public static double[] ReadFrequencies(string file)
            Fits     f = new Fits(file);
            ImageHDU h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

Пример #2
        public static Image <Gray, UInt16> ReadFITSFile(String ImagePath)
                Fits     f = new Fits(ImagePath);
                ImageHDU h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

                System.Array[] img = (System.Array[])h.Kernel;
                int Width  = img.Count();
                int Height = img.GetLength(0);

                UInt16[][]           ImgConverted   = new UInt16[Width][];
                Image <Gray, UInt16> LastestImageCV = new Image <Gray, UInt16>(Width, Height);
                Int16 MaxNumber = Int16.MaxValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++)
                    ImgConverted[i] = new UInt16[Height];
                    for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++)
                        int Data = MaxNumber + (Int16)img[i].GetValue(j) + 1;
                        ImgConverted[i][j]           = (UInt16)Data;
                        LastestImageCV.Data[i, j, 0] = (UInt16)Data;

        public static double[,,] ReadUVW(string file, int fromBl, int toBl)
            var f = new Fits(file);
            var h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

            // Double Cube Dimensions: baseline, time, uvw
            var uvw_raw      = (Array[])h.Kernel;
            var time_samples = uvw_raw[0].Length;
            var length       = toBl - fromBl;

            var uvw = new double[length, time_samples, 3];

            for (long i = fromBl; i < toBl; i++)
                Array[] bl = (Array[])uvw_raw[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < time_samples; j++)
                    double[] values = (double[])bl[j];
                    uvw[i - fromBl, j, 0] = values[0];  //u
                    uvw[i - fromBl, j, 1] = -values[1]; //v
                    uvw[i - fromBl, j, 2] = values[2];  //w
        public static Complex[,,] ReadVisibilities(string file, int fromBl, int toBl, int timessamplesCount, int channelsCount, double norm)
            var f = new Fits(file);
            var h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();
            //Double cube Dimensions: baseline, time, channel, pol, complex_component
            var vis_raw = (Array[])h.Kernel;
            var length  = toBl - fromBl;

            var visibilities = new Complex[length, timessamplesCount, channelsCount];

            for (int i = fromBl; i < toBl; i++)
                Array[] bl = (Array[])vis_raw[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < timessamplesCount; j++)
                    Array[] times = (Array[])bl[j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < channelsCount; k++)
                        Array[]  channel = (Array[])times[k];
                        double[] pol_XX  = (double[])channel[0];
                        double[] pol_YY  = (double[])channel[3];

                        //add polarizations XX and YY together to form Intensity Visibilities only
                        visibilities[i - fromBl, j, k] = new Complex(
                            (pol_XX[0] + pol_YY[0]) / norm,
                            (pol_XX[1] + pol_YY[1]) / norm);
Пример #5
        private static void readImage(string fileName, out Int16[][] img, out Header hdr)
            Fits f = new Fits(fileName);

            ImageHDU h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

            hdr = h.Header;

            Int32 height = h.Axes[0];
            Int32 width  = h.Axes[1];

            Int16 [][] inImg = new Int16[height][];
            int        x, y;

            img = new Int16[height][];

            object[] rows = (System.Array[])h.Kernel;

            for (y = 0; y < height / 2; y++)
                inImg[y] = new Int16[2 * width];
                for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    inImg[y][x]         = (Int16)((Int16[])rows[2 * y])[x];
                    inImg[y][x + width] = (Int16)((Int16[])rows[2 * y + 1])[x];

            for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
                img[y] = new Int16[width];
                for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    img[y][x] = (Int16)((Int16[])rows[y])[x];

#if false
            for (y = 0; y < height; y += 2)
                int inX = 0;
                int inY = y / 2;

                img[y]     = new Int16[width];
                img[y + 1] = new Int16[width];

                for (x = 0; x < width; x += 2)
                    img[y][x]         = inImg[inY][inX++];
                    img[y + 1][x]     = inImg[inY][inX++];
                    img[y + 1][x + 1] = inImg[inY][inX++];
                    img[y][x + 1]     = inImg[inY][inX++];
        public static int CountBaselines(string file)
            var f = new Fits(file);
            var h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

            // Double Cube Dimensions: baseline, time, uvw
            var uvw_raw   = (Array[])h.Kernel;
            var baselines = uvw_raw.Length;

Пример #7
        private static void xreadImage(string fileName, out Int16[][] img, out Header hdr)
            Fits f = new Fits(fileName);

            ImageHDU h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

            hdr = h.Header;

