/// <summary>
        /// Compile a 2D list of files organized by sample group for rMFE filtering
        /// This list has input and output file paths (.rmc)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ICollection <ICollection <CompoundFilterByBucket.DataPathInfo> > GetFilePaths()
            // outer list is by sample group
            var rv = new List <ICollection <CompoundFilterByBucket.DataPathInfo> >();

            foreach (var group in m_sampleGroupDict.Values.Distinct())
                // inner list is by .rmc file
                var grpList = new List <CompoundFilterByBucket.DataPathInfo>();
                foreach (var file in m_sampleGroupDict.Where(sg => sg.Value == group).Select(sg => sg.Key))
                    // there can be multiple .unfiltered.rmc files depending on frag voltage, polarity, etc.
                    var rmcPath = FindCpdsMassHunter.GetPersistenceFilePath(file, null);
                    foreach (var rmcFile in Directory.GetFiles(rmcPath, "*" + RMC_UNFILTERED_EXTENSION))
                        var dpi = new CompoundFilterByBucket.DataPathInfo();
                        dpi.CustomerScalingFactor = 1.0f;
                        dpi.InputCompoundFilePath = rmcFile;
                        dpi.OutputCompoundFilePah = Regex.Replace(rmcFile, RMC_UNFILTERED_EXTENSION, RMC_EXTENSION);


Пример #2
        private ConcurrentDictionary <int, ProfinderLogic.Strcuctplots> getPlots(Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.ICompoundGroup cpdGroup, List <string> analysisFiles)
            var plotDict       = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, ProfinderLogic.Strcuctplots>();
            var dictAnalysisID = qualAppLogic.DataHeirarchy.AnalysisStore.Cast <DictionaryEntry>()
                                 .ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Value as Analysis, kvp => (int)kvp.Key);

            if (!dictAnalysisID.Any())

            Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.ICompound c = cpdGroup.First().Value;
            CpdDataObjectType plotTypes = CpdDataObjectType.MFECpdChromatogram | CpdDataObjectType.MFESpectrum;
            ConcurrentDictionary <int, StrcuctFindCpdItem> concurrentDict = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, StrcuctFindCpdItem>();
            List <string> sItems = new List <string> {

            foreach (string analsisFilePath in analysisFiles)
                StrcuctFindCpdItem strcItems;
                IFindCompounds     findCpds      = null;
                IParameterSet      resultOptions = null;
                Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.ICompound cpd;
                if (dictAnalysisID.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key.FilePath == analsisFilePath).Key == null)
                var  diAnalysis = dictAnalysisID.First(a => a.Key.FilePath == analsisFilePath);
                var  analysis   = diAnalysis.Key;
                var  analysisID = diAnalysis.Value;
                bool flag       = cpdGroup.TryGetValue(analsisFilePath, out cpd);
                if (!flag)
                IList <ICpdDetails> cpdDetailsList = cpd.CpdDetailsList;
                ICpdDetails         cpdDetails     = null;
                if ((cpdDetailsList.Count > 0) && (cpdDetailsList[0] != null))
                    cpdDetails = cpd.CpdDetailsList.First();
                if (cpdDetails == null && c.CpdMiningAlgorithm == CpdMiningAlgorithm.FindByMolecularFeature)
                    MGDBAccessor DBAccessor = MGDBAccessor.GetMGDBAccessor();
                    string       sKey       = cpd.DataFileName + cpd.TargetID.ToString();
                        byte[] cpdDetailObj = DBAccessor.GetCompoundDetailItem(analysis.FilePath, sKey);
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(cpdDetailObj))
                            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                            cpdDetails = (MFECpdDetails)bf.Deserialize(ms);
                        continue;  // not a saved item
                    List <IParameterSet> parameterSets = new List <IParameterSet>();
                    ((MFECpdDetails)cpdDetails).ChargeStateAssignmentPset = qualAppLogic.ChargeStateAssignment;
                    ((MFECpdDetails)cpdDetails).TofPeakFinderPset         = qualAppLogic.TofPeakFinderPset;
                    ((MFECpdDetails)cpdDetails).MSMSPeakFilterPset        = qualAppLogic.MSMSPeakFilter;
                    ((MFECpdDetails)cpdDetails).ParameterSets             = parameterSets;

