internal static void Dispose() { try { FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); CombatClass.DisposeCombatClass(); Fsm.StopEngine(); Fight.StopFight(); MovementManager.StopMove(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("Grinder > Bot > Bot > Dispose(): " + e); } }
public void EatOrDrink(string itemName, bool isMana = false) { try { if (FishingTask.IsLaunched) { FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); } // isMana = false => Health if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) { Usefuls.DisMount(); } MovementManager.StopMove(); Thread.Sleep(500); ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.ForceIsCasting = true; // Make the bot believe it's casting something. (we set it to false in Finally()) ItemsManager.UseItem(itemName); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe || ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.InCombat) { return; } if (!isMana && ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HealthPercent > 95 || isMana && ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 95) { break; } Thread.Sleep(500); // Eat/Drink for 15 seconds or until we get to high HP/Mana } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("public void EatOrDrink(string itemName, bool isMana = false): " + e); } finally { ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.ForceIsCasting = false; // In case we set it to true and crash, prevent the bot from believing that its constantly casting. } }
public override void Run() { if (!Products.IsStarted || ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe || ObjectManager.Me.InCombatBlizzard) { return; } if (!FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishSchool) { if (_firstRun && FishingTask.IsLaunched) { _firstRun = false; } // If we have a saved position and we don't fish, then go to position if (FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition.IsValid && (!FishingTask.IsLaunched || _beenFighting) && !_firstRun) { _beenFighting = false; if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition) > 5) { LongMove.LongMoveGo(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition); } else if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition) > 1.5f) { MovementManager.MoveTo(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition); } MovementManager.Face(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotRotation); } // If we don't fish or the timer is null, then start a new timer, save position and fish if (timer == null || !FishingTask.IsLaunched) { timer = new nManager.Helpful.Timer(10 * 60 * 1000 + 10 * 1000); FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition = ObjectManager.Me.Position; FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotRotation = ObjectManager.Me.Rotation; Fishing.EquipFishingPoles(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishingPoleName); FishingTask.LoopFish(0, FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.UseLure, FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.LureName, FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishingPoleName, false, FisherbotSetting.AutomaticallyUseDraenorSecondaryBait); } // If the timer ended, stop fishing, equip weapon, null the timer else if (timer.IsReady) { FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); ItemsManager.EquipItemByName(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.WeaponName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.ShieldName)) { ItemsManager.EquipItemByName(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.ShieldName); } timer = null; } // We are in timer, we fish, then save the position else { if (FishingTask._lastSuccessfullFishing > Environment.TickCount - 5000) { FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition = ObjectManager.Me.Position; FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotRotation = ObjectManager.Me.Rotation; // We successfully fished in the last 5 seconds, let's record our position again. } if (FishingTask._lastSuccessfullFishing != 0 && FishingTask._lastSuccessfullFishing < Environment.TickCount - 25000) { // We did not catch a single thing in the last 25 seconds... FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); return; } // _lastSuccessfullFishing is fine or we never fished yet, let it load :) Thread.Sleep(500); } // No more while, we test what we need and return return; } // Nodes fishing code if (_node.IsValid) { FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition = Bot.Profile.Points[Math.NearestPointOfListPoints(Bot.Profile.Points, _node.Position)]; Logging.Write("Fish " + _node.Name + " > " + _node.Position); } if (FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishSchool) { Point