            Int32 height = h.Axes[0];
            Int32 width  = h.Axes[1];

            object[] rows  = (System.Array[])h.Kernel;
            Int16[]  inImg = new Int16[height * width];

            int x, y;
            int idx = 0;

            for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
                Int16[] row = (Int16[])rows[y];

                for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    inImg[idx++] = row[x];

            Int16 [] outImg = new Int16[height * width];

            int srcIdx, destIdx;

            for (srcIdx = 0, destIdx = 0, y = 0; y < height / 2; y++)
                for (x = 0; x < width / 2; x++)
                    outImg[destIdx]           = inImg[srcIdx++];
                    outImg[width + destIdx++] = inImg[srcIdx++];
                    outImg[width + destIdx]   = inImg[srcIdx++];
                    outImg[destIdx++]         = inImg[srcIdx++];
                destIdx += width;

            img = new Int16[height][];
            for (srcIdx = 0, y = 0; y < height; y++)
                img[y] = new Int16[width];

                for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    img[y][x] = outImg[srcIdx++];
        public static double[,] ReadImageDouble(string file)
            Fits     f      = new Fits(file);
            ImageHDU h      = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();
            var      imgRaw = (Array[])h.Kernel;

            var output = new double[imgRaw.Length, imgRaw[0].Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < imgRaw.Length; i++)
                var row = (double[])imgRaw[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < row.Length; j++)
                    output[i, j] = row[j];
        public static double[,] ReadBeam(string file)
            var f = new Fits(file);
            var h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

            var raw = (Array[])h.Kernel;
            var img = new double[raw.Length, raw.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++)
                var col = (double[])raw[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < col.Length; j++)
                    img[i, j] = col[j];

        private BasicHDU ReadFIT(string fileName)
            Fits f = new Fits(fileName);

                BasicHDU hdus = f.ReadHDU();
                if (hdus != null)
                    // TEST: NUM SHARP TEST
                    ImageHDU imgHdu = (ImageHDU)f.GetHDU(0);
                    numSharp.InitImage(imgHdu, fileName);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
        public static bool[,,] ReadFlags(string file, int fromBl, int toBl, int timessamplesCount, int channelsCount)
            var length = toBl - fromBl;
            var output = new bool[length, timessamplesCount, channelsCount];

            var f         = new Fits(file);
            var h         = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();
            var flags_raw = (Array[])h.Kernel;

            for (int i = fromBl; i < toBl; i++)
                Array[] bl = (Array[])flags_raw[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < timessamplesCount; j++)
                    Array[] times = (Array[])bl[j];
                    for (int k = 0; k < channelsCount; k++)
                        double[] pols = (double[])times[k];
                        var      sum  = 0.0;
                        for (int l = 0; l < pols.Length; l++)
                            sum += pols[l];

                        //visibilitiy has been flagged
                        if (sum == 0)
                            output[i - fromBl, j, k] = false;
                            output[i - fromBl, j, k] = true;

Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Corrige el nombre un archivo "fits".
        /// Dejando intacta la ruta (carpeta) original.
        /// Además si es un archivo fits, corrige el contenido del campo
        /// object en la misma lógica que la corrección del nombre del archivo.
        /// Primero se corrige el contenido del archivo y luego el nombre.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archivo"></param>
        private void correctFits(FileInfo archivo)
            logger.Info("correctFits:archivo=" + archivo.Name);
            String ruta;
            String oldFileName;
            String newFileName;
            String extension;
            String oldFullFilename;
            String newFullFilename;

            Boolean requiereRename; //True solo si se detecta que es pertinente un rename

            requiereRename = false;

            ruta            = archivo.DirectoryName;
            oldFileName     = archivo.Name;
            extension       = archivo.Extension;
            newFileName     = archivo.Name;
            oldFullFilename = archivo.FullName;

            if (extension == ".fts")
                requiereRename = true;
                newFileName = newFileName.Replace(".fts", ".fits");
            if (oldFileName.Contains("+"))
                requiereRename = true;
                newFileName = newFileName.Replace("+", "p");
                if ((extension == ".fts") || (extension == ".fits"))
                    Fits   fitsFile;
                    String strObject; // El string que hay que corregir.
                    String strCorrectedObject;
                    fitsFile = new Fits(oldFullFilename);
                    BasicHDU hdu;
                    hdu = fitsFile.ReadHDU();
                    HeaderCard hcOBJECT;// Target object name  <---- Asi esta comentado en MaximDL
                    hcOBJECT  = hdu.Header.FindCard("OBJECT");
                    strObject = hcOBJECT.Value;
                    if (strObject.Contains("+"))
                        strCorrectedObject = strObject.Replace("+", "p");
                        hcOBJECT.Value     = strCorrectedObject;

            if (requiereRename)
                newFullFilename = ruta + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + newFileName;

                logger.Info(";" + oldFullFilename + "->" + newFullFilename);
                catch (Exception e)

