// GET: Reviews
        public ActionResult Index()
            //list of film reviews model object to link
            //reviews with related films
            List <FilmReviewViewModel> FilmReviewList = new List <FilmReviewViewModel>();
            //list of review objects to cycle through and map ids
            List <Review> Reviews;

            //populate the list with the review records from the database
            Reviews = db.Reviews.ToList();

            //loop through each review in the list of data (each row)
            foreach (Review r in Reviews)
                //select the film record where the ids match
                Film film = db.Films.Where(x => x.FilmID == r.FilmID).Single();

                //create a new film review view model object to add
                FilmReviewViewModel toAdd = new FilmReviewViewModel();
                //set the review record and film record from the
                //ones matched in the loop
                toAdd.Review = r;
                toAdd.Film   = film;
                //add to the list of film review objects
            //send the list of view model objects to the View
        // GET: Reviews/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Review review = db.Reviews.Find(id);

            if (review == null)
            //find the related film
            Film film = db.Films.Where(x => x.FilmID == review.FilmID).Single();
            //create a new view model object and assign the review and film details
            FilmReviewViewModel FilmReview = new FilmReviewViewModel();

            FilmReview.Review = review;
            FilmReview.Film   = film;

            //send the view model to the view