to the query, " +
                                                $"this keyword doesn't exist in the indexed keywords");

            if (matchingProp.PropertyType != typeof(double))
                throw new FitsDatabaseException($"Cannot add keyword matching for keyword '{fitsKeyword}' to the query, " +
                                                $"the given value is not of type '{matchingProp.PropertyType.Name}'");

            var        targetValue = Expression.Constant(value);
            var        parameter   = Expression.Parameter(exprParamType, "x");
            Expression property    = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, nameof(FitsSearchResult.HeaderData));

            property = Expression.PropertyOrField(property, matchingProp.Name);

            Expression body = null;

            switch (comparison)
            case NumericComparison.Eq:
                body = Expression.Equal(property, targetValue);

            case NumericComparison.Gt:
                body = Expression.GreaterThan(property, targetValue);

            case NumericComparison.Gte:
                body = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(property, targetValue);

            case NumericComparison.Lt:
                body = Expression.LessThan(property, targetValue);

            case NumericComparison.Lte:
                body = Expression.LessThanOrEqual(property, targetValue);

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <FitsSearchResult, bool> >(body, parameter);

            var expr = new FitsQueryExpression()
                Expression = lambda