Пример #13
/// <summary>
/// Revisa las coordenadas de un archivo "fits".
/// Dejando intacta la ruta (carpeta) original.
/// Avisa por pantalla:
/// - Si las coordenadas del filename no coinciden con las del fits.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="archivo"></param>
        private void revisaRaDecFits(FileInfo archivo)
            //logger.Info("correctFits:archivo=" + archivo.Name);
            String ruta;
            String shortFileName;
            String extension;
            String fullFilename;

            ruta          = archivo.DirectoryName;
            shortFileName = archivo.Name;
            extension     = archivo.Extension;
            fullFilename  = archivo.FullName;

            if ((extension == ".fts") || (extension == ".fits"))
                Fits   fitsFile;
                String strObject;
                String strObjectRA;
                String strObjectDEC;
                fitsFile = new Fits(fullFilename);
                BasicHDU hdu;
                hdu = fitsFile.ReadHDU();
                HeaderCard hcOBJECT;                            // Target object name  <---- Asi esta comentado en MaximDL
                HeaderCard hcOBJCTRA;                           //  [hms J2000] Target right ascension  <---- Asi esta comentado en MaximDL
                HeaderCard hcOBJCTDEC;                          //  [dms +N J2000] Target declination  <---- Asi esta comentado en MaximDL
                hcOBJECT     = hdu.Header.FindCard("OBJECT");   //OBJECT    = 'F1910178-615834'
                hcOBJCTRA    = hdu.Header.FindCard("OBJCTRA");  //OBJCTRA   = '19 10 17.80'
                hcOBJCTDEC   = hdu.Header.FindCard("OBJCTDEC"); //OBJCTDEC	= '-61 58 34.0'
                strObject    = hcOBJECT.Value;
                strObjectRA  = null;
                strObjectDEC = null;
                if (hcOBJCTRA != null)
                    strObjectRA = hcOBJCTRA.Value;
                if (hcOBJCTDEC != null)
                    strObjectDEC = hcOBJCTDEC.Value;
                if ((strObjectRA != null) && (strObject.StartsWith("F")))
                    StringBuilder radec;
                    //strObjectRA = EntreComillas(strObjectRA)[1];
                    radec = new StringBuilder();
                    radec.Append(strObjectRA.Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", "").Substring(0, 7));
                    //if (!strObjectDEC.StartsWith("-"))
                    //    radec.Append("p");
                    radec.Append(strObjectDEC.Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", "").Replace("+", "p").Substring(0, 7));
                    StringBuilder comparacion;
                    comparacion = new StringBuilder();
                    comparacion.Append(" --> ");
                    Boolean match;
                    match = strObject.Equals(radec.ToString());
                    if (!match)
                        StringBuilder mensaje;
                        mensaje = new StringBuilder();

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifica el header de un archivo .fits, previo al envio
        /// del archivo a otro servidor.        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fitsFullPath"></param>
        /// <returns>True si consigue modificar el header del archivo</returns>
        public Boolean CompletaFitsHeader(String fitsFullPath)
            if (!this.atc02Status.IsFresh())
                logger.Info("ATC02 sin datos recientes, no se actualizara Archivo fits '" + fitsFullPath + "'");
            FileInfo archivoFitsNuevo;
            int      test;
            int      testLimit;

            test      = 1;
            testLimit = 4;

            archivoFitsNuevo = new FileInfo(fitsFullPath);
                if (archivoFitsNuevo.Exists)
                    logger.Warn(String.Format("Archivo '{0}'no existe, intento {1} de {2}, esperando 1 segundo.", fitsFullPath, test, testLimit));
            } while (test <= testLimit);
            if (!archivoFitsNuevo.Exists)
                logger.Error(String.Format("Archivo '{0}'no existe.", fitsFullPath));
            Boolean respuesta;

            respuesta = true; // Solo si ocurre alguna excepcion esta variable sera False
            DateTime Ahora;

            Ahora = DateTime.Now;
            Fits fitsFile;

            fitsFile = new Fits(fitsFullPath);