whereToGo = Fishing.FindTheUltimatePoint(_node.Position); if (whereToGo.Type == "invalid") { Logging.Write("No valid point found"); nManagerSetting.AddBlackList(_node.Guid); return; } bool r; List <Point> points = PathFinder.FindPath(whereToGo, out r); if (points.Count <= 1 || points.Count >= 20) { points.Clear(); points.Add(ObjectManager.Me.Position); points.Add(whereToGo); } else { for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { if (points[i].Z < whereToGo.Z) { points[i].Z = whereToGo.Z; } } } Logging.Write("Going to point > " + whereToGo.X + " ; " + whereToGo.Y + " ; " + whereToGo.Z + " ; " + points[0].Type); MovementManager.Go(points); timer = new nManager.Helpful.Timer(((int)Math.DistanceListPoint(points) / 3 * 1000) + 4000); while ((_node.IsValid || !FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishSchool) && Products.IsStarted && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.Me.InInevitableCombat && !timer.IsReady && MovementManager.InMovement) { if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(whereToGo) <= 0.2f) { MovementManager.StopMove(); break; } Thread.Sleep(50); } if (timer.IsReady && _node.GetDistance2D > DistanceMax) { Logging.Write("Fishing failed - No nearby point found (distance near position = " + ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D( FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + ")"); MovementManager.StopMove(); nManagerSetting.AddBlackList(_node.Guid); return; } } // Stop move MovementManager.StopMove(); MountTask.DismountMount(); // Face if (_node.IsValid) { MovementManager.Face(_node); } else { MovementManager.Face(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotRotation); } // Ce met a la bonne distance du banc de poisson if (_node.IsValid) { int nbIsSwimming = 0; timer = new nManager.Helpful.Timer(1000 * 8); while ((Usefuls.IsSwimming || _node.GetDistance > DistanceMax || _node.GetDistance < DistanceMin) && Products.IsStarted && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !timer.IsReady) { if (nbIsSwimming * 100 > TimeTryFindGoodPos) { FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); MovementsAction.MoveBackward(false); MovementsAction.MoveForward(false); Logging.Write("BlackList " + _node.Name); nManagerSetting.AddBlackList(_node.Guid); return; } FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); MovementManager.Face(_node); if (Usefuls.IsSwimming || _node.GetDistance < DistanceMin) { MovementsAction.MoveForward(false); MovementsAction.MoveBackward(true); } if (_node.GetDistance > DistanceMax) { MovementsAction.MoveBackward(false); MovementsAction.MoveForward(true); } nbIsSwimming++; Thread.Sleep(100); } MovementsAction.MoveBackward(false); MovementsAction.MoveForward(false); if (timer.IsReady) { Logging.Write("Fishing failed - Out of range" + timer.IsReady.ToString()); MovementManager.StopMove(); nManagerSetting.AddBlackList(_node.Guid); return; } } // Fish Fishing.EquipFishingPoles(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishingPoleName); FishingTask.LoopFish(_node.Guid, FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.UseLure, FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.LureName, FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishingPoleName, FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.PrecisionMode, FisherbotSetting.AutomaticallyUseDraenorSecondaryBait); timer = new nManager.Helpful.Timer(2 * 60 * 1000); while ((_node.IsValid || !FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishSchool) && Products.IsStarted && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombat && !timer.IsReady && FishingTask.IsLaunched) { if (ObjectManager.Me.Position.DistanceTo2D(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FisherbotPosition) > 3.5f && !FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.FishSchool) { break; } Thread.Sleep(300); } FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); ItemsManager.EquipItemByName(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.WeaponName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.ShieldName)) { ItemsManager.EquipItemByName(FisherbotSetting.CurrentSetting.ShieldName); } }
