Пример #1
 private void button5_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if ((sender as Button).IsEnabled)
         if (this.pivotGrid1.GroupingBar != null && this.pivotGrid1.GroupingBar.AllowMultiFunctionalSortFilter)
             FilterConverter filterconv = new FilterConverter();
             for (int i = 0; i < this.pivotGrid1.Filters.Count; i++)
             ImageConverter imgconv = new ImageConverter();
             for (int i = 0; i < this.pivotGrid1.Filters.Count; i++)
Пример #2
        public IHttpActionResult TISPaginatedList([FromBody] IList <FilterModel> filters, FilterJoin filterJoin, bool asc, string orderPropertyName, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            using (var dbContext = new DataContext())
                var totalCount = 0;
                var filter     = filters.Select(f => FilterConverter.Convert(f)).ToList();
                var func       = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression <NatisExport>(filter, (FilterJoin)filterJoin);
                var query      = dbContext

                if (func != null)
                    query = query.Where(func);

                var orderedQuery = asc ?
                                   query.OrderByMember(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <NatisExportModel>(orderPropertyName)) :
                                   query.OrderByMemberDescending(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <NatisExportModel>(orderPropertyName));

                var resultsToSkip = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
                var pageResults   = orderedQuery
                                    .GroupBy(f => new { Total = query.Count() })

                var entities = new List <NatisExport>();

                if (pageResults != null)
                    totalCount = pageResults.Key.Total;
                    entities   = pageResults.ToList();

                var paginationList = new PaginationListModel <NatisExportModel>();
                paginationList.PageIndex = pageIndex;
                paginationList.PageSize  = pageSize;

                var totalPages = Math.Ceiling(totalCount / (float)pageSize);

                paginationList.Models = entities.Select(f =>
                                                        new Models.TISCapture.NatisExportModel
                    //ID = f.ID,
                    VehicleRegistration  = f.VehicleRegistration,
                    InfringementDate     = f.InfringementDate,
                    ReferenceNumber      = f.ReferenceNumber,
                    ExportDate           = f.ExportDate,
                    DistrictID           = f.DistrictID,
                    LockedByCredentialID = f.LockedByCredentialID,
                    LockedByName         = f.LockedByCredentialID.HasValue ? string.Format("{0}, {1}", f.User.LastName, f.User.FirstName) : string.Empty,
                    DistrictName         = f.District.BranchName,
                paginationList.TotalCount = totalCount;

Пример #3
        public QueryResult <Product> Search(Query query)
            var options = new QueryOptions();

            AbstractSolrQuery q = new SolrQuery(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.SearchText) ? query.SearchText : "*");

            options.ExtraParams = new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("df", "description") };

            options.Rows          = query.NumToReturn ?? DefaultSettings.DefaultNumToReturn;
            options.StartOrCursor = OffsetConverter.GetOffsetFromCurrentPage(query.Page);

            options.OrderBy = SortOrderConverter.GetSortOrder(query);

            string facetToExclude;

            options.FilterQueries = FilterConverter.GetSolrNetFilters(query, out facetToExclude);

            options.Facet = FacetConverter.GetSolrNetFacetParameters(query, facetToExclude);

            options.Highlight = HighlightConverter.GetSolrNetHighlightingParameters(query.SearchText);

            var results = SolrOperations.Query(q, options);

            var convertedResults = ResultConverter.GetQueryResult(results);

            if (convertedResults == null)
                convertedResults.ErrorMessages = new[] { "An error occured communicating with the solr instance" };

Пример #4
        public IHttpActionResult GetCameraPaginatedList([FromBody] IList <FilterModel> filters, Kapsch.Gateway.Models.Shared.Enums.FilterJoin filterJoin, bool asc, string orderPropertyName, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            using (var dbContext = new DataContext())
                var totalCount = 0;
                var filter     = filters.Select(f => FilterConverter.Convert(f)).ToList();
                var func       = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression <Data.Camera>(filter, (Kapsch.Core.Filters.FilterJoin)filterJoin);
                var query      = dbContext
                if (func != null)
                    query = query.Where(func);

                var orderedQuery = asc ?
                                   query.OrderByMember(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <CameraModel>(orderPropertyName)) :
                                   query.OrderByMemberDescending(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <CameraModel>(orderPropertyName));

                var resultsToSkip = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
                var pageResults   = orderedQuery
                                    .GroupBy(f => new { Total = query.Count() })

                var entities = new List <Camera>();