            BasicHDU hdu;

            hdu = fitsFile.ReadHDU();
            HeaderCard hcDATE_OBS; // [ISO 8601] UTC date/time of exposure start
            HeaderCard hcEXPOSURE; // [sec] Duration of exposure

            hcDATE_OBS = hdu.Header.FindCard("DATE-OBS");
            hcEXPOSURE = hdu.Header.FindCard("EXPOSURE");
            DateTime dateObs;

            dateObs = DateTime.Parse(hcDATE_OBS.Value); //// [ISO 8601] UTC date/time of exposure start
            Double exposure;                            // [sec] Duration of exposure

            exposure = Double.Parse(hcEXPOSURE.Value);

            TimeSpan vejezFits; // Tiempo Transcurrido entre termino de exposición y el presente

            vejezFits = Ahora.Subtract(dateObs);
            double vejezSegundos;

            vejezSegundos = ((vejezFits.TotalSeconds) - exposure);
            logger.Info("Vejez archivo FITS=" + vejezSegundos + "[segundos].");
            // Si la vejez del archiv Fits es menor a veinte segundos
            // entonces se modifica el encabezado del fits
            // con la información del ATC02
            if (vejezSegundos < 20)
                HeaderCard hcFocStep;
                HeaderCard hcPriTemp;
                HeaderCard hcSecTemp;
                HeaderCard hcAmbTemp;
                HeaderCard hcSetFan;
                logger.Info("Actualizando archivo FITS:" + fitsFullPath);
                hcFocStep = hdu.Header.FindCard("FOCSTEP");
                hcPriTemp = hdu.Header.FindCard("PRITEMP");
                hcSecTemp = hdu.Header.FindCard("SECTEMP");
                hcAmbTemp = hdu.Header.FindCard("AMBTEMP");
                hcSetFan  = hdu.Header.FindCard("SETFAN");
                if (hcFocStep == null)
                    hcFocStep = new HeaderCard("FOCSTEP");
                if (hcPriTemp == null)
                    hcPriTemp = new HeaderCard("PRITEMP");
                if (hcSecTemp == null)
                    hcSecTemp = new HeaderCard("SECTEMP");
                if (hcAmbTemp == null)
                    hcAmbTemp = new HeaderCard("AMBTEMP");
                if (hcSetFan == null)
                    hcSetFan = new HeaderCard("SETFAN");

                hcFocStep.Value = ("" + Atc02Xml.BflToFocSetp(this.atc02Status.FocusPosition));
                hcPriTemp.Value = ("" + this.atc02Status.PrimaryTemperature);
                hcSecTemp.Value = ("" + this.atc02Status.SecondaryTemperature);
                hcAmbTemp.Value = ("" + this.atc02Status.AmbientTemperature);
                hcSetFan.Value  = ("" + this.atc02Status.FanPower);
                catch (Exception)
                    respuesta = false;
                    logger.Error("Error en: hdu.Header.Rewrite();");
            // Permitimos al sistema que guarde los cambios en el archivo fits.
Пример #15
        private FitsHeader  ReadFits(string Filename)
/*            double RA;
 *          double DEC;
 *          float[][] imageData;
 *          string LocalDate;
 *          double SiteLong;
 *          double SiteLat; */
            FitsHeader fitsheader = new FitsHeader();

                Fits f = new Fits(Filename);

                ImageHDU h = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();

                //other things we might want:
                // IMAGETYP= 'LIGHT'
                // NAXIS1  =                 7380 /
                // NAXIS2 = 4908
                // EXPTIME =                  6.0 / [s] Exposure duration
                // DATE-LOC= '2020-10-07T01:28:55.164' / Time of observation (local)
                //     GAIN    =                 1208 / Sensor gain
                //     XPIXSZ  =                 4.88 / [um] Pixel X axis size
                // YPIXSZ = 4.88 / [um] Pixel Y axis size
                //     SITELAT =     47.6077777777778 / [deg] Observation site latitude
                // SITELONG = -122.335 / [deg] Observation site longitude]

                fitsheader.ImageType = h.Header.GetStringValue("IMAGETYP");
                fitsheader.NAXIS1    = h.Header.GetIntValue("NAXIS1");
                fitsheader.NAXIS2    = h.Header.GetIntValue("NAXIS2");
                fitsheader.DecDeg    = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("DEC");
                fitsheader.RaDeg     = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("RA") / 15;
                fitsheader.Exposure  = h.Header.GetFloatValue("EXPOSURE");

                fitsheader.LocalDate = DateTime.ParseExact(h.Header.GetStringValue("DATE-LOC"), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                fitsheader.UTCDate   = DateTime.ParseExact(h.Header.GetStringValue("DATE-OBS"), "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                fitsheader.SiteLat     = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("SITELAT");
                fitsheader.SiteLong    = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("SITELONG");
                fitsheader.PixelPitch  = h.Header.GetFloatValue("XPIXSZ");
                fitsheader.Gain        = h.Header.GetIntValue("GAIN");
                fitsheader.SensorTempC = h.Header.GetFloatValue("CCD-TEMP");
                fitsheader.FocalLength = h.Header.GetFloatValue("FOCALLEN");
                fitsheader.Object      = h.Header.GetStringValue("OBJECT");

