//check if the level has been completed, if so, the final door opens void LevelComplete() { if (GameObject.Find("Tiles")) { if (thingys.Count() == 3 && enemies.transform.childCount == 0 && completed == false && GameObject.Find("Tiles").GetComponent <DoorPuzzle>().Finished()) { completed = true; finalDoor.OpenDoor(); } } else { if (thingys.Count() == 3 && enemies.transform.childCount == 0 && completed == false) { completed = true; finalDoor.OpenDoor(); } } }
//the evil character opens a chatbox and explains himself private IEnumerator EvilTalk() { chatBox.ShowChat("CoolerYou", "You! with the face!, I'm running out of thingys and I need you to collect some more for me", true); chatBox.NoDismiss(true); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(9f)); chatBox.ClearChat(); chatBox.WriteChat("I would do it myself but I don't feel like it, so this paradox and the universe depend on you."); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(9f)); chatBox.HideChat(); //evil character disappears playerEvil.transform.GetChild(6).gameObject.SetActive(false); playerEvil.transform.GetChild(6).gameObject.SetActive(true); playerEvil.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); playerEvil.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(false); playerEvil.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.SetActive(false); playerEvilEntrance.Play(); finalDoor.OpenDoor(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(4f)); gone = true; }