Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the graph instance, setting default styles
        /// and creating a small sample graph.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void InitializeGraph()
            // Create the graph instance that will hold the complete graph.
            fullGraph = new DefaultGraph();

            // Create a nice default style for the nodes
            fullGraph.NodeDefaults.Style = new NodeControlNodeStyle("InnerNodeStyleTemplate");
            fullGraph.NodeDefaults.Size  = new SizeD(60, 30);
            fullGraph.NodeDefaults.ShareStyleInstance = false;

            // and a style for the labels
            DefaultLabelStyle labelStyle = new DefaultLabelStyle();

            fullGraph.NodeDefaults.Labels.Style = labelStyle;

            // now build a simple sample tree
            BuildTree(fullGraph, 3, 3, 3);

            // create a view of the graph that contains only non-collapsed subtrees.
            // use a predicate method to decide what nodes should be part of the graph.
            filteredGraph = new FilteredGraphWrapper(fullGraph, NodePredicate);

            // display the filtered graph in our control.
            graphControl.Graph = filteredGraph;
            // center the graph to prevent the initial layout fading in from the top left corner

            // create layout algorithms
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="FilteredGraphWrapper"/> that shows the currently visible original nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Nodes without currently visible edges are also filtered out.
        /// </remarks>
        private FilteredGraphWrapper CreateFilteredView()
            // create a new FilteredGraphWrapper that filters the original graph and shows only the currently visible nodes
            var filteredGraph = new FilteredGraphWrapper(OriginalGraph,
                                                         node => {
                node = aggregationHelper.GetPlaceholder(node);
                if (!AggregateGraph.Contains(node))
                // also filter nodes without edges
                return(AggregateGraph.EdgesAt(node).Count(edge => !aggregationHelper.IsHierarchyEdge(edge)) > 0);

            // set the node layouts for a smooth transition
            foreach (var node in filteredGraph.Nodes)
                filteredGraph.SetNodeLayout(node, aggregationHelper.GetPlaceholder(node).Layout.ToRectD());

            // reset any rotated labels
            foreach (var label in filteredGraph.Labels)
                filteredGraph.SetLabelLayoutParameter(label, FreeNodeLabelModel.Instance.CreateDefaultParameter());

Пример #3
        private void OnLoaded(object src, EventArgs eventArgs)

            // register command bindings
            graphControl.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(HideChildrenCommand, HideChildrenExecuted, CanExecuteHideChildren));
            graphControl.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ShowChildrenCommand, ShowChildrenExecuted, CanExecuteShowChildren));
            graphControl.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(HideParentCommand, HideParentExecuted, CanExecuteHideParent));
            graphControl.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ShowParentCommand, ShowParentExecuted, CanExecuteShowParent));
            graphControl.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ShowAllCommand, ShowAllExecuted, CanExecuteShowAll));

            // disable selection, focus and highlight painting
            GraphControl.SelectionIndicatorManager.Enabled = false;
            GraphControl.FocusIndicatorManager.Enabled     = false;
            GraphControl.HighlightIndicatorManager.Enabled = false;

            // we wrap the graph instance by a filtered graph wrapper
            filteredGraphWrapper = new FilteredGraphWrapper(GraphControl.Graph, ShouldShowNode);
            GraphControl.Graph   = filteredGraphWrapper;

            // now calculate the initial layout

        private void FormLoaded()
            // load description
            description.LoadFile(new MemoryStream(Resources.description), RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);


            // build the object model from the XML
            var employeeRoots = TreeBuilder.BuildEmployeesFromXml();


            graphControl.CurrentItemChanged += graphControl_CurrentItemChanged;

            // disable selection, focus and highlight painting
            GraphControl.SelectionIndicatorManager.Enabled = false;
            GraphControl.FocusIndicatorManager.Enabled     = false;
            GraphControl.HighlightIndicatorManager.Enabled = false;

            // we wrap the graph instance by a filtered graph wrapper
            filteredGraphWrapper = new FilteredGraphWrapper(GraphControl.Graph, ShouldShowNode);
            GraphControl.Graph   = filteredGraphWrapper;

            graphOverviewControl.GraphControl = graphControl;