                /*RA = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("RA") / 15;
                 * DEC = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("DEC");
                 * LocalDate = h.Header.GetStringValue("DATE-LOC");
                 * SiteLat = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("SITELAT");
                 * SiteLong = h.Header.GetDoubleValue("SITELAT");
                 * //imageData = (float[][])h.Kernel; */

            catch { Console.WriteLine("Error opening fits.."); return(fitsheader); }

Пример #16
        public static Task <IImageData> Load(Uri filePath, bool isBayered)
            return(Task.Run <IImageData>(() => {
                Fits f = new Fits(filePath);
                ImageHDU hdu = (ImageHDU)f.ReadHDU();
                Array[] arr = (Array[])hdu.Data.DataArray;

                var dimensions = hdu.Header.GetIntValue("NAXIS");
                if (dimensions > 2)
                    //Debayered Images are not supported. Take the first dimension instead to get at least a monochrome image
                    arr = (Array[])arr[0];

                var width = hdu.Header.GetIntValue("NAXIS1");
                var height = hdu.Header.GetIntValue("NAXIS2");
                var bitPix = hdu.Header.GetIntValue("BITPIX");

                var converter = GetConverter(bitPix);
                ushort[] pixels = converter.Convert(arr, width, height);

                //Translate nom.tam.fits into N.I.N.A. FITSHeader
                FITSHeader header = new FITSHeader(width, height);
                var iterator = hdu.Header.GetCursor();
                while (iterator.MoveNext())
                    HeaderCard card = (HeaderCard)((DictionaryEntry)iterator.Current).Value;
                    if (card.Value != null)
                        if (card.IsStringValue)
                            header.Add(card.Key, card.Value, card.Comment);
                            if (card.Value == "T")
                                header.Add(card.Key, true, card.Comment);
                            else if (card.Value.Contains("."))
                                if (double.TryParse(card.Value, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var value))
                                    header.Add(card.Key, value, card.Comment);
                                if (int.TryParse(card.Value, NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var value))
                                    header.Add(card.Key, value, card.Comment);

                var metaData = new ImageMetaData();
                try {
                    metaData = header.ExtractMetaData();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                return new Model.ImageData.ImageData(pixels, width, height, 16, isBayered, metaData);
Пример #17
        // Read a FITS file
        public Bitmap ReadFile(string FileName)
            Fits     f2          = new Fits(FileName);
            ImageHDU h2          = (ImageHDU)f2.ReadHDU();
            Header   hdr2        = h2.Header;
            int      BitPixLen   = hdr2.GetIntValue("BITPIX");
            int      PixelWidth  = hdr2.GetIntValue("NAXIS1");
            int      PixelHeight = hdr2.GetIntValue("NAXIS2");

            object[] img  = (object[])h2.Kernel;
            uint[][] img1 = new uint[PixelHeight][];
            byte[][] img2 = new byte[PixelHeight][];
            //for (int i = 0; i < PixelHeight; i++)
            //    img2[i] = new byte[PixelWidth];

            if (BitPixLen == 32)//int

                uint MaxPixelValue = 0x00000000;
                uint MinPixelValue = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                for (int i = 0; i < PixelHeight; i++)
                    img1[i] = (uint[])img[i];            //img强制赋值给img1
                    img2[i] = new byte[PixelWidth];
                    for (int j = 0; j < PixelWidth; j++) //求最值
                        if (img1[i][j] > MaxPixelValue)
                            MaxPixelValue = img1[i][j];
                        else if ((img1[i][j] > 0) && (img1[i][j] < MinPixelValue))
                            MinPixelValue = img1[i][j];
                double m = (MaxPixelValue - MinPixelValue) * 1.0 / 255;

                for (int i = 0; i < PixelHeight; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < PixelWidth; j++)
                        if (img1[i][j] > 0)
                            double tf = (img1[i][j] - MinPixelValue) * 1.0 / m;
                            if (tf >= 255.0)
                                img2[i][j] = 255;
                                img2[i][j] = Convert.ToByte(tf);

            //Bitmap bmp = ToGrayBitmap(img2, PixelWidth, PixelHeight);
            //pictureBox1.Image = bmp;
            return(ToGrayBitmap(img2, PixelWidth, PixelHeight));