                if (pageResults != null)
                    totalCount = pageResults.Key.Total;
                    entities   = pageResults.ToList();

                var paginationList = new PaginationListModel <CameraModel>();
                paginationList.PageIndex = pageIndex;
                paginationList.PageSize  = pageSize;
                paginationList.Models    = entities.Select(f =>
                                                           new CameraModel
                    ID                   = f.ID,
                    AdapterType          = (Models.Enums.CameraAdapterType)f.CameraAdapterType,
                    ConfigJson           = f.ConfigJson,
                    CreatedTimeStamp     = f.CreatedTimeStamp,
                    ConnectToHost        = f.ConnectToHost == "1",
                    DeviceConnectionType = (Models.Enums.CameraConnectionType)f.CameraConnectionType,
                    DeviceStatus         = (Models.Enums.CameraStatusType)f.CameraStatusType,
                    FriendlyName         = f.FriendlyName,
                    GpsLatitude          = f.GpsLatitude,
                    GpsLongitude         = f.GpsLongitude,
                    IsEnabled            = f.IsEnabled == "1",
                    ModifiedTimeStamp    = f.ModifiedTimeStamp
                paginationList.TotalCount = totalCount;

Пример #5
        public void WhenOneStatement_ThenReturnString()
            var filter = Filter.When("Name", QueryComparison.Equal, "John").Build();

            var result = FilterConverter.ToTableQueryFilter(filter);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("Name eq 'John'"));
Пример #6
    /// <summary>
    /// new search on facility click
    /// </summary>
    protected void onFacilitySearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        // create facility search filter from activity search criteria
        FacilitySearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToFacilitySearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // create new activity filter
        filter.ActivityFilter = getActivityFilter(e);
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToFacilitySearch(Response, filter);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// getPollutantReleasesLambda
        /// </summary>
        private static Expression <Func <POLLUTANTRELEASE, bool> > getPollutantReleasesLambda(DataClassesPollutantReleaseDataContext db, IndustrialActivitySearchFilter filter)
            ParameterExpression          param          = Expression.Parameter(typeof(POLLUTANTRELEASE), "s");
            PollutantReleaseSearchFilter filterReleases = FilterConverter.ConvertToPollutantReleaseSearchFilter(filter);
            Expression exp = LinqExpressionBuilder.GetLinqExpressionPollutantReleases(filterReleases, param);
            Expression <Func <POLLUTANTRELEASE, bool> > lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <POLLUTANTRELEASE, bool> >(exp, param);

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// get lambda for confidential pollutant transfers
        /// </summary>
        private static Expression <Func <POLLUTANTTRANSFER, bool> > getPollutantTransfersConfidentialLambda(DataClassesPollutantTransferDataContext db, IndustrialActivitySearchFilter filter, bool includePollutant)
            ParameterExpression            param           = Expression.Parameter(typeof(POLLUTANTTRANSFER), "s");
            PollutantTransfersSearchFilter filterTransfers = FilterConverter.ConvertToPollutantTransfersSearchFilter(filter);
            Expression exp = LinqExpressionBuilder.GetLinqExpressionPollutantTransfersConfidential(filterTransfers, param, includePollutant);
            Expression <Func <POLLUTANTTRANSFER, bool> > lambda = Expression.Lambda <Func <POLLUTANTTRANSFER, bool> >(exp, param);

Пример #9
        public IHttpActionResult GetInfringementLocationPaginatedList([FromBody] IList <FilterModel> filters, Kapsch.Gateway.Models.Shared.Enums.FilterJoin filterJoin, bool asc, string orderPropertyName, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            using (var dbContext = new DataContext())
                var totalCount = 0;
                var filter     = filters.Select(f => FilterConverter.Convert(f)).ToList();
                var func       = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression <Data.InfringementLocation>(filter, (Kapsch.Core.Filters.FilterJoin)filterJoin);
                var query      = dbContext
                                 .Include(f => f.Court)
                if (func != null)
                    query = query.Where(func);

                var orderedQuery = asc ?
                                   query.OrderByMember(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <InfringementLocationModel>(orderPropertyName)) :
                                   query.OrderByMemberDescending(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <InfringementLocationModel>(orderPropertyName));

                var resultsToSkip = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
                var pageResults   = orderedQuery
                                    .GroupBy(f => new { Total = query.Count() })

                var entities = new List <InfringementLocation>();

                if (pageResults != null)
                    totalCount = pageResults.Key.Total;
                    entities   = pageResults.ToList();