public override void Run() { List <Npc> listNPCs = new List <Npc>(); Npc mailBox = null; // Stop fisher if needed if (Products.Products.ProductName == "Fisherbot" && FishingTask.IsLaunched) { FishingTask.StopLoopFish(); // Then break the cast MovementsAction.MoveBackward(true); Thread.Sleep(50); MovementsAction.MoveBackward(false); } // If we need to send items. if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ActivateAutoMaillingFeature && !_suspendMailing && nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MaillingFeatureRecipient != string.Empty && Usefuls.GetContainerNumFreeSlots <= nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SendMailWhenLessThanXSlotLeft) { if (_useMollE) { MountTask.DismountMount(); ItemsManager.UseItem(ItemsManager.GetItemNameById(40768)); Thread.Sleep(2000); WoWGameObject portableMailbox = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWGameObject( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectById(191605)); if (portableMailbox.IsValid && portableMailbox.CreatedBy == ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Guid) { mailBox = new Npc { Entry = portableMailbox.Entry, Position = portableMailbox.Position, Name = portableMailbox.Name, ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId, Faction = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction.ToLower() == "horde" ? Npc.FactionType.Horde : Npc.FactionType.Alliance, SelectGossipOption = 0, Type = Npc.NpcType.Mailbox }; } } if (mailBox == null && NpcDB.GetNpcNearby(Npc.NpcType.Mailbox).Entry > 0) { mailBox = NpcDB.GetNpcNearby(Npc.NpcType.Mailbox); } listNPCs.Add(mailBox); } // If we need to repair. if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.GetDurability <= nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.RepairWhenDurabilityIsUnderPercent && nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ActivateAutoRepairFeature) { if (_magicMountMammoth && MountTask.GetMountCapacity() >= MountCapacity.Ground && Skill.GetValue(SkillLine.Riding) > 0) { if (_travelersTundraMammoth.HaveBuff || _travelersTundraMammoth.IsSpellUsable) { if (!_travelersTundraMammoth.HaveBuff) { MountTask.DismountMount(); _travelersTundraMammoth.Launch(true, true, true); Thread.Sleep(2000); } if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction.ToLower() == "horde") { WoWUnit drixBlackwrench = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(32641)); if (drixBlackwrench.IsValid && drixBlackwrench.IsAlive) { Npc drixBlackwrenchNpc = new Npc { Entry = drixBlackwrench.Entry, Position = drixBlackwrench.Position, Name = drixBlackwrench.Name, ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId, Faction = Npc.FactionType.Horde, SelectGossipOption = 0, Type = Npc.NpcType.Repair }; listNPCs.Add(drixBlackwrenchNpc); } } else { WoWUnit gnimo = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(32639)); if (gnimo.IsValid && gnimo.IsAlive) { Npc gnimoNpc = new Npc { Entry = gnimo.Entry, Position = gnimo.Position, Name = gnimo.Name, ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId, Faction = Npc.FactionType.Alliance, SelectGossipOption = 0, Type = Npc.NpcType.Repair }; listNPCs.Add(gnimoNpc); } } } } else if (_magicMountYak && MountTask.GetMountCapacity() >= MountCapacity.Ground && Skill.GetValue(SkillLine.Riding) > 0) { if (_grandExpeditionYak.HaveBuff || _grandExpeditionYak.IsSpellUsable) { if (!_grandExpeditionYak.HaveBuff) { MountTask.DismountMount(); _grandExpeditionYak.Launch(true, true, true); Thread.Sleep(2000); } WoWUnit cousinSlowhands = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(62822)); if (cousinSlowhands.IsValid && cousinSlowhands.IsAlive) { Npc cousinSlowhandsNpc = new Npc { Entry = cousinSlowhands.Entry, Position = cousinSlowhands.Position, Name = cousinSlowhands.Name, ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId, Faction = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction.ToLower() == "horde" ? Npc.FactionType.Horde : Npc.FactionType.Alliance, SelectGossipOption = 0, Type = Npc.NpcType.Repair }; listNPCs.Add(cousinSlowhandsNpc); } } } else if (_use74A) { Npc npcA = DoSpawnRobot("74A", Npc.NpcType.Repair); if (npcA != null) { listNPCs.Add(npcA); } } else if (_use110G) { Npc npcG = DoSpawnRobot("110G", Npc.NpcType.Repair); if (npcG != null) { listNPCs.Add(npcG); } } else if (_useJeeves) { Npc npcJeeves = DoSpawnRobot("Jeeves", Npc.NpcType.Repair); if (npcJeeves != null) { listNPCs.Add(npcJeeves); } } else { if (NpcDB.GetNpcNearby(Npc.NpcType.Repair).Entry > 0) { listNPCs.Add(NpcDB.GetNpcNearby(Npc.NpcType.Repair)); } } } // If we need to sell. if (NeedFoodSupplies() || NeedDrinkSupplies() || Usefuls.GetContainerNumFreeSlots <= nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellItemsWhenLessThanXSlotLeft && nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ActivateAutoSellingFeature && !_suspendSelling) { if (_magicMountMammoth && MountTask.GetMountCapacity() >= MountCapacity.Ground && Skill.GetValue(SkillLine.Riding) > 0) { if (_travelersTundraMammoth.HaveBuff || _travelersTundraMammoth.IsSpellUsable) { if (!