                List <Type> algoTypeList = cpd.GetFindCompoundAlgorithmTypes();
                if (algoTypeList.Count > 0)
                    Type algoType = cpd.GetFindCompoundAlgorithmTypes().First();
                        findCpds      = new FindCpdsMassHunter(QualCommandBase.CreatePeakFinderForMassSpectrum());
                        resultOptions = qualAppLogic[QualDAMethod.ParamKeyMFEProcessing] as PSetMassHunterProcessing;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (findCpds != null && qualAppLogic.OpenProject)  // no pset verification for open project
                            if (algoType == typeof(FindByIsotopologue))
                                resultOptions = qualAppLogic.GetParameterSetNoValidate(QualDAMethod.ParamKeyFindByIsotopologue);
                                resultOptions = qualAppLogic.GetParameterSetNoValidate(QualDAMethod.ParamKeyFindCompoundsFormula);
                            throw ex;
                var psetFbF = resultOptions as IPSetFindCpdsFormula;
                if (psetFbF != null)
                    psetFbF.PreferProfileRawSpectra = false;
                var psetMFE = resultOptions as IPSetMassHunterProcessing;
                if (psetMFE != null)
                    psetMFE.PreferProfileRawSpectra = false;

                strcItems.icompound   = cpd;
                strcItems.idetails    = cpdDetails;
                strcItems.ifindcpd    = findCpds;
                strcItems.ipset       = resultOptions;
                strcItems.idataaccess = analysis.DataAccess;
                strcItems.bheight     = cpd.HasValue(ResultAttribute.Height);
                concurrentDict.TryAdd(analysisID, strcItems);
                Parallel.ForEach(concurrentDict, new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount
                }, strctItem =>
                    StrcuctFindCpdItem myItems = (StrcuctFindCpdItem)strctItem.Value;
                    Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.Qualitative.ProfinderLogic.Strcuctplots strcplots = new Agilent.MassSpectrometry.DataAnalysis.Qualitative.ProfinderLogic.Strcuctplots();
                    IFindCompounds findCpds     = myItems.ifindcpd;
                    IParameterSet resultOptions = myItems.ipset;

                    if (myItems.idetails != null)
                        if (myItems.idetails is CpdDetailsFindByIsotopologue)
                            IPSetFindByIsotopologue psetFindIso = resultOptions as IPSetFindByIsotopologue;
                            if (psetFindIso != null && psetFindIso.PreferRawSpectrumDisplay)
                                plotTypes = CpdDataObjectType.MsChromatogram | CpdDataObjectType.MsSpectrum;
                                plotTypes = CpdDataObjectType.MsChromatogram | CpdDataObjectType.CleanedSpectrum;

                        var ifxData           = findCpds.GetCpdDataObjects(myItems.icompound, myItems.idetails, plotTypes, myItems.idataaccess, resultOptions);
                        strcplots.ifxdata     = ifxData;
                        List <IFXData> fxList = strcplots.ifxdata;
                        foreach (var chromItem in fxList)
                            //chromItem.RemoveCompoundInformation(); // label will use it
                            FXDataBase fxDatabase = chromItem as FXDataBase;
                            if ((fxDatabase != null) && (fxDatabase.AcquisitionMetaData != null))
                                fxDatabase.AcquisitionMetaData = null;
                        strcplots.bheight     = myItems.icompound.HasValue(ResultAttribute.Height);
                        strcplots.cpdGroupNum = cpdGroup.CompoundGroupNumber;

                        plotDict[strctItem.Key] = strcplots;
            catch (AggregateException e)
                throw e.InnerException;

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Override to do the actual work of the command
        /// </summary>
        protected override void DoSpecialized()
            //BatchExtractor.CommonUtility.LogMessage("Recursive MFE", this);
            var userParameters = GetAlignmentParameters();

            if (IsGCData() == true) // To do recursive MFE for GC data
            //var progressTracker = new PFEProgressTracker(m_AppManager, ProgressCategory.Task);

                //progressTracker.ReportProgress(ProgressStage.Starting, 0, new QualUserMessage(QualMessage.ExecutingFindCompounds));

                for (int i = 0; i < m_analyses.Count; i++)
                    var m_analysis = m_analyses[i];
                    IFindCompoundsParameters findParams = GetFindCompoundsParams();
                    GetAnalysisSpecificParams(ref findParams, new object[] { m_analysis });
                    List <IonPolarity> polarityList = GetScanIonPolarities(findParams.DataAccess);
                    // for Allion data, not to use fragVoltage.
                    List <double> energyVoltages = null;
                    double        lowE           = double.NaN;
                    double[]      highEs         = null;
                    bool          bMultipleCEs   = false;