                var paginationList = new PaginationListModel <InfringementLocationModel>();
                paginationList.PageIndex = pageIndex;
                paginationList.PageSize  = pageSize;
                paginationList.Models    = entities.Select(f =>
                                                           new InfringementLocationModel
                    ID                       = f.ID,
                    Code                     = f.Code,
                    Description              = f.Description,
                    CourtID                  = f.CourtID,
                    CourtName                = f.Court == null ? string.Empty : f.Court.CourtName,
                    GpsLatitude              = f.GpsLatitude,
                    GpsLongitude             = f.GpsLongitude,
                    InfringementLocationType = (Models.Enums.InfringementLocationType)f.InfringementLocationType
                paginationList.TotalCount = totalCount;

Пример #10
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // WasteTransfers
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #region WasteTransfers

        /// <summary>
        /// get waste transfers
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <Summary.WasteSummaryTreeListRow> GetWasteTransfers(IndustrialActivitySearchFilter filter)
            // Result is the same as for wastetransfer, without the filtering on wastetype
            WasteTransferSearchFilter filterWaste = FilterConverter.ConvertToWasteTransferSearchFilter(filter);
            IEnumerable <Summary.WasteSummaryTreeListRow> wastes = WasteTransfers.GetWasteTransfers(filterWaste);

            filter.Count = filterWaste.Count;

Пример #11
    /// <summary>
    /// invoke activity search
    /// </summary>
    protected void onActivitySearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        // create activity filter
        IndustrialActivitySearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToIndustrialActivitySearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // Change activity filter
        filter.ActivityFilter = getActivityFilter(e);

        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToIndustrialActivity(Response, filter, Sheets.IndustrialActivity.PollutantTransfers);
Пример #12
        public IHttpActionResult GetPaginatedList([FromBody] IList <FilterModel> filters, FilterJoin filterJoin, bool asc, string orderPropertyName, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            using (var dbContext = new DataContext())
                var totalCount = 0;
                var filter     = filters.Select(f => FilterConverter.Convert(f)).ToList();
                var func       = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression <Data.MobileDevice>(filter, (FilterJoin)filterJoin);
                var query      = dbContext
                                 .Include(f => f.District)
                if (func != null)
                    query = query.Where(func);

                var orderedQuery = asc ?
                                   query.OrderByMember(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <MobileDeviceModel>(orderPropertyName)) :
                                   query.OrderByMemberDescending(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <MobileDeviceModel>(orderPropertyName));

                var resultsToSkip = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
                var pageResults   = orderedQuery
                                    .GroupBy(f => new { Total = query.Count() })

                var entities = new List <MobileDevice>();

                if (pageResults != null)
                    totalCount = pageResults.Key.Total;
                    entities   = pageResults.ToList();

                var totalPages = Math.Ceiling(totalCount / (float)pageSize);

                var paginationList = new PaginationListModel <MobileDeviceModel>();
                paginationList.Models = entities.Select(f =>
                                                        new MobileDeviceModel
                    ID               = f.ID,
                    DeviceID         = f.DeviceID,
                    CreatedTimestamp = f.CreatedTimestamp,
                    DistrictID       = f.District == null ? default(long?) : f.District.ID,
                    DistrictName     = f.District == null ? string.Empty : f.District.BranchName,
                    SerialNumber     = f.SerialNumber,
                    Status           = (Models.Enums.MobileDeviceStatus)f.Status
                paginationList.TotalCount = totalCount;

Пример #13
        public IHttpActionResult GetCountryPaginatedList([FromBody] IList <FilterModel> filters, Kapsch.Gateway.Models.Shared.Enums.FilterJoin filterJoin, bool asc, string orderPropertyName, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orderPropertyName))
                orderPropertyName = "Description";

            using (var dbContext = new DataContext())
                var totalCount = 0;
                var filter     = filters.Select(f => FilterConverter.Convert(f)).ToList();
                var func       = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression <Data.Country>(filter, (Kapsch.Core.Filters.FilterJoin)filterJoin);
                var query      = dbContext
                if (func != null)
                    query = query.Where(func);

                var orderedQuery = asc ?
                                   query.OrderByMember(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <CountryModel>(orderPropertyName)) :
                                   query.OrderByMemberDescending(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <CountryModel>(orderPropertyName));

                var resultsToSkip = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
                var pageResults   = orderedQuery
                                    .GroupBy(f => new { Total = query.Count() })

                var entities = new List <Country>();

                if (pageResults != null)
                    totalCount = pageResults.Key.Total;
                    entities   = pageResults.ToList();

                var paginationList = new PaginationListModel <CountryModel>();
                paginationList.PageIndex = pageIndex;
                paginationList.PageSize  = pageSize;
                paginationList.Models    = entities.Select(f =>
                                                           new CountryModel
                    ID                = f.ID,
                    Description       = f.Description,
                    ModifiedTimestamp = f.ModifiedTimestamp
                paginationList.TotalCount = totalCount;