_travelersTundraMammoth.HaveBuff) { MountTask.DismountMount(); _travelersTundraMammoth.Launch(true, true, true); Thread.Sleep(2000); } if (ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.PlayerFaction.ToLower() == "horde") { WoWUnit mojodishu = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(32642)); if (mojodishu.IsValid && mojodishu.IsAlive) { Npc mojodishuNpc = new Npc { Entry = mojodishu.Entry, Position = mojodishu.Position, Name = mojodishu.Name, ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId, Faction = Npc.FactionType.Horde, SelectGossipOption = 0, Type = Npc.NpcType.Vendor }; listNPCs.Add(mojodishuNpc); } } else { WoWUnit hakmuddArgus = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(32638)); if (hakmuddArgus.IsValid && hakmuddArgus.IsAlive) { Npc hakmuddArgusNpc = new Npc { Entry = hakmuddArgus.Entry, Position = hakmuddArgus.Position, Name = hakmuddArgus.Name, ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId, Faction = Npc.FactionType.Alliance, SelectGossipOption = 0, Type = Npc.NpcType.Vendor }; listNPCs.Add(hakmuddArgusNpc); } } } } else if (_magicMountYak && MountTask.GetMountCapacity() >= MountCapacity.Ground && Skill.GetValue(SkillLine.Riding) > 0) { if (_grandExpeditionYak.HaveBuff || _grandExpeditionYak.IsSpellUsable) { if (!_grandExpeditionYak.HaveBuff) { MountTask.DismountMount(); _grandExpeditionYak.Launch(true, true, true); Thread.Sleep(2000); } WoWUnit cousinSlowhands = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetNearestWoWUnit( ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitByEntry(62822)); if (cousinSlowhands.IsValid && cousinSlowhands.IsAlive) { Npc cousinSlowhandsNpc = new Npc { Entry = cousinSlowhands.Entry, Position = cousinSlowhands.Position, Name = cousinSlowhands.Name, ContinentIdInt = Usefuls.ContinentId, Faction = Npc.FactionType.Neutral, SelectGossipOption = 0, Type = Npc.NpcType.Vendor }; listNPCs.Add(cousinSlowhandsNpc); } } } else if (_use74A) { Npc npcA = DoSpawnRobot("74A", Npc.NpcType.Vendor); if (npcA != null) { listNPCs.Add(npcA); } } else if (_use110G) { Npc npcG = DoSpawnRobot("110G", Npc.NpcType.Vendor); if (npcG != null) { listNPCs.Add(npcG); } } else if (_useJeeves) { Npc npcJeeves = DoSpawnRobot("Jeeves", Npc.NpcType.Vendor); if (npcJeeves != null) { listNPCs.Add(npcJeeves); } } else { if (NpcDB.GetNpcNearby(Npc.NpcType.Vendor).Entry > 0) { listNPCs.Add(NpcDB.GetNpcNearby(Npc.NpcType.Vendor)); } } } #region Repairer, Seller/Buyer, MailBox if (listNPCs.Count > 0) { listNPCs.Sort(OnComparison); foreach (Npc npc in listNPCs) { Npc target = npc; bool doTravel = target.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) > 400 || target.ContinentIdInt != Usefuls.ContinentId; if (!doTravel && target.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) <= 400) { // Close NPC but no path ? bool success; PathFinder.FindPath(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position, target.Position, Usefuls.ContinentNameMpq, out success); if (!success) { doTravel = true; } } //Start travel if (_travelLocation != null && _travelLocation.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) > 0.1f) { if (Products.Products.TravelRegenerated && Products.Products.TravelFrom.IsValid) { _travelLocation = Products.Products.TravelFrom; Products.Products.TravelRegenerated = false; } } if (doTravel && (_travelLocation == null || _travelLocation.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) > 0.1f) && !_travelDisabled && !Usefuls.IsFlying) { MovementManager.StopMove(); switch (npc.Type) { case Npc.NpcType.Repair: Logging.Write("Calling travel system to NpcRepair " + npc.Name + " (" + npc.Entry + ")..."); break; case Npc.NpcType.Vendor: Logging.Write("Calling travel system to NpcVendor " + npc.Name + " (" + npc.Entry + ")..."); break; case Npc.NpcType.Mailbox: Logging.Write("Calling travel system to Mailbox " + npc.Name + " (" + npc.Entry + ")..."); break; default: Logging.Write("Calling travel system for ToTown to " + npc.Name + " (" + npc.Entry + ")..."); break; } Products.Products.TravelToContinentId = target.ContinentIdInt; Products.Products.TravelTo = target.Position; Products.Products.TravelFromContinentId = Usefuls.ContinentId; Products.Products.TravelFrom = ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position; // Pass the check for valid destination as a lambda Products.Products.TargetValidationFct = Quest.IsNearQuestGiver; // compare me.Pos to dest.Pos _travelLocation = Products.Products.TravelFrom; return; } if (_travelLocation != null && _travelLocation.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) <= 0.1f) { _travelDisabled = true; // don't forget to release travel once arrived. } //Start target finding based on Seller. uint baseAddress = MovementManager.FindTarget(ref target, 0, !ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted); if (!target.ValidPath) { Logging.WriteDebug("No valid path/travel to Npc " + target.Name + ", removing him from NpcDB."); NpcDB.DelNpc(target); } if (MovementManager.InMovement) { return; } if (target.