            // now calculate the initial layout

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the graph instance setting default styles,
        /// load the sample graph and route its edges.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void InitializeGraph()
            // setting styles for maze nodes
            Graph.NodeDefaults.Style =
                new ShapeNodeStyle {
                Pen = null, Brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(102, 153, 204))

            // add maze nodes to graph and store in a list
            graphControl.GraphMLIOHandler.Read(Graph, "Resources/mazeOnly.graphml");
            var mazeNodes = Graph.Nodes.ToList();

            // update styles for normal nodes
            Graph.NodeDefaults.Style = new ShinyPlateNodeStyle {
                Brush = Brushes.Orange
            graphControl.GraphMLIOHandler.ClearGraphBeforeRead = false;
            graphControl.GraphMLIOHandler.Read(Graph, "Resources/normalNodesOnly.graphml");

            // store the full graph to use for layout configuration
            fullGraph = Graph;

            // add the visual of the maze to the graph
            foreach (var node in mazeNodes)
                graphControl.BackgroundGroup.AddChild(node, CanvasObjectDescriptors.AlwaysDirtyLookup);

            // route the edges according to the configured polylineEdgeRouter

            // remove the maze after successfully applying the layout for the first time
            var filteredGraph = new FilteredGraphWrapper(
                // if the node has a tag, its a maze and needs to be removed
                node => node.Tag == null

            // set the filtered graph without mazes
            Graph = filteredGraph;

            // enable undo engine and clear for first start
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the cycle nodes and edges.
        /// </summary>
        private void MarkCycles(IGraph graph, CycleEdges.Result cycleResult)
            // hides all non-cycle edges to be able to find independent cycles
            var cycleEdgeSet  = new HashSet <IEdge>(cycleResult.Edges);
            var filteredGraph = new FilteredGraphWrapper(graph, node => true, edge => cycleEdgeSet.Contains(edge));

            // now find independent cycles
            var result = new ConnectedComponents().Run(filteredGraph);

            // find the components that are affected by the user's move, if any
            var affectedComponents = GetAffectedNodeComponents(result.NodeComponents);
            // find the component with the larger number of elements
            var largestComponent = GetLargestComponent(affectedComponents);
            // hold a color for each affected components
            var color2AffectedComponent = new Dictionary <Component, Color>();
            // generate the colors for the components
            var colors = GenerateColors(false);

            for (var i = 0; i < result.Components.Count; i++)
                var component = result.Components[i];

                foreach (var edge in component.InducedEdges)
                    // the source and target node get the same color, depending on their connecting edge
                    var color = DetermineElementColor(colors, component, affectedComponents, color2AffectedComponent, largestComponent, result.Components, graph, edge);
                    edge.Tag = new Tag {
                        CurrentColor = color,
                        Directed     = Directed
                    var source = edge.GetSourceNode();
                    source.Tag = new Tag {
                        CurrentColor = color

                    var target = edge.GetTargetNode();
                    target.Tag = new Tag {
                        CurrentColor = color
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// A <see cref="LayoutExecutor"/> that is used when dragging the subtree starts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// When the drag begins, the <see cref="FillAreaLayout"/> fills up the space that was covered by the subtree.
        /// This state is the initial layout for the <see cref="ClearAreaLayout"/> during the drag.
        /// </remarks>
        private LayoutExecutor CreateInitializingLayoutExecutor()
            var layout = new FillAreaLayout {
                LayoutOrientation           = LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom,
                ComponentAssignmentStrategy = ComponentAssignmentStrategy.Customized,
                Spacing = 50


            var layoutData = new FillAreaLayoutData {
                ComponentIds = { Mapper = components },

            // the FillAreaLayout is only applied to the part of the tree that does not belong to the subtree
            IGraph filteredGraph = new FilteredGraphWrapper(graphControl.Graph, n => !subtree.Nodes.Contains(n));

            return(new LayoutExecutor(graphControl, filteredGraph, layout)
                LayoutData = layoutData,
                RunInThread = true,
                Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150)
Пример #8
 public DraggingLayoutExecutor(GraphControl graphControl, ILayoutAlgorithm layout, ICollection <INode> nodes) : base(graphControl, layout)
     filteredGraph = new FilteredGraphWrapper(graphControl.Graph, n => !nodes.Contains(n));