    /// <summary>
    /// new search on facility click
    /// </summary>
    protected void onFacilitySearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        string code = e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToUpper();

        // create facility search filter from activity search criteria
        FacilitySearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToFacilitySearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // Change activity filter
        filter.ActivityFilter = getActivityFilter(e);
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToFacilitySearch(Response, filter);
    /// <summary>
    /// invoke pollutant search search for this row
    /// </summary>
    protected void onPollutantSearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        // create pollutant search filter
        PollutantTransfersSearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToPollutantTransfersSearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // create pollutant filter
        filter.PollutantFilter = getPollutantFilter(e);

        // go to pollutant release
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToPollutantTransfers(Response, filter);
Пример #16
        protected override IQueryable <Role> ApplyFilter(IQueryable <Role> query, RoleFilter filter)
            if (filter == null)

            var exp = FilterConverter.Convert <IRole, Role>(filter.Expression);

        /// <summary>
        /// Query the table using a filter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filter">Filter to apply in the query.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation. Result will contain list of matching entities.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="filter" /> is null.</exception>
        public Task <IList <TEntity> > QueryAsync(Filter filter, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (filter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter));

            var filterString = FilterConverter.ToTableQueryFilter(filter);

            return(_table.QueryAsync <TEntity>(filterString, cancellationToken));
Пример #18
    /// <summary>
    /// new search on facility click
    /// </summary>
    protected void onNewSearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        // create facility search filter from activity search criteria
        FacilitySearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToFacilitySearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // Search for country according to code
        filter.AreaFilter = getAreaFilter(e);

        // go to facility levels page
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToFacilitySearch(Response, filter);
Пример #19
        public void WhenTwoStatementsWithOrOp_ThenReturnString()
            var filter = Filter
                         .When("Name", QueryComparison.Equal, "John")
                         .When("Age", QueryComparison.Equal, "50")

            var result = FilterConverter.ToTableQueryFilter(filter);

            Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("(Name eq 'John') or (Age eq '50')"));
Пример #20
        public IHttpActionResult GetSystemFunctionPaginatedList([FromBody] IList <FilterModel> filters, Kapsch.Gateway.Models.Shared.Enums.FilterJoin filterJoin, bool asc, string orderPropertyName, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
            using (var dbContext = new DataContext())
                //dbContext.Database.Log = (s) => Debug.WriteLine(s);

                var totalCount = 0;
                var filter     = filters.Select(f => FilterConverter.Convert(f)).ToList();
                var func       = ExpressionBuilder.GetExpression <Data.SystemFunction>(filter, (Kapsch.Core.Filters.FilterJoin)filterJoin);
                var query      = dbContext
                if (func != null)
                    query = query.Where(func);

                var orderedQuery = asc ?
                                   query.OrderByMember(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <SystemFunctionModel>(orderPropertyName)) :
                                   query.OrderByMemberDescending(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <SystemFunctionModel>(orderPropertyName));

                var resultsToSkip = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize;
                var pageResults   = orderedQuery
                                    .OrderByMember(PropertyHelper.GetSortingValue <SystemFunctionModel>(orderPropertyName))
                                    .GroupBy(f => new { Total = query.Count() })

                var entities = new List <SystemFunction>();

                if (pageResults != null)
                    totalCount = pageResults.Key.Total;
                    entities   = (asc ? pageResults.OrderBy(orderPropertyName) : pageResults.OrderByDescending(orderPropertyName)).ToList();

                var paginationList = new PaginationListModel <SystemFunctionModel>();
                paginationList.PageIndex = pageIndex;
                paginationList.PageSize  = pageSize;
                paginationList.Models    = entities.Select(f =>
                                                           new SystemFunctionModel
                    ID          = f.ID,
                    Name        = f.Name,
                    Description = f.Description
                paginationList.TotalCount = totalCount;