                    bool AllIonsData = FindCpdsUtilities.IsThisAllIonsData(findParams.DataAccess, out lowE, out highEs, out bMultipleCEs);
                    if (AllIonsData)
                        energyVoltages = new List <double>(1);
                        energyVoltages = GetFragmentorVoltages(findParams.DataAccess);
                        if (energyVoltages.Count == 1)
                            energyVoltages[0] = 0.0;
                    // multiple time segemnt support. One segment per clc file.
                    // No MFE data segment with no clc file generated.
                    IBDADataAccess m_BdaDa = new BDADataAccess();
                    m_BdaDa.OpenDataFile(findParams.DataAccess.DataFileName, true);
                    IRange[] tempRange          = m_BdaDa.GetTimeSegmentRanges();
                    int      m_totalTimeSegment = tempRange.Length;
                    double fragVoltage = 0.0;
                    // From B08, MFE data reader API has changed. It doesn't use the passed in multiple voltages. The reader handle it itself.
                    if (energyVoltages.Count > 1) // for multiple frag voltageas, we take the smallest one
                        // fragVoltage = energyVoltages.Min();  // match the changes in MassHunterAlgorithm.cs and in MFE (MFE agreed to do so)
                    DesiredMSStorageType storeType = DesiredMSStorageType.PeakElseProfile;
                    for (int idxPolarity = 0; idxPolarity < polarityList.Count; idxPolarity++)
                        IonPolarity ionPolarity = polarityList[idxPolarity];
                        foreach (var framVoltage in energyVoltages)  // get one valid store type.
                                storeType = GetStorageType(findParams.DataAccess, ionPolarity, framVoltage);
                            catch  // small framVoltage different could get there, we use a valid one (TT 268031)

                        for (int segnum = 1; segnum <= m_totalTimeSegment; segnum++)
                            var sPath = FindCpdsMassHunter.GetPersistenceFilePath(
                                m_analysis.FilePath, null);
                            var sName = FindCpdsMassHunter.GetPersistenceFileName(
                                m_analysis.FilePath, ionPolarity, storeType, fragVoltage, segnum);

                            clcFileItem clcItem;
                            clcItem.rmcPath       = Path.Combine(sPath, (sName + RMC_UNFILTERED_EXTENSION));
                            clcItem.clcPath       = Path.Combine(sPath, (sName + CLC_EXTENSION));
                            clcItem.clcName       = Regex.Replace(sName, @"^.+\.", String.Empty);
                            clcItem.scalingfactor = 1.0f;
                if (clcfileList.Count > 0)
                    var           itemQuery          = clcfileList.GroupBy(p => p.clcName);
                    string        errMsg             = string.Empty;
                    List <string> processedFilesList = new List <string>();
                    foreach (IGrouping <string, clcFileItem> queryItem in itemQuery)
                        List <string> clcFilePaths = new List <string> {
                        List <string> rmcFilePaths = new List <string> {
                        List <float> scalfactor    = new List <float> {
                        foreach (var clcItem in queryItem)
                            if (File.Exists(clcItem.clcPath))

                        if (clcFilePaths.Count > 0) // Do Recursive MFE only there is .clc file.
                            // Do RecursEngine
                            RecursiveMfeEngine recursMfeEng = new RecursiveMfeEngine(clcFilePaths, rmcFilePaths, scalfactor, userParameters);
                            for (int i = 0; i < recursMfeEng.StepCount; i++)  // must start with 0.
                                //progressTracker.PercentComplete = (int)((double)(i+1) / recursMfeEng.StepCount * 100);
                                //progressTracker.ReportProgress(ProgressStage.Progressing, (int)((double)(i + 1) / recursMfeEng.StepCount * 100), "Refinding isotope cluster assignments...");
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    errMsg = ex.Message;

                                if (this.CancelCommandIndicator.Cancel == true)
                                    throw new Exception("This operation was canceled.");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
                        bool bOK = false;
                        foreach (string sF in processedFilesList)
                            string rmcFile = sF.Replace(".clc", ".rmc");   // if has rmc file be generated, at lease one of the time segment has data.
                            if (File.Exists(rmcFile))
                                bOK = true;
                        if (!bOK)
                            throw new Exception(errMsg);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // IUserMessage msg = new UserMessage(0, string.Empty,
                // ProgramModule.CoreDbSearch,
                // ProgramModule.MfeEngine);
                // throw new MSDAApplicationException(msg);
                //throw new Exception("CmdPFRecursiveMFECpd : " + ex.Message);
                var umsg = new QualUserMessage(QualMessage.MultipleAnalysisErrors_0, ex.Message);
                throw new MSDAApplicationException(umsg);
                //progressTracker.ReportProgress(ProgressStage.Finished, 100, new QualUserMessage(QualMessage.OperationComplete));
                Trace.WriteLineIf(Ts.TraceInfo, Tm.Finish);