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) >= 5f) { return; } _travelDisabled = false; if (baseAddress == 0 && target.Position.DistanceTo(ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.Position) < 5f) { NpcDB.DelNpc(target); } else if (baseAddress > 0) { if (!_travelersTundraMammoth.HaveBuff) { DoProspectingInTown(target); DoMillingInTown(target); } Interact.InteractWith(baseAddress); Thread.Sleep(500); MovementManager.StopMove(); if (target.SelectGossipOption != 0) { Lua.LuaDoString("SelectGossipOption(" + target.SelectGossipOption + ")"); Thread.Sleep(500); } else if (target.Type == Npc.NpcType.Repair || target.Type == Npc.NpcType.Vendor) { if (!Gossip.SelectGossip(Gossip.GossipOption.Vendor)) { Logging.WriteError("Problem with NPC " + npc.Name + " Removing it for NpcDB"); NpcDB.DelNpc(npc); return; } } // NPC Repairer if (target.Type == Npc.NpcType.Repair) { Logging.Write("Repair items from " + target.Name + " (" + target.Entry + ")."); Vendor.RepairAllItems(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } // End NPC Repairer if (target.Type == Npc.NpcType.Vendor) { // NPC Buyer Logging.Write("Selling items to " + target.Name + " (" + target.Entry + ")."); List <WoWItemQuality> vQuality = new List <WoWItemQuality>(); if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGray) { vQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Poor); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellWhite) { vQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Common); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellGreen) { vQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Uncommon); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellBlue) { vQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Rare); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellPurple) { vQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Epic); } Vendor.SellItems(nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ForceToSellTheseItems, nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DontSellTheseItems, vQuality); Thread.Sleep(3000); if (Usefuls.GetContainerNumFreeSlots <= nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SellItemsWhenLessThanXSlotLeft) { _suspendSelling = true; } // End NPC Buyer // NPC Seller if (NeedFoodSupplies() || NeedDrinkSupplies()) { Logging.Write("Buying beverages and food from " + target.Name + " (" + target.Entry + ")."); } for (int i = 0; i < 10 && NeedFoodSupplies(); i++) { Vendor.BuyItem(nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.FoodName, 1); } for (int i = 0; i < 10 && NeedDrinkSupplies(); i++) { Vendor.BuyItem(nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.BeverageName, 1); } // End NPC Seller } if (target.Type == Npc.NpcType.Repair || target.Type == Npc.NpcType.Vendor) { Gossip.CloseGossip(); } // MailBox if (target.Type == Npc.NpcType.Mailbox) { List <WoWItemQuality> mQuality = new List <WoWItemQuality>(); if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGray) { mQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Poor); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailWhite) { mQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Common); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailGreen) { mQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Uncommon); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailBlue) { mQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Rare); } if (nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MailPurple) { mQuality.Add(WoWItemQuality.Epic); } bool mailSendingCompleted = false; for (int i = 7; i > 0 && !mailSendingCompleted; i--) { Interact.InteractWith(baseAddress); Thread.Sleep(1000); Mail.SendMessage(nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MaillingFeatureRecipient, nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MaillingFeatureSubject, "", nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.ForceToMailTheseItems, nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DontMailTheseItems, mQuality, out mailSendingCompleted); Thread.Sleep(500); } if (mailSendingCompleted) { Logging.Write("Sending items to the player " + nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.MaillingFeatureRecipient + " using " + target.Name + " (" + target.Entry + ")."); } if (Usefuls.GetContainerNumFreeSlots <= nManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.SendMailWhenLessThanXSlotLeft) { _suspendMailing = true; } Lua.LuaDoString("CloseMail()"); } // End MailBox } // still on the road, but not in movement for some reasons } } #endregion Repairer, Seller/Buyer, MailBox }