Пример #21
        public string GetCondition(string TableName, params Packet[] packets)
            string Condition = "";

            packets[packets.Length - 1].Couple = Couple.None;
            foreach (Packet packet in packets)
                IFilter filter = new Filter(TableName, packet.Left, packet.Right.ToString(), packet.Sign, packet.Couple);
                Condition += $"{FilterConverter.Convert(filter)} ";
Пример #22
        public void Convert_ValidSourceFilter_ReturnConvertedFilter()
            // Arrange
            var filterClause = MakeFilter("[Name] IN ('john')", "[Surname] IN ('doe', 'smith')", "[AGE] IN (18, 65)");

            // Act
            var filter = FilterConverter.Convert(filterClause.Clause);

            // Assert
                "(Name != null && (Name = \"john\")) AND (Surname != null && (Surname = \"doe\" OR Surname = \"smith\")) AND (AGE != null && (AGE = 18 OR AGE = 65))");
Пример #23
        public void Convert_StringFieldWithNumberValues_ReturnEscapedNumbers()
            // Arrange
            var filterClause = MakeFilter("[Name] IN ('john', '1')", "[AGE] IN (18, 65)");

            // Act
            var filter = FilterConverter.Convert(filterClause.Clause);

            // Assert
                "(Name != null && (Name = \"john\" OR Name = \"1\")) AND (AGE != null && (AGE = 18 OR AGE = 65))");
Пример #24
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var spec1 = new ShortbookSpecification();
            var spec2 = new AuthorSpecification("Author1");

            using (var ctx = new BookContext())
                var repository     = new AudioBookRepository(ctx);
                var spec2Converted = FilterConverter.ConvertSpecification <Book, AudioBook>(spec2);
                var results        = repository.List(spec2Converted);
    /// <summary>
    /// new search on facility click
    /// </summary>
    protected void onFacilitySearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        // create facility search filter from activity search criteria
        FacilitySearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToFacilitySearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // create pollutant filter
        filter.PollutantFilter = getPollutantFilter(e);
        // set medium filter
        filter.MediumFilter = LinkSearchBuilder.GetMediumFilter(false, false, false, true);

        // go to facility levels page
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToFacilitySearch(Response, filter);
Пример #26
    /// <summary>
    /// invoke pollutant search search for this row
    /// </summary>
    protected void onWasteSearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        string code = e.CommandArgument.ToString();

        // create pollutant search filter
        WasteTransferSearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToWasteTransferSearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // create waste type filter according to command argument
        filter.WasteTypeFilter = LinkSearchBuilder.GetWasteTypeFilter(code);

        // go to waste search
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToWasteTransfers(Response, filter);
Пример #27
    /// <summary>
    /// new search on facility click
    /// </summary>
    protected void onFacilitySearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        string code = e.CommandArgument.ToString();

        // create facility search filter from activity search criteria
        FacilitySearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToFacilitySearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // create waste type filter according to command argument
        filter.WasteTypeFilter = LinkSearchBuilder.GetWasteTypeFilter(code);

        // go to facility levels page
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToFacilitySearch(Response, filter);
Пример #28
    private void populateMediumSelector()
        MediumFilter mf = new MediumFilter();

        mf.ReleasesToAir   = true;
        mf.ReleasesToSoil  = true;
        mf.ReleasesToWater = true;

        var filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToPollutantReleaseSearchFilter(SearchFilter);
        var counts = PollutantReleases.GetFacilityCounts(filter);

        this.ucMediumSelector.PopulateMediumRadioButtonList(mf, counts);
    /// <summary>
    /// new search on facility click
    /// alternative Server.Transfer("FacilityLevels.aspx");
    /// </summary>
    protected void onNewSearchClick(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        string code = e.CommandArgument.ToString().ToUpper();

        // create facility search filter from activity search criteria
        FacilitySearchFilter filter = FilterConverter.ConvertToFacilitySearchFilter(SearchFilter);

        // create new area filter
        filter.AreaFilter = getAreaFilter(e);

        // go to facility search page with new filter
        LinkSearchRedirecter.ToFacilitySearch(Response, filter);
Пример #30
        protected override IQueryable <StarredThread> ApplyFilter(IQueryable <StarredThread> query, StarredThreadFilter filter)
            if (filter == null)

            var exp = FilterConverter.Convert <IStarredTread, StarredThread>(filter.Expression, new Dictionary <Type, Type>
                [typeof(IUserReference)] = typeof(UserReference),
